FIRST LOOK Caterham Project V: With It's Designer - Anthony Jannarelly!

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[Music] amazing yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] This is the project V caterham's Next  Evolution into its electric future a   two plus one three-seater GT coupe designed to  win drivers hearts with its stunning looks and   by placing driving fun above the shock Factor  acceleration figures usually associated with   marketing new EVS it achieves this by keeping  the weight down to 1190 kilograms already Low   by today's standards on any sports car let  alone for an EV it's 200 kilowatt motor will   deliver a naught to 62 time of around 4.5 seconds  comparable with other sports cars at its sub 80k   price point it's 268 horsepower or 272 PS will  result in a top speed of just under 150 miles   an hour with the instant torque of an EV on  tap and with its 55 kilowatt hour battery a   key reason for its low weight you'll be able to  drive for up to 250 miles depending on how you   drive of course and if you take it on track it  can recharge from 20 to 80 in just 15 minutes   given the right charging infrastructure today  we're getting up close and personal with the   car as we explore its design philosophy with  catrum's new chief designer Anthony gennarelli   so the first time I became aware of he was with  the design one beautiful car and partly interested   me because it has a three and a half liter Nissan  VQ in it and of course the CEO Caterham he is   formerly our program director for Nissan sports  cars and has appeared on this channel before   but this connection didn't come about through  that did it Bob used to bubbliciously so he   used to live in Dubai for a short while and I  was there and uh the first car I bought there   was a cat Ram 7 which is not a common thing  is there and a friend of mine said oh would   you like to be introduced to the chief strategy  officer of Catherine I know you love you love I   say yeah of course I would love it and we  started to chat and Bob had a chance to to   drive the design one as well and we got closer  and closer and he at some point he decided to   to tell me about the next step for Caterham and  ask me to to do a proposal and I was the one   to be selected so I'm super happy of course but  no I asked him if before if he if there was any   I mean anyway why it shows me except the fact that  I was selected for the full for the their board   and said no no it's just uh you know we might be a  bit friend but uh apparently he believed in what I   could achieve so that's great well we actually had  a little bit of a behind the scenes conversation   with Bob I think everybody including the parent  company of patreon felt that you're proposal   just went a bit further than everyone else and  had that connection with the brand with the DNA   and I had an understanding of it and I think we  can see that in the car if you look at this it's   not like oh what is that it's no that actually  looks just like a catering just in a way that you   can't put your finger on I think you've helped  to lay the the template for the future DNA of   Caterham so congratulations how would you describe  this particular car that we're looking at right   now it's a concept scale on the Spectrum let's say  as a range of conceptual you have really like the   dream in fantasy car and the close to production  so I would say this is close to production because   we did some kind of pre-feasibility study so  it means every every shape you know you you   create has been checked by an engineer in some  in some light way and some sort but does being   checked for example the windshield the curvature  of the windshield is correct from allegation and   this is very very important to be able to check  that before because once you start to draw the   windshield the rest of the car has to flow and uh  and if we were wrong for instance it would be you   wouldn't it would be a nightmare later on to find  out to to find the solution for for the design   what would you say is the standout thing that sets  this apart from things you've done in the past   this car is aimed at being sold at a bigger volume  so it's going to be a bit more mainstream you know   I'm used to do uh like either extreme hypercars  like that I can at the time and then he has a   design one they are like cars that are supposed  to be more like a in a very niche market and so   this time we are to appeal to a broader audience  so that's why we see the design as some software   huge much more Universal the best basically is to  start from the concepts you know sometimes people   think like a designer is more like a stylist  who just draw quickly a thing and because he has   some crazy idea in his mind but the truth is like  you try to analyze first and find a core concept   so of course you know like the story of katyami  is linked to Lotus in some sort and since then   they only produce a seven so like we had to  find some kind of styling DNA in the seven   and to really uh try to translate this into a  modern era on a car I would call like a small GT   and the principle was that you know KTM stands  for like fun to drive of course Simplicity and   lightweight so how do I translate this into a  shape you know so the Simplicity is to try to   find as much symmetrical area you can in a car  so after we'll have a look around but so first   is symmetry and then finding the perfect  proportions that are very balanced because   it's also something that it's important when you I  don't want to be too extreme in some sort you know   and if you want like the car is  divided it's three in three stages   and so if you think about it the seven