First YouTuber To Break The Orb Wins $10,000

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we built an unbreakable orb and i sent it to a couple of my friends on youtube this is hacksmith industries i just got this box in the mail from just us and challenged us to break into it inside probably about ten thousand dollars we don't want to just burn it out of there you might have to but do what you want we've got some new toys we've got some classics let's get started here at the warehouse we have our own strategies to break inside i like to break stuff you also didn't say you brought back up i'm just saying no no you don't it's okay why the ham right away what is this why'd you bring this out right away always how are we gonna break into this thing drop it all right drop it on there it didn't work blender is not affected hey hey whoa [Music] what is wrong with you why didn't you say not the wall really you really tried to just crush it hey james just aim at the cube ready boys yeah we're ready i'm ready all right did it do something down stall classic captain america shield i missed i hit the stone we're still on top we're still good notice it broke the concrete but it didn't break the box i feel good about this i just yeah my confidence is getting in there i don't look worried do i because i'm not it feels like a good spot i'm not scared you're scared it's smoking it's literally raining balls across this entire place this is a slingshot i made for maximum power maximum power she didn't even use the slingshot well technically i did [Music] okay sure you guys have no concern for my well-being chainsaw time we need to cut this triangle is it working probably got like a fingernail i'm smoking wow that's thicker than i thought it was this is stannis infinity sword this is my my safety space i'd like you to not invade it please all right henry let's try the doomfist [Music] garbage garbage all your control that was better but it still sucks that doesn't count but not bad you have a board full of very sharp nails so we have james all the way up there this is like a trapezoid right angle obtuse triangle prison ball are you ready yeah three two one there it goes oh i think it works it's stuck to the plate look at it he pulled the nail all the way through the board you guys have weapons now that's cute [Music] you're not allowed to throw things you know this okay that's a big steel ball [Music] got my red hot rebar crossbow and i like to live life on the edge so you knew it did that and you decided to fire it at that and then have it ricochet off the ceiling and fly over there what if we drop a bowling ball on it yeah oh no way no what bruh i've never seen that hat look at how clean that cut is landed on it and split it right in half oh my gosh oh geez he's got the app oh he's got one of the bolts off it ain't that good okay it looks like we got a tired trent but we're losing a lot of bulk it's getting dented that's not enough damage trent have you ever heard of a plasma popper yeah that's not what i thought a plasma popper was fire in the hole wow um that's the coolest thing i've ever seen trash time for a classic try stormbreaker oh that looks heavy oh what do we got here nothing how'd you get up there i teleported my door now we got the cube versus the tungsten cube it's basically as heavy as an anvil oh bruh okay so we have direct impact on the oh right here right here oh yeah it dented it right here check that out you can see a huge dent right there to be honest i've been toying with you so far okay but it's time to do some real damage here three two one go it's time to put the hammer down you're right the uh the angles helped it look at the concrete i'm a little worried because they keep hitting the spot that's this that spot the spot to spend the most cinder block i'm gonna be right down on that i figured yeah what now what now huh what now call this the brick breaker i don't know what to call it but it's not breakable all right now our theory is to burn you see okay yeah oh that's hot yeah burn baby bird get the longest that is max power there we go we're just engulfing this boy oh yo it's actually working yeah it is it's actually working i got this oh nice yeah that's cool oh you see that big fireball all right this is actually working bro come on now the roof was good but i think it's time to go a little higher we may have went just a little bit over budget over budget you spent all the money attack it another helicopter that you want to tell me about it on your voice the cracking where are we going to the top of the hill where else can go the whole way oh it's picking up speed zack how's the damage ah nothing this video is missing one person james isn't here but i'll be here james let's see if i can try to break this one i saw sparks on that one okay get the power loader he's using a playstation controller what is this there we go but can you get the money out maybe i purposely built the money case too big to fit out of one of these windows maybe nice i could see the money there's a hole oh wait does it not fit through the woods did you planned it let me do it no i think the way dustin designed this thing is when you hit it it forces everything together actually makes it stronger press iron man attack wait use the other side dude it's weak nah that's not gonna work all right bunch of holes right there if you can hit right there it's really weak oh oh oh you got it you broke in because if you can't get the money out it's too big to fit through these triangles this is a lot harder than i thought oh wait no way that worked knocking a lot this thing is a lot stronger than i thought it would be this is like a 20-pound sledge hammer let's get to it dude i'm not even doing anything that's how i felt i am not doing much damage so uh i don't really know what our plan is to break into this thing we have been really bending this side right here the problem is is we need to like bend this steel this time power tools we're going in yeah hold on let me go back in what's that keep going almost there yo yo yo is anyone else noticing this is on fire time for lightsaber let's get the lightsaber oh geez trent oh no there's some serious damage there's a hole there's a hole i have an idea is that dry ice that is dry ice any damage yo it knocked out some things good job eric thank you putting all of it inside the box oh you're gonna make the glass cold and then hit it yes i'm just enjoying the show at this point i mean will the money make it out unscathed oh that's crazy wow oh my gripping metal this is the craziest thing i've ever seen this is easily the most insane thing i've ever seen on a box challenge ever look at this this is madness you want to try this might be the coolest thing i've ever done yeah look at that look at that metal drip he's got the super sledge dude smack it no way that's another piece off the piece is out [Music] it's breaking you can do it oh come on yes yes there it is now we have to break into this there we go there it is let's go looks like everybody broke the unbreakable orb but it took a whole lot to do it few shout outs to unspeakable in the hacksmith industries there's a lot in their videos that i didn't show you and a playlist of them is right here make sure you click it go subscribe to their channels go watch this playlist
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 3,488,582
Rating: 4.9224148 out of 5
Keywords: unbreakable box, unbreakable box challenge, unbreakable box youtuber, unbreakable, first to, justdustin, hacksmith, unspeakable
Id: 70E8nsUtR0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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