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you know legends and thanks for tuning in to another Sammy hit ski fishing adventure except this swamp it's not an adventure we're doing a catch and cook well I've already on the catching I'm just gonna do the cooking we smoking up some Tyler now I had an absolutely epic session on the tail yes sir ever and we caught some great fish but I bought some home so I'm going to be eating some fresh tonight which that's easy to do everyone knows how to do that but the cool thing about Tyler is they smoked up an absolute treat so that's the product as you can see some great sized fish I think that guy's the biggest he went mid mid 50s so it's a good shop at wine yeah any any one standards Moss verging on greenback territory but what we're gonna do we're gonna fill it him up and then I'm gonna show you how the process goes to get them into the smoker and into your bellies so you've got to brine them and then smoke them but first step is fielding so I'm gonna fill it a few up I'll show you how to do that if you want and yeah we'll go from there but everyone else does catch them cook so it's more ten enjoy guys everybody oh so we're gonna fill this guy up I've had to change you over to chess camp but can't see my pretty face but that's alright so what we're gonna do we're gonna leave the scales on this score which is no reason to take them off so it scales on just watch yourself with your knife because when the scales are on you can cop a scale and it flick up so try and get most of this in the camera without cutting myself so run the knife along the back there all the way down to the backbone well up a bit more I think do the same on the other side all the way to the tail and flip them over now there's plenty of ways to fill it Tyler this is just more way of course you can um you can do it in one sweep but I find your level automates particularly on the bigger choppers small 35 to 40 centimeter choppers you can get away with that no worries at all now the bigger guys I got a bigger spawn so it is a lot easier to do it this way you save yourself or me anyway so all the way the spawn now I switch knives for this put pinch between me two fingers they're running along the back and flick and that's when we start getting in peel that fill it up get it in and work the knife along now I'm gonna do it try and leave the ribs in so there was less working here so you can see going through the pin bones just gonna run it along top of the ribs there they've got pretty soft bones so if you got a really sharp knife chances are you'll cut through them anyway but it's no big deal you can take him out after once you get to the end and the cup say oh wallah that's one fill up there and you flip him over the other way same thing pinch you feel it and up spin him around I like to Nick that bit on the head you never seem to get that and then flick through the pin bones over the ribs like I said pretty soft bones so if you go through it's not the end of world you just take them out off the Phillips off and work it down it's beautiful when you've got to prime eating Phillips now Tyler get a bit of a bad rap for being a poor eating fish and to be honest I don't really know where that's come from yeah they've got a quite a strong flavor but if you're like eating fish then there's nothing wrong with two Phillips like that particularly fresh I think a lot of the stigma comes from people who don't look after their fish probably so when I catch a table you can see there he's got a hole in his head where a brain support him so straight off the capture rain sport that's pretty well a knife straight in the side of the head there then open up the gills Chuck the knife in and cut these gills there so that bleeds them and brains him so after that the fish is dead and there's no blood left in it and I think if you do that then chuck them straight on ice what you'll find is you're left with quite a good table quality fish anyone who says otherwise probably doing it wrong now after that we grabbed our cutting board we got to remove the pin bones which is these a lot these bones here that sit in the middle of the Phillip grab your knife run it along either sword Rock so you have to give it a bit of force to get through that skin because it's still got the scales on and then Nick it at the bottom well that's a beautiful boneless piece of fish now this one's destined for the smoker if I was going to eat it fresh then I'll knock the scales off and I'll just eat the skin on I quite like eating fish skin so yeah but that's how you fill it a Taylor nice and quick and easy and it still leaves you with maximum meat most returner the fish you can get here's a little hot tip for you grab yourself some 11 litre mop buckets and drill some holes in the top one and then use that Chucky Phillips in now what that does is it drains your Phillips all the excess water and stuff while they're sitting there and you're packing them in so you don't have to do it as much if you're if you're going to freeze them or if you're gonna cook them you don't want soggy fill it's you know about one for free also we're gonna move on to the next step and that's brining air fish now brining you fish for an extended period of time helps to keep the fish nice and moist half expands Micah don't bright potential it could so gonna make a very simple brine for these Taylor I've got four cups of water I've got a half a cup of sea salt I've got half a cup of brown sugar now once you get the hang of it you can go as crazy as you want with these bronze and really step them up and and put your own flair on it but that's a nice simple style just going to grab a spoon so I can stir that up what you want to do it is stare at till it's all dissolved right so once all that's dissolved grab your fish lay it in almost need a bigger bigger bowl you want to make sure all the fish is covered make up another one fit the rest of these in yeah I'll use a couple of knives you want to wipe the Phillips down so they're all completely submerged in the brine you don't want to float and not like they are they will try and do now after that you want to chuck them in the fridge for about 6 to 12 hours depending on how much