First to Win a Championship Wins!

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tanman and I are taking over FCS schools and the first person to win a championship wins we'll be playing in an online dynasty together with my team being the North Dakota State Bison and his being the South Dakota State Jackrabbit the twist for this rebuild is both of our rosters are starting with zero players so this first recruiting class is incredibly important we'll also be beginning in the Mountain West but once you win a conference Championship you get moved to the Pac-12 and that's the only way you can earn a playoff spot lastly we're only allowed to recruit three stars until we win a bowl game and since our two teams are big rivals we'll be playing each other every season on two minute quarters hopefully I can out recruit him for any guys he might want and the online versus rebuild starts now at least we're leading for two of our top targets that's the bad side I might get Justin but you might get you're probably gonna get Andy on me you can take Justin I'll take Andy that's a fair trade-off yeah we have a deal okay yes let's go Justin Thomas Justin Whitaker Derek McFadden the rest the board looks really awesome I'm pretty happy with how the things are going we do have some battles though with Mr Bordeaux for Shannon Clemens and also Daniel Martin on my side of things I still haven't gotten this single commit and yes I am competing for these two players with tan man well we lost our second visit week 49-0 but thankfully that didn't stop all of these guys from coming to our school including Alan Keenan who he beat out tan man for this is the first Big Tab transfer request did we get anybody okay that's okay that's bad I know people want to come play for you come on Sensei I'm gonna be devastated is that Cade Mac numera's brother all right so this is gonna be about board for sounding day we're going after Shannon to sit at Daniel because we already have a defensive tackle committed in the rest of these guys we have the lead for just really hoping they sign here I am going all in on Daniel and you can have Shannon if you got him this ended up working out pretty well we got what we wanted both of us in we I just dumped points in the Daniel for no reason I finished with the 65th best recruiting class I'm not sure what that's going to stack up against yours and I'm still not quite sure how I feel about all these guys I did go after quite a few juco's but I also have some high overall guys that are freshmen which will develop very nicely end up with the top 50 class which was above Mr Bordeaux but that's just because we had a lot of guys working sadly we only signed 15 guys on their board but there is a lot of quality here and there's a lot of old guys as well well so next couple years we need to go after some freshmen oh your red shirt and the walk-on there's no reason to Redshirt them they're 40. we're going to register them we're both projected to finish at the bottom of the conference so you have a better team than me going into this first year I am projected to be too better than you even if we're at the bottom of the list so recruiting wise these are our big boys we're going for all of them we need them they're coming for a visit this week against FCS Southeast you can't be like how okay that's good they shouldn't have committed to you but you'll have a lead well it is time for the big game I have 12 people on a visit all against South Dakota State versus tan man and going into this one somehow we're two and two and I am not sure how we beat Fresno State we're Owen four and I don't quite know how because I was thinking we'd win one of these FCS games and we won none of them a higher overall team I have the way better offense Tanner just go out there and execute I think this is just a sick Stadium get in there oh gosh does the punt return defense get it done it does not just run 86 oh we ran them over two five seconds left in the half third and goal I'm expecting a wrong commit but there we go oh no okay this is it come on yes well I don't know what he's supposed to do right there he's that Spider-Man jump above him no no come on please oh shoot he might be gone that's it there's no way he was able to do that we'll go with some trickery some trickery get a block over there get a block come on 100 confidence how did he jump I think every one of these two minute rivalry games are gonna be super fun nothing's open oh the Foster's kind of bubble bubble dude there's just no Foster wait no this is great to start our thing in the Fargo Dome with a win after that result there are seven people that committed to the program including a ton of people that we are battling it out with tan man for and I'm thrilled that we stole Phil Ryan you're owing 18. that team's better than yours and I keep losing I'm hoping you don't beat me out for these two no reason we should be losing to 1-6 San Diego State by 42. let's not act like we don't have 63 overall teams right now if I could just get Logan in Troy with those two guys the class still sucks but it makes it a lot better we lost every single game including all three FCS games initial in last place so yeah it was a great season all the way around I'm really proud of the team what they put together recruiting is also going horribly uh his class looks 10 times better than mine we lost a lot of guys because we lost to him in our head games and you can imagine how happy I am taking a look at all of these guys we have 17 people that have already committed and I'm hoping that we can get a full 25 player recruiting class should say gumbo got fired uh I still don't know how we were not able to beat a single FCS school oh by the way by the way I'm on the hot seat dude I need to beat you next year I need to get you fired oh these transfers are terrible We're not gonna get Logan there's just no point of even trying either Cal or uh Mr Bordeaux because I don't have enough points but we're trying to get the rest of the guys on the board like Troy Fagan and Brett Lewis I mean the class is awful we just gotta try and get the scraps that we have left I'm not quite sure what tan man's gonna do but I've decided to go all in on Logan I really need him and that's my goal well just like expected Logan committed he got Troy but Aaron Adams a 70 overall quarterback came to us and I know for a fact we out recruited him with this class by far because we ended up finishing inside the top 50 just like he did last year at 45. 