First War Has Started! | Minecraft WAR #61

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[Music] welcome back to another episode of minecraft war and all I can say is this season is falling into place so perfectly so in the last episode of Micra 4 if you didn't watch it I'm gonna bring you up to speed pretty much in the last episode I actually ended up recruiting a full team we currently in our team right now have kwikki sword true Joshy and last night twin underscore plays joined the team but then again come on you guys probably saw that coming he has been nothing but such a nice person this show twinjas so anyway last night he asked to join I said of course he could so we are a five-man team and this could not have came at a better time unbelievable timing to be honest and also I want to show you some work I've done so I want to show you something and I guess since this is the main reason what the show is about and you guys are gonna get excited I'm kind of getting excited I it's a good reason I guess kind of a bit like okay that was kind of last season but I'll I'll take it come on give me what you got anyway let me go and show you what I'm speaking about because yesterday I went to the vault as you guys know the team's the new team we have has brought in a lot of resources everyone's been grinding solo and everyone's kind of combined the resources into one and so I started working in the vault I actually finished the obsidian it's all obsidian now and as I was heading there I saw this let me just take a little trip over to the base now hang on I need to take up this bandit because if I don't he will take up me is there any more we good all right let me show you this guy's this is this is going to get crazy well I hope it does cuz that's what we want to see so if you guys are new to the show and wondering what this show is all about this is a private server we're all of us friends play great storylines and make allies wage war all that kind of stuff that's what this server is about and if you want to play this with your friends the download for the mods is below and also if you're looking to get a server there is a 25% of MC pro hosting who provide us with this service so what a player friends I would highly recommend it's the most fun I've had in Minecraft with like a series wise in such a long time not saying I don't like my other series but that this is just fresh new and exciting it's so good ok so let me show you what popped up honestly you see the signs like I say every single time I log on there are new signs most of the signs are saying greetings you know how's it going Yoda all that kind of stuff but this one's a bit different and if you can guess who it from GG if you can I guess just wait and see there's also one sign that I got in my face it was like this guy gave me loads of em gum powder and like it looked like quartz I need to follow those up cuz I don't know actually know where they go I need to actually follow them maybe I should but anyway let me go read these signs this is gonna get interesting and so here we go so this is what I saw her hello Ryan we meet again last map I let you off lightly not only did you blow up my base multiple times you also made me work for you if you can already guess who this is congratulations to you that's very smart but I Bob it is pretty obvious this map is going to change last lap I did not show my true evil self but this map you've already taken my teammate you've already messed up big-time get ready your worst enemy Rufus PS thank you for the food I think oh don't take my food please he basically from what I went out to my chest have a look I think you took like a bit of chicken I think that was about it so that's I wants to play the war I'm perfectly okay with that stealing more of my food joking but anyway so basically if you don't know who this is this is ruthless ruthless from what ass orc is if you haven't already guessed it is is J Tom now I haven't spoke to Jay Thomson's and logged on the server so I don't know if he knows that I've saw the signs or not but apparently he wants to start a war me he wants to be evil now we're not really meant to carry any grudges over from the last map but if J Tom wants to do that I will allow that last map I was evil myself I done some bad things this map I am not evil at all but I am going to obviously defend myself against the threat which is J Tom so J Tom if you want to start a war bring it on I will give you maybe the first move yeah but you know what I'll give you the first move since I'm not evil and we'll see how you do things or maybe if you don't make a move soon I might intervene and see if I can stop this because I don't exactly want to get attacked boys see what happens I give you the first move you know what we're messed him right now so I just messaged I guess I must pay for what I done last map so I accept the war and you know what I won't keep him first and first move I'll just see what happens we'll just go with the flow right now I'm not interested in attacking him I don't actually I do know where he lives unless he moved because I just realized twin joined our faction actually I hope twin isn't in siding I didn't really think about it because I invited twin before I knew J Tom was going to warn me but I trust twin but then again he's been overly friendly comment down below if you trust twin or not and I don't know I trust him but I don't exactly wanna kick him either he could be valuable I'll see how I feel but he should know everything about J Tom so I need to talk to him and I just need to find out the weakness with this enemy and I will end this war I don't plan on this war being a war like captain a gaming's war was I want this to be nice and quick I want to end it swiftly and hopefully twin can give me the answers to his weakness but anyway so let me show you what I've done with the vault as you can see we fully decked out with quickies and stuff resources so thank you it was it was definitely worth and recruit a team I didn't think I'd