FIRST START & DRIVE after 20 YEARS? 1979 Chevrolet Malibu - Will She Pull from Her Grave?

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you know the only uh four-man rock group that don't sing Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore don't sound well you're just going to assume this side though there it is he's pumping y'all anything else old man he's over here trying to blow through that it ain't no blow through it make it work yeah it might go straight but we're gonna make it work tired yeah he's trying to Duke's a hazard you gotta turn around boy and sit on it [Music] yeah just don't fall backwards we grab hope right here look at him wow he made it old man made it good job well all right everyone welcome back to Restoration yep we're back thank goodness it has been a couple of weeks with no episodes and I know me and the old man are excited to be back here on the YouTubes I hope you're looking forward to this episode hey we we gotta fully believe we hadn't done anything yet it's cool in Georgia the temperature is fine it's like air-conditional weather outside I mean it is perfect so I don't know what's going to happen on the video but it's going to be a good one if it works or it don't we're excited to be out here working but we want to welcome you once again my name is David I go by rev here on YouTube the reason why yep I'm a full-time pastor and in the fun time we like to work on old Fords and maybe maybe some that aren't Fords as well but yep here's JC's truck I drove it today just put a few miles on it it gave me a little bit of trouble when I first cranked it up this morning I think I had a loose uh wire I was going down the road really get on it boy you'd you'd feel it skipping and I think the issue was that I had either the distributor cap was not all the way down or some wires were loose on it I don't know but whatever I did it fixed it and this run slick as a whistle but today we're going to work on a dog on Chevrolet and see if we can get her running for the first time in 30 seconds at least 30 something years long time see you in a minute hey y'all I'm real this is my daddy also known as the old man this is my wife my prime rib Nikki T here on our Channel we enjoy bringing life back to dead things mostly old Fords we have many crazy methods that are ours and we use those crazy methods on rigs that are ours if you enjoy our craziest shade tree cussing free God loving dad joke telling tires spinning content then subscribe it's free but either way welcome to Restoration [Music] foreign here the old man's pushing over uh you can chop it up smaller pieces and uh what is the root of a pine isn't it yeah and it's just where the stump goes down and all of the pine sap but y'all can't smell it on TV but that right there smells like uh yeah what and whatever you call it this this here and it's a boy when you put a match to it it'll burn and stay burnt Burns hot and stays burning for a long time but uh I'd keep that we might go camping we'll we'll need to need some of that and y'all we're up here in the woods before we go and look at the car look I've heard of these are I mean somebody tell me what kind of wildflowers these may not be wild I guess it used to be a house here right it should be a home place there's a chimney right beside where we're going to be working yep I don't know what kind of flower that is but they might be beautiful what are they old man you know I don't know mighty pretty all right Joe y'all want to see this uh Chevrolet the old man said these flowers are pretty too I don't he's I said them are weeds he said I know but they're pretty so uh they're pretty yellow they're pretty yellow that's right well God makes some pretty weeds most certainly uh but if we look over here I'm not gonna say God made a pretty Chevrolet but uh here is one of them and y'all we know I mean this is uh this is the second yard of our great awesome cars uh y'all seen us start the 64 Galaxy uh we got a body for it we were just talking about we need to get that done here's the Nova she's a runner but what water didn't water getting old it was in it but we've run it and it ran fine two three times and never could get no water in the oil saw that truck-o-rama we of course have one two three 360s in the back we got all of them started in one episode and uh one is a three speed on the collar right yeah one's three speed uh it's probably the only short bed I mean it's a good truck and then of course here's Mr Holly's uh C no C20 uh C20 right Cheyenne C20 uh this has got a rebuilt 350 in it it is a good running truck and uh old man's just got it sitting here got a lot of work needs to be done to it but this is Mr Holly's daughter's car and the old man says it's been sitting well I wish we had a picture of it