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W Squad welcome back to our channel it's  Jin and real and today we're going to be   checking out hangover from 2009 I think this  is a comedy right a comedy movie we're ready   for some laughs today so check out the full uncup  version join our patreon guys the link is in the   description below also I want to say a big thank  you and shout out to all the contributors to our   studio so we've had five persons contribute  so far I think Brian Christopher Joshua Kevin   Victor thank you guys yeah we appreciate you so  much if you want to contribute to building our   studio where we'll be getting a laptop so that  we can do editing better since we're doing it   on on our phones now and we want to also get like  a mic and headphones to be more comfortable while   we're doing our reaction and I want you guys to  feel comfortable as well so yeah because with the   mic it's we do the isol yeah and sometimes there  are noises in the background like um outside true   we aren't able to stop that because sometimes  people are doing their lawns and sometimes um   construction is being done so yeah and also  for hearing um you guys are saying we should   be using one earphone also the one that we have  sometimes it just goes out like the battery dies   so we have to continue watching after like  without the airon or something so yeah so   hopefully we can start building our studio soon  I mean we are a long way there so we appreciate   you guys thank you but you know we're in Jamaica  so once we order the stuff as well it will take   a time to get to us so yeah we want to do it  as soon as possible yeah we're hoping to do   it before the year ends yeah for the shipping  for it to get to us it might take a while and   if we're to order certain things in our country  it would be like double the price hopefully by   January we'll have everything completed so yeah  okay also shout out to our top tier patrons we   appreciate you guys so much to join our patreon  click the link in the description below guys now   let's get right into it make sure you smash  that like button subscribe and turn on post [Music] notifications I like this song someone is getting married today but Mage  what do you mean fa don't text well there has to   be an explanation sweetie it's Vegas lose  track of time in those casinos there's no   windows there's no clocks no windows and clocks  in casinos they know how to take your money huh   Phil where the hell are you guys I'm freaking out  um it looks kind of messed up we lost Doug lost   wait we can't find Doug we're getting married in  5 hours she and Doug that's not going to happen what um over is Doug the the groom it  seems why did they go so hard yeah two   days earlier who watch it pervert it's  okay just doing your in you want to go   to Vegas without me that is totally cool  you know so that's Doug yeah where are you Doug it's not like that the cheeks out s you're  not just my wife's brother you're my brother now   oh I don't care what happens I don't care if we  kill someone he doesn't care if they kill Sin   City what my won't tell a soul okay yeah I knew it  Dad I'm just jerking around Alan put some pants on   you have weird legs yes Dad his legs look fine Dad  please he has his mother's legs it's just freaky   he has girly legs just teasing you have wonderful  legs you're better than your mother what I don't   need to go to Vegas it's dumb it's not dumb it's  one night my brother packed his bag two weeks ago   you're not cancelling really yeah thanks again for  bringing him by the way it's nothing he's a cool   guy it's not nothing and he's not a cool guy he's  not we're going to drive take my car and pick up   my friends after this taking a pre to Vegas you  know when you go to Vegas you got to go to Vegas   no Sid let is classic car uhhuh Doug it's just  a car just make sure when you get there to put   some Armor All on the tire so that sand doesn't  seep in absolutely but it's just the car and uh   don't let Alan Drive because there's something  wrong with him Alan is kissing the dog I will be   the only one driving this car I Promise Too Many  conditions already I'd be like you know what it's   fine yeah I still need some of your permission  slips and $90 for the field trip to the Griffith   Observatory next weekend how much you got on  you I don't know like uh 20 bucks oh well give   me the 20 and uh I'll cover the rest really yeah  well we'll talk about it but give me the 20 so   I know you're serious cool thanks Mr wi I guess  what um what did he just do all that money he's   collecting for his Vegas trip I'm not supposed to  be within 200 ft of a school what what what did   he do or chuckecheese what did he do for banned  from anywhere with kids that doesn't sound good   nice car yeah I'm Drive oh