Five Craziest Creatures in Greek Mythology #mythology #greekmythology

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five craziest creatures in Greek mythology number five Sphinx the Sphinx was a being with the head of a woman the haunches of a lion and the wings of a bird it gives a riddle to Travelers to prevent them from entering the city those who could not answer her riddle were eaten by her only edi's family solved her riddle leading to her destruction number four Griffin magnificent and Powerful being with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle believed to guard hidden treasures and gold mines number three Hydra the laran Hydra was a fearsome serpent like creature with multiple heads when one head was cut off two more would grow back in their place Hercules killed this beast in his 12 Labors number two Pegasus a horse with wings born from the blood of Medusa Pegasus was tamed by bellapin who rode him to defeat the Chimera later Pegasus serve Zeus by carrying his Thunderbolts number one cerebrus tamed by Hades it is a three-headed hound dog who guards the gates of the underworld
Channel: Raven Tales
Views: 32,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8amGd0-4U4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 54sec (54 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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