92nd of the country things just seem to somehow only get worse Greg and Ron just are not signing anywhere and our class is it's not good I mean I ain't gonna sugarcoated it's better than that I told you I told you I get a walk on that's a random walk-on oh yes dude you never if you saw this kid on my board you would have taken notes you know your recruiting class was so bad that I can't even be upset I think my team will be better than this year I'm not gonna lie oh oh your overalls are actually a lot higher maybe not my quarterback position is a lot better looking than yours to start year number three I am projected to finish a little bit above him we are both 77 overall teams and that's a huge jump from last year because we're both chilling around 60 overall and I think these guys are going to be able to get it done I've already gotten a lot of good young players onto the roster so we'll see how season three goes but I am on the hot seat you put literally every single guy I'm going after on your board I just went through and looked and it was every single one it can't get all off of Kenya you'll have to concede some of them to me please lose yes you cannot act this is I'm a c plus they're a d how you're on the 25 game losing streak that's how if I can start out the year with a win against FCS Southeast I won't get fired but if I get fired and I lose we're in trouble please okay it cannot happen again please do not happen again please okay we're fine I have to beat you everybody's coming for a visit that week losing to North Dakota would be terrible oh my gosh yes yes well it is definitely not ideal to start out with two losses to FCS school so I am jumping into this game and I'm also not too happy with the recruits we have on the board besides a couple juco's so even though they're on a visit I'm not sure if I even want them to come in going into half time up by 10 isn't bad and thankfully it would never get closer than that as we had a great second half and we're gonna win by 14. well thankfully that result meant that these five players have committed to the program open up the season lose it to another FCS school so that may Zone 25 but we did bounce back back to back weeks and then got clobbered by Hawaii and for this next game we're playing Bordeaux and we have eight guys visiting we really need to win this game this year the game is at your place the first drive should end with a touchdown just like last year I'm jumping over this lineman third and 14. come on oh you're scrambling that should have been a pick he's open he's open no yes oh that should have been a pick probably pick six I couldn't tell you how many times have you ran and don't this game is unbelievable I'm gonna have to be smart take my three and the half up ten to zero that is incredible we need to score fast guys because we need to stop on defense two yeah catch go touch up touch up no no don't become my linebacker no just the school third and fourteen I have to take the oh gosh oh gosh no no no there's no way that n just picked that off no hit him yes thank you good catch all right we go with the counter I gotta get off the block get out dude that was a good cut back holy go go go go go go go go go go go go thank you go please be fast enough okay I'm gonna have to score don't you dare get toasted don't you dare get toasted no please no please no barely edging it out I think I won by three last time as well after losing three straight I've switched our offense back to the option and against Colorado State it's not gonna work on the bright side quite a few people are visiting so I'm starting to build a little bit of depth with these recruits our season just hasn't gone well at all we're three and seven one and six in the conference after the last aboard doe we lost four or less five it looks like and things haven't gone any better for me as we've lost five straight as well putting us at three and seven for week 13 we play the Catherine's big dog Boise State let's just try and shock the world second and goal high-stake situation lots of pressure on me just run Mike Mike oh I'm complaining all this I bet no you can't risk it I'm not gonna lose up some heebie gbbs like that yes please ice swear let's just go safety I get rewarded for being an idiot oh my God you can't be serious please please please please please please please please please oh my gosh oh my gosh you you did not just do that I've never seen anybody lose a game like that five minutes ago I watched you blow a game you should have won and now I'm definitely not gonna get fired job security is at 74 another season of sucking to know it's surprised I mean it's just it's it's a ritual at this point as for me this is our second year going four and eight so I'm not too upset about it well you guys are all juco's from a couple years ago we were hoping you guys would help us turn this uh program around and that did not happen at all the bison are also going to lose a couple of Juco seniors really small class this