be doing it so soon but I did say once I get my vault made I will start recruiting a team because I like I said like it's perfect timing I said a war would start any moment but anyway so we've added these doors here I don't really know why it just kind of just added doors and basically inside there is the vault with a few defenses inside there now I'm not gonna show it right now because I've just started the war and I don't know if J tom is watching so J Tommy if you're watching this video please click off I accept the war now don't watch my videos anymore because I'm gonna have some secrets I need to give away thank you right but this episode I'm not gonna give away put inside here I have some defenses that I don't want to show off right now I was maybe in the next episode it's a very very simple defense but right now it should work you should fall for it the first time so anyway since the ball is fully up and running there's nothing inside it yet though I'm just waiting to see and I don't really have anything majorly rare to stick inside the ball it's when this vault is designed for when a nuclear wars are gonna happen right now there's not many nuclear bombs on the map I wouldn't say there's a cheetah Annie yet maybe I know people are testing with them and trying to make them but I don't think it's Annie on the map yet so this this is designed for me to store all my stuff and also if I get rating if I rate a really rich base in the future they go to war with that's where this stuff will go it will go in a secure vault but right now I don't have any net can really go into it so it's gonna be inactive for a little while but we've got to leave it defended I don't want people walking into it nonetheless and if anyone does that is an act of war like this is my property do not enter literally if you go against what I say we'll be at war but anyway so I made these now these aren't the best sentry guns these come with flags about they're super super cheap to make and I've just made two of them they're they're really dumb they probably won't defend it but look at least there's something here to show this is why you should not enter the ball like clearly someone is living here because like I guess before someone could have entered and being like oh there's nothing here I assume no one's living here but base this is the show if you come around the corner these things will shoot at you they're not shooting right now because obviously they're mine but if a mob or a player even on my team walked in here they would start shooting so that's the best defense I can leave this with for now but then again there's nothing in it so we're good okay it's nice to see that the damage I did to spawn a tank a while ago is fixed hello just I say hello to the random stranger at this one okay goodbye okay I love the voice chats really good all right let's see if we got any jobs all right everybody new jobs because I want to know okay that is geeky okay someone didn't sign the book I don't like what people don't sign the book okay and anonymous target recce dude okay I did literally stay your name not another miss I didn't say our port nonnamous okay let me just see how do I know this is a JIT no anyway let me read if it's good enough anyway anonymous the target is rocky dude okay that's a new target and he's actually paid me before but look at in the day if it's on him it's on him if he's done something bad I'd do something about it I don't need nothing from him I don't need nothing from him nice one easy kill okay that's what we gonna do he's killing everyone on on the server and I want to have revenge for the player that died okie dokie what do I pay you he's what what can I pay you he's loot you can keep everything if you kill him of course I can kill him but like I'm not interested in his live body whoever made this anonymous message I need to find out like isn't that just basically killing someone like he's basically just telling me hey kill this guy you can have his loot and like that's just killing someone that's not getting paid to do a job it's just basically killing someone and taking their stuff who wrote this I don't know if to go to Ricky and be like yo I'll find out who wrote this I'll kill him and then you pay me how about that someone's out to get your head query you were just here right you haven't just after making you know have you lease ain't yours waiting chance it'll stay between me and you if it is is this your book that you wrote in my shop or no I just want to know he's hanging around really suspiciously okay I've just met Jim say did you write this book on and no okay okay so just at the chat can the person whoever wrote this anonymous book for my shop please meet me at vault one let's see if he shows his fate face or not because it could be fake as well how do I know if it's anonymous I have no one to blame if it wasn't a real true if it wasn't a real credible story it's dangerous okay I wonder if I'm wasting my time or not probably am per them I literally give it I will give it five minutes it should take where are you buddy jump shop that's what I'm talking about they are freaking where's last one they are freaking scary yeah where is he he's there oh my god they are freaking scary cuz they really can kill you fast thank god they only had pistols if they had an assault rifle I wouldn't be ready oh I steal your head just messaged me saying on my way I wonder I wonder I wonder is that you wrote the anonymous message I thought he'd keep it all on this and just like you know the mean only appear and I've been like it's you or did I make a trade with him earlier I can't remember it no I'm pretty sure it's probably actually not saying it'd be bad but that would make sense oh well hello there here alright both of them who came so who actually wrote in oh all right I just wanna know I'm assuming you're here cuz the note who wrote it you're Mikey yeah okay are you both involved in is that why you both came or did Mikey just come it's Mikey the pilot okay right and I didn't