no chance but don't  step oh my gosh that's the thing with friends   they do whatever you know yeah and you can't tell  them other otherwise look at this guy I was late   to the podium still yeah you're totally right  I'm sorry yeah he looks different from all his   other friends boys and their bachelor parties  it's gross you're right it is gross why would   I risk this for you know a couple of minutes of  some 19-year-old Hardbody school girl and if you   ever do what I will kick your ass thank you for  that that is exactly what I need to hear that's   somebody's daughter up there daughter up there I  was just going to say that wow yeah that makes a   difference that's definitely what you were about  to [Music] say um no wonder he's not supposed to   go to schools cuz but she flipped him off just  yeah I don't know why you're screaming Vegas to a   kid guys my dad loves this car more than he loves  me so yeah left my wife and kid at home so I can   go with you guys to Vegas you know how difficult  that was yeah sure it was so difficult dude I was   being sarcastic I might never go back I might  just stay in Vegas that's why I managed to stay   single this whole time you know oh really that's  why you're single yeah yeah that's why you're   single right over there Alan yeah you're good all  right oh my gosh that's a whole truck oh my gosh   that was awesome that how's that awesome why did  he ask Alan on the right you've got a sweet ride   there don't touch it don't even look at it go on  get out it was just a compliment told her we're   two hours outside of wine country and she bought  it don't you think it's strange that you've been   in a relationship for 3 years and you still have  to lie about going to Vegas so she she doesn't   know that it's Vegas oh you can't go to Vegas  but she can Bell hop on a Carnival Cruise Line   okay she did that first of all he was a bartender  and she was was wasted what and if you must know   he didn't even Insider oh my gosh he should be  embarrassed to be talking about this outload it's   not gambling when you know you're going to win  counting cards is a foolproof system it's also   illegal it's not illegal it's frowned upon like  masturbating on an airplane what it he had to be   super smart to count cards buddy okay can't be  sof around or sensitive Alan shouldn't be around   anyone he is his friends are fine with him though  Alan is illegal they're not his friends he's just   the sister of the man that Doug is going to marry  he's the sister of the man that Doug is going to   marry he's this he's maybe he is the sister who  knows with those woman legs I was wondering if   you had any Villas available Phil we're not  even going to be in the room we have one vill   available and is 4200 for the night is it awesome  who it's pretty awesome we'll take it what give   your credit card I can't give her my credit card  don't do it we'll split it are you crazy no this   is on us well we just need a credit card on file  we won't charge you anything until you check out   so you can figure it out that's perfect thank  you Lisa and we'll deal with it tomorrow it's   going to end bad for you st they're going to  go crazy this isn't the real Caesar's Palace   is it what do you mean did Caesar live here  um no don't say anything else I don't think so my gosh that was a good comeback though  free almonds it's on a pressure sensitive   plate when you pick it up you have  30 seconds to put it back or they   bill you that really that's pretty  NE almonds are probably like $14 do   relax Phil oh he's supposed to relax  when they're going to charge his card exactly problem solved I don't want him he ruined  it I no there's no TVs no phones they just have   these cute little antique radios in all the  room what else um what's with his wife being   so controlling yeah can't she let him be and look  what she did she cheated and then she Justified it   yeah and he's also justifying it where's Alan he  uh he went downstairs he said he had to grab a few   things things what good because I have something  to show you why did Alan go by himself what the   hell is that he's going to propose propose  to Melissa at your wedding after the ceremony   they weren't married and I was thinking they're  already married because she's so controlling it's   my grandmother she made it all the way through the  Holocaust with that thing it's legit whoa how did   she do that wow I mean they were taking everything  everything where did she put it oh my gosh she beats him that was twice and I was out of  line she beat that was tce he was out of line so   stop justifying her actions mention a sailor hey  he wasn't a sailor he was a bartender bartender   on a cruise ship you know that yeah hey guys you  ready to let the dogs out what that pose let the   dogs out who brought this guy