FIX YOURS NOW! Bellular Dragonflight UI: The Fast, Clean & Optimal Setup For WoW!

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welcome back okay this time our UI guide is a bit different Blizzard's UI revamp wild partially featured does give us some new options today I'm going to take you through 100 stock setups through to stock plus minimal add-ons then our lvui ideal setup and finally my own personalized custom UI based on all the things that I like like today's sponsor forward slash ballular gaming where code ballular gaming gets you 10 off an annual plan they are my go-to for building a web presence where they're easy to use award-winning templates get you off to a fantastic start which you can then build on by using their intuitive page editor and if you want to go fancy there is code injection there is custom CSS support as well but they're more than that they actually help you run your business do you want to do a mailing list sorted e-commerce incredibly well built paid memberships also sorted when I needed a hire some some stuff I spun up a Squarespace site in under 30 minutes to do that doing other work for our studio their templates have handled the basics letting me do the customization they're the fast and easy way to build a fantastic web presence today letting you stand out be that your business your portfolio anything else I mean imagine you're applying to a job would you not feel better if the length that you're sending over with your portfolio is a beautiful well-designed looking website that's going to make a better impression so get started today forward slash cellular gaming code better gaming for 10 off an annual plan thanks to Squarespace let's go okay this is the teacher man to fish segment a good UI gets out of the way when it's not needed it tells you what you need to know and it reduces junk information so that you don't get confused you have Clarity and can make the best decisions good UI also puts the world view first meaning that you can actually enjoy the game world that the developers have made and also more clearly see mechanics your eyes should not have to dark across the screen all over the place so core information should be sensibly placed and reliably placed so that you can do things by default all while keeping the area around your character's feet relatively clear because if you can't see the floor you're likely to end up on it section one will be a few permutations of a 100 stock UI section 2 will add weak auras into the mix three will showcase our lvui preset and four will be my own personalized setup 100 stock okay I'll outline the basic setup and then variations this is of course gameplay first so the first thing we got to do is design the core combat info area which will allow you to see what you need to see which are your rotational class abilities your offensive cooldowns defensive cooldowns Buffs debuffs player Target frames Etc and action bars will be our first Port of Call Place action bar one between your character and Target frame such that they align like this action bar 2 can go below that and I did it in this way because by default action bar 1 cannot be hidden outside of combat so if it's going to be visible all the time it may as well be nice and aligned bar one is where I put my core class abilities and I play around with the quantity of buttons and the scale of that bar depending on what class I'm playing for Marksmanship Hunter there aren't as many buttons as Disk Priest as an example then I place action bar 3 above action bar one and I use this for tracking offensive cooldowns I personally prefer these to be a bit smaller and also to just put as few icons as I need there and I actually do not keybind these because I find the text looks a bit messy and my core key bindings are handled elsewhere in the UI now it is vital for this and for bar two that you set the check box to hide unused like action bar slots that means that if there's not an ability there you won't see anything and that means you can make it nice and symmetrical and just visually pleasing and clean okay what about your defensive abilities then well I recommend using perhaps bar 4 as another small tracking area with Sim similar settings you can toy around to see where you'd like to put this you could put it beside or on top of you know your offensive cooldown tracking bar or you could put them anywhere you could have a vertical bar at the side of the middle bit of the screen if you wanted now for Buffs and debuffs I align these above and below the character frame and then I limit the icon count within a row so that they just sort of stayed nice and aligned this usually does the job but hey blizzard seriously we absolutely need better filtering options for these because they can get really unwieldy now as for my key bindings right well I put a number of bars three actually at the very bottom of the screen these are either always hidden or are only visible in combat the idea is to not look at them for information so I just make these quite small and they really just exist for key binding purposes okay what if you want to recreate weak auras right that sort of idea if you really wanted to do that without using weak auras then a bit of that's impossible right true weak aura's functionality cannot be done in the game but if all that you want is to see core tracking then here's an idea of what a horizontal and vertical option may look like you can edit this sort of thing as you see fit perhaps tracking large cooldowns in the big slots small utility cooldowns and the small slots you could lower your core bars and have this be roughly