First Time Watching UP (2009) Group Movie Reaction | This Was So Sad!

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we're here for some up I've seen it many many moons ago I don't really remember much of it it's a little sad but you know we're not getting into this because the other boys haven't I'm here to join them I I am aware of it it is sad I don't know why it's sad and balloons I do know it's sad and I also know about balloons but again that's because literally it's the cover of the the things yeah yeah it's like it's just like an old man with balloons man you'll learn I'm boom and this is up I just realized the last video we did not introduce ourselves we got to make sure it put the tags up on that one yish profession now professionals [Music] ah boys you are you all ain't ready like bro when you guys are like hey let's go watch up I'm like we've literally been putting this movie off for like two months because like I know it's been sad and so it's like every time we've had the ability to record something else I've been like News of the World foreign now that's a chin oh big chicken [Laughter] let me guess he disappears he never comes back yeah it does feel like he never comes back [Music] I just realized it has an outhouse this is like pre-indoor Plumbing [Laughter] [Music] oh why is this it is set up is he gonna get is he gonna get issachied squatter Spirit of Adventure well I mean it's probably a kid just playing in a abandoned house that's what kids do I often you know spent my time in my childhood abandoned houses abandoned houses just hanging out driving the weather [ __ ] I set up clubhouses and abandoned houses it's so cute though you're from the Midwest so abandoned houses are dumb a dozen oh god oh my God yo electricity a great oh my God that's adorable [Music] well we know who's returning the mashed potatoes when they order fries in this relationship right she shoved him all the way up there walk the plank oh wow oh man that's messed up but hilarious that was a hot dog oh God the movie's right yeah yeah he said yeah he yelled no at the movies yeah checks out that makes total sense so we're totally gonna go here right like that's like the third time they've brought it up hopefully and when these pages you know that would be tough to understand because they're still [ __ ] outside so like the idea of like making it somewhere that far is probably like impossible right yeah doesn't even know his name we call that the h-man effect all right the less you say the lessons oh my God what a Time skip Carl okay oh my God why are you that's totally the sad thing isn't it why you gotta breathe bring that into this because damn it I everybody always says this is sad and this is so [ __ ] touching that I know it's going to be heartbreaking okay I think the baby fever is setting in oh no why is the music slowing down no you got to be kidding me bro it's only been like 15 minutes this is oh oh no oh oh my God they're getting older too oh oh no their whole life is bro I can't can we just talk about this amazing storytelling that we haven't even heard a single lines it's so good oh and they've just lived a happy life and pushed it to the back they have just had a very happy life oh oh my God this man bought her no no no no oh my I hate this [ __ ] movie no are you right after he went to buy the plane tickets I hate this movie what the [ __ ] yep um stamp them we just got to watch their entire lives go past them and how long I can't see the like 10 minutes 10 yeah 11 minutes yeah they told an entire person's story without saying a single word and just letting us listen to beautiful music and watch their lives that was ah if you want our videos one month early and fully uncut click the join button here on YouTube to gain access or check out our patreon links in the description box down below now back to the reaction I hate this so much dude it says can't even be the sad part what's gonna be more sad well it's gonna be more sad than his wife dying bro right before another trip to South America no that is heartbreaking but I will say like I was so afraid that like they were gonna decide to have like a baby and then like then all of a sudden like one of them just collapsed or something and and I'm just glad that they at least got the life together instead of like some sort of like I mean don't be wrong like and the thing is as you get older you like you know your idea of things and your plans for things change right like we're so I'm on the old side of young um and these gents are still on on in the middle age of young um and yeah I mean I'm sure all of us have had ideas of what we wanted to do and then like you know push that to the corner of our mind because we had to do other things with our lives yep you prioritize it and I think that was the the beauty of that whole story yeah I'm just using the jar and kind of like them trying to do it but then always something coming up in like something coming up bro never giving up on their dreams yeah all right first line we've heard in 10 minutes oh God that's what it feels like though oh does he