along yes Alan we  are ready to let the dogs out hey congrats thank   you congrats he has a horrible girlfriend this is  going to be so much fun yes I'm ready I do like   Alan you're really wearing that are you wearing  what the man purse you actually going to wear that   it looks kind of nice get a lot of compliments  on this plus it's not a man purse it's called   a satchel it's a satchel one yes IND Indiana wow  they're going to be trapped outside you find this place why are you so wored worried about  them yeah they're grown they're grown they   can handle themselves yeah they're not kids  I mean if they even die that's okay too cuz   they're grown it's not okay to die just because  you're grown can you take a joke well maybe in   Vegas come on take a joke me being serious  is also a joke you know that right reverse   joke oh yeah like reverse psychology I  want to talk about something I like to   say something oh my gosh he was about to say  something Alan hello how about that ride in   I guess that's why they call it Sin City and  my wolf pack it grew by one and now I know for   sure I just added two more guys to my wolf  pack all right so tonight um I make a toast   what what you got there what is that wait  wait wait wait wait he's literally doing a pack he's wolfing out I'm doing that no hell no  stop when you watch too many movies it seems he's   still the Lone Wolf because they didn't do the  they do it they didn't finish whatever happens   here tonight may as well never have happened  at all Doug I'm serious I got a wife and kid   through a night we'll never remember but the four  of us will never forget wait it's already over it   seems what where did they get the chicken did  you see the chair on fire like it was yeah and   the TV is like there's a woman leaving where  did they get the chicken they messed up they   do order the chicken online or something I a  live chicken like how do you get a chicken a   live chicken so I'm guessing st's Wife dresses  him yeah I'm getting wait so he didn't realize   the mess how did they accomplished  this wait there's a is that a tiger no so did did they order that online too kid there's a tiger in there do they not see the   chicken the tiger is worse it's  a t it's an actual Tiger but a chicken am I missing a tooth I can't oh my God  we're fine everything's fine it's like a huge   Gap there no yeah I looked everywhere  plus his mattress is gone it's what oh   that's Doug's phone why is he even answer  it Alan Doug's phone this is Doug's phone   yeah there's a baby no what did they order  that online too a baby but oh it's baby oh   my God order a baby so cute we'll deal with  the baby later what do the baby later the baby I the baby is so cute whose baby is  it though that girl that left but why did   she leave her baby why don't you just stop  worrying for one minute proud of yourself I   don't know Phil maybe it's cuz I'm missing  a tooth yeah what because we found a baby   human baby human baby I don't think you  should curse around the child really I   don't think you should be around a child  they don't even know yeah he shouldn't   be around a child that's the thing that's  what they've been hinting from the start Carlos no no stop it the baby doesn't even  know what's happening right now see that's   why he shouldn't be around kids yeah breakfast  is ruined oh my God that is my tooth where was   it why do you have that what else is in your  pocket oh this is a good thing no no check your   pockets you drove last night wait where's  the car driving Dr so um Bill you were in   the hospital last night was the hospital you  okay maybe Doug is in the hospital check it out that is not the car right is that a  mattress from DG's room oh the mattress how   did end up there what some threw his bed out  the window last night but how do you wait so   where oh so it came from the top and landed  on oh my gosh how the hell did we manage is   here there's your car officers officers  what Ste a police car my how did they do that they need a car seat for the baby you won't  find car seats in a police car you know like baby   car seats it looks so funny you came in here  with a mild concussion some bruised ribs no   big deal although none of you could articulate  how it happened bruised ribs it was just you   guys definitely no baby and one other guy and  cough cough okay why is he watching he's just   doing this to himself baby couple more minutes  of your time tuck it right in there I don't want   to resterilize they found a large amount of rufin  in your system oh I knew it couldn't just be they   weren't just drunk I'm not surprised you don't  remember anything doc none of us could remember   anything from last night remember remember you  guys kept talking about some wedding last night   yeah talking about some wedding that you just  