First Time Hearing Eminem - Cleanin' Out My Closet

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[Music] I've heard this somewhere but I don't know where can we not start the video until we really well that bothers me so bad just don't say anything too crazy like y'all do you know buddy you know let me use a [ __ ] mushroom I'm sorry I'm calling them how to take me a tinkle dinkle and they got the clap you earning that's a crazy thing to say I like your screen [Music] foreign [Music] other black kids that we've heard Eminem I guarantee you you go to five black kids in a little black school they're not jamming this [ __ ] hey what ever ever so to tell us what we've heard and we're acting is the most buffoonery [ __ ] I've ever seen you experienced it and you grew up on it doesn't mean we did and it's normally Caucasian folk telling black men yeah Young Nation Eminem was literally 30 when some of us like was even like you know man I've heard this happened established [Music] I didn't even know it was a song called thing I only heard a rap guy because of vinegar but I'm waiting for YouTube yeah man stupid man we might as well react to the lyrics of Rap God Eminem made a song about beating their ass up but sometimes I read the comments [ __ ] the way I am uh talk about punching that fan in the face oh yeah the memories with names of songs yeah Eminem's crazy though I just remember it because I was like dude I [ __ ] with him no are the ones that show love I love the ones that come y'all faking y'all not catching the bars are you guys rocking with us all right man all right here cleaning out closet you know Mr Marshall with the Marshall the Mathers Mrs I didn't even know he had [ __ ] I didn't know he had multiple names I didn't know it was Slim Shady you know let's go ahead and get it man I'm thinking about that damn other song we just did with uh who was that it was Eminem and kid cut it oh yeah that was awesome that was too hard all right go and get it first time you can't see it man yeah where's my snap it's like a little shoveling I have no snare in my headphones there you go I'm trying to make that beat up [Music] have you ever been hated or discriminated against I have I've been protesting and demonstrated against me good times for my Wicked Vibes look at the time there's no way did that seriously happen to him I really didn't know that I just read it I want to just wonder what hate is not hip yeah oh wow bro damn I don't know why you're acting surprise y'all heard this [ __ ] songs he'd be saying some stuff yeah she don't give a damn at the beginning when he said 17 rapes that's it yeah oh my gosh what did you just saying what he said something about hating gay people for a man to have 50 million subscribers Jesus Christ you know being canceled is not real it's not this can't be against I have I've been protests you crazy bro I have you ever been hated or discriminated against I have I've been protesting and demonstrated against bigger times for my Wicked Vibes look at the Times [Music] [Music] yeah I think I just went to the movie theater the curtains are open that's why that is that why he yeah we got an album called yeah because he really be like couldn't move there's no other rapper I'm still missing over that uh what was that thing we did that uh when he was on top of the hotel remember the hotel went we just got the shooter one yeah with the guns oh yeah dark side or something yeah it was like Darkness [Music] this seems like one of them [Music] sorry Mama tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know some people that's not 25 years off their life they still older than you yeah that is cool that is insane you wanna see the things this right here it's disgust me goodbye [Music] though we said the pennies in a bunch he split cause his dad punched his mama in dips okay okay that's the difference [Music] [Music] I never meant to make you cry tonight [Music] is [Music] whoa did she put something what's she gave him well she put liquor in in his food what the hell yeah [Music] boy get do it from the butt man let me tell you something about you yeah they just saying me get me off the butters [Music] I don't know what the hell that is all though bro it's just something here supposed to be yeah that's cereal that's Cinnamon Toast Crunch guys I'm talking about what she pouring that is going through public houses [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Music] his mom back in when we first started reacting to him they was getting mad because I said Kim was his mom that's his mom's mom he this Kim and his mom what's his mom's name though bro he said her name a few times he would have put a bullet in everybody in the house man I am crazy he said wow man for all this to be the best rapper alive yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I never meant to make you cry but tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh his mouth sucks [Music] way way that's messed up so he put He put I'm sorry Mama in the note you gave it to his mama mama threw that [ __ ] in his face yeah damn that's why he said all that yeah remember when somebody died you wish it was me he said yeah Eminem has some trauma that's pretty damn sad bro oh it's so pretty that's so cool and they trying to judge Eminem yeah I don't know what that man been through I'm sorry Mama I know that you have said something this [Music] is a great time that was crazy what was that syndrome she said he had though no she said she was sick yeah [Music] y'all so funny bro you know what you guys let's make the definition of a bar like let's just really make this so when y'all say bar are y'all saying like yeah when I think bar I think of this like of that yeah like I'm thinking about simile yeah that's what I'm thinking so when y'all see him yeah he's like thought I said earlier he said man you're missing some bars on something I was like you know when I think about a bar I'm thinking about it's in like a Rollo ball how do you say roll up you make something but sometimes people be saying that was a board well to me at bars you know like what they saying like you're just not comprehending what they say so that's to you that's what I borrowing so when they just saying something like you know bars to me is like y'all said like assembly when they say like this like that and I'm like damn yeah because when he said uh uh Snoop Dogg so that's a bar to me that's a bar that type [ __ ] but you know it's different types of bars on different types of songs with different types but he look he might not be making no bars that's why you just spit reinstein has some bars you know young boys they got a few but he's not really known for his bars yeah well send rappers like that show me why Eminem has the best boats Eminem he just got so many different flows really I think you just gotta really just listen to what he's saying really the fact that people are coming saying I've heard this song seven times ten times and I just caught a bar I know you be on below watching these videos Eminem told me he watched one of the vids of us watching him I might break down in tears if I'm saying I react with y'all if y'all jump out of the damn plane [ __ ] if you didn't do it I would knock you out and push you out there to even Shake Eminem's hands boy that's the gold boy I'm gonna shake his hand he'll be like damn I'm absorb his power like the monsters let me go straight to the stool [ __ ] be wrong I'm in the stool his song Oh [ __ ] who is this who is this oh man all right man this right here was absolute banker man this is crazy we haven't done this well guys like that we might do that guys all right man y'all let us know some more songs man hit us in the damn man yo
Channel: CartierFamily
Views: 690,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M74FgA2Jiro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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