Fix error code 0xc00000e9 windows 11 and 10, recovery there was problem with device connected to PC

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hello friends today I just want to start my PC and I got the error message like there was problem with your device connected to your PC and unexpected i/o error as a card so guys let me show you how to fix this problem the very first thing that you need to do is you just have to restart your PC make sure you restart your PC and restarting your PC will fix the problem this is the first step that you need to take let's say restarting the PC did not fix your problem second thing what you can do so the second steps that you need to follow as soon as you restart your PC you have to access a BIOS setting so in order to access bar setting so depending upon the manufacturer you have a different keyboard key in order to access a bar setting so just restart your desktop or the laptop and press the Dell button continuously as soon as you restart keep on pressing the del button continuously and this will give you access to the bar setting so some manufacturer support f8 key so even try pressing f8 key I don't know guys which company laptop you are using or desktop you are using so even you can try f8 key anyway you have to access to the bars so even try f2 key sometimes pressing the f2 key continuously as soon as you restart you're going to get access to the bar setting sometimes pressing the Escape key also will help you get access to the bar setting so get access to the bar setting so for me I press the del key continuously as soon as I restart and I can get access to the BIOS setting so once you get access to the bar setting you can see here load fail-safe default click on it and then you're going to type Y so as soon as you type Y you're going to see Y and click on enter all right now what you need to do is you have to press f10 key to save and exit press Y and then press Enter let's see now PC is working you can see gas still there is the problem issues still not solved restart again and go to the bias get back to the bias again go on the right side and then now you can choose load optimise default click on it all right this Y to load optimize default and then click enter press f10 to save and exit and let's see if it is working now you can see guys problem is still exist problem is it not solved so what you do now next ok guys the next step that you can follow you just have to get the RAM out of your PC so when you take stop out the laptop and then you just have to get the RAM out of your PC so just get that em out of here PC she hates the RAM guys you just get this Ram out of your PC so it's gonna look different they're small in case of your laptop so just open the back of your laptop as soon as you open the back of your laptop you're gonna see on the off itself so you are just gonna see half the size of it so RAM in your laptop and then you just have to clean it so clean it with a clean clothes and then put it back again just put it back again be sure to clean your RAM slot - so clean your RAM clean your RAM slot and put it back properly again the next you need to do is unplug the hard disk cable in your desktop or the laptop just unplug the hard disk cable so if you are using the hard disk obviously the laptop or the next up as a heartache and plug the hard disk cable guys so in your desktop or the laptop you just open your laptop and you just have to unplug the hard disk cable so on plug the hard disk cable so all these are several hard disk cable you just have to clean this cable so clean this cable clean your hard disk port too with a clean clothes and then plug in back again alright guys be sure you have just plugged all your hard disk cable as it is so you just need to remove it clean it and then again you need to connect it as it is in your desktop as well as laptop and then after my friends when I start my desktop and the laptop you can see it's loading so the problem is solved they follow these steps following all these steps will definitely fix this problem I hope this video how makes you like subscribe and comment take the video description for few moist off have a good day catch in the next video
Channel: Shabd Tech Support
Views: 924,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: error code 0xc00000e9 windows 10, windows error code 0xc00000e9, recovery there was a problem with a device connected to your pc, an unexpected i/o error has occurred 0xc00000e9, error, code, 0xc00000e9, windows 10, recovery
Id: 7eWKJDwpnsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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