Fix Brake Squeak Cheap

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really excited about this video that I have for you here today somebody suggested this video of something that I was really excited about wanted to do because it's something that be a real helpful good information that needs to be put out and then they want up that they took it to a whole nother level and making a generous anonymous donation for me to make those videos so let's do this let me start us off by saying there's things that I love about working on cars and it's things that I hate things that I loved when I'm working I love making a difference taking something that's all busted squeaky noisy doesn't run whatever and just making it work like a top that's my favorite I love getting paid I love flagging hours on the flat rate out hourly thing where else can you do an hour of work and get paid for three you know if you're talented and you do a good job other thing is like I said just doing a good job pride in my work and just doing stuff of excellence in contrast to this there's some things that I hate about working on cars broken off bolts everybody knows I can cap but comebacks angry customers wasting time refunds and dealing with crappy parts these are all things that are just are a headache to just take the wind out of your sails and are just a pain you know there's the saying if you don't have time to do the job right the first time what makes you think you're going to have time to do it right the second time so on this oh three WRX most people would ask let's say probably 80% if you offered to replace the hardware they'd be like sure yeah no problem let's do that but the problem is is that that question doesn't get asked it's not super hard to do either I mean you just pop them out when you look at this you can see a lot of debris that's built up on the back side of it that can cause things to fit a little bit too tightly and by virtue of that these aren't going to slide very well but they will make a lot of noise so here's the demonstration part I take the top part and I slide it in and out and it's quiet very quiet now bear in mind that you should always going in and out like that and if there's any movement or whatever or any vibration potential I mean it's just like a leg a cricket on its wing or something just a teeny tiny little movement can make so much noise now listen to this part down here can you hear that it's like a cricket this one moves easily - this one's hard to move it doesn't want to go anywhere you can imagine with any vibration with the brakes at all that little squeak like that just really really resonates when you look at it from this side you can see that there's a great deal of rust anytime you have a bunch of rust like that you don't have a good surface anymore a lot of these are going to be stainless steel to prevent the rest but in the harshest of conditions salt the different chlorides and stuff that they melt the ice with that's going to wreak havoc on these manufacturers of premium brake pads typically will put brake hardware in the box just to make sure that they save their own name because they don't want your bad experience they don't want their pads to be squeaking or rattling or having any of these problems so they just they just buy it for say you want this take this so I'm going to take you over to the lift over here and we're going to show you a bunch of examples of pads rattling pad squeaking and just general failure now what if you have a brand new vehicle or your vehicles under warranty and your brakes are squeaking this actually happened to me rather than having to wait at the dealership or mess around with it I just got in there and replaced it this is on the rear of my Dodge Ram in 2014 it's only got 12,000 miles and the thing was squeak at the most bizarre times I could never I tried to get a film of it by putting a GoPro camera on the fender but every time I put the camera on it wouldn't squeak and then as soon as I take a camera off its squeak again and on and on so I kind of gave up on that because it seemed like an only do it during certain temperature certain times this is the rear left caliper on my truck and this is the one that's been squeaking the most it doesn't squeak all the time but when it does you really know it and I'm just going to pry this gently back you're not going to believe this but the brake Hardware on the bottom side here is coming out with the pad because they're so stuck as I mentioned that the brake hardware's bath now that should not happen it should stay in the caliper bracket but would you look at this I mean they're just locked up and seized together that should not happen I mean it's just I'm not messing around this is live I didn't staged this or anything and I'll tell you the sucker squeaks so if this pad stuck in that the problem is is this will get all glazed up because it'll be held by the fire will be having friction all the time rubbing against there just like your Evan your hands gets hot it'll kind of glaze these up look at this guy you see how rusty and nasty that sucker is you compare that with the new one and this is a good stainless steel it's really hard anybody it's ever tried to drill a little hole for that little hose that goes on your sink on a stainless steel sink even though it's really thin stainless steel it'll eat up your whole saw in your drill bits I mean it's just really tough tough stuff and on the back side it's got that high quality vulcanized rubber compound on the back of it so what I'm going to do some it pop this one off to get up and out of the way and then I'm just going to go through and see all the dust and dirt and stuff coming out of this thing coming around to the backside where we have that problem look you just get all that stuff off of there I like to work the corners on each side and then just take your new clip and you just hook it in the one side that you see here and then that will hold it on the outside so that one goes in first just get a little bit of a grip you just click it in there can you imagine how much better this is going to work when it's actually dad clip here is able to do what it's supposed to do allow that pad to move freely now on these ones these new clips that I'm putting in you'll notice that they're silver on this side you usually get away with that I really like the black coated ones the PTFE coating these are my favorite you don't always get these but if it doesn't have it you can always buy product and put it on there that has PTFE and ceramic solids and all that kind of stuff just make sure you're not using wheel bearing grease use something that has a heat rating of like 2,000 3,000 degrees you see this one took the brake hardware with it this factory brake hardware is just garbage and the funny thing is is that a lot of times people run it for a long time man that stuck I can't get the thing I mean it's supposed to slide freely right in and out it's not so I mean if your brakes are squeaky I