where you usually place your weak ores or you could do something weird like a vertical alignment an offset but you should of course uncheck all the show buttons so you can make this look clean and symmetrical now sadly blizzard does not support a class power bar or a separate display for class resources like the job bars in ff14 this is a real shame it's something they should add in a future update and while the personal resource display does exist and in a very basic way is quite nice and unfortunately is anchored to your character and that means that it's really hard to make that mesh with other bits of UI that you may like because well it just goes all over the place and ends up being quite messy blizzard could gain a lot if they just redid the personal resource display and gave us a few more check boxes for it so now you understand things I provided a base import link for this tweak it of course to what makes sense for your spec I mean here's it for Hunger where I don't have all that many core abilities to bind in action bar one where um yeah I just used two rows of six Keys it's nice and symmetrical it's got all the info that I would need but moving to say a disc priest it can be a bit more cluttered but because I plan on using click casting and help our macros it ends up not being that bad okay then as for the rest of the elements in this well sadly customization of many other UI elements Is Not Great by default I I did move my minimap and objective tracker down and just to the right I kind of like how it visually bounced that UI and you can just hide the objective tracker then all that's really left is placing right frames the encounter bar and party frames which I toggle to display as raid frames and you know in the style of raid frames so that I can have a consistent experience within the game and also be sure to click on these settings for right frames they'll just have more info which you know maybe you'll want all of them maybe you want simple enough though overall this is easy to tweak but it is kind of limited the lack of some more granular fading options is really frustrating here as is the lack of filters for Buffs and debuffs and there's really dumb things like no ability to resize the mini-map and zero options for the micro menu Bag Bar and XP bar so let's try to take it up a notch I'll start off with nameplates and here is our preset for an add-on called plater basically it's just name plates that are far better Rhythm stock and Matt created this preset with the intent of giving it absolutely fantastic functionality but to be as visually close to the stock nameplates the blizzard made as is possible now most of us do on the DPS meters so I just use details and you can skin that to blend in as unobtrusively as possible now for further customization of the base UI I do like to add in a few add-ons that have cropped up recently since the new UI shipped here's a good example frame color and lets you tweak the color frames if you want to conceal is an add-on that gives you better visibility options and if you want no borders on your action bars then hide action bar borders does just that there's another add-on that's good for making click through and basically your your action bars click through so they can't be clicked on so you could combine say that and have no borders and you could have a little tracking bar that does look just a little bit more like we course also health bar color lets you update your health bar to be the color of your class which is definitely good okay so this is all well and good but ultimately let's just say you're a Raider you're a method Plus or pvpr and you really want weak auras I can't blame you and athenar's dragonflight class weak Aura sets are so powerful it's hard to believe they are absolutely incredible especially with all the custom options that are included and the same goes for Lux throws as well these two guys do so much work for the community and they deserve a lot of credit so as long as got weak auras installed you just um paste the code over from into the import thing put it where you want and that's that now if you're using weak ores for class gameplay then the setup that I outlined previously won't really be needed right you can throw all your binds to your bottom bars on the right you know bought on the screen and just place the weak Aura between your player and Target frames if you're using weak orers as well then the buff and and debuff tracking likely won't be as important to you so you can just put that way up to the top right or something like a more stock position and of course if you are using weak Gores you'll likely be using raid and dungeon weak Aura packs and a Boss Mod like dbm and bigwigs so again you won't really need blizzard stock Buffs and debuffs as much okay so this is all well and good but what if you like how lvui looks and you just want all of its features and the customization I mean elve is absolutely packed with features and it's what both Matt and I use throughout shadowlands our setup therefore hasn't actually changed with dragonflight now if you want to fully dive into that you can check out this video that we did for the launch of shadowlands all of the information is in fact completely correct then as it is now basically because really not that much has changed now we've got a weak auras and non-week ores version there it's all done in a document in an import string and makes it very easy and look lviewi just does a hell of a lot it is extremely powerful it is you UI that will serve you very well from a functionality perspective that being said to be honest with