came from at the uh best little chapel you went   to a wedding you know where that is I'm a doctor a  tour guide figure it out yourself okay what that's   all they get for 100 bucks yep wait so it wasn't  a wedding wedding stripper what about the baby   yeah you want more from me how are you my friend  look at this guy this guy is the craziest is out   of his mind what's going on we're looking for  our friend Doug you remember him yeah the small   guy like a monkey mhm yeah you saw him of course  so where is he I'll tell you one thing you look   seriously happy here man he he already had the  missing too yeah life is over it's like they   pulled it out on purpose do you think that's what  they did like literally pulled it out and then   and it in his pocket yeah and fancy calendars  what the hell we need to get this marriage and   know immediately you do an almonds of course I  do an almonds I need both parties so where is   the girl because she left we're torching all  of it whoa whoo W I'm a school teacher I got   a family okay I'm all for secrecy but I'm not  going to torch a cop car fine I'll do it what   help yeah thanks and how exactly you guys wild  yeah that's why they do crazy stuff when they're   drunk and whatever it yeah they are all sober  right now yeah now listen don't answer it I have   to she's called twice already can I write don't  touch me hey sweetheart how are you there you   are it's the third time I'm trying you he needs  to break up with her that poor baby is thirsty go for a tractor ride what was that what  they just started up the tractor I think   it backfired heyy we're at a winery  that's a a goat where is he goat   there's a baby on board someone just  said baby get out of the it's a baby goat what I'm so confused why didn't they go after  them they have like a race car you know yeah okay   everything going to be okay all right what the  going on so the baby's supposed to chill but   you're freaking out thank God he's with his father  I was freaking out but she sneaks out without the   [Music] baby okay what the hell happened to you  guys baby's name is Tyler yeah I thought he look   more like a Carlos too he's so bummed huh yeah  Tyler did she do that all sober it's the ring that   he's supposed to use to propose oh my gosh she  like that didn't mean it what the ring I'm going   to give to Melissa you remember my grandmother's  Holocaust ring yes you need it B give out rings   at the Holocaust they didn't give it out they took  it they took those things that's what they did he   just said give up what I can you said when you're  shift ended does that mean you're a nurse or a no   blackjack dealer you know this I'm a stripper  well technically I'm an escort but stripping   is a great way to meet the clients smart Savvy  but that's all in the past now that I'm married   a doctor I'm just a dentist Oh no you're just the  dentist what shut that baby up shut that baby up   shut the up what's wrong where they wait to be  interviewed by the arresting officers another   example you do not want to be sitting on these  benches what this place not the kids laughing why   why why was the kid taking the pig we got CED an  extra night at the hotel he did yeah want to stay   an extra night weddings tomorrow yeah that's  why we're going to get up real early there we go they care about him yeah they did that so  Alan has to walk backwards we found your Mercedes   that's great news that's great yeah it's over  to impound right now can't get you in front of a   judge until Monday morning that's just impossible  no we need to be in LA tomorrow for a wedding you   stole a police car we didn't steal anything  um we found it yeah if anything we deserve   a reward or something like a trophy what they  stole it let's go to Vegas we'll all get drunk and what's wrong with these CS think you going  to get away with it not up in here not up in here   okay one of my kids went missing on a field trip  that would look really bad on me we got to get to   a wedding and you guys don't need people talking  about how some obnoxious tourists borrowed your   squad borrowed I think we can work out a deal  discreetly of course man you really want to   seem that irresponsible not knowing where the cop  car is huh do uh any of you gentlemen have a heart   condition or anything like that aren't they going  to taste them um gentlemen have kindly volunteered   to demonstrate how a stun gun is used to subdue a  suspect so they do that and they get to go exactly   they didn't know what they to it they didn't know  what they signed up for they said you don't really   want to do this yeah you can do this just focus  that's the kid the yeah the kid he's the one   that was yeah slowo you messed up Alan there  you go that's the stuff so his brain Ride the   Lightning oh no his face this cop he