Fiserv Forum: The First Look

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[Music] welcome to a special today's TMJ for presentation by Serb forum the first look here are your hosts Steve sham rez and Carol Meekins hello from center court at the new crown jewel of downtown Milwaukee Fiserv forum this arena was built in a little more than three years it is seven hundred and thirty thousand square feet tonight we are gonna give you a sneak peek inside this brand-new 524 million dollar venue now it's the first extensive look before the crowds actually comes Sunday for the big grand opening over the next 30 minutes you're gonna see inside the Bucks locker room at 30,000 square feet it is the largest locker room in the NBA and we're also going to show you around the pristine Suites and clubs and of course we're going to talk about the food and the entertainment very important now the first area that fan see when they enter Fiserv forum the spectacular atrium and it definitely has the wow factor giving people the experience that when they're coming into this building it it's for a big events open and airy the new atrium soars nearly 100 feet into the air no matter where you're at in the building you're able to kind of see down and see that flow of traffic when fans enter they'll be greeted by a state-of-the-art 50 foot video board to the left the Bucks Pro Shop open year round to the right the ticket office if you're going to find your seat head up the escalators or stairs for another unique feature in the new arena all the the concourse is load down into the seats so you know you never get that that feeling where you're walking out and you're turning around and looking up to see where your seat is clean lines large white pillars every touch designed to enhance the fan experience and with us now is the man that you've seen throughout this entire project Milwaukee Bucks president Peter Feigin and you have been with this since the inception what is going through your mind well I think you said it the word of the day is Wow so the second word is welcome and this is all about probably a hundred hours of surprise and delight you know to really blow people away what do you want fans to think the first time they walk in this building I've never seen anything like this I think you're closer you've done we've walked around a lot in this building today and every time you run around a corner you're seeing something new and amazing and that's what it's about it's about the experience it's about the uniqueness of this I mean this is a very special place it was made with careful detail no detail too small and this is all about the fan experience it's been fun to see everything from the artwork to you know just the technology and you've been to entertainment centers all over the world Peter what is something that stands out to you about fiestar four well we took the best practices from all the arenas and stadiums around the world I mean the greatest thing about this is just the transparency the open air the open concourse is when you walk in through the corridor of the atrium which we just saw I mean then you know you've been transported into a very special place fair to say that no walkie with this arena can now compete with any other city in the country to get certain events this is the best arena in the world I mean there is no question we've positioned this to get the content to have a world championship NBA team and to do family shows and events that have never been done before and you were nice enough to let us sneak into the star dressing room I thought I was in a condo I thought experience such an amazing well we're hope is Justin Timberlake feels the same way yeah I think you'll have any problems booking Peter Feigin thank you so much for giving us running your building thanks guys well thank you well talked into every corner of this building is world-class technology that's right we talked to the chief technology officer about the state-of-the-art thing that are here starting with the giant scoreboard that's right above us and we are very excited about that because it actually has our logo in it so we are very proud and still ahead of the fight surf forum the first look is a Milwaukee buck a piece of artwork that's actually made from basketballs and netting it is quite the thing to see we're also going to give you a sneak peek inside the box locker room you're gonna feel like you're in a place built for Giants you are watching Fiserv Forum the first look at just shy of 4,000 square feet the Bucks scoreboard is the largest square scoreboard in North America I believe that two tractor trailers the trailers could stack one on top of another on that scoreboard I mean it's huge capable of showing video graphics live television you name it up in the luxury suites the fans will have ways to customize their event experience there are even iPads that control the televisions in each room and soon down the road we'll probably be able to replenish food drinks beer in the bowl there are tracking devices that can track every single player it'll track each player individually how fast they're moving how far is the defender front front from them and the Bucks will make that service available to both home and visiting teams it is pretty incredible what they have done what we are going to be able to enjoy I'm really amazed and stunned still to come we're gonna show you what the players get to enjoy we're gonna go live inside the Bucks locker room on Fiserv Forum the first look [Music] you back everybody to Fiserv forum the first look this arena is really like a museum with all the wonderful artwork around here one piece that is sure to catch your eye as you're making your way around the concourse is this it is a buck at first glance it just looks like a deer but look closer you're gonna see it is made up of triangle shaped pieces of basketball the antlers they're actually made of the rope that's used to make basketball nets again that deer is on the main concourse as you're walking around make sure to take a moment and check it out it really is unique and our Delaney