Fix Hunchback Posture While You Sleep (UPDATED)

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wouldn't it be great if you could fix your hunchback posture while you sleep in this video i'm going to share specific strategies that'll help you correct your hunchback posture while sleeping whether you sleep face up face down or on your side i've got you covered and if you watch to the end of the video i'm going to share a specific tip that'll help you prevent hunchback posture just before falling asleep so if you're ready to fix your hunchback posture let's get to it if you have hunchback posture your mid and upper spine curve into a c like this and you probably got a good dose of forward head posture how did you end up with this hunchback posture it's called rpp repeated position practice the more you practice any position the better you get at it if you're constantly putting yourself in a hunchback you're gonna get really good at a hunchback the goal here is to use rpp to our advantage and get our bodies into a better posture while we're sleeping as best we can if you're doing good things for your posture all day long but then go to sleep and throw yourself back in the hunchback posture you won't make any progress fixing your hunchback now let's talk about how to sleep to fix hunchback posture in different positions if you like to fall asleep face up and this setup looks familiar to you then you need to make some changes having a big stack of pillows like this forces your body into hunchback posture you don't want to over support yourself with a giant stack of pillows doing so just creates hunchback posture what you want to do instead is use only enough pillows to allow you to get to as neutral a head and neck position as possible so you want to remove extra pillows and go to the amount of pillow that lets your head and neck get to that straightened position start with absolutely no pillows at all if you have strong hunchback posture you're probably going to find that when you put your head down you have your chin tilted up and you're looking that way this is not good you want to help the back of your neck lengthen so that your spine can straighten out if the back of your neck is closed like this you're going to be reinforcing forward head and hunchback posture so to find your right height you can go ahead and grab a pillow hopefully not one that's big fat and firm get a thinner one with an okay amount of support nothing fancy put it under your head and see what your head and neck look like from the side view if it's too thick or it's positioned poorly you're going to end up with more forehead posture and hunchback posture so those pillows that have that extra little curve at the base of your neck no remember you want just enough pillow to feel like the back of your neck can lengthen out and your chin and forehead are roughly level or the chin is just a little bit lower than the forehead use a camera or a mirror from the side view or ask a really good friend to help you figure this out a good way to find the right height for your pillow is to use a rolled up towel or a stack of towels this right here for me is obviously too much my head and neck are being pushed forward relative to the rest of my body and i'm getting forward head posture if i remove some layers of height i can get closer to what feels like a good position for me over time you really shouldn't need a big fat pillow under your head and neck you want to keep reducing the pillow down to the point where eventually you may even be able to sleep very comfortably with your head and neck just on your bed if you have strong hunchback curvature then you may also have strong anterior tilt and lumbar extension in that case having this pillow under your knees will help neutralize that so that you no longer have such big curves being forced in while you're sleeping to prevent hyperextension in your low back while you're sleeping it's a great idea to do ab exercises as well as stretching for your quads and your hip flexors if you're a side sleeper similar considerations apply you don't want to have a big fat stack of pillows cranking your head and neck into a weird position you want to find just enough support to allow your head and neck to rest comfortably in line with the rest of the body if you have hip pain or you feel like your pelvis gets a little bit wacky you may find it helpful to have a pillow between your knees while you sleep the biggest thing you need to worry about when you're trying to fix your hunchback posture while side sleeping is whether you're curling really aggressively into a ball the tighter you tuck into the fetal position the more you're encouraging your spine to stay in that flexion which creates hunchback posture so try to find a position where you're relatively open while still sleeping on your side and you aren't feeling so awkward that you can't fall asleep and now that brings us to people who sleep face down if this position looks really uncomfortable that's because it is find a position that is reasonably comfortable for you but isn't stacked up so high but you might be thinking well isn't stacking that up gonna fix my hunchback posture because i'm totally stuck in spinal extension the answer is no if you're trying to stack yourself up into spinal extension all night long you're not going to get that extension from the mid and upper back like you think you are you're just going to be cranking into the low back and getting extension in your lumbar spine when you wake up you'll find your low back is crazy sore and if you actually get stuck in extension your middle back is actually going to flex more and make your hunchback posture worse if you have a soft bed it's very likely that your hips and pelvis sink down lower than the rest of your body in which case you're going to get some pressure and extension in the lower spine you're going to want to reduce the intensity and pressure of that curve there by taking a pillow like this one and sticking it under your pelvis and your tummy doing this will reduce the intensity of the curve in your lower spine which will help you maintain less of a curve in the upper back as well now with all these tricks for sleeping with hunchback posture it's important to remember this very few of us actually sleep in one position all night long and the type of bed you sleep in may affect your comfort levels in each of these positions you're going to need to fine-tune the ideas here for your bed your body and your preferences and if you have questions about picking the right mattress for you be sure to check out the link to the video up above ultimately your goal as a human animal is to be able to sleep comfortably on many different surfaces in many different positions so don't get too caught up in the idea that you gotta sleep in exactly one position all night long now i also want to share one very important tip to help you fix your hunchback posture and this happens just before you fall asleep i want to take one second to say thank you to mary lourdes silva for her 2 donation to support the upright health channel if you want to support this channel too hit the thanks button or use that paypal link in the description box i really appreciate it now let's get back to sleep you might like reading before going to bed and you might prop yourself up with a bunch of pillows make sure that you're not propping yourself into hunchback posture like i'm doing right now remember your hunchback posture is about rpp so don't keep putting yourself in the hunchback posture with your pillows while you're reading one better option is to slide yourself up against the wall or the head of your bed and if you don't like the idea of your butt germs being right where your head rests then you can go ahead and lie on your side and just hold the book out in front of you like this again just make sure you're not tucked into a tight hunchback ball while you're doing this keep your body a little more open your bottom hand is going to be resting on the bed top hand will be holding and working and if your top arm gets tired you can always just switch sides so now you understand how to sleep to fix your hunchback posture and how to read in bed before you go to sleep to fix your hunchback posture if you want a comprehensive program to help you fix your hunchback posture be sure to check out the hunchback fix program which i'll link to down below if you'd like to support this channel with a monetary donation hit that thanks button or use the paypal link that you'll find down in the description box i promise i will not use your money to buy a really thick pillow if you don't want to leave me a tip that's totally fine just hit the like button share this video subscribe and as always i hope you remember that pain sucks life shouldn't [Music]
Channel: Upright Health
Views: 2,486,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix hunchback posture while you sleep, fix hunchback posture while sleeping, hunchback posture correction while you sleep, hunchback posture correction while sleeping, sleeping with kyphosis, how to sleep with kyphosis, best sleeping positions for hunchback posture, sleeping positions for hunchback posture, how to fix hunchback posture, how to correct hunchback posture, hunchback sleep, upright health
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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