Five Ways To Talk More Like Jesus

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curate our conversation in such a way that we manifest Jesus heart in our speech the New Testament writers have a ton to say about our speech as followers of Jesus it's a major theme in the New Testament and when you read the New Testament passages on speech a composite sketch of the type of speech that is to come out of our mouth starts to come into focus here's just a few core tenets not an exhaustive list at all we are to one tell the truth and not lie of course one of the Ten Commandments is do not lie but Jesus in his teaching in the Sermon on the Mount he took that to a whole other level where he said don't swear in Earth at all all you need to say is simply yes or no anything beyond this comes from the evil one what he was getting at was total honesty in our speech complete straight up without like you are who you say you are no subterfuge no guile no PR spin second we are to ask for what we want not manipulate dominate or condemn okay stay with me one of Jesus most misunderstood teachings is at the end of the Sermon on the Mount where he says ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you now people read that as a statement about prayer and it is but in context prayer is the secondary application we are to ask God for what we want for sure but the primary comp application in context is that we are to ask other people for what we want from them what we would like them to do or what we'd like them to stop doing we're not to avoid hard conversations or not talk or manipulate people or sweet-talk them we are just to ask please do this or would you please not to do this or whatever it is third we are to build people up and not tear them down listen to Paul in Ephesians 4 do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs not your needs their needs that it may benefit those who listen a great rule of thumb before you say something is will this build up and benefit the person or is this actually for me to vent or to feel better or to get something off my chest finally we are to bless and not curse as Paul said to the Romans bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse a blessing in biblical theology is a strange mix beautiful one a prayer and a prophecy and a compliment and they had a declaration of the future all in one in the same way people live up or down to the words that we speak over them parents this is more applicable for us than anybody else it is our grave responsibility before God we have to develop the capacity for simplicity of speech we have to tame our tongue because our children will live up or down to what we speak over them when we say you little devil you'll never amount or you always do that we literally declare a hell over them not a kingdom of God over them we are to bless to empower to impart life to flow the hope of the kingdom of God in and through a human soul this is the power of blessing and of cursing and then of course the highest last the highest echelon of kind of the New Testament vision of speech is what the New Testament writers call prophecy or the word of wisdom or the word of knowledge where you speak not just out of your own mind but out of the mind of Christ Himself where something comes into your mind or imagination a word or phrase or a scripture or a picture or a sense and you in humility not in a kind of wobbly voice like thus saith the Lord in King James English but just in humility you offer now my senses my intuition what comes to mind is and you speak something over another person's life or destiny whether it's your best friend or a stranger on the street or somebody at church and they literally hear and receive the love and the identity and the destiny of God over their life that is the ultimate [Music]
Channel: Bridgetown Church
Views: 3,193
Rating: 4.9609756 out of 5
Id: 80fn1OzJFRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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