expect you to show up so this is a kind of shock and basically this is just like I run a business not just kill them and take what they have like what about they have absolutely nothing like I I'm sorry but I'm not I'm not doing this it makes no sense I I get that he might have done bad things now it's fine I wasn't happy with the anonymous thing but now I know you are I'll keep that confidential to the clients unless he watches the videos and rip and I I don't want to take you stuff I don't unless you want a specific item that I will take that from him but me killing him and just taking his stuff that's not about him that's just basically killing someone that's what it is that's just someone telling me to kill someone for no reason okay I need to confirm what this item is I need to know what you want to give me yeah can I shoot it and see what it feels like okay that looks like a nice gun I'm about to go to war or someone I wouldn't mind shooting and just see what it's like oh oh this is nice this is really nice I wouldn't mind some more guns to my arsenal hang on oh wait what wait a second is this a Flying Squad gun yeah no it does look really nice but just the sound of it's just horrible it just sounds like fired tic tacs well it's look you get how badly do you want this person killed okay then pay me something don't just say oh you can have this I'm pay me something if I'm happy with I'll do the job nope just me an offer that's all I don't need a payment right now payment will come after the job I just need a good offer okay okay okay oh my god okay yeah that's pretty nice that we will actually I don't want to say why but we weren't you need something like this very soon consider it consider yourself e I make I'm making tools and something so deal that's my deal all right Mikey you're here watching this this is a deal if he doesn't fall through people will come and break his legs because I might not get the job completed I'll come looking for it when the job's done thanks very much right well that is very interesting I my team would go crazy over that hammer I wouldn't mind a hammer recce if you're watching this you shouldn't be but watch out cuz I'm covered for you and Ricky has done some bad pot as bad stuff in the past so you know this is all true this is a gym and you know he would be giving me that tool for no reason at all I'm just saying and basically all I have to do is kill him send him a message and that's about it don't need anything from him no no Pacific I am nice and easy okay so next episode will probably include trying to find Ricky and attempting to kill him and but we've got twin here who's came online let's talk to him I think he knows about the war already I'm not entirely sure maybe he doesn't it might actually come as a shock at him but this is a this is basically a test to also see if AB he's on my side if he seems with shady I'm gonna be a bit nervous cuz I don't know it just seems like perfect timing I left then all of a sudden or he left and all of a sudden the war starts it just seems a bit shady anyway right twin hello hello thank you for popping on the stuff really quickly I heard you were in the shower you hopefully you rush out the shower did you no no oh it's good I'm clean I'm good to go alright that's shape you definitely were in the shower right yeah yeah yeah are you sure let me just let me just give you a sniff are you Jerry's that what you're doing oh my god right you're a liar are you shampoo all the time anyway let me talk to you so do you know do you know that MJ tom has started a war over something we did last season which isn't meant to be stuff like that isn't meant to be carried over but I'll let it slide do you know about that I said he basically started a war I just don't know from what like basically for what I did last season bombing him and make them pay for him yeah basically blowing up his base up at that right oh so you were will Jay Tom this whole entire season until yesterday night you switched over to my side and you joined us yes right I I'm just gonna I'm gonna be straight-up honest like a book open to you right I'm a little bit skeptical now I'm scared of you but I trust you at the same time you'd be nothing but nice but that's the reason why entirely understand alright alright I just wanted to be honest no I trust you this is where I want to go so basically this is where I need info because I haven't seen J Tom all map I don't know what is up to you this is the first bit of contact I've had with him and this is how it starts so I need to ask you tell me all the J Tom's weaknesses know where he lives right I think he moved in with Bowl oh because he wasn't he didn't have a lot of stuff to himself like he was kind of like yeah and I think bull picked him up because Bowl offered for me to live with him and until he found out that I moved weight is because he said oh follow me follow me follow me hey I don't know if but like because I don't know like I went over there and it looked like it was still abandoned but it's been a day or so now I wonder if they moved back over that but if so this is not good news because if he's moved in with bull or he's let's say recruited bull maybe and or teamed up with bull and they live in the same base it could be this face over here which they did live in but they were testing around nuclear bombs which is the reason why I should not make nuclear bombs inside your base and it blew up but I actually don't know if they haven't lived there or they haven't repaired it yet it's literally right over here I'm sorry if you die you're realizing oh you're fine you're heading out with no armor but I basically need like the dish on him I need to know his weaknesses cuz I do not want this being the captain a gaming war I want this war it's swiftly over and done but I was just saying that this could not came perfect timing yes they recruit a team next episode we basically got a war and it's not even in my control but I prefer something else start a war on me because then it feels better