First Recon Marines - Generation Kill Interview W/ The Real Marines

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[Music] I'm Evan right I wrote Generation Kill and I rode in the Humvee with uh Brad Colbert and Josh Ray person who were uh Brad was the team leader and I was the reporter in the Humvee my big intent with working on the miniseries was to present you guys as characters saying and doing things and and joking in a way that would make viewers really uncomfortable tell you who the biggest [ __ ] is is that Saddam Hussein we don't even want to be in this [ __ ] stop scribbling it encourages him I think it was a great series I think it uh it shows a lot not just our story but you know I think the American public uh will be able to get a good uh idea of what uh you know what the men and women are doing in Iraq I mean I think a lot of people their conception of war is that when the troops are fighting everybody's like sort of hunkered down and scared and we depict troops like right after the bullets stop people are telling jokes it's a stress reliever I mean that's a no-brainer well from all the other war movies that are out everyone has this preconceived notion of of what war is and but do you think it's accurate that like the humor in it oh yeah it is humor thing I think humor is most funny whenever it's injected into places where it totally doesn't belong you know that's what makes that's what makes a medium funny joke really ridiculously funny true true your sense of timing is genius by the way brother rud check it out look I'm you here Dead Alive dead here now I'm alive I'm Dead Alive day what's your point just trying to cheer you up brother humor is is a coping mechanism yes all you guys know Eddie Wright one of my assistant team leaders had both his hands blown off behind me I'll be honest I was panicked a little bit and the first thing he does is start cracking jokes about we should have slept in this morning you know and I'm like how I'm like how the hell is this guy laughing we we were the tip of the spear we met the enemy face head on and we destroyed them so I mean if somebody gets upset because because we crack a few jokes I think any commander would have been proud of of that unit I think we have this um this misguided perception that World War II was this you know the good versus the evil this very clearcut it was messy and it was ugly and it was just as nasty and ruthless and vicious as what we have in the Middle East you just didn't have a camera there this is the most publicized war that we've ever had I mean every single thing in history even this war though we still have the luxury to ignore it Americans don't even care about it you know here's a different with with uh with with Evans he could have stayed for that first firefight been through it pack his stuff and then have his story in hand go home he would got the full story and each firefight he he survived with us I think he got a little bit more Street Credit got a little bit closer with the unit and actually learned a little bit more about the men and the funniest thing is every single firefight we'd get into Evan would say afterwards he goes I don't know I'm I might leave after this one I might the joke was after that first ambush is I looked back to make sure everyone was okay and all I saw was Kevlar a Kevlar with boots sticking out the bottom trembling oh and you know that's another part of this that's really fantastic our humors are Ace in the Hole we can get through anything and we did we've all got through everything and even though we mess with each other really bad I mean these guys mess with me like you cannot believe I wonder why now you're rolling in a battle in your goddamn chicken suit and JLo glasses you dress like a pimp Queen I wear clothes that are body conscious but uh at the end of the day if anybody else out there tried to mess with me uh you'd have to walk through all these guys and that family is portrayed in this film Daddy's back it's really pretty country out here except for the mortars one of the things um that that I want to talk about is um I think it may have been a little overboard with the officer bashing officers are an easy target just by virtue of the positions they hold um ultimately they are responsible for everything that does or or does not happen in my opinion I think our officer Corps Military Officers today are some of the the best and brightest the country has an offer and uh and they're doing a superb job throw in too brother at that time um um it was the first time that we had uh operated as a battalion uh and uh and as companies and and we were using maximum flexibility and actually we did very well it seem very very uh uh messed up and so much friction and breakdowns of communication exactly that's the nature of the Beast though with with combat it's chaos a lot of us were I think uh we had we had enough knowledge about combat in Afghanistan to exactly just enough to get us in trouble exactly if you want to ride with the tip of the spear you're going to see civilians being killed you're going to going to see very few things are truly sacred to us you have to be careful if you want if you want to accept the truth there it is you know and and I think it's harsh I mean uh after the Articles you know they they thought I was a militant racist I don't hang out with Mexicans I'm Mexican Mexicans got $20,000 stereos lots of guns and every time I go into a liquor store with one I'm afraid we're going Rob the place when people back home read about the war and I always he oh we support the troops we support the troops bring them home bring them home we support the troops nobody wants us to get hurt and we don't want to get hurt but we all volunteered for it we come here to do a job that that we're very honored to do that's what I like to say to to to America I think we're all happy to have our story told uh but again it's not just these 22 23 guys there's a you know a whole nation at War and and this is you know what the service members are going through do you think that um guys that are your age um who have lived in a civilian life do you think it ever intimidates them that that that you've LED this different life of course well it's because there's a funny dichotomy we're actually like in this hero cast kind of I mean in this cast Sy like her no no you're talking nice man over here dog this guy's 8T tall in the [Laughter] mood come on Ray we're asking Mike you know people find out what I've done or that I was a Recon marine and they kind of stand back like I never would have ever guessed you know it's funny cuz uh in writing the scripts like you know there's this like sort of hack screenwriter thing like every character must change person was always the same Colbert is very brave but I know that he's changed inside his Focus has changed like everything is changing person is always exactly the same and it it kind of blows my mind Don't Go Changing yeah all Hitman Victors this is 2-1 is it at all possible for any of you to back up Mike what are you doing now well I'm still in the reconnaissance Community with a uh a unit down in San Diego I'm getting ready to to either retire or move back to a Recon unit what do you do Josh I'm actually trying to do a startup company now with um go ahead and plug it it's called blue note it's uh it deals with uh it's a document Solutions company and what are you doing these days well I'm I'm also still active duty uh I'm back at first reconnaissance Battalion and and uh y thank you we're actually getting ready to go back uh to Iraq and this will be my uh my third time St Frosty a shall yeah and what about you Tony what are you doing these days I'm moved into the private sector I spent uh about four months down in BOS last year early last year and Eric what are you doing now I'm not going to sure if I might get into the private sector and do the Contracting or maybe continue this route with uh working in Hollywood who knows maybe go climb Mount Everest what about you Rudy uh still doing the fitness um Fitness business stuff I'm you know uh martial arts and fitness has been my my life since uh I don't know three or four years old and I also plan on doing more acting and doing more television doing more films porn yeah I just going to say I thought you were doing the you would be a Gorn the king see how they are you would sh start out at the top and then once that career started to drop you could switch to a bottom and you see a new Spike you could ride that train for a long time well maybe Ally won't do the acting okayy I brought this pizza
Channel: PsychoKycl
Views: 716,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first, recon, marines, 786717, lo, mov, interview, generation, footage, exclusive, interviews, rare, kill, usmc, marine, 1st, batallion, rudy, fruity, alexander, skarsgard, the, real, brad, colbert, iceman, hbo
Id: CZvWl67Icn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2011
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