looks like  a zombie monster what is he trying to kill him I   miss Carlos it's Tyler it's Carlos when he's a  part of the the wolf B okay 6 to1 odds our car   is beat to I can't I think the car is see it's  fine the car is fine it's fine so far are they   going to mess it up now who are those I don't  know it's a men's size six snake skin that's a h what why do they keep throwing it are they  going to W the car now that's perfectly fine   who's that wait who's in the trunk the trunk  it's in the trunk dug's in the trunk it's not   doug because they still don't know where Doug is  true like when they called for the wedding what   this guy jumped all the way to his face you  going to where even is it where's this thing   I don't know I'm just in a huge amount of bush  but yeah I'm not seeing it it's like it doesn't   exist you're so mean he was in the trunk for  so long what do you mean I don't think anyone   of them will want to remember this thing last  night on the roof before we went out I slipped   something in our Jager M oh wow he's the one  are you fudged up guys he fudged up fudged up   the guy I bought it from seemed like it was a  real straight shooter I'm sorry what the drug   dealer at the liquor store wasn't a good guy I  lost the tooth I'm married how dare you she's a   nice lady she is nice yeah she seems nicer than  what's her name yeah she's nicer than his his   girlfriend what about the tiger I keep forgetting  about the goddamn tiger you were literally too   stupid to insult yeah yes he's thinking that  as a compliment he's like thank you thank you is this m Tyson what's he doing there is  tyon the fighter that your ear off knocked   out immediately punch Mr Tyson would like to  know why is this tiger in your bathroom his   tiger so where did they get it found it in  the Tiger's cage this morning that's Doug's   yeah so Doug is may want to take his AED ass  like Omar respect what what what happened to   Omar don't worry about Omar he's not no more  he's dead Omar is dead because the tiger him   no more where did he punch Alan though you  brought it here you bring it back we haven't   seen him as yet right more fair Allan should  do it Allan took a punch from M oh they're   trying to put him to sleep yeah someone's cut  in again why does it sound like that just have run why did you not just put it and leave it   yeah why was he talking do they  [Music] zeas [Music] suit Crystal [Music] TW I'm going to beet you what's this whoa whoa  whoa whoa don't want to be touching that no   Parker that's not your property so what do you  guys get under there just a whole bunch of mind   your own business where are they even asking  you don't want to know please with the language yes and I want to make sure I never ever  miss out on Haley's comments yo he's awake I don't know why they were cruising no and now  the car is going to be ruined yo oh no car is   messed up it did yeah no what the is it that  it was too big to put in the trunk yeah I do   it I so they pushed it the whole way yeah we  need you buddy this is your time to shine okay   okay yeah who wants to put their hand inside  the car when there's a tiger no wonder they   used him for that yeah he's always The Unlucky  One oh it's Doug oh thank God he's alive he was   alive really no wonder he got punched in the  face should I wait outside I think that's a   good idea don't touch anything out there either  we don't know him that well we uh stole it from   these dumbass cops nice what we are so sorry we  stole your tiger man don't worry about man like   you said we all do [Laughter] D what did he  do what's Alan doing what am I going to tell   my dad about this car Alan relax it's just  the inside come on I got a guy in La who's   great with a [Music] [Applause] teor it's not  just the inside anymore it's literally ruined   know that guy oh it's it's the one that was in  the trun in the trunk get out of the car oh no   it's his guys that were attacking them in the  the in the cop car he looks a bit different now   and he's not naked you know Asian he wants his  purse back oh the Satchel that's not a person is   a satchel it's a puss okay so how but he had it  from the beginning WR guy so where did he get it   he stole it he ended up winning just under 80  grand 80 grand nice okay that's good mine had $80,000 oh they got switched oh it's switched  Skittles in there so afterwards mhm Allan picked   up the wrong purse it's no big deal hey if it's  a no big deal why when I come after you guys   he start screaming like crazy and throw me in a  truck h no well I did that that's what they did to you he said why no big deal I like the way he  said it want to see your friend again you get   me my ity grant what they have this friend you  have friend what there he is but they have to   give 80 grand so they know where Doug is