Fix Min Supported Gradle 8, Current Version is 7.5 - Android Studio Error (Easy Fix)

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so as you can see here I'm getting this error minimum Gradle version is 8 current version is 7.5 so this happens because when The Griddle wrapper version and Gradle program version are mismatching so if you check here in Project level build.griddle file you will see that the plugin version is 8.0 but if you go down and check in your griddle Rapid or properties you will see that we are using 7.5 so the version is mismatching so you can directly change the version here and make it 8.0 but there might be some typing errors or exact version errors instead of this the best way to do this will be go to file and go to your project structure and here you will see your Google plugin version and you can move this to a lower version so that they match or what you can do is keep it to the latest version itself and just increase your griddle version to what it shows in your error that is it shows minimum is 8.0 so change it to 8.0 now let's sync our project again and let's see if this error comes so Gradle is building again and this time as you can see the build is successful in once again if you have any questions let me know in the comments below
Channel: The Code City
Views: 4,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimum supported gradle version is 8.0. current version is 7.4, minimum supported gradle version is 7.5. current version is 7.4, minimum supported gradle version is 7.0.2. current version is 6.8
Id: QWCjq6P26R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 25sec (85 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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