Is this the best spear fisherman in the world? | Fishing the Wild Ep.2

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so this is a beautiful pristine beach in Arnhem Land and we're just following some of the boys who look for a certain kind of tree that is the right one to make a speed from and apparently it's not too far from the beach so we're gonna follow these Gothel are legends and grab a couple of spear shafts here we go hit it your chin get it yeah just up here this one yeah down the bottom seam out you're happy with this man you're gonna take it this is your sphere I'm Hydra this Justins Justice pointed me in the right direction there it is it's nice and straight get your hands off that mold I want something a little bit of style please stuff to the flare pretty big terrifically pretty light oh yeah oh yeah happy with that yeah oh yeah that's a goodie bit too big for you though and another one you got that just attack that one there oh yeah this is all me so obviously they're pretty selective about what trees they pick them we can't just go into any any area and just pick out any tree has to be specific type of tree and it has to be at a certain age obviously they just by looking at them you can tell that they're going to make decent Spears but there are a lot of other little elements that we don't know about their selection process that we're we're gonna find out but cuz they've been making these for well over 50,000 years I know what they're doing and we're going to making a few obviously and going back to the community and making a whole bunch because you get you go through Spears pretty quickly you know they do break the prongs come off so they're not something that you get too attached to because you end up losing them and a lot of times you spear bigger fish bigger animals they'll swim off with it so they're constantly making new Spears all the time out of these communities go BJ did it like you hate it these saplings that the boys are cutting down actually in type of ironbark Gattaca is the young name for it and they're a really slow growing really Hardy tree which you can tell by the environment they're growing in right on a beach bordered by these red Bork site laden cliffs there's very little nutrient in the ground so they grow very slowly [Music] here we go boys have you killed a wallaby with this view now what do we do we take the skin off what's the take this layer off just sliding show me what to do there Justin so this gutter country is actually a multi-use tree it's obviously used for Spears but also East Arnhem Land is the home of the didgeridoo and these trees get hollowed out naturally the internal layer gets hollowed out naturally by termites leaving a hollow tube which is perfect for didgeridoos or the young more name for that is your da key thirdly they are used for building houses what else lura kitchen so and Larry couch of course yeah Laura couch is a big burial pole where a large tree is hollowed out and you put the person or the ashes inside you put the bones inside oh yeah and so it can become a ceremonial artifact as well so really multi-purpose tree all right you're gonna camp for the end why do we do what why do we do this bit don't put this sharp end and then bang it in with the rock yeah so the idea here is that they're binding the end of the spear and what they're gonna do is forcibly smack these prongs into it and this is a safety measure to prevent the shaft splitting it's unbelievable so obviously this is the modern-day version of a young spear in times gone past the wire prongs were possibly stingray Barb's and the binding agent was either a piece of particular bark or even a kangaroo tendon but in terms of practicality these new materials of the go with hunting where you can with so much force on it cause it's nobody in there so that is almost the finished product the only the last phase of this is to cut these off at the right length and sharpen them and perhaps put a little bit of sealant over here but I'm ready to go I've got a spear that's been made by these guys have been making Spears since they were 5 years old and I'm gonna get a lot of joy out of that I'm I'm as happy as a pup is a 10 year old kid with a new cricket bat we spent the morning making Spears with the boys on the beach just over there and they've kindly brought us to this glorious really shallow tidal Creek quite close to the community to give the spears a test run what the go is here we'll have a little spear here and then head out later tonight and do it more hunting at night maybe go for some Barrow or some mullet and stingrays as well but what you'll notice is cam is actually using a spear thrower the nationwide terminology is called a warmer locally they're called goal pool and what it does it allows him to apply force for a longer period of time to the spear and basically he will get a more powerful throw PJ he's using his finger and he can get power on the spear only through the arc of his arm whereas cam has got an extra 60 centimeters that he can apply force at the back end of his throat and all the way to the front end of his throat allowing his spear to get a lot more speed and power through the water under them it is symmetrical is that yeah coming this way not a problem take him down if you can do it BJ cos I don't want to get a speed lock on here we got that ready there feel like fish a pretty safe around Oswald absolutely my mode of operation is just get it in the general direction you'd be better off beating him to death with the other end of the speed [Music] believe it or not there's actually more life out here at night than there is during the day a lot of creatures and sea creatures in particular that are hiding during the day will come out over these flats and into these mangroves once the Sun Goes Down and they're relatively easy to hunt because they're sometimes oblivious to us creeping up on them and stalking up on them and then we just plant a spear in them it's really shallow in this area at the moment and I can see dozens of tripping and tripping are these guys black sea slug and these guys have huge historical importance for our country because these are the first recorded internationally traded object and the mcKesson's who are from the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia have been coming to the north coast of the Northern Territory for 600 years right up until the last century and they would come here and they would trade objects with the unil to take these back home first they would drive them along the coast in sort of semi permanent camps and then take them back to Indonesia and trade them some of the objects that they traded with the young were alcohol tobacco other hunting materials fishing hooks and a really important one was steel and then that's when the young started using steel for their spear heads and then they that replaced stingray Barb's rocks other materials so these guys have a direct relationship with these guys and the mcKesson's had a really profound effect on the Aboriginal people of North Australia they'd been communicating and some of them actually assimilated into human culture and vice-versa some of the