Five of the Most Unusual and Extraordinary Clubs

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everybody's got their favorite part of the cycle there are people who love the wash they love to rinse so the spin or the drain i'ma spin guy I love the spin my name is John Charles and I'm a washer collector enthusiast laundry day the club that started around 1987 I think and now we have like 3,000 members from all over the world we get together for wash ins you do laundry till like 4:00 in the morning you do your margaritas your laundry together the laundry we watch the cycles you'll see a lot of us just stand there watch the whole cycle go through oh my god all 3,000 of us come in with a story like I thought it was the only one I thought it was the only person in the world that did this in the collection I've got 59 machines and I've got 22 hooked up and running down here in the basement I have a good representation of everything that was made from 1938 to today and I take them all apart and I restore them because I want to know everything works inside the machine and then the laundry is for me it's sort of like the frosting on the cake these machines represent a lot of ways of doing things in each decade that changed that we no longer do and I think it's something that should be preserved for other people if we can get them interested I just can't go to a cocktail party to say how does your washer doing and look at me like I was crazy but I can get together with these guys let my hair down it's just so much fun to be able to have a conversation about it because I know laundry is a chore for everybody else but Frost it's it's clay collecting milk bottles following brown road signs spotting village water pumps taking pictures of tombstones appreciating roundabouts these are dull things to do aren't they welcome to the dull men's club I am Grover click I'm assistant vice president's club and one of its founders the Dolans Club is a group that get together to celebrate the ordinary yeah began in the 1980s long time ago we began in in New York City and later I moved to London and the dull men's club followed me and has grown here in England as well it's got members both in England and America and across the world the last time we did a roundup putting all things together it looked like we had about 5,000 members so here are the people that do things that some people think are dull here's Steve I'm a mobile collector have some 20,000 mill poles from not just the UK but all over the world Germany France South Africa Hong Kong Portugal I've got Iranian bottles I don't like milk at all I just don't like it sorry and we have some women that are interested in the dull men's club here's Amanda my quirky hobby is randomly following ground tourist signs yep you heard her right I get inspired to turn off the road whenever I see one I find it very hard not to I follow Brown signs around the UK and indeed the whole world so I've now been to thousands and thousands we also have a member that appreciates roundabouts I'm Kevin and I'm the president of the UK roundabouts appreciation society also known as Lord of the Rings that's my official title I have taken thousands of pictures of roundabouts even when I'm abroad on holiday and now a lot of people would find my hobby quite don't but it's bright being dull it's sexy being dull and next as a member that is just dying to get into a graveyard I'm a Tomb traveler and I take pictures of famous graves around the globe probably over the years four or five hundred on various parts of the world Kennedy Martin Luther King Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee Elvis Presley Ludwig van Beethoven and Charlie Chaplin well I don't feel that I'm a doorman that people have said that but I prefer to think that I've got a rounded I'll be an interest it takes my mind away from work and we have dick through spotting village water pumps and they all came about to accident ten years ago somebody pointed out a tiny little pump by the side of the road and almost every village we went to I'd say there's a pump we doesn't slam the brakes on and jump out and take a picture of the pump it's okay to be dull there are a lot of studies being done now that boredom has got benefits we're not so interested in the glitz and glam we're quite happy with simple things in life the very first time I left the ground in a general plane I knew it was over but my life was done it's all gonna be about two aeroplanes and it was not just because I was in the air but I was depending upon myself so my safety was in my own hands it was one of the most exhilarating sensations that I've ever received in my life my name is George Jacob and I'm known as gyro Jake that I build gyroplanes from scratch what a gyroplane is basically a hybrid airplane helicopter but it's neither of the two how many gyroplanes I would say I'd built close to 20 I lost count around 13 a few years back I imagined what I want and what components should fit together then I machine out and weld up the parts that are necessary to get the job completed well sometimes you can take two months sometimes it could take a year there's times I look at it and I go man I did that and it works and I want to fly it when I first started it was a pretty small clinic in Florida and so we'd get together on the weekends today the gyro community is probably increased by a hundredfold especially with the new revolution of the factory built gyros to do-it-yourself builders or kind of like the dinosaurs they're on their way to being extinct there aren't many people that spend most of the free time building a gyroplane one after the other after the other there's no incentive like money that compels me to do this it's just because this is my pleasure this is my joy this is my passion you football is the most popular sport in Sierra Leone in the city of Freetown there is one very special team meet the Flying Stars my name nawa mela pia had a play for sunroof lynnster and achievable club exactly mohammad grew up playing football but when he was only 10 years old he stepped on a landmine and had to have his right leg amputated and unfortunately mohammad isn't alone the saloon flames the amputee football team the war affected amplitude bladder so so did every member of the Flying Stars has lost limbs as a result of the violence that occurred during the civil war in Sierra Leone but the players don't let their injuries stop them from getting into the game Goldie Boudreau then coach is ready to jump really rough then the blue to one foot one leg vitally mean the coach for the flying star amputee football club president Lina Latoya taxi Plaza now where value within Fulton we go to 12 weeks ago well Galloway co-worker country welcome they walk in put gas on hungry blue level they do Ln short shorts to Ornish desert and Schottky clunky penalty shoot-out until at 70 normal act out the ability to well not only is it a competitive sport it is helping them cope with their injuries and overcome the stigma that's associated with the disabled what is this discrimination artists - country offensive we need for do some ceramic forget all problem in what better way than football college football especially the unbelievable Nigerian life and on my calendar on our streets Abu Bakr the lure of college that's not only member on the PRM moi I think a lot of people look at hula as just women dancing but um we love it man hula is a story to tell the story the way the ancient hawaiians did you really need to put yourself in that dance you need to live like them you need to chant like them you need to train like them basically you need to become them you know even I know how low is the hula school we perform all over the world in ancient times warriors are actually recruited from the hollow the chief would come to look from the ranks of the advanced male dancers Warriors were selected the philosophy of our Hollow is to kind of replicate that for male Pula were basically telling warrior stories and to dance like a warrior you need a train like a warrior we train in a private piece of land on the west side of Oahu using only what ancient hawaiians head whether it's rocks the sand the ocean when we come to practice we expect to die it's strenuous on the legs but it's also to train your mind I tell myself and the rest of the boys if I fall it's because my body just gave up one of the hardest workouts we do would be climbing the coconut tree sometimes you reach the top and your legs are shaking because you know you're holding your weight and to look down knowing that nothing's holding you you got to kind of have this warrior mindset as like you know that this is what I want you know I'm gonna get this you know when these gentlemen come to hula they're like a ball of clay that's cool more I look at it as my responsibility to shape them into better individuals better fathers better sons better brothers our goal is that when these men are done dancing that they leave here better people what who led this for me culturally it still takes me back to Taha Hawaii used to be people sometimes are losing that Aloha for each other that love for each other and hula just gives you that reality check man I'm dancing until my kneecaps fall off and even after that I'm gonna do whatever I can for the hollow you know we have this Brotherhood where we take care of each other we help push each other it's my passion and I look forward to seeing where hula takes me in life
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 211,461
Rating: 4.9380155 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, house chores, men, human condition, kenmore, home appliances, clubs, great britain, new york city, grover click, weird & fun knowledge, sports, dull, tech & science, aviation, diy, flying, chopper, helicopter, gyrojake, soccer, hula
Id: bbNdU3jomRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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