have the little stair chair I hope yeah bro I want one of those now unless you're in a hurry to poop then that probably has to be the worst laughs they they are doing a really good job of the simple storytelling like No Frills or anything just just action still has the tickets he's so adorable oh my God that's all now I want grapes soda yes what the [ __ ] oh my God oh amazing oh it's just a curmudgeonly old man now isn't he oh touching her hand oh my God that's the pig from Toy Story it is it's a potato head I think it's the I think it's the pig then I think [Laughter] [Music] I love he's still say an hour I'll say that it's amazing [Music] that kid is like so he is armored up yeah we're all he ready to get lost he would be over encumbered are you in need yo he said I'm helping you cross something God damn it oh my God oh he needs one right there in the middle it's such a mean truth the wild snipe on I love how that's just generational bro like it just carry it keeps going oh oh no no [Music] oh yo he really creased that man he just he just assaulted that man over a mailbox yeah I mean he said don't touch my mailbox damn they really called the cops on this man look at that guy just looking right at him he said oh your house is mine he's darn suits yo be by in the morning like literally the adventure book oh um oh all of those are uh helium tanks yeah oh my God yo how the hell he was a balloon salesman first that is true but how many balloons do you actually think you would need a lot more than that but we're in the magic of animation and Imagination yo magical experience though yeah but that man is one BB gun away from instant death you're not wrong though [Music] I swear to God this ends up being one of those things where it was like all in his head the whole time I'm gonna be so pissed getting close to not clearing some stuff [Music] oh oh my God that's actually awesome oh he's steering it like she did when when they first met that's such a cute touch that is gorgeous what oh no it's not the little boy is it how though what what the hell did he show up from oh no oh [Laughter] bless his stupid heart he chased a possum no [Music] what's your plan to land this thing bro just just cut some strings at a time he's gonna try to drop him off oh my God oh god oh that would oh I hate hides bro oh that's not gonna work oh my God how did we get him back I think he was just thinking about it no more oh yeah uh yeah I was like there's a there's a storm coming the AC is on also for those that don't know it's like very cold up in the sky yep yeah you are kind of just at the the mercy of the weather I guess at that point huh block the door thank you good save Jesus that was a stressful situation [Laughter] bro ain't you got some parents I gotta be worried somewhere how is he just so chill oh my God child please oh load I can't man I can't true there are mountains in South America to be fair you don't need to be steer in the house oh God okay [Music] yo Russell strong AF yeah [ __ ] do they make it they made it oh yo I just need to get your house down we'll work on that it's not like a garden hose is that strong you know it it's strong enough to keep the house from flying away he man's just strong enough you mean assist you he's not gonna be able to climb all the way up is he I feel like he's gonna look up yeah that's what I was expecting I was like he's gonna look up and he's gonna be right there I mean just just walk the house over that way bruh there you go yeah boom oh my God he said this kid's spitting yeah right I love that you tied him to it she's more would probably be more worried about letting the child die but right nah I get that you gotta get the house in place the Kawaii game oh parents love that game uh what now what an ostrich and uh Roadrunner yeah apparently bro oh God what oh is it gonna be that adventure guys it's dogs oh yeah it could be because remember you said he was going to catch one alive yeah that's what I'm expecting yeah oh my God this keeps getting dragged [Music] oh no he just before [Music] oh no foreign or he's gonna he's gonna get lost or trapped he just pulls out chocolate bar yeah carbo load man he's pulling a house [Laughter] is Big Bird [Laughter] oh oh they're best friends now laughs he said leave my child alone oh snipe [Music] wasn't creepy at all Kevin Kevin [Laughter] I'll change his newspapers oh [Laughter] so we compromised and we're keeping Kevin there's feeding Kevin chocolate on the way oh my God [Music] Doug funny okay dug a little out of pocket I mean that's definitely a rock right yeah yeah probably yeah it is a dog oh he's got one of the collars on oh oh he could talk [Laughter] best boy that's awesome cool don't touch that oh no is he the is he the loser of the group I think so or they think he is I want to keep Doug I want to Doug ie did he did did their voice end up on the wrong setting wrong with your cup [Laughter] oh they are mean to Doug found the bird he doesn't know where he is [Laughter] [Music] oh no you don't clear oh no this guy lifted up the hill hey guys if you want our videos one month