when we bought the truck maybe I can look back on the uh video footage and see if we can find this it was covered I'm talking about you bear really could see the top of it Green Ivy yeah we bought a 79 white Malibu not this white one I wish it was that white one got a white Malibu over there in the cutsy or ivy yep y'all see that and then we have also bought the 72 Chevrolet S10 isn't it into the Cheyenne I really don't know and we partnered here we couldn't get inside I don't remember what six months ago we broke into it yeah we uh tried to get in couldn't get the front doors to open I think we did get one door in the back open didn't we you did with you finally got the bar in it we weaseld around and got the got the door to open and uh can't remember 100 if we opened the hood or not uh so we really don't know what is in it but here it is she is a night the old man says 1979. 1979 Chevrolet four-door Malibu yes Malibu Malibu we don't know if it's a 305 350 327 but we do know it's a V8 we assume yeah uh best I can remember and it is loaded y'all I mean look at here it is loaded look at that cane Bowl I mean we don't know what all is uh we don't know what all is in it but I mean this is just some kind of oh we but I remember we busted the window out on that side to open it up you finally got it with a Rod I didn't know this was left open oh my got old spare tire got a nice Tire Tool got a Jack and I didn't need to bring any tools look at there y'all got a power lift Jack nice jumper cables man that's a funnel you can pull that in from Heaven y'all look at there I mean that one will get you there what was that that was you what would that be that goes on I know it's a ashtray but where does it go there's a light what's the light doing on the top I mean sense oh shine through that hole oh yeah okay might be the ashtray for it well we got that black magic but I ain't got nothing in it oh kind of Styrofoam I'm gonna stick my hand in here hey old man we're ready now we can work all afternoon well I had grits cheese grits this morning so if it gets to ringing a bell I know where to come all right old man let's move on you think somebody somebody broke in every time oh man don't shut it let it sit there somebody wants that let them take it I bet they can't drive off in it all right y'all I'll tell you what I did we tried we did this open we broke it and then we rinsed it and got it yeah I was wiggling this and finally we got this open and we broke that and we opened this door we didn't open this one we opened this and had to climb over yeah but do we ever get the front door open we could ever get the door open and now I can't get this one over and this one will open it well oh look at there what's that fall out what is this y'all I don't know what that is it it's squishy though we got some uh I mean it's a pile of stuff in here we got some old Motor Trend hey here we go look at there y'all uh what what year is this this is what March 1969 y'all should have saw us using that uh to get the door open look at that new 302 Mustang 1969 that's 69 Motor Trend y'all we'll take one of them I bet me and the old man could Crank It Up that cobra we ain't talking about no sleeper 69 super sport card a year there she is 383 Plymouth Road Runner beep beep hey that'd be kind of neat frame look at that old man Warner Brothers you never know what you find in old car super street cars Car Craft oh kind of stuff in here Ten Commandments that's right a pair of shoes all right y'all look at here I'm having a climb in here's that game Pole cane Pole's still in pretty good pretty good condition Mr Holly got him a CB oh the ignition's on how many ignition is uh oh there ain't no more what you want me to do you want to pop the hood [Music] oh man that door lock ain't doing nothing got me some nice tires up here I can wear to church Sunday oh man y'all the things we do all right I'm gonna climb in and see if we can get no hooks in it oh once again the things we do oh it popped easy too the hood pop oh there she is y'all you ain't got no power package either douche distributor in the back it is a Chevrolet which ain't no doubt shut around wow that's that's uh y'all know what that is that's good gas that's good gas from 30 years ago uh look at the battery oh okay I was yo that's me looking I was thinking dog gone it's a he ain't never even use the battery in it but it was a I might have bought a brand new battery because he had me to help him one time before he passed he's been gone 15 years but it was a this is a top post and a side post so he's got the side post on okay yeah you see what I'm saying yeah okay he threw you off too didn't it yeah it did I thought I was thinking we was in a Ford yep that's right but y'all there she is what is that 305 350 327s