mean these happen look how much life there is left on these if your brakes are squeaking there's no sense in this world of you going out and buying brand new pads and everything because if your hardware's bad you're just going to have the same problem you're not going to make any progress or get anywhere with it but if you get some good quality stainless steel brake hardware and you got those coatings on it the high-quality vulcanized rubber compound on the backside to prevent rust and movement and then something with some PTFE on it you're just going to be okay we'll just get that lined up now we're talking now we can actually slide in and out you see how the brake hardware's just stay input but this thing's moving great these are going to be so quiet it's going to be so nice I mean it's a nice truck I mean this is a Cummins diesel engine it's a late model year to have this thing just squeak and squeals it's just a shame so this is something I'm real excited about just be able to have it drive like well better than it did on the test drive so the brake pad and the hardware we're just bonded instead of sliding like they're supposed to be so let's get in here let's take a look at the hardware on this I did recently just replace this one as part of this video I'll show you some clips of it let's go over some of the names of the things on here we've actually seen several videos where people don't call them by the right name I mess up sometimes I just figure this would be helpful this is your brake caliper this is your caliper piston these are your caliper pins that slide inside the caliper bracket and that's what holds the caliper to the bracket as he slide pins if I take a screwdriver and compress the piston back into the caliper and get just a little bit of slack you can see the way that these pins work to allow to squeeze from both sides even though there's only a piston on one side pull off the caliper we have to be careful now again this is a brake caliper there's all kinds of CalPERS in this world this is a brake caliper the brake caliper is attached by a brake hose it's just a hydraulic hose it's made out of rubber and it's susceptible to damage so you want to make sure that you support the caliper so it's not hanging by that hose that hose is not made to be hung by so you can see I've got pad Clips here in here these are the brake pads this is the brake disc or brake rotor this is the brake caliper bracket and it's bolted on to the steering knuckle wheel studs and this is a CV axle back here if you have good brake pad clips here in here you'll find that your pad can move smoothly now when I went to do this you'll notice that this brake pad is thicker than the other brake pad can you see the difference thick and thin that's because these were bad on this vehicle they were so rusted and so nasty that the pads were not able to move properly and even though the piston was pushing from this side and the pins were moving fine they were sliding in and out so let's pull one of these out so that you can see but I put new boots on it I used silicon based grease you can't use wheel being in grease will seize up like a rock I've got videos on what to do with that if that ever happens but basically I'm going to burp that one there we go now it has good range of motion so all of these things have to be able to move properly and that's the point of your brake hardware kit as you can get new boots you can get new pins you can get whatever you need and get new pad Clips like these and like I say these are the good stuff if you can find these with the rubber on one side and the PTFE coating on them you're in great shape nothing gets stuck they don't rust as much they just do a lot better job they're my favorite but nobody's paying me to say buy this brand or buy that brand this is my opinion the other thing you'll notice about this brake pad is that because the hardware was so bad it's thin here and it's thick here so this one was really stuck and it was holding away from it these ones were stuck and engaging it and this one was stuck this way now they can move freely that's the difference of having good hardware this vehicles got about 130,000 miles on it or so and it was long past due for brake hardware it still had the original brake Hardware on it that it came with in 2007 almost eight years ago that's a long time to be rusting and having something rub on you and not get replaced especially when they're so inexpensive another way in which she's wear out isn't just that they rust and make noise when you're coming in and out but the actual thickness can be less and this is where the 80/20 rule applies again in that 20 percent of the surface area gets 80% of the wear just this inner bored part and you see though this one can rattle up and down and that can result in the pad picking up and falling down especially if these aren't working well you see these are good but this hardware's just worn out the only the back side it doesn't get near as much play so we'll go ahead and we'll put in the new hardware and then see where we're at this one's actually binding hard work it's very on whether they're going to come with the boots and what you're going to have with them fortunately with this one it's got the rubber bulk and nice stuff on one side and the PTFE coating on the other side so I'm really pleased with that to get these off all you have to do is get a screwdriver up underneath on one side or the other doesn't matter which you can just pop them out they come up pretty easy see how that's holding better it's not shifting up and down I'm getting a little in and out because I'm not able to get a force vector perfect up and down but much better they glide so easy it used to be that they just wiggle real fast and then kind of bind no they can just go anywhere they want in the smooth fashion their intended yeah and remember after servicing and brake system make sure that pump the pedal before you drive off if you replace your hardware your brake pads and you don't pump them back tight you'll find that you don't have brakes until you do pump them and you may not have time brake pad clips disc brake hardware whatever you want to call it people aren't using it only 20% of people that are buying brakes it should be higher than that especially when you pull customers or if you have people that know what it is what it costs and ask hey do you want this 80% would do it but only 20% are getting it so this is one of those things where if you want to be a great mechanic it's just like basketball girl the basics
Channel: briansmobile1
Views: 436,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fix Brake Squeak Cheap, Break, brake, pads, shoes, discs, rotors, noise, squeeling, squealing, squeal, squeal'n, screetch, briansmobile1, brake pad hardware, hardware kit, which, best, how-to, caliper, stuck, rusted, chirping, cricket, sound
Id: BnSi8nI1188
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2016
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