Fixing Interior Trim Details

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hey guys Bren Hall Wednesday design videos talking about the interior of a house a plan book house design needed help in the interior because it really was two different styles let me know what you think kind of took it back to really a straight Georgian look built some hierarchy into it I think it helped let me [Music] know okay so I'm doing an interior on a new house that was really funky it was hard to figure out really what was going on so try to try to show you here basically kind of how I fixed the interior and this is really an exercise in in trying to get hierarchy and stuff going on basically it was this house which was done by a plan book designer so the planbook designer is someone who basically you know you buy his stock plans and and you kind of fix them so here were some other rooms I fixed this was the library but you'll see what's happening here is one of these kind of oversized mantel and things that don't really go together but the thing that was confusing me is that I thought there was a Georgian Revival house but as I looked clear it was really a mix between Georgian Revival and Greek Revival okay so what they ended up with and I couldn't figure out is like this transom now the transom is you see most commonly in Victorian houses I suppose they're a little bit in Greek Revival but this this little corner block was kind of a key and the moldings were a key but it was also a mix of like this these paneled walls and so I was really thrown for a loop of like what am I even looking at and so what I did was I just I ended up trying to fix a couple of the rooms because they really liked the Georgian look more than they liked anything else and this is an exercise in interior trim and you'll see this little trim here and basically when I broke down the parts and pieces and if you look at this crown this is their Crown okay Crown in the dining room foyer and upper Hall and so maybe start at the top we've got a Sim Corona then goes to a modilon the modillion is a little funky I like it when the proportions come down like this a little bit better and you'll see I I've changed a little bit then it goes to a bed mold this bed mold is kind of surrounding this it's a weird bed mold and so anyway all of these different parts and pieces are weird and so this is kind of what more traditional Georgian thing you got your Sima Corona a modillion and you can if you can kind of see underneath there the proportion of his moldings are funky too and so I I I'm evening them out a little bit and you see that my crown is going to stop here whereas his crown went all the way down to here trying to trying to fix these moldings where he just has too many and so the going through his plan it was like taking out the the Greek Revival thing you know this kind of Victorian uh casing and really increasing the size and the scale of these I'm going to recommend you know instead of going with a 3/4 in base mold I'm going with like a 2-in base mold much wider and thicker and you notice that the size of his crown up here versus mine these are all little minor tweaks but for instance it's better when this can come out and your crown can come up in here okay because this creates a shadow line here but there's no Shadow lines here and this is just going to read as kind continuous line so I want to you know kick this out and go up and then put my cornice in here but the size of this cornice okay or the size of that Crown versus this Crown right see that comparison typically they're all within the same family of size and so this was an interesting project because none of these quote unquote problems are are going to you know ruin people's world but but little by little it ends up being just kind of crazy and and I was I was working on the foyer and basically what happened here is as I was laying out the walls cuz I was going to draw these walls for the client I started realizing that there wasn't enough room and if you look really close here it says a 10-in trid with an 8 in Riser now if you build St stairs typically stairs you know the math for a stair is that you're trying to go 17 and so you know what that means is if if our magic number is 17 that means that the rise in the Run Okay of your stair need to equal 17 and typically you know if you've got an 11in tread you've got a 6in riser okay so that's your 17 well if they've got eight in here okay and if if eight is your Riser that means your tread is going to be nine okay well if you've ever tried to come downstairs with a 9 in tread you realize that that is a very narrow tight stair that's going to be hard to to manage and so basically they hadn't allowed enough room to get up so the reality was these stair treads although they're shown coming down like this they're actually right here where they finally land and so an interesting uh challenge here on this job and trying to bring it back into kind of that Georg and appeal and the last thing we did was create hierarchy and basically if this was our forer here where the stairs are there's this intermediary hall and then we go into this formal living room back in the back now what you'll see is if they've got their most major cornice that one that goofy one that had all those parts and pieces way up here on this upstairs Landing now for the sake of hierarchy I would not Elevate that area to the same as my foyer okay so the most elevated Crown in your house shouldn't go on your second floor you know Landing or hallway and so I have tried to take that out so that my most formal Crown is up here in this foure here and then it steps down into this living room now these are pilasters and basically if you look at the original design they had these pilasters okay these columns coming out and supporting a coffered ceiling now really there is no coffed ceiling in in the past okay there that's a invention and so there isn't really a strong precedent for it but if they want it that's fine what I've done was you'll see I've I've moved this door over okay and I've centered that door okay right in here and then I've added another door over here okay so and then then this is a false door okay and they did that a lot in the colonial times where just to provide balance they would they would put in these false does and so this is a false St I've lowered the Wayne coat and the panels in that door so that they all kind of line up together I've you know put a more traditional mantle in here with an overmantle but I've got pilasters in the corner pilasters in either side to kind of give that balance and really try to make this room better following more historic precedent by playing around with with moldings playing around with doors and you notice I've got 7t six panel full panel doors raised panels in here I've got a 68 door flat panel and I've got a four panel upstairs so the hierarchy of doors right there four panel six panel six panel raised right builds this hierarchy and the same with the molding same thing with the Wayne Scout so that there's a real notice we got a a panel way Scott here we go upstairs is just a chair rail so you'll know by where you are in the space of that house kind of where you're supposed to go whether you're in a secondary area or not but hopefully playing around with the hierarchy the placement of those doors take us from this where you know there is no really ionic large pilaster like that in the Georgian era maybe in the Greek Revival but we don't really want Greek Revival so the Greek Revival causes us to take out these transoms take out these mold Holdings take out these pilasters at least perform the way they are and you know give us something that's much more traditional so there's working through one interior uh Georgian versus Greek Revival let me know what you guys think okay guys better right pulling out that Greek Revival pulling out that crazy transoms and everything else I think helped that house I think it grounded it in a hisort period and you know if you can work on those moldings and kind of build the hierarchy and make sure it's all saying the same thing should have a pretty great house let me know what you guys think
Channel: Brent Hull
Views: 4,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home improvement, house tour, home tour usa, home decor, traditional design, house design, residential architecture, residential architecture design, residential architecture basics, curb appeal ideas, curb appeal, home exterior, house design ideas, exterior design, how to, building with history, classic design, traditional homes, historic house, historic house tour, historic house restoration, historic houses, historic house renovation, historic home
Id: Omg99kdQ9Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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