early and fully uncut click the join button here on YouTube to gain access or go over to the patreon the description is in the box below now back to the reaction oh my God hi Master afternoon [Music] literally what it's like having animals [Music] that's actually pretty legit come on teach him some life skills the old guy he's got the light on his face I'm guessing his parents don't spend much time with him no it doesn't seem that way oh no like a stepmom probably realism [Music] oh yeah about that oh sure buddy oh he's gonna give him the pin put him in the club he is just like Ali talks a lot super imaginative I noticed that when remember in the rocks and he's like oh that one's like a turtle yeah like that was the first time I'm like oh this is just he's just like Ellie like they're looking at the clouds yeah [Music] I I'm gonna get emotional during the happy moments let alone the sad one that whatever it is that's coming have they made it any closer not really you blend that mostly on Kevin and Doug no no oh no oh he's making a little nest [Laughter] her we gotta make oh Kevin they're away and send her away the water smells of prunes you know they could just go up to the house and no one would be able to mess with them right well neither of them can climb up to the house yet jump off that side and just Glide as far over as I could take the shortcut yo he got a whole Army versus blimp the blimp of evil [Music] okay I feel like men's would just be excited to actually see another human yeah probably I mean assuming it is the adventurer guy yeah I said months yeah yeah I said months yeah [Laughter] who should be dead by now because you were a kid watching him yeah right in the movie theater all the pets that would be heaven like I like you temporarily I will not bite you talking about damn he still has that blimp running bro that's impressive the giggle no oh my God the dog is dusting the bones that service right there yes the dogs also win that's awesome that makes more sense how would you want to go back when you literally have dog butlers [Music] I love it dude oh my God right all you needed was chocolate Death Race he's killed some people yeah that looks like Kevin oh little boy follow you yeah oh this kid can't shut up oh man beer oh [ __ ] oh man this dude is crazy he didn't even get his hot dog Kevin I don't know how I put the garden hose on as a backpack dug to the rescue oh please protect dog I can't let dude kill the child save dog Kevin's like I got you let's go where was this when we just need to get to the other side oh that's definitely not good gonna Crush all the dogs oh okay yo foreign oh that hurts on the butt [ __ ] scale oh it's gonna pull him forward oh hop on dog oh oh thank God there's water underneath there yeah there is water douche okay all right the dogs are okay they showed them being okay that's what matters no one dies in Pixar movies except his wife oh no Kevin you got his first aid badge it's fine oh no damn it Doug wait a minute oh no don't meet your Heroes kids Doug really doesn't like squirrels huh that [ __ ] Phyllis freaking Phyllis poor boy oh oh no oh give me a break Kevin his movie is like one of the more stressful Pixar movies I feel like [Music] um bro what a [ __ ] oh my God oh hell no that man would be down inside of that house I mean you were also standing next to the knife hmm dog deserves better than that doctors are so much better than that Doug the true hero which man hasn't spoken in 10 minutes I no longer know if he's Frozen or not oh yeah you've been zoned in there buddy okay there's some emotions at play here okay give me give me a quick pause Adrian give me give me a recap of your emotions what's going on here buddy the little kid is blaming and for giving up Kevin but he's a little kid so he doesn't quite understand Doug didn't deserve that but I understand the anger because his house almost burnt down that has everything with his wife's everything in it and it's yes I would have gone to save the house with all of my dead wife's things in it yes because the bird is not going to die to be specific he capturing the bird alive to bring it back and the world isn't how it used to be what about her babies though the world isn't how it used to be anymore more than likely they would return the bird because the world has changed and and taking animals out of their habitats not you're not you're not going to the newspaper anymore other than as a bad thing not a good thing anymore bad also you can take care of the babies you can bring the baby's food not impossible more chocolate probably probably not if I had the guess probably not chocolate um okay you think he's gonna make it sioni do I think he's gonna make it I guess you already know yeah yeah I was like why are you like do you think do you think you made it the house is landed do you think he made a boom I think this is going to be one of those that he's gonna feel bad and turn back and I was just landed I'm just wondering if you think he made it do I think he made it yeah I don't know man it's a Pixar movie so he could be like a little bit short