we ain't good with Chevrolets but it does have a four barrel on it we do know that does it take but I climb back up in the front and we lowered the window down so we're gonna look inside of here see what we can find out about the car uh a locking gas cap nothing in the box Sears 2002 I bought tires so that's 20 years that's that's 20 years ago not 30. we said 30 y'all we were wrong uh you didn't grab it for 10 years seven it is a 79 it says 1979 200 ccv6 go count them all man oh does it have eight or six and they don't listen this Seer says uh a 3.3 200 cc but they're wrong aren't they oh that's her new car no it says 79 license number 79 Malibu 2002 uh now this one this one here says a 1979 Chevrolet Chevelle slash Malibu V8 305. so it probably is a 305. got the original owner's manual with it pull that bag off old man Highway passenger warranty 1979 Chevrolet Malibu owner's manual look at there that's pretty neat feeling the original baggage yeah probably never used it never looked at it all right when uh the road map let's not bought it new it says James Christopher owner's name I guess you didn't 79 it was bought with uh 32.8 miles there's a VIN number Hideaway spare recommended fluids Chevrolet notice chemical painting spotting I don't mean you want to put all that back in your bag we learned it has been uh 20 years since this car has run Oh Daddy it's still got a dog on brake pedal yo I'm blue it's got better brakes on it than that truck over under break snap go away is it well yeah he's trying to Duke's a hazard you gotta turn around boy and sit on it now you go yeah he's still too old to do duke it yep all right y'all we're gonna go get a battery and uh we're gonna start uh sort of looking everything over rotate the engine make sure the engine is not locked trying to figure out what the crank bolt is on a Chevrolet you all know we don't I'm going seven eights I don't know if that's crank bolt size or not but we can start with seven eighths so we're gonna dig in uh hopefully you're close it's not seven mates I don't think it is five eight y pull it out now pull it out so everybody can see it see if it turns into the too low oh no it moved I saw the air conditioner turned over here too well it's just tight because I ain't got no room to turn it with a fan all right y'all she is not locked all right y'all if you see my alarm there we rotated the engine a little bit more I probably got a full rotation on it or fairly close to it uh we're gonna check I think we already have noticed that there's some water in there but the old man's doing the old green stick trick they do it with a green stick that way you ain't got to worry about about it breaking off in there all right antifreeze good antifreeze still got antifreeze in it everybody always says old man we don't check the fluids on these old rigs well we do we don't don't always do it on camera dude yep pull it out do this fool and look how clean that is it's got a decent oil in it for sitting for 20 years old man is still debating he says he believed it's been 30 years because she's not been through two Malibus and she kept them both over 20 years so that might be about right she kept them both about 10 years I guess 20 years ago we're going to say first start in 20 years uh or try to try to see if we got a first start in 20 years so it's got all it's got coolant you said oh I mean it had a brake pedal oh it's cool that thing is to find somebody to let us borrow some uh Chevrolet brake fluid Chevy tires we'll drive this stuff Chevy tires we need Chevy brake fluid ain't it well we got brake fluid here yeah we just need some tires we uh what what size are they I don't know y'all reckon their hole there it's rust on one side yeah this one is too all right y'all so we're gonna go try to uh we're gonna get this battery out and we're gonna drop a battery in it the old man's brought brought three batteries over there uh in JC's truck that I'm driving today uh so we got three batteries we're gonna get and see if we can get all this hooked up what is that that's got old nipple on it so it won't a rubber nipple so it won't show it out and put a regular battery on it okay no no sure that's just the end of the boat oh okay that it won't short so it's rubber so it won't short anything off this that's where you can put it oh maybe that's a boat that's different than I've ever seen this here what is that here's a nut I guess it is I ain't never seen one like that that maybe is this a terminal so you can put oh what is that Joe we're gonna get this off because we know this is a wire right here where the red red is this the nut so we'll see when we get it off I don't know if that's original or not that's probably a Mr Holly special oh man did you hear the rumor about butter I I did but