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video L okay sorry about the German intro everyone I wanted to give it a try you'll tell me how rubbish I was but let's crack into this I'm strapped in fully might not be it might be a somber one I think maybe funeral translations are [Music] here so H fish is shark [Music] he's there [Music] Temple [Music] [Music] so Till's Till's not there he is he meant to be in this coffin are they burying him is he I could do some reading I suppose I could do some reading but I really enjoy you telling me but he's not there at the moment I can see and it was his picture there was ladies fighting lady taking a wew um and there's a procession the boys are carrying the coffin we've not seen him in the coffin but his face was there and he's not there H interesting track has got a vibe to it hasn't it it's quite strip back almost but it's like it's it's like from an era I don't know when this one was made actually you'll tell me that in the comments I could look that up as well but you'll tell me that it's from an era isn't it I like it it's got a nice vibe to it highish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] their that's one of those [Music] that's is all from their videos right is that America [Applause] [Music] [Music] M nice set the mood isn't [Music] [Music] [Music] going [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody in the [Music] coffin that's cuz he's here wish you were [Music] here is fake his death but the shark lives in water so no one can see the tears really great lyrics in this one again you'll need to look them up they weren't available on the video there but if you're not German and you're following along the Ramstein journey I know you are Bob um and you're getting into them the same as I then you can follow the lyrics they're brilliant again online yeah that first first we stick together we enure one another we hold on to one another no one holds us back that's them as a group is it that's them as a band lots of interpretations on this one again is there I'll have to have another good read through these lyrics but really like that was almost a strip back more with a synth involved in that one really simple drum beat a lot to do with the video there and there was other videos going on in the background as well and it was somebody that said that do this one as a follow on to honor dish so I'm glad I did that one as well and I can see the follow on from it so he's fighted his death he wasn't at the funeral he wasn't in the video until the very end I wasn't expecting that actually he was meant to be in the cof and he wasn't in the coughing the boys end up fighting like going to bury themselves I'm not sure of the significance of them all fighting at the end against each other is that just from the loss of him not sure the loss of the band maybe but he's sending them a wish you were here postcard anyway happy with his drink in his hand brilliant from Ramin again telling the story great lyrics great video keep your suspense never sure what's going to come enjoy as always plenty more to come from them hit the like hit the Subscribe I'll see you back for some more videos [Music] he [Music]
Channel: KEVINTY7
Views: 1,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T0q7P85Zvlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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