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ha ha boo oh did you say it's not cold out a little windy something of absolut it down to the 401 ramped approaching for a while or something of absolutely epic proportions has just arrived in the mail actually it hasn't arrived in the mail I checked the tracking today cuz it was supposed to arrive in the mail but the tracking said the shipment was too heavy and to call to reschedule however this weekend is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada I don't trust that the delivery guys are gonna get it to me before the weekend and then the next day and as and I need it I need it like now in my life so I decided to get my truck and go and pick it up myself this is that journey [Music] I pulled over to eat lunch because it's the responsible thing to do [Music] I don't have a tarp for my truck which means whatever I put in the bed here when I strapped it down is gonna get soaked when it starts raining my app says there's a 90% chance of it raining so I guess I got to find a tarp before I get to the great place no oh yeah it's coming I drank this way too fast a little bit of a brain freeze in like total jitters right now but I'm good all right [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I have arrived at pure later apparently there's no one to actually help lift the massive box into the back of the truck so me and one of the associates are gonna do it I thought I could like back this into like a loading bay or something but I guess it's just gonna have to be good old muscle I don't know should I buy a tarp or should I just like risk it think I might risk it [Music] got the tarp with like whoa probably five minutes to spare so let's go see that win this camera shake whoa okay now that that's done I feel a lot better knowing that that is like safe from the elements safe from the rain eat if it doesn't rain which I'm pretty sure it's going to uh yeah I can drive home like way less stressed and anxious now and but now I got to get to the highway before rush hour come because I was ahead of time and now I'm not and too much talking here okay let's go home [Music] so this here box is super heavy not sure if I could do it on my own but I'm gonna try came all the way from Italy oh-ho-ho yeah [Music] it's way too heavy uh I'm gonna pay for that tomorrow guaranteed yeah actually my paper right now it already hurts just in time no no totally kidding did that for the vlog okay all changed up because I got a little wet from the rain made coffee good to go now we got to get back in the truck drive back to the city cuz tonight I'm going to a hockey game that's right I am going to a sporting event now I know the other week I said I'm not a big fan of sports and it's true like if you were gonna invite me over we're gonna sit around and like watch sports on TV like it's it's not like it's not my choice of a good time to be had playing sports is a lot different some of them I enjoy going to sporting events such as hockey just because it's so fast I feel like watching hockey live like keeps up with my energy levels so like I'm down with that so when can a more like hey do you want to come down to the ACC and sit ringside with some buddies of yours and get a bunch of Canon cameras and shoot the game which is the home opener which is the first game the Leafs are playing in Toronto for this season what did I say to that hell yes I do let's do it so I'm running late as normal because that package took a little bit longer than I thought to go pick up bring back traffic the rain stopping for the tarp all that stuff so I'm chained ready to go gonna hop in the truck and get to the city [Music] - how's it going man what's up on Petes my wife Janice Darren my friend Mike and Claire so here are your passes for the game it's gonna be awesome so in my life I think the least likely person I would ever go to a hockey game with is this guy why and then to go with these cities you're not a sports guy is just weird you would you'd never be there Here I am [Music] right here no this is sweet whoa look at this [Music] [Music] No [Music] say hi to everybody watching you [Applause] [Music] all right what's up guys so here's the funny thing about being in an elevator the players family they need more you guys that was amazing that close where they're just flying at the glass there's snows coming through this just happens the same so thanks to the guys at can in Canada for hooking that up that's actually like a contest that they're putting on bruit like every home game that the Leafs are doing here in Toronto so if you're Canadian or whatever and you want to enter that contest to do the exact same thing I'll leave the links below if you guys want to do that follow the links you can submit entries like as many times as he wants so there's like you know you might actually win and then you'll be sitting in those same seats which is incredible so I had a great time thank you to Cannon broken that up once again that was a as a blast and wow it's been a busy day awesome too hot for a scarf though okay now the real question is can I get the truck out of this parking garage [Music] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 488,305
Rating: 4.9361176 out of 5
Keywords: Toronto Maple Leafs, Maple Leafs, Leafs Nation, Hockey, Canadian Hockey, Hockey Team, Sports, ACC, Air Canada Center, Toronto Maple Leafs Home Opener, Home Opener, Darryl Sittler, Ice Hockey, Peter McKinnon, Canon, Canon Canada, Canon On the glass, Shooting Sports, Photographing Sports, Peter McKinnon VLOG, Photography, Cinematography, F150, Ford F150, Mail Time, Mystery package, One Wheel +
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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