Five Visions of Amos | 100 Bible Stories

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a was freed the slaves he bought and he gave them his land that night ha how could they sell their own brothers as slaves Evos who was that Abel's God it's you animals what do you see a blonde line I have measured my people Israel with a plumb line huh they are not upright so I'm going to knock them down what shall I do go to Israel I will instruct you there [Music] the voice of God reached Amos like a roaring lion [Music] Emil's left for Israel the next day as God had instructed but the sights that he saw on his way made him really angry help help shut up shut up you put a little stop stop it what are you doing to him huh who are you mind your own business he didn't pay his debts so we are taking him as a slave lord please help me ables could do nothing to help so he walked away sadly but he saw many other similar situations on his way to israel stop it stop beating him Oh No please no then why don't you pay his debts huh you give me the money he owes me and I let him go do you have the money I I don't have the money then go away you fool don't waste my time what is happening here hmm Boer War this is only 20 litres huh but how could that be I had brought 40 litters stop lying and bring me more oil I I think there's been a mistake this scale is wrong you are cheating me how dare you dad s ah is this the way you collect your debts who are you get out of here do you have different scales for measure no we use only one measure ha then what are these cheating with the scales there are soldiers here too no you won't escape from the Lord with the help of your army huh go in peace my friend the God of Israel is with you excuse me where are you all going oh you didn't know they have built a large temple in Bethel and I've heard that the idol there the golden calf is really beautiful then why those animals oh these are the sacrifices for the God can you please tell me how many slaves you have I have around 150 of them and I'll have around 200 slaves you cross the poor take their belongings and now you're offering sacrifice to please God what no Luke offering to God what is snatched from the poor is like killing a son before his father excuse me I have been listening to your discussion so are you saying that we shouldn't offer sacrifices to the Lord your hands are stained with human blood God will not be pleased with your sacrifices how dare you what are we supposed to do then you must do justice you must put an end to slavery the poor have every right to live freely you must let them go in the end God will judge you for what you do what he says is the truth yes he must be a prophet how dare he talk about us like that yes we must inform the chief priest about him some people realize that Amos was speaking the truth and they knew that he was a prophet but some were not quite happy with what he was saying one day Amos went to the slave market in Samaria Joris youth of 20 the bidding starts at fifty shekels fifty five shekels sixty shekels sold for sixty shekels your two healthy boys bidding starts at ten shekels for both fifteen chuckles twenty stop it huh who's that how dare you enslave the people who God had liberated what how dare you stop the slave trade stop stop this lunatic soldiers soldier stop them but before they could do anything the slaves had escaped they returned to their homeland that afternoon one man who escaped from the slave market reached his village Paris it's you ha ha hello my friend oh it's so good to see you Paris they let you go a prophet a prophet from Judah came to the slave market and created a riot their prophet from Judah what did he do he said that the children of Israel are not to be enslaved huh thank God that there's someone talking for us yes it was the Lord who freed us we walked home the taxes and the interests the rich are exploiting us we can't go on feeding them like this oh is that is that what is it it's him the Prophet the prophets who freed you yes let's go to him master master who are you I was in the slave market today morning and you freed me it's your right to be free God has liberated you but I'm afraid now what if the soldiers come searching for us fear no more we have the law of the law to rule this country the king in the rich had taken the law into their hands no the Lord is the king of Israel then what about Jeroboam he he's an imposter who got into power by cheating people but the priests and the elders are on his side don't worry my brother all of them have joined their hands in exploiting the poor but their days are numbered in the meantime the landlords and other rich men were getting real upset about what was going on nobody nobody's willing to repay the debts these days they are saying that the interest is too high her even the Tenon's are refusing to pay the rent we must use all our falls to suppress him but why is this happening now I mean it was all going very well till a few days ago it's because of that man who that he was from Tekoa he claims to be a prophet huh he wants to free all the slaves ban all worship and topple the government what he's pretending to be the leader of the poor and he's teaching that God is on their side he is jealous because we are living well we can't let him go on like this we must do something immediately people were getting upset about what Amos was preaching to people and one day Amos was going by a court in Samaria when he stopped by to listen to a hearing my lord this man owes me a thousand shekels but he is refusing to pay now your honor I borrowed only fifty shekels and when I went to repay him he started lying I don't know what to do now Your Honor may I speak to you for a moment in private hmm call me Oh listen if you can give a verdict in my favor in we'll give you three hundred shekels please my honor give us justice he is lying please please don't listen to him silence the landlord is right the accused must be 1000 shekels immediately if he doesn't pee then confiscate his land sell his wife and children and auction him at the slave market by tomorrow no please don't guards take him away no he is lying please help stop it who is it you call yourself a judge of Israel or you too crusty you you accept bribes and punish the poor you sentence the innocent to slavery order order the court this isn't a code you are robbers and murderers not the judges it is God who speaks I have heard the cries of the poor no one will escape my judgement shut up if you open your mouth again then I will shut it down forever [Music] if you don't listen to the cries of the poor then you will be the ones crying tomorrow guards take him away and the next day ables went to the temple where the priests were offering sacrifices to sacrifice and show you blessings upon us stop your chanting now listen to these words of God I hate and despise your feast and festivals I hate your offerings but what God has asked us to offer the sacrifices go away with your offerings never step into this temple again how dare you this is the royal temple you have set of idols against my command take them away from my presence you endure slavery encourage corruption and you worship idols a moss watch you mouth I will tolerate this arrogance let justice roll down like waters integrity like an unfailing stream God says your wife shall be forced to go to the streets your children will fall by the squad the people of Israel will be sent into exile because of you you will die in a foreign land God holds a plumbing line over Israel no one shall escape the king the priests and all the judges will be banished gods listen the wrath of God is coming down upon you like a rolling flame shut up where is your God now take him to the prison let justice roll down but aim was called for justice fell on deaf ears he was imprisoned and tortured for telling the God's Word to the people [Music]
Channel: 100 Bible Stories
Views: 11,909
Rating: 4.8759689 out of 5
Keywords: 5 visions amos, prophet amos visions, five visions of amos, prophet amos five, prophet amos bible, amos bible, bible stories for kids, animated bible stories, ethos bible, bible for kids, kids bible, cartoon bible, bible cartoon for kids, bible stories in English, English bible for kids, Sunday school lessons, jesus story, holy tales, giggle mug bible, gigglemug bible, gigglemug bible stories, 100 bible stories
Id: D9xc2zMasF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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