I'm not going to spread it you're not going to spread it all right y'all somebody sent us this in the mail oh Eugene sends us a bunch of stuff and uh we appreciate it appreciate everybody who sends this stuff to the love box uh P.O box 143 I think y'all can figure out why I'm gonna call it the love box Soul beeper days uh used to write one for three men I love you uh so I old man didn't know that you missed a B for days didn't you yeah well I didn't didn't have one I had one yeah I didn't believe that I was still them telephone types what you got now stop it service station use Payphone yeah what you do now though just about the same time and you got an old smartphone now oh boy's ready to go he got him a smartphone uh he's accident about granddaddy working yeah hey if y'all want to see kind of the story I actually shared uh the story of what happened in the accident the wreck I had on our second Channel refster Race So if you want to go over and and watch that many of you already have I think I shared it on Thursday this is coming out on Sunday but if you want to go over there and watch that we'd really uh appreciate it uh basically I just share what happened go into a little bit of Biblical scripture that sort of got me in a little bit of trouble uh but I still stand by the Bible uh even if it offends us I'll stand by truth um oh man you losing the terminal oh he just lost the I lost the rig cap oh I put it on the wrong one I put the wrong one in there you know what you call a uh a line them in getting ready to get the haircut a barbecue that's about as corny as they come I just want to give you some entertainment old man while you're sitting there working so hard on on the battery foreign just had to be different yeah they do most certainly you know I found a wooden shoe in the uh toilet today it was clogged [Laughter] I'm not gonna tighten them tight they're tight let's see if they make contact y'all know what it would be called if prisoners got to take their own uh their own mugshots it would because it'll be called selfies c-e-l-l selfies I ain't gonna charge all the time all right y'all we got the battery hooked up oh you wanna reach through the window you want me to reach through there so we're gonna we're gonna go and try to hit the starter well what else we're gonna do with a battery I didn't say we're just gonna check spark are we gonna we're gonna just see if it'll turn with a battery okay so we garter ain't no good you want me to do it or are you gonna climb in there get on in there I'm getting all the way you don't know wrench over but come on let's let's see if we'll win so 68 can Dukes of Hazard you ain't gonna get in there are you I show them the old man I was just joking but you're gonna it's gonna take you 30 minutes to get out somebody may have to help me how does the dude boys do it they run this way and jump this way yeah they're jumping they got rubber boots on me I got one penny that's the hard part ain't it what you do now oh there you go this is how they do it yeah just don't fall backwards and then they grab out in here then they grab hope right here and slide in there look at him oh he made it oh man made it good job we'll do that off camera hit the start old man get a lot Almighty she sounds smooth we'll see I mean look at it hit it one more time but we don't run your battery down but keep turning it over all right y'all the old man what you gonna try to do I'm gonna try to kick your door you want me to hold a camera I'll hold I'll hold this up are you got the back open I mean you got the other side open I hope I hope no well you're just gonna assume this side though you know you know uh disconnected the line coming from the tank here I don't know much about the quadrajunks but they're uh they're good and I mean there looks like it's uh I mean it's all there I mean it's an unlisted car yes we could check spark we could go through all that and uh see if it's got spark but you know you want me to tell you how you know if you got Spark you put some flaming gas in that carburetor and if the carburetor is pumping and working and the engine fires you know it's got spark if it don't then we're going to go through and check and uh so we're gonna do that first we may do things backwards on restoration but y'all this it works you know there's a lot of ways there's a lot of ways in Georgia you can tell when the temperature is beginning to drop maybe you leave starting to turn a little bit these really hadn't turned hardly at all they're still good dark and green so if the leaves aren't turning and you walk outside and you feel like it's a little bit cooler you look down at your plastic gas tank and the plastic gas tank is sucked in like that you're going to know without a doubt the temperature has dropped