year for us but we did find some really good guys like Ben Rivas 70th class in the country would have liked more guys but maybe we can do that next year and with 25 recruits signed I finished with the 30th best class in the country although there aren't that many high overalls I ended up getting everybody I went after and once again this was all about building a ton of depth for the future since the second year recruiting went awfully uh North Dakota state has got a five overall advantage on us for the team this year honestly it's got some high overall guys it's just there's not much like spread Talent like a quarterback we're seven of the future Jake McNamara is the guy in the Detroit fig is gonna be the guy after him but positions like cornerback are just awful as for my team I'm very happy with the depth we have on it it is an 84 overall and Matt Foster is up to an 85. are you sure I'm gonna lose my mind dude what happened we lost you know what happened like how do we keep losing to F I you are you serious how are we yes yes why is FIU so good I'm not sure we're ever escaping the same conference I'm not scheduling FIU next year by the way we'll visit week against one and three UNLV is very scary no yes this is the downfall of North Dakota state football I was not expecting to start the year with two losses but I can't say it's all been terrible on visit week against UNLV even though we lost all of these guys ended up committing to our program and I'd love to say that's good news but you're about to hear why it is not good news at all we're finally getting some fortunate luck we're four and one I don't know what happened week one we're just gonna act like it never happened but since then we won four straight games our oven's been really good this week though we're playing Bordeaux and I've lost two in a row I think my team's way better I think this is going to be a tough one hey I got the but I got the superior quarterback man I don't know what you're talking about oh my God there we go oh there we go there we go get in there what are you doing on Fourth and goal no no no that's good yeah yeah that's the slow Corner dude let's start with the guy threw it too I don't know oh my gosh oh uh this is okay whatever bro go go oh my gosh whatever your quarterback's Usain Bolt with time with Tom Brady I'm talking about your partner I'm still not pissed off oh no oh no oh God thank you please God dang I needed six right there oh stop it I'm not an idiot oh you might have missed that that's close uh oh that guy's open there's no way you should have gone that much time I don't know how that just occurred no Jerome okay okay it's fine actually I'm up three oh that's fine with me I'm gonna take it home you're fine with me pitch It Go Go yes come on come on oh my gosh come on no no is it possible to get into field goal range at this point yes yes no way he caught that yes my Kicker is like 80 kick power it all comes down to this I don't fine we're gonna go underneath cut it back cut it back tackle get it out there serious thank God thank the habits I finally yes it's a huge win for 501 now okay Dan Cook committed That's good I've beat you out for recruits this entire video and be honest after that lost the tan man I feel like I have to jump into this game at number 20 Boise State and if I can somehow pull this one off I'll still feel like there's a chance of me turning this season around well with about three minutes left we have a three-point lead that we're just trying to hold on to at the end and Adams is getting it done but I don't like that we're having to use our backup quarterback if Matt Foster doesn't come back from injury soon we could be in a lot of trouble and it's great and all that we're probably about to beat number 20 Boise State but I'm still not happy well thankfully we were able to hold on there and that's the biggest win we've had in this dynasty yeah I didn't lose on a safety you know I remember the one overboard though we lost two of our last three which it's not exactly what you want we're sitting in a nice pristine six and three foreign tuner conference I'm pretty sure we've already clinched a bowl game recruiting wise we only have one commit right now it's Jeff Jordan but we have a ton of guys coming for a visit this week I have 17 guys are scheduled uh it's a really important game this week against Air Force well they scored for team points so I guess that's cool for them but yeah this one's uh we're just gonna run the clock out as our team gallops off the field of Joy it's a great day even though my team was the only one to beat Boise State we ended up finishing at the bottom of our division and it's the third year in a row I've gone four and eight but at least I still have a job it's not perfect but my job security is just high enough and now we get to see which bowl game tan man makes we finished seven and five so I'm happy about that but uh we didn't make a bowl game probably because two of our three wins were FCS schools he did get a contract extension your four and eight four and eight four and a and they're just not gonna can you if I don't have a good year this year I'm not going to get a new contract though yes three oh three no one not two but three that's my quarterback of the future new defensive coordinator though all you have is one dude transferring out I Really Gonna Miss Justin Thomas he helped us be Bordeaux well it's official after tan man got locked out we got Derek Rogers and all around I finished with the 40th best recruiting class in the country which is great especially because it was filled of so many freshmen that are very high overalls I'm not gonna sugarcoat it this class is probably not probably it definitely is where worse than Mr Bordeaux