now  can they just show him is is it even Doug I   would like to see him yeah I'd like to prove  that it's Doug not not so good now quit Paul   CRA do wish your bag what we need ready a check  right now no chance cash only there's a person   in there boring boring take nap like take nap  bring money to big rock in Mojave Desert at   dawn what oh that's why they're at the desert  when they were calling either way they don't   have do back and no yeah wedding is happening  still without Doug meaning what the wedding is   happening what is she he pushed the chicken it's  not his fault it's not his or her fault guys I'm   telling you I looked for it this morning before  we left it's not anywhere she was getting ready   and it's almost time yeah Doug told me she had  sex with a pilot or something like that it was   a bartender on a cruise what is wrong with you  people e Allan did you just eat sofa Pizza yes   yeah with all that bacteria no but check this out  oh they're trying to win not not them dress in the parts look at Ellen he looks so funny they're just making  it worse but worse too too okay I can't so he's a professional overnight  I mean he looks like a tough guy now he does   doesn't he he looks like a smart guy he looks  like a smart illegal tough guy the seats taken   I see now not him with his Tripper wife I mean I  they say you have to be smart to come cards but   wanted to do it he was talking about it before  they got there W so what's going to mess this up   then this song may they're going to go too far  I used to hear the song in a video game I used   to play when I was younger it was a Racin game  oh I think the Pit Boss is watching isn't this enough oh I'm such a clut I just I get so  nervous and I gam I'm so silly they're trying   to distract the security guard oh no I think  you're you realize wish she was just there   I don't know I'm thinking this is a nice wife  for him it's $82,400 whoa they did it they did   it so Ellen is actually smart we should come  back next week take the whole city down it's   not safe or we could just focus on getting  dug back right now oh you know what next   week's so good for me the Jonas brothers are  in town but any week after that what the way   you said it he just drove 30 miles into  the desert he knows it's all pH just do something okay see go where is the dog I can't Leslie Chow Mr Chow it is  a pleasure my name is Stu I mean okay   what how can you say thank God just  take the thing off you you don't you   didn't ID him they so dumb no they didn't  even see his face it's all there let him go who is this person that's not  they don't they know his body is   that's oh that is not Doug what  are you talking about Willis that him you know him yeah this is the guy that sld  me the bad drugs how you doing oh I am Doug   his name is Doug too did they not see that the  body is different and he looks taller too not   my problem exactly not his problem give Grand  back and take him with you no come on man I'll   be your D take him take him back why would they  want to do that though right after you suck on   these little yeah we could we could barely see it  so I couldn't see anything actually it's not there   it's non-existent it's not even lying I don't  know why I was like what where is it thought   I was with you guys cuz we were all hanging over  at the bazio what we were was there yeah we were   shooting crap you don't remember no [ __ ]  I must have mixed up the bags my fault Allan   damn Marshall going to be pissed off at me on  that one whatever it's funny cuz just the other   day boy we was wondering why they cuz when you  take them you're more likely to end up on the   floor than the roof you're more likely to wind  up on the floor then Phil this a trace I'm really sorry pH hello Tracy he was going to say it  Ste talk to me what's going on uh nothing   don't listen to Phil he's completely out of  his mind he's oh man so he knows where he is   MHM and I know where Doug is why did he how  maybe he's on the roof remember when we saw   Doug's mattress impaled on that statue yeah  it's because we threw it out the window no   impossible you can't open windows in Vegas  hotel well then how did he threw it from the   roof he's on oh my God so he's still there this  whole time roof we must have taken him up there   on his mattress as a prank so he'd Wake Up on  the Roof it's like that time in summer camp   remember we moved his uh sleeping bag out in  the jetty in the way which was hilarious these   guys are crazy not so funny now though cuz we  forgot where we put him is he okay here he's   almost dead hey bud you okay no not okay  oh no it looks horrible you almost killed him that died my skin my skin burs yeah of  course it does you know that this is all   Alan's fault because he's the one that gave  them the drugs he looks