of course uh we give it a little bit of air but it'll take it a while for it to blow back up but we're going to drop some gasoline down into our Eugene bottle squirt it down into our uh carburetor yeah he showed them the fireplace yet or did you there's a fireplace y'all this old quadrant it's gonna fire up so 305 we're gonna see if she's gonna crank for the first time in 20 years old man says been longer than that but ain't putting a catalytic converter on one unless maybe he did that thinking that was the reason it was running rough what you think you didn't do anything much he just gave up on it because his daughter wanted a new one come on she bought it I was thinking an old woman but well I'd been about right coming out you know he thinks he can hit that hole he is hitting the hole but a lot of what's going on the outside too we don't have nothing up there for the fire were you it's in there yeah all right y'all just so you all know here it is we got it so it's gonna be sitting in the truck oh man if I gotta get it I'm gonna have it right here by the gas tank well look great you getting in again Bo Duke I'm just gonna lean in that's smart yeah be ready to cut it off now don't get a picture of my Debbie your Debbie air we're gonna leave that alone you must have hit the shifter shifter in park oh oh go hold on hold on y'all hear what that did y'all hear that y'all know what that was what was it old man I think it's fired I think it's fire she fired um the the the fuel pump works when you were turning it on I was hearing something breaker breaker one nine I think it's firing it is let it rip had a chip or you want me to get into that footage all right y'all will she crank you don't need to I can do it right here what did she crank for the first time in 20 years we know at least 20 years good Lord is she running look at that [Laughter] she got a little bit of a rub item you know cam or something you always wanting a cam get it yeah hey watch him uh watch him bail say oh it was running real real rough the last I heard it put in a little bit of smoke but ain't that ain't running rough they run out of gas does it all right y'all we dropped our auxiliary gas tank on it now so now we're testing the fuel pump I poured a little bit more gas in the top of the carburetor so she should fire off and when she does we're gonna hope that uh it starts drawing fuel from this tank we don't know if it will but all we can do is try right hit it old man [Music] but I mean sitting forever I don't see how a little bit of a dance got to be working Crank It Up y'all that fan over there works all the time maybe out of gas keep cranking I don't think a fuel pump's working don't know I did any of that oh man it's done lost what I just handed him but we uh I'll show you what the issue is of course this is the old filter that was in it we couldn't get gas to go in and you find it yeah we couldn't get gas to uh flow in nor could we get gas to come through and what we figured out is that right there is clogged I don't know that that must be that is the other end this is the this is the inlet and we couldn't get it to loosen up somebody put Teflon tape and I think they welded that on but it seems like don't know what oh man so we cut the metal line and we kick it up like that so it'll grab whenever we put our rubber line on it here in just a minute that's purpose so that was intentional right there old man said you ain't got a hacksaw I said no I got snips so we're going to undo that get where I can blow through this we're going to screw this back on and then our auxiliary fuel tank should work and uh and then the old man's gonna go get a set of tires and we're gonna Boogie this thing down the road but that the gas does go through this part of the filter to get to the carburetor so that could have been I was wrong with it the first time the whole dog on time could have been a 50 Cent filter filter so now we're going to see if the fuel pump works there was fuel in the line when I cut it but the filter itself was dry so that meant there wasn't no fuel getting up to it couldn't have been could it so we should maybe still putting the Chevrolet filter up fuel pump on yeah oh man maybe putting a I won't be doing it on this one though it was the van wasn't it it was a van all right hit it let's see if she'll crank oh yeah I feel it oh cut it cut it cut it y'all get out here let me show you what I did all that worked it's leaking up in that's fuel line I put inside that I had in the truck that I was trying to something with and I cut it I cut it and uh put my hose in to make my siphon hose and look what I did you put the cut I put the cut hole in that oh my so y'all all that we got to do backwards gotta take off I was holding it and filling it the fuel pump works