but hopefully next year you can get some more High overall guys I take no oh my gosh oh my gosh my team's in 83 overall uh I'm honestly pretty happy with it but uh not compared to this guy's team I feel like this is our Championship window coming in at a 90 overall with the senior quarterback and most of our best players are also seniors so hopefully we can win a conference Championship don't lose to North Dakota I'm a 90 overall thank goodness if we lose to Ball State of all teams come on you thank you thank you dude well six weeks into the season right now this is what the conference standings are looking like and I'm not gonna lie it's a 90 overall team I'm not happy with the loss at San Jose State but now I want to make the same mistake as last year so we scheduled Ball State Western Michigan and Akron we want 2-1 of those games if I can win this game I don't think there's any chance you can win the conference gosh I saw it good skull just smack the marriage running back get out there no please for the love of God I need to Fumble four seconds okay that's fine we're gonna try it though yes yes great that was perfect okay he's toasted him yeah we're good dude that's a cool what the these contains bro pick it pick it hit him oh how hard is it to just have one game that's not close don't like that um oh yeah oh yeah oh my God cover too I couldn't even adjust anything I don't know dude my defensive line is supposed to be the strong point my team but you get 10 times more pressure than I do seven three you should do a quarterback dude I can't wait for that guy to leave he's not in fact he's not good during SIM for the fourth annual rivalry game North Dakota State comes out on top so I have four people by the way I don't know what type of great class this is supposed to be I don't understand how a 90 overall team is losing this bad to Air Force the Sim in this game just doesn't make any sense at all this should be our year where we win the conference okay that's very fortunate at the absolute bottom of the Mountain West Conference lost two games in a row after he lost to Mr bordeaux's and yeah our defense has just been putrid but for this week we're playing Wyoming in the road so now they're six and one we just need to try and get seven here and just open our defense can hold on maybe score at the buzzer oh no we don't need to touch soon let's play the game though we just gotta make sure you don't fudge us up come on guys another stupid thank you it's a long shot but Utah state has lost in with Wyoming losing to tan man we could still win it I could see us losing this game I won't even be surprised thank you you just keep winning these close battles man going into this Utah State game we are one game behind them in the conference and thankfully that's because we pulled away a couple close results and we're on a four-game winning streak this is the most important game in this dynasty and with 19 seconds left on Fourth and goal we're going to hold them ever since I switched to the 4-3 the defense has played better well both of these last games are very important for Sam I could win the conference and tan man could end up making a bowl game so first we'll see how mine goes against Montana and it is going to be a five-point win here we go guys we finally got a bowl game this Mountain West Conference Championship game is not going to be easy and through the first quarter and a half I feel like we've just been the better team with four minutes left we are still up by eight so I think we're gonna end up being okay but I'm not gonna lie I'm not happy with how the offense is played I built this team around having a solid defense though and they've done everything that we've needed to as Kelly is going to get this interception what a perfect ending this is going to be and North Dakota state has won the Mountain West meaning we will be in the Pac-12 next season now it's time to see which bowl games we made and I have to play number seven Arizona while tanman has to play against FAU remember if we win these we can then go after four and five star recruit so this is incredibly important I'm not thrilled that we're playing against the number seven team in the country but it hasn't mattered and even though our defense stopped playing as well we just need one more first down but with that drop we have to get it here and that is going to be game thankfully we can now go after four and five star recruits oh I can't believe they're able to lift him up now the reds are looking to score Jake make a Play Come On Jakey jakey poo Jake let's go well we're slapping them around so far we're gonna kick out of this vehicle without a get a 23 point lead at the half so hopefully we just don't choke this we ended up winning 51 to nothing it's a great day to be a jackrabbits fan I guess it was a good thing they didn't fire you if I was the ad I would have tossed you a five-year extension I mean I'll take it we definitely had our best season yet but we did it at the cost of pretty much losing all of our best players to graduation since Mr bordell is going to be moving on to the Pac-12 we need to win the mount West next year and there's no reason why we shouldn't so my strategy is uh not what I'm happy about partaking in but uh Marcus he's gonna be our rival for the next four years I think I've tricked tan man I told him I was going to dump all 15K into Marcus rice but I actually wanted to save some extra and I'm hoping he doesn't go after him but evidently paid off he clearly didn't put any points into Marcus and we're gonna end up finishing with the 56 best recruiting class in the country which isn't my best work yet but there's still a lot of great guys in here a lot of juco's and a lot of athletes but you know what