Fixing Cart Wheels | Less Than Ideal Can Still Be Workable | Engels Coach Shop

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Welcome back once again. This week I've been asked to fix a couple of cart wheels. The channel is loose on these. The wheels have dried out. They're loosened up a bit. And he said, you know, it'll be just a quick little fix. Couldn't you do it? Well, I'm not really doing a lot of wheels right now. But, if you're not in a big hurry I'll get to 'em. Well, this week was a get-to 'em week. I took these wheels apart and began to realize there's a little bit more of a problem with these wheels than just loose tires. So, some of t his you've already seen before so I'm gonna kind of just speed through part of this, but, it's one of those things that just shows up, that's its not really obvious until you get the wheels apart. So t his week let's get these wheels fixed for this two wheeled cart. Well this ended up being kind of those projects that you don't really know what you've got until you get in to them. They're not really the most ideal wheels, but I think they'll be functional. The tenons seem to tighten up well into the hubs and the tires set nice, so I think they'll sure work. It's kind of a challenge when you want everything perfect, but, they'll work. So once again, thanks for following along and thanks for watching.
Channel: EngelsCoachShop
Views: 65,086
Rating: 4.9898849 out of 5
Keywords: wheelwright, blacksmithing, horse wagons, steam bending, wood working, engels coach, cart wheels, engles coach shop, buggys, dave engle, dave engel, joliet mt, montana wagons, carriages, draft horses, working with horses, farm tube, ag tube, agriculture, antiques, how to, wheel repairs, wood wheels, wagon wheels, wood spoke wheels
Id: vvPwhoViz04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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