but look at that right there I mean my Lord why didn't you think of that old man I should have cut that off I didn't know it but uh we'll be back I'll I'll do it again it runs good oh Chevrolet 305 baby fuel pumps working was that the issue all along we don't know but she's running y'all were uh actually come to get some transmission fluid and the old man took opportunity to pick him some Tomatoes these are yours I don't think I'm home with you he makes me homemade ketchup with him he don't eat them much but him things are grown out of out of fertilizer bags yes that's the topsoil right topsoil stuff yeah flowering Garden that old man makes it work oh Green Thumb oh so here's what we've done uh since we picked our Tomatoes uh his Tomatoes we actually came over we found old man said he bought three quarts of nectron Mercon uh transmission fluid ATF for uh a dollar a piece at a yard sale now that's a deal because y'all know they're going for about eight dollars a piece O'Reilly's now but it took all three quarts so it took three dollars worth three quarts three dollars worth transmission fluid and uh we cranked it up and when he put it into gear boy she spit out uh she spit out antifreeze so we know the water my battery's wet new battery is wet so we're gonna crank it back up at least it's antifreeze yeah and then we'll add a little water to that but y'all we got an issue and the issue is the wheels that goes on this thing is 14 inches so we were pondering Chevrolet Chevrolet hey we got a Chevrolet that y'all like to Bunch we liked a bunch my aunt Hazel's car that thing cranked up around but guess what it's got 15 inch wheels so will 15 inch wheels fit up onto this rig it's got 14s on them now we may not be able to turn real sharp corners but we're gonna we're probably gonna try to put some 15s on this thing see if we can kick his Joker down the road these are Big 14s if they're 14. big 14s the old man said these 14 is a big four it's not little 14s they big 14. 235 14s or what does it say they are 235. we're gonna get these 15s off these are 205s so maybe these will fit 205s okay that's a small 15. small 15. that's a small 15 and we got a big 14 on the other one so maybe the two of them will go together oh if you walk outside and you see on 1982 Caprice Classic and it's on blocks and on uh and got wood chunks on the front you're probably missing a set of wheels and tires you might even be missing catalytic converter if it's got one old man said he didn't want to drive it because it's got white walls on it I don't want to drive it because it got a bow tie on the front of it but uh I guess both of us gonna be riding it in a minute hopefully in order to keep these things from rusting out you got to keep all this dirt out where all the trees growed in it binds and you got to keep all this cleaned out yes I didn't then I never did clean that when I got it so we didn't know it was gonna run as good as it does hey look at all that bad replant that yeah it will it'll regroup right there on the ground right beside rotten leaves and how it turns to dirt it looks like it's been under dirt underground plant more Tomatoes oh here's the first time in 20 years she's been sitting on four good tires and actually don't look bad with 15s I know these had 14s on it uh yep sure is the question of this 1979 Malibu with a 305 in it the motor is running good we know it's got fuel uh getting to the carburetor it's got enough water in it that is rotating we need to go add water to it it's got a fresh set of wheels and tires on it the biggest issue and the issue right now is going to be I wouldn't yeah the biggest issue that we're going to have is are the wheels locked up we're gonna hope not do you remember if they turned when they drug or were you not here when they I was there when I got it and I was here when they took it off and I can't remember but it did come off good I'm saying he didn't have to tie it off or Jerk it so I'm thinking they wrote I don't know they rolled all right y'all we're gonna bank that they roll all right Bo Duke uh Bo Duke Dennis is gonna get in uh you don't end old man let's see uh man you're getting good at that yep hi Joe oh man he's got the car rocking here it is 1982 Malibu crank up and go do what you're gonna do man look at that thing run go yep something is huh is the transmission not in gear yep hold on hold on let me get around you forget she'll go in reverse she will not go in four all right Joe what would cause that all right first move in 20 years she went back three feet I'm only yanked the front bump off I thought I'm gonna shovel up I want to see if his back tire is going to turn both of them all right go ahead slow slow tight this tire is stuck because let me go to the other side foreign go both backings