time you've got and just allow that Brian really work its way in and really do its magic so in the fridge for these guys and in 60 hours time well you know I cranked up the smoker now since I'm making up another batch I thought I might as well have a bit of fun with it I'm gonna use a recipe we might show any whale told me so I'm gonna have a bit more fun with that so we've got the same four cups of water I'm gonna put a little bit less salt in now one thing to remember is the salt is come on it to taste you can really over solve them and that turns me out bad but it's what you prefer so it might take you a couple of guys to figure out how much salt salt your life - I'm having you brawn if you're not a massive fan of salty foods and you might want to go a little bit easier got that half a cup of brown sugar now I'm gonna chuck in some lemon wedges and some peppercorn so I've got black peppercorns just a few go too crazy and show me some white peppercorns there as well beautiful give us the you want all that salt and sugar dissolve carton to the first person he wants to come over here and scale this fluid per can pretty dang but the end result is good so Sam I think shock you're fishing to make sure your lemon wedges are in the in the solution and where we go same thing lid on in the fridge okie dokie so six hours is up it's probably a bit over actually blissful on what I've done it was taken the tail out of the brine I've given a quick rinse in fresh water and then I've laid them out on some paper towel now what you want to do is Pat the Phillips down and then put them on a drying rack and Chuck them back in the fridge to see dry until the the fish is tacky and sticky you don't want to be putting it in there wet they'll probably take about an hour or two hours in the fridge to draw up so what you want to do is about half now before you think's ready crank up your smoke and get that ready to rock and roll so you can go straight from the fridge straight in your smoker give these a pat-down so yeah bit of a process but the end result is definitely worth it yeah skin side down on your drying rack use this space as efficiently as possible because as you can see that a few fillers to do here joint game Tetris right yeah that one that's ready to go back in the fridge just to draw the film itself right so that's been a couple of hours now what I've done is I've got my trailer smoker I've just rub some some oil on it sometimes a stick I'm just going to place my Phillips there on the smoking racks now I know these are ready because they've got like a glaze over them and they're quite tacky bit touched a nice and sticky so it's exactly what you want it's time to get them in the smoker leave a bit of a gap between them so that the smoke can move around now I've talked a bit of crack pep up on a couple of them there you might be able to see there so serving an extra flavor but now there is ready to go in the smoker now smoke is already on it's smoking away nicely so gonna get these choc moon okey dokey so I've got the smoker stiff about 70 degrees so far tuck these in now already got a couple of little bits of fish in there I'm just going already I'll put the other three racks in as well now it's a quick one on the wood I'm using combination of apple wood chips and banksy of cones and off-white they make quite a nice tasting smoking quite a lot sweet smoked it's not a super strong flavor so it's pretty unoffensive and now yeah we're gonna make with the banks here tree so they're free as well whereas this stuff it's a little more expensive each their own herb unlocks our own different ones look at it go now I set up a bit of a windbreak because we're getting some breeze so everything's blown out the burner because this one's gas but um so I've had it on about 70 degrees for about two hours now I probably should have pointed out earlier the style of smoked fish I'm going for here is more like the stuff that you'd have on a bit of bit of cracker or on a sandwich or um no starett's risen pasture it's not like your quick hot smoked like a nipper kipper would do that um we'd do it in 15 minutes or so and then you just sit down Neeta me little bit probably couldn't sit down there to me hello this is probably pretty strong flavour but on biscuits and threw past and all that sort of stuff absolutely unreal so just gonna crank the temperature probably up to about 90 now and leave it there for the last half really get it going ladies and gentlemen that is a wrap have a go at that you Ripper looks unreal and it smells phenomenal oh-ho text message wife filming that's um that's a carton on the set but guys let's grab this out and have a taste I reckon we've earned it that is the result have a go at that colour delicious the old back couple here the ones that I couldn't see they got a little bit crispy but I think um I think they're definitely still edible this big piece here it looks beautiful ones are in it I'm very happy with that time to break one up and give it the taste test it is time to test the fruits of our labor have a go at that absolutely delicious smoked tail a bit of cheese and a crack up get your cheese whack it on there pull a bit off on top and I'll tell you what don't eat a bit of all right everyone who says you can tink Taylor I challenge you to try that because it's absolutely unreal I'll go sign cheese crackers awesome chuck it on a sandwich stare it through a pasta the users are pretty well analyst it's up it's pretty good Sean you guys go oh there's a hot tip you next title session maybe keep a few chopping and smoke up til next time guys have a good one catch a lot
Channel: Sammy Hitzke Fishing
Views: 45,411
Rating: 4.8867254 out of 5
Keywords: Sammy hitzke fishing, sammy hitzke, how to smoke fish, fish smoking tutorial, how to smoke tailor fillets, catch and cook, tailor fishing, how to catch tailor, how to fillet a fish, filleting tutorial, arrosto smokers, smoking meats, how to smoke meats, how to make a fish brine, fish brine recipe, tasty tailor, how to use a smoker, banksia cone smoke, bcf australia, fishing vlog, how to, fishing tutorial
Id: Ygc65kWnZUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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