when you crush him oh actually kind of looks through it yeah it looks like no it's no I don't think I don't think it is sorry I just I just saw the lights and then I was like mmm I don't know hang on dodge these creepers and stuff see they were livin here so imagine my it might worry you know I mean I'm living right here but what I'm scared about right the fact that you just said that that instant message the instant thing when you said bull what got me scared is look what they've been experimenting we've already oh my god yeah you see my fear now like they've already been experimenting is there a reason why you know like J Tom went with him cuz he did I said I don't know I can't remember but he did say he's we're gonna pay himself at that big time said big time in caps am I just thinking too much into it or no I think you I think you're fine I think it right yeah exactly yeah that me yeah tell me basically you have to right now tell me any info that you can dish out them any weaknesses any vaults that you had anything like that we need to shut them down if you have anything like that like and I'm sorry like James calm little entirely in our old base yeah yeah but I'm saying did he he must have some attachment or like that base can't be abandoned completely can it or like the base that I we used to live yeah we can I mean we can go scope it out if we need to it's a pretty good area but I'm does he have any volts or anything together no we literally lived in not one base together so you brought you have no info not saying I'm sorry that sounds really bad is that by the ways that flans gun I think so what's-his-face gave it to me joshing you yeah yeah it's a fans gun it looks like it and okay right I was just hoping that you'd have some juicy info and be like yeah let's go do that but obviously you don't that's perfectly fine no problemo I don't expect much from you you didn't know what I'm assuming you didn't know a war was gonna start no I did my viewers are gonna be so skeptical of you right now like that they're gonna be like you so you lived with him and you have no information to give any juicy new fries that is all the information I really have I'm not trying to lie to you you literally live with him okay that's fine that's fine and do you know his playstyle do you know how he would attack if he was gonna attack do you know if he knows where I live do you know that I don't think I don't think he knows where the main base is right now but he does definitely knows where your vault is well yeah but all I could say is when his play style oh my god video yes holy smokes he is trigger-happy that's all I can say like woah woah he wants to do nukes and stuff okay the bomb is here uh she likes you think he's impatient I think he's and I think he would launch bond as like soon as possible okay but obviously they need to get pom so she's gonna be hired let's let them see what they do but we'll leave it for now we'll go on like businesses business and I guess if we get if we get jumped right now then we know okay this war is real but right now all it's been is a word like we've only seen a word we haven't seen any action just words you know I mean yeah and I don't want to go get involved because as well how do you know he wrote the signs that's why I'm thinking as well cuz there is on your last season who were trying to start up wars but like manipulate people so we'll wait wait a does something wait till he does something but thank you very much about bull for saying that that's valuable you're welcome that the main thing I can offer right now yeah as like a huge help I guess it'll be considered a huge help is I have a lot a couple launching pads and stuff I got and a couple bunker busters stuff yeah if we need it to use yeah well yeah that might come in handy are we getting shot by a back ok so thank you very much that's that's obviously you've been a great help now how do you feel about helping me with a bounty hunting mission for next episode cuz I I got would be late ok cuz it might be a long episode so we I just need you to be with me I guess an extra person makes your eyes is better than none and also the only reason why I'm asking you to come along usually my bounty hunting business is like solo but like this one will include all of us because if I get this we get a really really rare tool which will make bass building extremely nice like really good and if we were going to make ourself it'd be it'd be tough enough I don't even know how it works perfectly honest but this guys didn't give it to us and I also might try and throw in free repairs because I know they I think they're costly to repair will you be in yeah I would love to help yeah I would love to help crafts in steel Harbor yes let's get crackin I'll see you in a minute alright so basically at the moment guys I am currently pre recording minecraft war we're up to stuff but this episode has been interesting we found our enemy we got some information on them but twin or J Tom like I said you can have the first strike if this war is real like I said I don't know if you actually wrote those I don't know if they're just quote-unquote words I'm gonna wait and see before I throw everything because I don't want to I don't want to mess this up so base what I'm saying is that you have first jump and that's actually really valuable because if you do it right you could us but let's see if you could do it right and every guy is like I said this show is just starting up this is a new season we're starting to learn everything about everyone this is what this show is about thank you very much for watching I will see you in the next episode where we could be home to achieve we will be attempting to hunt down a guy called recce dude for a very very powerful pickaxe anyway guys thank you very much watching I'll see you in the next episode [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 99,089
Rating: 4.9385905 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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