young who actually went over to Indonesia and lived out their lives there and sometimes a human would have a moccasin wife and amikacin would have a younger wife so there's been a long-standing relationship with the Indonesians and the you know of this of this place and that relationship is probably not reported enough at schools etc because it's of vital importance and it shaped our country I suppose and it also you know the afternoons out here that's just a really incredible period because not just because of the fishing it was often all the spectacular colors become really vivid in Arnhem Land so it's just an awesome time to be out on the water it's a pretty special place life's pretty good [Applause] centimeters of water oh yeah the beach yeah what do you know for small no Macaulay sign there yeah yeah got it buddy yeah got it yes what was that dream I reckon bit big for a premium father-in-law long good shot he was so still so that's the more wrong that's our first shot for the night and that fish was just sitting absolutely dead still even though the boat was almost right on top of it and that shows that these nocturnal fish or at night they're not ready for what's up what's about to happen they're just sitting still quite comfortable in their camouflage and then bang here comes mr. three-prong speed incredible the density of fish go get got him oh they're not hey good one oh well Don King what's email that hey bang good nutter good fit highly prized really highly prized Renny they got a really oily flesh that cooks well on the fire nice and fatty too good eating fish yeah they are silly games yes that is a head shot but you get have a look at that that's a shock in ahead and just you like the little sharks to eat is that right it looks like me when I used to have my orthodontist and my braces thank him keep him on the head bang good shot oh it's a biggie he's got him again he's got him again we've got a number of things working in our favor at the moment it's a really calm night there's not much breeze neap tides mean there's not much water movement at all and no moon so these fish are really not prepared for what's about to happen it's in a row thank Kim us unbelievable Paul there's a crocodile look hook it up put in it it's just gone under you never break so just coming to this Creek and already we've seen half a dozen barramundi just the mouth and the crocodile and just fish everywhere like absolutely everywhere like right there right there right there so we're anticipating pulling a few things out of here particularly when we've got cam and Shawnee up the front with Spears is to some of the best they're they're the best because I do it every day every single day they're out hunting the Stingray you got him you gonna get him to point on that block there more movies yeah it was a big one got him that's one in the bum there you guys okay hang on good if I'm gonna reverse this sorry hold on hold on hold on man Jacque is the you name for these guys highly prized delicacy that's the two card training another girl in a dangerous one yeah Klaus into this you got that foot get rid of that that's the dangerous that's a dime to say Who I am Big Bob they'll use Ongar right are you talking about your conversation we're at the interview ever oh he's gone mean one the Bob's forties he got to Bob's Kapiti Oh hoppity hoppity that's how you take the bar bet ya saw sit down there all right can we right there in yeah so this is one of the bombs one of two the other one was a bit bigger one so when we're making Spears today we're not talking about Missy all does yeah that's what they use instead of the prongs that we put in as I got poison on it yes if we touch it squeeze even touch it yeah as long as you don't have broken skin yes how the back pot like that he's deadly so that's got reverse facing stab somebody you know yeah get to keep them but not at the moment still too young anyway let's get going apparently there probably got a mold I mean coming there it is any got it yep got it yep she'll shot in the head or it's morally but a goodie barramundi they're just cruising in really tight to these mangroves and it's pretty challenging actually spearing them but their first one won't I can't I was like a golf shot had to go under the first little trees freak yes got him good shot such a clean shot well wasn't the second half losing camera lovely shot Bank awesome camera was not going anywhere again the headhunter see there's red eyes and I'm not the camera can pick up those red eyes but that's what's giving them away in these mangroves we're just cruising past and a lot of other fish we don't see because they don't have that reflective eye those guys stand out like dogs balls they're not still on it is another headshot just quietly I think oh another headshot is it yeah at radius he's it Oh another one another headshot rod on cam can I get some credit ooh the back here I mean we just you guys are stealing off any what about the workman like despite driving at the back here hey now that resonance you can frame it unafraid you can frame shut up sorry soon yes it would you like to guess mm-hmm and I wit my talents lie and they're not up the front of the guy yeah I really need a degree to hold a torch [Laughter] or how there's so many fish he-hey oh thank you pick can go t head show Grady he's on the run the same said hey oh yeah my rainbow good shot man good shot yeah mightor up yep stop later after you write her up you drill motor up to keep an eye out for old snappy snapper cuz I've seen one just over there there is it's on the bank I've got a few meters head start so I'll get going that's enough enough for me anyway go you handle that pretty well so we head back and have a good up in the family now I reckon cam Shani cannot thank you enough cause it's just been another legend I want to get to it quickly seriously thank you so much [Music] pushing the wire would like to sincerely thank the traditional owners and custodians of khatallah dongle animal-drawn bill if you are new to fishing in the wild and enjoy our content you consider liking this video or subscribing to our channel as it helps us keep creating more free episodes you can do that by hitting the like and subscribe buttons below and following the links through our Instagram and Facebook pages where you can find a lot more fishing along related countries and if you'd like to know more about the Northern Territory or how to plan your own adventure and head to Northern Territory comm links to this and other information about this particular episode are also below in the description area actually [Music]
Views: 4,387,530
Rating: 4.6611314 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, adventure, hunting, outdoors, cooking, sportsfishing, camping, wildlife, ocean, outback, wild, northern territory, spearfishing, aboriginal, Australia, documentary, survival, aimbot, catch and cook, australia, aboriginal hunting, aboriginal fish spearing, remote australia, arnhem land, woomera, atlatl, spear making, spear, crocodile, aboriginal culture
Id: 7gmCX7R-W4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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