you I'm not going to use it personally because for me it clashes with the art style of wow to a degree that I'm just no longer comfortable with but hey the new class weak auras uh you know with them being so fantastic I think going stock UI plus those weak auras is a brilliant Choice perhaps for the majority of players provided you put in one or two of those little tweak add-ons to just bring blizzard stuff slightly more up to par or Blizzard's action bars are not at all good enough for you of course there's always the option of just installing bartender for okay in the few seconds that have passed for you about five days have passed for me some of that's been working out my own personal setup and you know what after investigating loads of angles and wanting to go full custom with grade bartender you know the full nine yards I actually just realized that a small number of lightweight add-ons could like just tweak the existing blizzard rework to suit my needs so here's what I'm rolling with blizzard HUD tweaks is an add-on that just gives you a bunch of options for like the kind of conditional based fading of UI elements like my player and Target frames as well as the back button and micro menu and action bar one add this to the sort of default like template setup that I mentioned earlier in the video and uh there's literally nothing really in your screen when you're out of combat because all the stuff Fades appropriately and what's lovely is that blizz HUD tweaks the add-on it lets you basically um it makes it so that if you have a Target the add-on will act as if you are in combat so if you target something your UI will appear which is great because you don't want a situation where you know you're looking at the raid boss but only when you get aggro well your UI even appear right and at all of course will you know if I Mouse over a bar the bar will be visible and I can use it so to me that's perfect I then installed hide action bar borders which funnily enough hides action bar borders and looks super clean then I grabbed Lux throws his weak or packs I scaled them down a little bit and I place them where I like them I've got to say luxuros I mean man what a just they're really really good and then staying with weak auras I installed raid ability timeline I love this one it pulls all of your DPM timers onto a timeline and just like puts them in one place I just love what it does for the game's visuals and personally I find it more comfortable then I imported ultimate mouse cursor which helps the mouse not get lost in the soup during combat and it's got a few other handy features too if you want like range swing timer Global cooldown just tracking of things like that and some more things about Opie I love Opie it's such a brilliant little add-on so it spawns a ring whenever you hold down a key of your choice you you know move your mouse in a Direction let go of the key and it will execute whatever you've put there and it's great for just having essentially a utility like keyring that has you know your your Wormhole your Hearthstone your Yak Mount so I have one for all of those and I have another one for raid markers and that's uh that's that then plater which uh you know I just use with the profile and matte set up that's it right easy I use the relevant dungeon and raid weak auras of course when the time arises and once I get to grips with PVP a bit I am sure I will throw a few small little things uh into the mix but I imagine weak auras will cover most of that another thing then the blizzard buff and debuff bars I mean you know good effort but they do need more functions and right now my buff and debuff tracking that stuff is covered by weak ores so the blizzard buff and debuff bars are back to their normal place details is my DPS meter and that's it there are a few other add-ons like auctionator or kind of beyond the scope of today's video because it's just core UI so overall then I'm actually really pleased with what I've been able to get up to here it's really quick to set up it relies mostly in stock tools and to me it's quite visually uh uncluttered when you know I'm not in combat which I really like when I'm just going about the world doing things because it turns out blizzards are let's do a really good job and it also does fill me with a little bit of hope that uh I mean literally if blizzard could just incorporate what a few small add-ons are doing into their basic UI then like almost everything that I'm doing other than the weak auras that would be doable with the base UI so I think eventually a very very low add-on count future is actually possible but anyway there you go for me it's uh just a UI that's nice and minimal only really shows me the things that I need to see and that's all I need to be happy okay of course uh we'll have links in the description to things that help you out um and that's really it for the video so uh hope you enjoyed it I hope you found it useful and if you wouldn't mind I guess uh tweet your UI at me I really love to see what what you're rolling with for this expansion all right have a good one I'll see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Bellular Warcraft
Views: 150,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragonflight ui, bellular ui, dragonflight addons, dragonflight guide, dragonflight addons guide, dragonflight ui guide, dragonflight new blizzard ui, world of warcraft addons, world of warcraft ui guide, world of warcraft, wow, bellular, bellulargaming, bellular warcraft
Id: 9eAZ8YlnBPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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