I'm pretty happy with it well looks like we got bamboos on a trick or team in class her two best guys are juco's I'm pretty happy with the overall halls with the brights of this Dexter and go after four and five star recruits so we can make up for a lot of losses that we've had in the last couple years this is the first year my training results have actually been good there's a lot more fives than threes North Dakota state has officially made it into the Pac-12 how's it going over there tan man it's all right we'll we'll see you next year in the Pac-12 for my first year in the Pac-12 I'm actually happy to say that we're projected to finish third in our division and even though Aaron Adams is younger and a higher overall I'm gonna be starting senior clay Thomas looks like we're up to an 86 overall projected second in our conference uh division this year's I really hope we can win it I'm honestly pretty happy with the quality players in the team I just feel like we don't have much depth I said put it at our place they said we want to play at central Michigan and we lose we lose I hate this team and you didn't even finish your recruiting so that's great too I was awfully confident in the preseason and uh has not exactly uh come to fruition beat Acker by three lost to Colorado state they're one and four so yeah all three of our losses are just no bad I'm definitely not happy that during our non-conference games we lost one of them but after also losing the USC I'm guessing that we're not going to have a great year in the Pac-12 I'm also going to make a quarterback switch just because I want to get Junior Aaron Adams involved and I'm also going to force them to Sling It by running an Air Raid Offense we've made it to season six and we still suck oh 14 is my tight end oh he looks massive running backs wide open oh that's open that's open come on come on Hollis all the way in oh that's all right are you gonna go for this because you have 38 seconds left if I don't get this I can get the ball back with three timeouts so I don't see why I wouldn't try to go for it with goodness gracious oh no perfect catch thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you yes there's no way I wouldn't have time with 17 seconds left to make a technical bounce the interceptions come and Tackle them in bounce tackle them in bounce that's in bounce that is in bounds come on boys yeah I'm not gonna get it you cannot be serious dude no one no please yes yes it's always a good one it is always a good one well unfortunately like expected there's not a chance I win our division this year but we're still ball eligible and I am going to play against Utah because 81 overall athlete Mark Ray is on a visit here and he has 98 speed evidently we were just a bit better than Utah the fact that we held them the 14 is very good we won but I just don't think it's going to be enough to get Mark right he's on a visit to Syracuse this week Mark Ray committed to our team he was on a visit at Syracuse and he decided to commit they're not even on his board anymore we just landed the five-star 98 speed guy I'm not as upset about the loss to Central Michigan considering they finished 11-1 and USC did as well but the loss to Cal does hurt have that heartbreaking loss we really turn things around this is a minor miracle we started one at five but we finished six and six so yeah just great chat guys we're gonna turn the season around on the recruit front though things are going pretty decent I'm not exactly like ecstatic about the class but there's definitely some really good players I'm happy about Landing I get to play in the Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl you get the Cheez-It one I mean I'm not sure I should really be excited about this but we are going to dominate in the Sun Bowl against Georgia Tech in our bowl game we're playing Old Dominion oh it's a touch on X yeah touchdown relax game over Jerome Thomas way to seal the W buddy looks like Ben 10 and Troy Fagan are both gonna stay Thank the heavens we have like 10 guys graduating as well but honestly we're not missing too much well it sure did not feel like it but I guess I signed the top 10 class and I guess I'm really happy about it because I was able to get 98 speed Mark Rey and future quarterback Michael Sharp I think it's without a doubt our best tall yet and what if like more guys in this class but maybe we'll do that for next year we signed a top 30 class it doesn't help that we didn't really sign that many guys I think I have to put Mark Ray at half back with 98 speed for once we are rejected at the top of the Mountain West Conference Mountain division really happy about that just thank goodness for Troy Fagan coming back I mean I really need him to explode this year North Dakota please North Dakota how how I'm a 97 overall this is our year to make the playoffs because we're so much better than everybody else in our conference by overall but we lose to North Dakota so James uh can I have a post game press conference for what just occur we suck is that all you have to say coach James I'm I I regret to reform inform you this might be the happiest day of my life you know I can't make the playoffs now well considering we just lost to an FCS school I'm expecting us to lose to UCF and we are going to actually win this but not against North Dakota we start the season 10 while we beat North Dakota which is something that uh Mr uh Bordeaux cannot say and then uh lost to Michigan State by four this is gonna be fun isn't it another one interesting touchdown let's go Jerome oh yeah get out get out get out oh go he's quick he's quick yeah yeah I noticed oh this is awesome I love it did you just move all those guys over there for me go go go go go go go