First Two Finke 🏁 2021 Tatts Finke Desert Race

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toby price mark dutton you guys are the first to arrive down here at fink you've covered that 226 k's pretty quickly have you got official word on what that time looks like at the minute start with you toby uh yeah it was a good run and it looks like it was about an hour and 39 minutes so i'm not too sure in the seconds but uh yeah it's it's it's moving it's a pretty quick time this year we we thought we'd be about five minutes quicker than last year and i think that's where we've kind of situated so now we had a good run thought i'd done an amazing job in the truck and kept everything under under wraps and yeah called really well so we were stoked and track conditions on the run down you've been here you've had a couple of runs over the last month or so what were they like today yeah they hadn't changed too much so the the first 70ks was quite smooth they'd done a lot of work through there and then we got a little bit of a rough section in that 780k mark but then after that we just try to keep a good pace and um yeah look after the truck but also carry some good momentum and uh yeah get through but we uh did a good job and we're stoked to be here josh how's your second to leave alice spring second to come in to fink down at this end how was your run this morning yeah good run yeah nice um pretty clean air so um happy happy to finish in second and take off again tomorrow in the same spot so yeah couldn't have gone better and the approach this morning do you take off pretty easy and that first 70 odd case get a bit of a sense for it and then up the speed from there or was it pretty rhythmic the whole way through ah we found our rhythm pretty quickly um and then just tried to stick in it like normal and um yeah that's what we did we just carried the same same sort of momentum through the whole thing and we sort of didn't know where we were going to sit i think we seen some dust coming off but it was coming off the service road it wasn't off toby toby sort of left us a little bit there so um but yeah look that's good good on him for putting down a good time down here and start off tomorrow with beau closer to behind us than what he was this morning but um yeah we're good under pressure so we just do what we did this morning and see hopefully back in alice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Motorsport Australia
Views: 40,173
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Id: SQbeQ2CC5U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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