Bry is checking out the locker room which has some splendid things that you just really have to see Delaney thanks Carol and I am joined by the Milwaukee Bucks general manager John horse John they say don't dress for the job you have dress for the job you want this locker room says NBA championship does it not this is great thanks Delaney thanks for being here with us this is everything we need in terms of space and layout it's first in class best in the world of sports and it's really gonna give our guys an opportunity to compete at the highest level now it's really only a couple steps away but through the magic of television we're gonna show you some video of the players lounge this is something that's completely new to the guys correct they've never had this before yeah so we have a players lounge at our practice facility for us to have it here in the arena is a really special thing gives our chant the guys a chance to have a place that they call home and just really do the best and get fed nutrition from our our head chef Ron's out all right now this is something that we've got to talk about it's a little ridiculous for me I would literally have to jump to touch this shower head but something totally necessary for your guys correct yeah so again we want to make everything comfortable and easy for these guys and let them perform at the highest level and in a normal height for a shower or a normal height for a sink just doesn't work for them these guys are anywhere from six five to seven foot tall and we thought about that everything here is really well thought out okay so we've got a place for them to play fort night we've got a place for them to dress before the games what about health and wellness the cryo and the hydrotherapy that goes on here yes of the medical services area here for us the performance area we have the cryo chamber we have the cold tub we have the tape tables we have a weight room here in arena these are again our first in class and this is all about pregame prep and treatment and postgame prep and treatment and for our guys here they have all the options and everything at their at their fingertips to help them take care of the body as best as possible now you were mentioning earlier that some NBA teams have this but to have it here so accessible to the guys that's what's different correct yeah so that you again they have an option do krile they have an option due to cold tub whatever it works best for them in terms of their health is we've got it here everything that they need again is here for them to perform at the highest level all right thank you John for joining us Steve Carrell we're going to jump in the table so I back to you guys Thank You Laney and John what can you say after that well you can now hiring how many people it takes to get this massive arena up and running Plus in the lap of luxury we're going to show you around some beautiful Suites and clubs inside the arena Carol there's even one we can get into really [Music] welcome back to centre court in the sparkly new Fiserv forum for many of us words like sweet and club level yeah they're never going to apply to our experience in this building but not so fast the Bucks have found a way to let all of us get away to enjoy the luxury experience by Sir forum has 34 luxury suites and three premium clubs first the Suites they are the ultimate premium experience with their sleek lines and modern features you're sure to feel pampered all of them are currently sold the westbam loss is made up of 33 loft units the wooden accents plush chairs and neutral tones definitely make you feel elite also on the suite level is the tower club think of it like the party suite the Tower Suite and some of those other spaces are it's actually an opportunity for fans to you know rent those on a game-by-game basis now to the club's the event level Club is exclusive to ticket holders sitting in the first four rows besides sitting courtside you'll get to see the Bucks players come on and off the court up one level as the mezzanine club it also has wooden accents warm gold and metallic tones it's the only place in the building that does not have a view to the arena Bowl but the real view that's open to all fans is the panorama Club it's about 500 people but if you're at a game or you're at a concert you've got the opportunity to go up there and experience you know those you know high-end hospitality and club act club activities while up there be sure to go out on the porch it's a view of downtown like no other five stories up and from sweets to lounges to security and concessions think of how many people the Bucks have to hire how big the staff is here joining us now to talk about that the Bucks chief human capital officer Kelly Kauffman one of the selling points for this arena was the jobs it would bring to Milwaukee how many jobs can you link to the construction and now the the running of this place yes so far to run the building we've hired 570 employees 60 full time staff 510 part-time ready to run the buildings well excellent yeah Kelly what about the average pay of these jobs yep all of our jobs start at twelve fifty an hour and Carol was just asking for a job a minute ago we are still hiring so we're looking for stagehands right now you know we're very fortunate we're gonna have events all year here so we're always going to be looking for staff so what do people need to do to apply they can go to Bucks comm slash careers all of our open positions are posted there all right let's put Milwaukee to work Kelly Hoffman Bucks chief human capital officer first time I had to say those words well beer ping pong and arcade games up next an update on how the entertainment district outside is coming along also ahead the glorious arena food and so much of visit local see what makes your mouth water that's coming up next [Music] this space is going to be a truly unique space if anybody wants to try any it [Music] welcome back everybody to Fiserv forum the first look when it comes to food you are gonna find an option in this building for just about everybody yeah they really have we have found so