dive this is ridiculous four years of him four years I'll take it I'm not gonna complain pick it pick it pick it yes Allen is manned up on that perfect I have a little bit of Joy using my five star recruit that I worked so hard to get he's just so I think the thing to go with here is a run I think that's the way I want to end the half he's just so fast come on come on 11 seconds left in the half and you run this ball it worked you weren't expecting it I like the open side of the field oh god oh that that should have been a fumble oh yeah we're good we got time we got time no chance no chance no I think we can hold you I think we can hold you you're at the 10 now yeah we're fine so I had to run commit please no stole baby 19 seconds left one time out and I'm gonna go with the run because if the Run works then it works that's a first down five four three get out get out get out no let's go come on overtime let's go boys he has a lot of time in the pocket oh no let's go no way we left it you left it you left it baby let's go come on let's get out to the outside Taco shame please go Shane oh no thank you thank you you fudged that up we're just gonna try scoring away she cut that back so smooth oh get in that open space get in third and three please yes good fight we're in a tight spot here this is not an easy place to score man good good two good 2D good D wait can I return this can I return this come on come on get out get out please I don't think he's fast enough this guy over there this time but I want to get him out come on guys what is he doing I've never seen anybody punch it out like that before that I told her she's a freshman man he's a freshman he gets rattled easily and now if I score here you're just gonna be even more rattled oh my God please oh no I had him but I didn't have enough time oh he is wide open dude what in the world cut it cut it go right tackle place it outside cut it to the outside yes yes no [Music] there's no way that I was doing a quarterback sneak hopefully this works out for me no way oh thank you I am simply just staying the fact if you don't get this I just kicked three and I win the game oh that's not open just go please no baby let's go finally man yes yes that's what you should have done last year that's what you should have done last year I still can't believe I lost in North Dakota that makes no sense we're starting to cook over here in South Dakota pretty much if we want to have a chance at winning our division this year we need Colorado to lose they ended up beating us even though we've won since then it's just depressing how we started the year we lose again I don't understand we're a 97. things are going beautifully in Brookings uh South Dakota I mean I've been waiting for this for so many years but it's finally happening so after the heroic win over Mr Bordeaux we went on a four uh it's a five game when we're just killing teams left and right man on the recruiter got four guys committed and they're all very good at football so definitely happy about having them on board for this week though we're playing Air Force and they're second in our division so yeah it's as simple it's a must win game the offense you're just gonna try and steal the deal here boys we got this come on guys beat man coverage thank you touchdown touch thank you sayonara Air Force we're still undefeated in conference play dude if there was a year to win an Addie to be this year I'm so sad I'm not in the Pac-12 boys let's not ever complicate the situation we are the better football team just go out there and showcase it what's it going what's it like over there Tanner I gotta hope that they lose to somebody everything just changed because you can now lose the Mountain West and I can potentially win the Pac-12 if Colorado just loses one more game we don't have the tiebreaker over them though Utah ended up putting up a good fight but we should have the edge in the end Rey is just too good and this means we're gonna finish the regular season at eight and four giving us a chance to win the Pac-12 at this point all I can do is root for a Colorado loss what's gonna happen in Boise State's game please pay one yes they've won the conference it's unfortunate but Colorado ended up winning out so I will not make the Pac-12 championship and it's a depression is real try Fagan that a phenomenal year this year just unfortunately did not win the Mountain West but good job to you buddy well at this point in the dynasty it doesn't make any sense to continue to jump into bowl games I'm just going to sim them and we won the Las Vegas Bowl hey boys time for a butt whooping let's give the Pirates the guillotine come on boys come on let's go Sugar Bowl time I'm doing so well that even after seven years they want to give me another six year extension or losing Aaron Adams and a lot of really good seniors I'm not sure if the team's gonna be much better next year but hopefully we can finally make a playoff push ah Ben 10 gonna miss you buddy he didn't really produce like a first round draft pick but you know what he's good enough have fun in the NFL kid more sad news uh Thomas is transferring into his Titus oh we do have two quarterbacks getting drafted maybe that'll help recruiting at least I hope so Tanner and I are competing for these last few players and if I'm gonna be honest I'm just gonna put it all on Chad I don't really need Pat Burke he's just a quarterback and he's not good compared to the guys I got so the mindset is we want Chad brought her really badly because he's a 77 overall he might be a Juco but he can help us out pretty quickly compared to Pat Burke so we'll see how things go well time to find out what happened I'm hoping I was able to get who I wanted and I did that is very good