Fix Steam Update Error on Mac 2022

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hey everybody this is dave from today i'm going to show you a problem that people are having with uh steam on the mac so people open up steam and they get this update uh dialogue that pops up now i did some research and i found that if you download these three files here once in server file and the other ones are client files i'm going to show you exactly where to put them and then your steam will work so what happens is it runs through this uh it tries to update and then it tells you oh you have to be connected to the web so you get this problem no matter what you do you you try everything and you're having this problem okay so i'm gonna show you now um so i installed plex but now i'm gonna uninstall plex because when you have plex running uh it adds a lot of files as you go along so i have this app called app cleaner it's the best app to remove an app totally uh because you get to check off all the check marks and everything to do with like say the steam app so i removed the app completely now i'm going to go onto the official steam website and this steam website allows you to download the mac application so i'm going to install steam for mac that's the official download for the mac so now that i have it it's in my downloads folder and these three files this is to a google drive and it's going to have these three files in here so you click and you hit download and you download each one of them i already have them downloaded so i have them here i'll show i have those three files plus the steam app so i'm going to take these i'm going to take them out of the downloads folder and drag them right onto the desktop so you can see them now this is what we're going to do so we're going to now we have everything there i'm going to put all this in the description okay you got a update server you got the two steam client apps and then you got of course the dmg you install it like you do any mac app throw it right into the applications folder then you open the applications folder you open up steam and it's going to do the same nonsense uh first time you open it you have to okay so um let me close this out let me close the uh the mount out the installer or whatever you call it so now we have these three files that are downloaded plus we're trying to open now the steam app and we're gonna have the same problem so while we're waiting let's go into your finder and you have to go into your folder like yours might have your name or whatever you named your computer and if you don't see the library folder in here you just go into there and you go down to uh show library folder and there goes your library folder so now you have your library folder it's usually a hidden folder you go into application support and i wrote down here the instructions where to go so now we're going to go into application support then we go into the steam then we go into steam app bundles go into the steam app go into contents and then go into mac os and now you're here in this part now you take let's move that out of the way you take the client the update server and you throw that into this part now that's mac os folder okay deep inside say same error as before okay so you go into mac os folder now you're going to click on uh down here i showed that you i we added one more folder packages so now we click on packages and now you're in packages and you take the two remaining files the two client files and you throw them in and then you have it all set now guess what you're all done now you just have to open up you have to sign in and you're gonna see now watch this so now remember we just opened it and we got that error so now we click on steam and it opens up but this time it's going to open up and start updating because we updated the server so it runs through it runs a little slow in the beginning until you run it a couple times sign in and all that stuff so now you see it's updating so now it's updating um you know it's gonna do a couple of steps in order to get there you're gonna have to sign in the usual way and they send you a pin in the email and then you you know you throw it in there and do all that so i'm gonna just get when we get to that part i'm just gonna skip so i have a little privacy um so look it's opening it's doing more than it was doing before all right so once it uh loads up it's gonna configure it's gonna open up the app again it closes it out because it updated the newest app and then it will open up again and do some quick update again like this all right extracting the package then it's going to close and then reopen again and it's installing the update boom now it's in it'll open up again on its own and it's going to go right to the sign in screen so now we're here on the sign-in screen okay so log into an existing account i'm going to put my credentials and i'll type that in now okay and then we're going to type my password in and we're going to remember my password and hit login so what's going to happen it's going to log in the reason why i'm showing you the long steps so now you have to send yourself an email with the code so i go to my email my email will pop up steam right there i'll copy the code boom copy close this out throw it right in there click on it throw it right in there paste boom done and hit finish now the reason why i'm showing you this far because i want to show you that it totally opens up but what's going to happen now it's going to take a long time for this to sign in it's adding files and all that stuff it's downloading all your information before it opens up the steam app but what you can do is if you don't want to wait you could just go in and close the app i'm going to show you all the menu is there and everything like that right but i'm impatient so i'm just going to go in and close the app i'm going to quit it all right and after it quits let's wait for it to quit i'm going to go into applications and i'm going to open it up again and now you're gonna see that it'll open up you know quicker so now there it is it opened up it's checking for updates it's you know adding the account adding all the files that needs necessary and then after that every time you open it it's going to open like normal so i'll just let this open like normal and you'll see that it opens up and you know you have to be a little patient but it's going to happen and that's pretty much it so you were worried you thought that maybe you're not going to be able to play steam on your mac anymore maybe you thought it was an m1 issue this is the latest mac with the m1 oh there it is so it opened up i'm signed in and chat opens up and here we go i've got all my games there and uh i'm getting the steam deck and i can't wait for it to show up i don't have to deal with mac or windows and i can just play it on my steam deck all my games it's going to be a great hacking tool as well because you can install whatever os you want on it it's pretty much a computer so i look forward to it are you getting a steam deck let me know in the comments tell me what you think about my little process here so i hope you enjoyed this video and i will see you on the next video thank you
Channel: AskUncleDavecom
Views: 22,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam, mac, update error, how to fix steam update, internet connection, steam error, 2022, steamdeck, steam deck, fix steam, steam fix, Steam deck, Deck
Id: dkK2EWM2YtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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