are stuck all right go nope nope [Music] [Applause] nope you're burning your tire up just stop right there all right so we're doing old-fashioned restoration I just froze so we're gonna do the old uh call him or tap method look at all that dust coming out of there man oh man word about tearing the brakes loose [Music] the cool thing we did is we tapped it I was tapping it with his hammer and it got just enough rust you see all that rust coming out got just enough of that rust out that it broke loose and if you notice what happened the old man got in it and gave a little gas and it spun this and it was spinning this off to hub off uh the drum off so if you got one with no wheel on it and you spin it for much it's gonna it's gonna that's gonna hub's gonna come right off the old tradition just laying a line of dirt look at there oh I know what he wants what's that buy this for right now Reagan Oh Nicole yeah they can tell you what uh Nikki T would not drive this why she may cause uh she's married to me all right y'all will this 1979 Chevrolet Malibu with a 305 well she finally pulled out of her grave for the first time and we know 20 years now she's been transplanted but she has not pulled out of her grave all by herself yet so the old man is gonna crank her up and give her a go will it work still like Jay go go you ain't dragging nope ah she's burning y'all this is the whole Malibu didn't go man [Music] foreign [Music] no I don't know what it is furnace ah that hurt what'd you do hit your hand oh I hit the stuck on plastic back here it broke off in my back look at all this y'all it's what I'm getting in hi let's go man I'm driving you ain't Driving Miss Daisy you're driving real you saying it yeah I ain't gonna say he's got to go 100 miles an hour that squeaking is just the uh it's got good enough brakes look at it on my way you gonna pull in here so we can I ain't gonna pull in there that thing might get stuck trying to get out of that grass yeah that's a good point wouldn't you think yeah I guess so we're backing up in our Drive I'd bag it up we can go forward 75 in the hole that's good that's good odds I guess I should go this way huh that's exactly right look at there he just showed you on something myself I'm good handling his own business it's full so it didn't it didn't take a half a gallon old man said the next fix is uh getting these doors fixed either front door would be awesome but uh went on it when the only door works is the back one actually look like she's sitting lower with 15s I mean she's sitting down I mean it's a donkey look at that old car y'all she don't actually look too bad the idle circuit might be kept down in the bottom let's go hold on oh man singing up dust all on me that Joker's crazy Annie foreign thing on the road today no that was better oh that thing got a ticket it's gone man oh man what's the thing do you ever think we'd get this running today no I never would get it might get it running but I didn't know we'd be driving it up there man yeah I knew we could get it cranked with that Hazel's wheels and tires yeah we're making it work s all right y'all we said that we were going to uh show you the old man's other rides we'll do that on our next video uh we are so excited I think even the air conditioner this car still works we just turned it on we turned the air on and the compressor kicked on we did see that which is pretty amazing for a 1979 uh Malibu Classic but we're excited to have this still making a lot of Racket we're excited to get it uh running and on the road uh we thank you so very much for watching this is our craziness on over me and the old man we're excited that y'all watch we love you all we thank you for watching and as always we know no way I'm closing out any of these episodes then saying news [Music] hey we want to thank you all again for watching this video If you're not subscribed to the channel you can do so by clicking this button down below or you can watch a video that may be suited for you or a recent upload uh here down below so once again we thank you for watching Deuces may God bless
Channel: RevStoration
Views: 40,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, 1979 Chevrolet Malibu, junkyard, First Start, in, years, fe, woods, revival, roadkill, kill, motortrend, First Start in Years, Will it Crank, Will the Car Run, Granada, RevStoration, Car Revival, Car Restoration, Father & Son, Water in Oil, Car in Trees, Junk to Jewel, Rev, Will it Start, Amazing Revival, The Old Man, Father Son, Will it Move?, Smoking the Tires, V8, Smoke Em, Chevy 305, Abandoned, Stuck Engine, Challenge, Left for Dead, Distributor, Drive, Family, Stuck Wheels
Id: ql5rI83jGlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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