Fix Vcruntime140.dll Is Missing Error - Windows 10/8/7 [Tutorial]

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[Music] hello everyone how are you doing this is mdte here another quick tutorial today I'm going to show you guys how to successfully resolve the vcruntime140.dll missing file error might be getting on your Windows device so this is a pretty straightforward tutorial and we're going to jump right into it so we're going to open up any web browser I'm going to open up Microsoft Edge but you can open up whichever one you're most comfortable with and I'm going to type in the Google VC runtime 140. dll download and then I'm going to hit enter the search one of the best manages it comes up should say d/ should say free download I'm going to select this option and now I'm going to scroll down on this page where it says vcruntime140.dll six available versions now it's going to depend on if you're using a 64-bit or a 32-bit operating system most people will be using a 64bit operating system I'm just letting you guys know that right now but some of you will be using a 32-bit operating system as well so for the purpose of this video Even though I am using a 32-bit operating system I'm going to select the 64-bit download just so I can show you guys a better idea of what you're going to be experiencing or at least a majority of the people watching this because in the end it really won't have any effect on what I'm accomplishing in this tutorial so I'm going to select the 64-bit download version of it I'm just going to select the first one as long as it says one of the more updated versions We can see the version number right here it says the bid inversion 64 bid make sure language is correct and then I'm going to select the download button right over here it's going to ask what you want to do with this file I'm going to save it and then I'm going to click on open I do want to comment that you should not need to pay for anything if you are getting prompted to pay or you're using a demo software or something you clicked on something wrong I just want to make that exceptionally clear you can see that it is on this computer right now we didn't have to download or install anything weird all we have here is a folder with a readme file and a dll file I really can't stress that enough because I'm sure a few of you guys who are watching this depending on how big this video gets are going to be be downloading something crazy but this is what you should see and keep in mind we just downloaded the 64-bit version so once we've done that we're about halfway done at this point we can head to the start menu and left click to open it up and now you want to type folder options and there should be something that says file explore options you want to left click on that to open that up and there should be a tag that says view underneath hidden files and folders make sure this circle is filled in next to show hidden files folders and drives so I'm going to click inside that box and then I'm going to click on apply and okay and now I'm going to go back into the Star menu again type in file explore if you're Circle was already filled in you don't have to worry about it I just have to stress that because most people do have a lot of hidden files and folders and you will not be able to follow along with this tutorial if it is not visible so regardless I'm going to minimize the file that downloaded we see we have the D and the read me file in here I'm just going to minimize that down to our taskbar and now in the final Explorer window I'm going to left click on this PC on the left side here and then underneath devices and drives I'm going to select my local dis most people should have their C drive as their local dis some people might have the D or the e Drive and in all honesty it really depends on where your files and programs are saved to but most people were going to just select the local disc so I'm just going to double click on that and now I'm going to double click on the Windows folder and now I'm going to scroll down until I get to something that says system 32 right here if you do not have hidden folders disable you will not see this folder right here so you want to double click to open that up so again this is for the 64bit version of Windows I'll show you guys what you should do if you're running a 32-bit version of Windows in a second but I'm going to open back up the window that I had my dll file in earlier right here and all I'm going to do it's very simple I'm going to just take this dll file I'm going to hold down on it with my left Arrow key on my mouse and I'm just going to drag it into the system 3 two folder like that you'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this folder left click on continue should be a pretty quick process and then at that point I recommend restarting your computer now if you're using a 32bit version of Windows I'm just going to stress this that it will be a little bit different here so instead of going underneath system 32 I'm going to just backtrack here if you're underneath this Windows folder you're going to be looking for something that says assis wow 64 so Sy Ys wow 64 and then you would just drop this dll file right over here into that folder and you know what I will just spell it out on a notepad file just so you guys have an idea what you're looking for so you're going to be looking for something that says CIS wow 64 just like how it appears on my screen if you're running a 64bit version of Windows you're not going to see this so I just figured I would give that disclaimer for you guys I hope you guys listen to this tutorial before you just dislike it if you're running a 32-bit version on Windows and you're looking for this system 32 folder or you actually do find a system 32 folder but it's not going to achieve the same result as if you're running a 64bit version of Windows because I believe everybody has a system 32 it's just for 64-bit version of Windows that is what's going to work for this tutorial so enough rambling I would recommend you guys just restart your computer at this point once you have inserted the dll file into the respective folder and you should be good to go so I hope this brief tutorial was able to help you guys out and as always thank you for watching and I will catch you in the next tutorial goodbye
Channel: MDTechVideos
Views: 705,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apache vcruntime error, fix vc runtime error, g vcruntime140.dll, how to fix vc runtime, mafia 3 vcruntime140, mafia 3 vcruntime140.dll missing, msvcp140.dll y vcruntime140.dll, vc runtime library, vc runtime library download for lol, vc runtime library error lol garena, vc runtime library error lol ph, vc runtime library fail, vc runtime library fail lol, vcruntime 110.dll missing wamp, vcruntime 120.dll, vcruntime 1400.dll, vcruntime 40
Id: 2o_0Q_9770U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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