look at that we both finished with top 10 recruiting classes as for mine I really don't like it but at the end of the day it's just more people that we can get onto the field more depth and hopefully we can pull something off next year as for my class I'm honestly really happy with it um it's not like it's some World beater or something special but it is top 10 class and we did pick up some studs so I'm definitely happy with it well going into season eight thankfully I'm projected to win the Pac-12 Dion's done a great job with Colorado but we're just a little bit better I'm also not sure how I feel about this but I am going to start freshman Michael Sharp I said I would do it and he might only be in 83 but I think he's going to be really good looks like our defense made a big step up but her offense took a step back his choice cam but I mean honestly we're protected the top but last year we were two and a quarterback though we're gonna start Garrett Fontaine he's got 90 speed he's a little he's a little shorter on the shorter side and the rest of the roster got two really good offensive lineman it's just there's a lot of high quality guys it's just not as much depth unfortunately going into our rivalry match up me versus tanman we are both undefeated so this is going to be a massive one this is miserable this is our lowest scoring game yet we both have like 97 defenses dude yes all right oh that block was really good that's ridiculous oh no please be an understood I needed to touchdown fast right there no no no no no no no no oh yes okay no no yes go get six go get six oh okay yes thank you thank you so much oh yeah yes yes I want to throw circles yeah I should have just run out the clock but that would have been fun pick it pick it yes yes all right for the win come on thank goodness oh good we actually got the result we deserved against North Dakota this year last year we lost to Colorado if it happens again I'm gonna be depressed but it doesn't is it weak against UCLA is not gonna go yes yes I have to go 5-0 in these games if I want to make the playoffs and I also cannot lose the conference with some of those very tough matchups things started really hot and then uh last week we lost the Air Force but I still feel pretty confident we got to play Boise this week we're playing really good so far to start but I really would have wished that we've got seven right here but we're going to settle for three but I hate my life did you miss that no it's I mean I mean how did you miss a 28-yard field goal thing to have a sweet be Boise State this year we just need to win that West I'm tired of this stupid conference we need to go to the Pac-12 I want to start playing uh in those big boys at least I'm gonna win the Pac-12 this year theoretically with three minutes left we're gonna have a one point lead on the Ute all right so a win over Utah means we're gonna win our division and that's great and all but I really want to play off spot how did we lose so USF by 17. even though we just lost a game we shouldn't have I can still be happy that we are going to be in the Pac-12 championship and it's time to take down Stanford they're ranked fifth in the country so it could end up being a close game but I'm just hoping that we're able to stay on top I gotta say I absolutely love our defense because this has to be one of the most lopsided Pac-12 championship games ever but it makes you wonder how we ever lost three games in Sam we'll have to repeat boys we finished 10-2 so I mean we'll get our points four points against we pushed on and we won three straight but now we're going in our conference title game against San Diego State we need to win this I want to be in the Pac-12 next year not a good situation we really need to get a stop or uh we will lose this game oh God what an awful play call that's game over looks like we finally have won the mount OS cameras and we can finally join Bordeaux in the Pac-12 next year well in my bowl game the Rose Bowl we lost to Wisconsin in the game we beat Florida Atlantic the owls and we have a ton of guys going to the NFL draft go live out your dreams boys I hope you guys have a great time I'm literally losing so many really good people this is gonna be tough all right every Signing Day we're not going to go up to Josh Jones because I I can't go after all four of these guys I'm in like four dog fights you know the fact that I'm gonna get an 81 overall male linebacker most likely I'm happy with that I am happy to say that I finished with the number one class in the country and this is nice because For the first time in a while I feel amazing about all the players I was able to get it's a very deep class of a ton of high overalls Bordeaux amount of fish number one but we were down to pecking order at seven this is definitely probably one of our two best classes here I mean I'm really happy about Brad and Anthony I mean those guys really I mean I'm happy with the class band how does it feel to be in the Pac-12 now it's magical you know it took me a little too long we are almost a part of the best conference and so it appears we are projected to win the Pac-12 East we'll see how it goes though against uh Mr Bordeaux and North Dakota State when it comes to the roster though I'm liking what I'm seeing Greg fontaine's gonna be back at quarterback we have really good running backs with Julius Brewster and Bruce Mitchell I'm really happy about those two big bowling balls I strongly believe we have the better team than Tanner on paper including better than the rest of the Pac-12 as well but that has not proven to mean anything throughout this rebuild so if I'm being honest I won't even be so surprised if we lose week one to North Dakota thankfully we didn't well it's