Fishing BC Presents: Bull Trout Bastion

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yeah a lot of people about what's a favorite season you know a lot of people that have lived here a long time we're gonna go home I love September and October because it's quiet it's my time colors change we got Tamarack or large trees that are you know turning yellow leaves are floating down the river gluing all of hatches you know they're almost like clockwork on a daily basis for Paul and where I guide on the Flathead River system it's May June July August September and summer is mayhem like we are busy shop and I don't have the time to fish for myself yeah it's my time to be back in the game the big fish fall out of the small trips they come out want to eat you get a good hatchet get these daisy chains and cutthroat just before fishing and feeding and it just makes for a desirable thing when you can see a fish come up any here fly that instills a memory that you'll never forget and it's also just really fun to see it firsthand like whoa that fish is awesome and it just ate that little dry and it's still sipping and you know now it's gonna fight through the run but look at those other fish are still eating around it are you kidding me like man this fishery is an awesome world-class dry fly fishery man I would go on the river with Paul any time any chance I get he's the only person I know who can be like it real professional but keep it that light man the guy is a goofball and my jokes aren't even really jokes like I don't even know why things come out of my mouth but he laughs at them and maybe it's just courtesy maybe it's just as Canadian politeness maybe he's just so polite he laughs at my jokes he's just a good friend to have around so the first time I met Hilary Matt we had fun to fish with great passion for fly-fishing just hit it off Paul and Sebastian and Dylan his guides we've had the opportunity to fish with are so good it's so knowledgeable they all get so snow cats happy guiding you know which is what you want that's the best thing is happy guys they're happy anglers and happy fish it's just a cool place no you need enough 350 to pull a drift boat in Fernan you do know need a lift kit only 37 s minimum you gotta intimidate the guys from Washington right coming down right here we go you're gonna have to do it yourself one day let's head this is head guide potential head guide stuff tell me if you're sucking a lot of people ask me what what is so special Amanda first of all it's wild and native fish no introduced species these fish were here before we were that's what makes it awesome but the fall that's when the big boys come to play and I can also see the fly you can have an 18-inch cutthroat on out of nowhere comes this Gator surfing through the water is bowing down on this fish that's you know you think is your biggest drive like cutthroat of the year and all of a sudden bull Trump's going after it yeah it was wild because this big old bull is kind of sitting in the center in this run it all just suddenly was like I'm on fish kind of takes off and it's a good strong fight it's cutting away on me you know it was like way too big for the net one of those fish and Paul said that was one of the biggest bull trout he's caught in a long time this one was tall tall I mean I wish I got that fish also to see what's happening with the kokanee I mean that's crazy like life cycle out here is so cool to see whole reason that you're going after him is to you know try to connect with these animals in their natural element and to have somebody like Paul bring you into that and then for him to hook up for the boss man until I hook up and get that fish that's a big deal I'd like to see have catch a million in my lifetime I got a pretty fish the fall I have a passion for being able to catch a native West Loop cutthroat trout on a dry flat in beautiful water surrounded by these mountains in Canada and some great people is something I hope everybody takes advantage of if they get a chance [Music]
Channel: FishingBC
Views: 53,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9LdgUJT5EZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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