Five Nights at Freddy's Adventure Comic Dub

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wow this is actually really good Michael thank you I think now lose the trauma and we got something easier said than done son this could literally not get any weirder I may not dis Michael I swear when I get you you or what old man going to kill me again wait you slept through most of your shift yeah that job is pretty boring well up until the ghosts and murder yep I survived six nights it was easy why does this keep happening you're really sorry say my name Michael oh well you know it's crying child trademark Aton that's what I thought this is helpie my little guy hi helpie uh wait what does he have there oh it's a lawsuit how cute what Mike I'm you from Another Universe I'm britiish in Another Universe damn why is that your takeaway [Music] I need a snack yeah I could eat too is is that a stick of butter yeah want [Music] one well that just [Music] happened
Channel: KeithKatzz
Views: 59,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yp1mhqAEXVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 53sec (113 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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