finally happened I am sitting as the number one team in the country and if we scroll down a little bit we might be able to find South Dakota state in all seriousness though this is going to be a tight battle for the top spot in our division and I finally have my first Heisman candidate in Dustin Roberts which means he's been starting because Michael Sharp got injured since we're 5-0 I'm gonna stick with him as the starter for the rest of the season and I've scheduled everybody for a visit this week against Colorado so surely we're gonna go out and get the win which we do I mean we had an awesome year 10-1 I mean I'd like to not talk about the one loss but it's gonna have to be brought up uh we lost to five and six Nevada all that matters is this game against Bordeaux third down come on come on team yeah how did he not catch it hit him right in the helmet holding you to three it's great I'll take it got him got him that's a perfect throw look at Vincent go What's Happening Here on fourth and one no no that's what's happening a stop I hope you drag this oh that's perfect you didn't drag that one that's sexy let's go six point lead and a half third and fourteen third and fourteen yes dude it's a there's no way that that guy can play oh God what are you doing Bordeaux what are you doing he threw it on a delay it was open for the like off the snap but if I still make the playoffs it is what it is that's all that matters talk to injury baby all I can say it's a great day to be a South Dakota resident and also to be a jackrabbits fan baby so after our glorious Victory overboard though we do win the Pac-12 East so we're moving on to the Pac-12 championship and it looks like we are playing California thank goodness I should make it because North Carolina and Florida State play so no matter what I should have a spot in the playoffs the Locos might not be right but thankfully we both made the playoffs and that's because Tanner beat Cal in the conference Championship while Wisconsin lost to Michigan for my semi-final matchup I have to take on FSU and I'm not gonna lie after not scoring for an entire quarter I think it's time to make a quarterback switch last year I started him this year he got hurt and he got benched after that so Michael Sharp is coming back into the starting lineup and so far we seem to be doing so much better with him back there throwing the rock to end the first half I'm hoping we can get into the end zone which we're able to do and it has definitely been a defensive battle but we are finally gonna take a lead at the end of the third we are up by one and we might be able to run out the clock here but instead I'm just gonna take it in with Mark Ray it'll all come down to getting one more defensive stop and I'm going to get the sack so I'll be moving on to the National Championship where there's a good chance I'll have an opportunity to get revenge against Tanner all right boys playing the Tar Heels come on Fountain oh yeah fountainius found tiniest 14 point leads boys foot on the pedal we gotta win this it all comes down to this they stormed all the way back which is not what we wanted but it's all right we can still score right here and win this bad boy it's gonna be a crazy rematch though assuming this goes in that's close though jack rabbits the jackrabbits won it all we have spent 30 hours doing an online dynasty and it comes down to just one matchup to decide who wins why is he wide open oh yes yeah go fake him out fake him out go sharp come on let's go get him get him perfect goal line hold here this is it fourth and goal yes touchdown let's go let's go that might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my entire life I knew it I knew it let's go again oh that's a top top catch it no way oh my God how do you get back to that I don't know all right up ten and a half he gets ball though these are some halftime adjustments he's clearly rattled third string quarterback in right now and on the right option he's gone awesome Avid is humming just need to get another stop on defense boys go go yes there's where is the zones at the middle of the field I am rattled I'm pissed off right now as I should be getting a little rattled I feel like the punt's coming I feel like he's just wasting clock do I have the final drive goat again spin out of there let's go Landry that spin move is so clean that was the slowest spin move I've ever seen in my entire life and it worked oh shoot I got stuck I got stuck someone make a play on him tackle him here we go pick it pick it yes yes yes that's it really that's ridiculous that is ridiculous oh my god dude that is ridiculous that is absurd if you are expecting the Run should every person get open stop it stop justifying your bad play call stop justifying bad play call who who just won a national championship who just won it it's literally the name of it who just won it all hopefully you guys enjoyed the wild ending along with the online rebuild and tanman and I did a whole separate one over on his channel which you can find by clicking the link in the description or on screen
Channel: Bordeaux
Views: 139,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ncaa football 14 gameplay, ncaa football revamped, college football revamped, ncaa football 14 mod, ncaa football 14, cfb revamped, college football mod, ncaa football 24, ncaa football 14 dynasty, cfb revamped dynasty, college football 24, ncaa football video game, ncaa football 23, ncaa football rebuild, ncaa football 14 rebuild, ncaa football 23 rebuild, create a team, custom team, ncaa football 25, ndsu, sdsu, online rebuild, versus rebuild, north dakota state
Id: uyfomKQTCxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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