red just give me one   second why not just marry her for real she's nice  well they are married already I mean understand   this whole thing was stupid oh no she she's  definitely feeling sad Alan bet you that you   weren't a good enough dentist to pull out your  own teeth see Alan is the problem maybe I'd come   back and take you out to dinner or something  really mhm like a date yeah like a date what   about the hotel bill he's going to pay for it  $80,000 worth bagio chips in my pocket they   still have it did they order order the oh on the  go this works it's Alan's buddy yeah he said P he   he told him to page him so he has connections  it's so not safe to be around him how do they   explain the car though they're leaving why did he  take so long long Quest took a on really look at   his face and his [Laughter] hands at least he  showed up why are you so red honey it's a long   story never put you through anything like  this again with friends like that are you   sure and how is he promising when she has a bro  like that too exactly I mean Alan was the cause IOP it's like they one 1550  C to show up and bulldoze the wedding excuse me but I'm expecting my husband  any minute very funny how was your soccer game okay that is disgusting why hav you returned  my call she's treating him like a child no record   of you even checking in they're still cutting  they are it's taking forever what's wrong with   this lady she's making a scene cuz my best friend  was getting married and that's what guys do really   that's not what you do really well then why  did I do it huh cuz I did it riddle me that   she's making a scene at the wedding oh really  at least he's up to her that Waiter on your   cruise last June boom waiter in the bartender  waiter yeah right I stand corrected it was   a bartender you're such a bad person like all  the way through to your core wow thinking about   getting my bartender's license suck my what  thank you to put armor all on the tires mhm   oh my gosh that car is ruin he doesn't know about  the car Tracy told you I told her not to tell you   I wanted to tell you what tell me what careful  Doug these women can't be trusted what what's he   talking about the Mercedes it is a wedding gift  from Lindon I oh it's a wedding gift but it's ruined oh my gosh you're ruined it thanks  Daddy thanks close the door now he's going   to have to go fix it up how's he going to fix  it like the cost is going to cost like 8 grand   grand well they do have that yeah so I guess  that's what he'll have to do and he can't let   him see the wedding gift he give him like that  a gorgeous wedding I give it 6 months thanks for   the bachelor party I guess yeah you almost died  could I found whoa that's my camera yeah it was   lodged in the backseat of the car oh so they  filmed everything are they sure they want to   view it because one time maybe they did some  stuff oh dear Lord that's classic oh my gosh oh at least they were taking bigs right yeah  wa oh oh my gosh that sucks for them see he   pulled it out this is something you need to  remember so sad see they were doing whatever   with that guy yeah he got a belly piercing  belly button piercing this was crazy though   yeah I mean they didn't hold back the things  he said oo W the hell oh my gosh look at the wedding yo that wedding was real okay guys  I don't even know how you're going to edit   this for YouTube yeah this honestly because they  seem to be being different now even harder yeah   it's really harder to put things through guys  like yeah everything is just unsuitable so for   real all right so I'll have to try my best yep  hopefully we can get enough stuff out so that   you guys can see the context but if not you'll  have to just check out our patreon full version   see our full reaction where you'll line up your  copy of the movie with our reaction so hopefully   you guys will be able to do that because the  YouTube version is going to miss a lot of the   fun stuff yeah yeah we're going to have to  end it now though guys yeah and sorry about   the noise yeah it's like someone is cutting maybe  it's our neighbor or something it's been endless   cutting for the since this week the entire  week yeah I don't know well yeah thank you   for watching to the end with us guys we enjoyed  this one was fun until next time virtual hug bye
Channel: Jyn x Ryl
Views: 38,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FIRST TIME WATCHING | THE HANGOVER (2009) | MOVIE REACTION, Watching The Hangover For The First Time Movie Reaction, The Hangover Full Movie Reaction (2009), First Time Watch The Hangover 2009 Reaction, Watch The Hangover For The First Time (2009), The Hangover Full Movie Reaction Watch 2009
Id: 89J4UCetLgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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