but uh uh uh you know what just for the sake of how terrible this movie's been the sake of straight you know what I'm gonna say he made it even though I don't think he actually made it such a stressful thank you very much I want him to have made it as well it's been a long time since I've seen this I remember bits and pieces of it but damn this is stressful it bro this is the yeah he made it yay but he's gonna feel empty inside because he let the bird go and he yelled at Doug no one yells at Duck Doug did his best Doug doesn't never deserves the cone of shame cap on there that's all I want it's not gonna feel the same found a pigeon oh she oh she did she fill out the pages but he never went past it yeah he never looked because their life was her Adventure that's what I'm saying man the journey oh my God oh [ __ ] hate this movie bro yeah it's so good it's so good oh oh there goes Russell oh yo he's got to leave I don't think you're doing that fam oh yeah he's got light in the load I love it too this is just like a giant metaphor for being able to move on to new adventures yep yeah maybe keep the doctor gave you that Maybe that's one of them old fridges too that's a heavy Sun gun yeah thanks Tina thanks to Indiana Jones I know that you can survive a nuclear blast in one of those oh my God oh my God the fact that he's just randomly floating that is an incredibly ballsy maneuver there is such a cheat way to travel though I love that they're playing poker there you go buddy oh is that gonna mess up an engine all the strings use the blower bro none of them have ever even seen a mailman before lever crunk this kid you see the old man well yeah we've established that he's murdered people the irony of you having to murder to clear your good name right gotta make the ends justify the means you know I mean oh my gosh he going through the front yeah dude [Music] okay the guard knows the jaw strength laughs oh [ __ ] throw one of the balls down the down the hallway [Music] oh [Music] my God child no oh my God this movie's too [ __ ] stressful in this movie oh laughs [Laughter] Russell man all you had to do was sit there they're using bones to steer the plane [Music] I I just man got a whole ass sword [ __ ] Run Dog Run oh hell yeah extendo mode [Laughter] [Music] the break no it's just a spin a spin button or a spitting okay oh God whoa I don't know if I feel like finding a ladder like that how do you that letter defies gravity shame [Laughter] oh my God come on here we go we're supposed to go into battle mode now bro I gotta pee so bad and this is not helping steps are gonna break so stressful no no are they gonna have more bloggy pair of shirts yes yes that's the best I can't be good no that can't be [Music] thugs oh that little determined look on his face still in the house like a champ bro that porch is going to fall off oh my god oh man go go go go go go I would just go off with him with Ashley Old Slow fall [Music] I will say the garden has held for a long time no I get it chocolate oh oh yes screw that guy let go of the house bro no I think it's Kevin oh is Kevin still on there Kevin it's gonna be Kevin Ray yeah same bro just gotta learn to let go they all don't like Doug come on Kevin [Laughter] the journey to find a snipe let's go I love that Doug's in charge now is the alpha yeah yo my man looking rough oh Russell that didn't show up that's Russell oh sir oh he's so cute yo his dad's a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] though it's gonna be the yeah the grape soda let's go oh oh is that his mom yes his mom Carl's like hey I ain't going I ain't gonna lie Russell your mom kind of hot very well they're all good oh yeah I guess he had to get a new house didn't he yo for real [ __ ] Russell's dad though bro yeah like oh my God screw this movie for being so cute oh my God I love it is showing like their little adventures now oh they went to the hill bro he took him camping oh man oh Mrs Doug had some drug heads of puppies hey dog [ __ ] wait did they get the GPS back or do you buy him a new one that was so freaking cute is there an actual credit scene I don't know hang on I'll look I meant to yeah I meant to look a while ago okay please give me the jumpy thing because we never get to watch we never go get to watch the Pixar jumpy eye thing give me give me that give me that yeah that'd be my after credit scene okay let me get that okay it's the classic Pixar thing yeah the the old classic Pixar
Channel: Sorta Stupid
Views: 109,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, group reaction, movie reaction, group movie reaction, up movie, up movie reaction, up reaction, up group reaction, up movie group reaction, first time watching up, first time watching up reaction, first time watching up group reaction, up (2009) reaction, up 2009 movie reaction, up 2009 movie, up 2009 movie group reaction, up pixar reaction, first time watching up movie, first time watching up movie group reaction, movie group reaction
Id: pL2wcksVvow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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