much and our own Charles Benson has found some highlights of what's coming to the entertainment district we'll go to that in a second first Katy Crowe there has some of the food a lot of it made here locally welcome to the Pfizer forum my name is Kenneth Hartman I'm the singer executive chef here chef Hardiman formerly of Mason Street Grill is leading the culinary team an unprecedented locally focused menu at the Pfizer Forum Clements not just providing typical hotdogs and brats we've collaborated with them to create two specialty sausages for us that you're going to only find in the forum itself Palermo's pizza also offering a few specialties like this Wisconsin brought and beer cheese pizza Sargento cheese is used in this decadent mac and cheese and Cousins Subs will be served to wash it all down you have local beers offered by drink Wisconsin ibly as far as the Milwaukee restaurants represented so Bowman's burgers are a staple along with the laughing taco which gave us a taste of their chicharrón a nachos iron great barbecue brings the meat with things like loaded chips and freshmen po'pay brings the fish with an ahi tuna Bowl and coconut curry shrimp more of a healthy and light option for our guests that you would not find in an arena or a sports entertainments type of setting and that's just the first level when you get up to the mezzanine the great views come with more food options like a brought burger with beer mustard jalapeno chicken sandwich and loaded buffalo fries with blue cheese fondue whether at a concert or game here you will not go hungry Thank You Katie and that once again just a small taste of the food options you are going to find inside this building that certainly made me hungry and there's a lot of entertainment on tap and our Charles Benson found out what is coming our way in the next few months I'm Charles Benson outside the Fiserv forum in what is known as the entertainment district and look who has stopped by to talk to us about this the very cool-looking Alex Lasry speaking of coal this really looks neat yeah this is I think our pride and joy of the the entire entertainment district and I think it really complements the five serve form well what you've really got here I think is the new living room of Milwaukee and you've got some new tenants that are you not only unique to Wisconsin but that are uniquely Wisconsin and I think that's something that we're really proud of let's talk about who you got so far good City brewing was the first to come in yep so good city brewing a local Wisconsin brewery that has really done incredibly well over on the east side coming now down to the live block there gonna be a brew pub that's going to not only have good City Brewing beers but also all local Wisconsin group draft beers and also will have a food portion as well we've got a beer garden that will connect old-world third to the plaza and I think it'll be something unlike anything in in Milwaukee and then we've got Punchbowl social which is kind of a more of a national brand coming here that'll allow people to do karaoke play arcade games you know ping pong you name it they'll have it I'm sensing a beer thing here though I look when you're in Wisconsin in Milwaukee you got to have your beer but this will be a year-round destination place this is gonna be a place that is going to draw people not only when there are concerts before the game and after the game but it's also going to be tenants that I think people are going to come to when there is nothing going on in the Pfizer forum and I think that's what makes what we're building around here really special it's it's something that is going to be a destination so the arena is ready that's gonna open here in the fall this will be ready in the spring so they'll be ready in the spring just in time as we're making our playoff and then hopefully finals run great prediction there Alex last appreciate your time thanks and Charles Benson thank you we have covered so much already in this half-hour and there's still more to come coming up next the four run on the Bucks open house coming up this Sunday the Pfizer forum first look stick around [Music] welcome back you are looking at the Storm Team 4 forecast for Sunday when the Bucks host an open house here at 5 served fourarms Storm Team four says it will be warm 88 degrees partly cloudy showers developing some everybody inside high surf forum and let's hope the rain holds off because it's going to be a big party pete zervakos joins us with the details well the gates are gonna open at 11:00 one o'clock is that black party Dustin godsey's the chief marketing officer look at you guys you even match Dustin can you tell us a little bit about some of the players that are gonna be here yeah so we'll have a lot of players both current and legends that are gonna be here Yanis will be here chrismad Elton will both be here for the ribbon-cutting ceremony eric bledsoe fan maker Dante D Vincenzo DJ Wilson Kareem abdul-jabbar Michael Redd the list goes on and on and ROG Saha arena GM we got about 10 seconds but can you tell me a little bit about why it's so important to open the arena up to fans I mean its first of all it's something that we're all proud of and we're really looking forward to everyone coming here on Sunday and everyone should have a lot of fun here on Sunday thank you guys so much for joining us live hopefully the weather is like this on Sunday Steven Carroll we hope it is good because people are gonna be here it's gonna be a good time we hope you've enjoyed this special edition of a today's TMJ for presentation by Sir forum the first look for a lot more of what we've shown you about this building go to TMZ for calm we've got photo galleries of food technology and everything else that's new and exciting inside the arena coming up next is Packers preseason we are live in Oakland California we'll see you after the game [Music]
Channel: TMJ4 News
Views: 16,028
Rating: 4.7829456 out of 5
Keywords: fiserv forum, first look
Id: jFQJldmRUvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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