it's very  fun for us function which means basically what you   see is is what is useful you know and so what  I wanted to show in this car is that it's okay   that has to flow through air it's an electric car  that it will have to be efficient so I wanted to   show that it's going to be aerodynamic so the  old bottom of the car what you see is black   is actually also a device that will help the car  to be to be efficient during the for the for the   air and then you have a second layer where in a  different world where we can Master the shape you   know at the time you are doing aluminum you are  doing you are following the chassis now today you   you can be in control of the shape much more  easily but I want you to reflect back to this   geometrical aspect of this event so you will see  you have very sharp surfaces in the middle area of   the car and then finally the top of the car it's  very smooth very slick and you know it's awesome   so very organic and again if you think about  the seven look at the nose of the seven it's   made out of fiber and it's very organic and sleek  and then you'll have the geometrical shape so   it's it's a bit it's a stretch but you know  you try to take your excuse and blend blending   blending them together you're able to apply  this to a GT concept which is not something   was expected to do you know but where I'm pleased  that this styling shoes and think you can you we   brought them on this car today and one day if  they want to make another car I'm sure we'll be   able to replicate that so for a diner it's very  important to be able to trade with family feeling [Music]   I absolutely love the design on this car and that  balance between function and form has cars a lot   today are going that modern retro Style with  the hard angles and trying to look like that   this feels like a modern retro it's got that  retro Beauty to it but it still looks modern   it's got the nice form-flowing lines but with  the hard hard angles to it you said it's true   like there's something why it looks little it's  not an intention to say we wanted a vintage field   or retro car it's just because in the past  we were making simpler because the technique most of the cars they were made out of aluminum  or if they were made by end and they're to be   simple you couldn't create very complicated trees  Etc so that's why as soon as you apply the same   principle of Simplicity suddenly you are throwing  back you know so it's just a result honestly it   wasn't something an intention to say we want to  be vintage but the result is great because I think   the Golden Era of the of the car design was in the  60s like everybody seems to agree on that you know   so Are there specific details on this car that you  are especially happy and proud of I keep saying   that to a friend but it's this small blade because  this particular area of the car I think it it's so   much cataran because on the seven everything is  exposed so ideally you know you you would have   as many parts exposed as possible on this car  as well but you have to cover the the chassis   and the wheels and I will try to cover to to put  let's say to to use the minimum volume possible so   in this area you see it's very deep and actually  the main body actually stops here you know   and here you see the nose of the seven and it's  a very it's a very scripted shape and I think   people like this aspect of this free Dimension and  obviously here what to do you know your your left   with an mtrm and making these small blade just  to to direct the hair for around the tire just   made me create this kind of Gap and actually I  think it works and something very significant now   and at the same time as I explained sometimes  that it's uh it's also simpler to manufacture   because in card design was very difficult it's  all to maintain all the panel Gap and for me   it has to work these styling shoes as to help the  engineer as well so I would say I'm proud of this   part I have something I wanted to ask you about  on the back of the car first off the hips I love   the way the car bulges out so hips almost remind  me of the old Vanquish the way that they kind of   pop out straight they kind of have a hard but soft  angle so hard enough that you can see that's soft   enough that it really flows and I really love that  and from when you look at the car from the rear   you get that exposed rear tire it's got that race  car Supercar feel to it even though it's marketed   and budgeted around a sports car market it really  gets that upscale Feel Again think of trying to   add the minimum volume to cover the chassis so  as soon as you can carve out some some uh some   material in some sort I would do it so this is a  concept car but it's very realistic the production   car will be 95 percent close to the to this shape  for instance security you know the will has to be   covered but it can only be we don't have to cover  the Wheel from here to here and all the regulation   and give you this angle so it means I can just cut  out and let the tire being exposed you know it's   less material it's uh and it's also for me a way  to create some contrast between these very sleek   and organic shape Very sensual shape and suddenly  you know it's like you take a knife and you you   cut through the through the shape and so again  it's to give character to the car to bring back to   this geometrical aspect of the seven and also to  to create a lot of contrast you know in anything   in music you know in R2 in painting you always  want to create contrast that's what we love so I   think when you play with the shape that's that's  how you manage to get some contrast and what you   said about the Aston Martin actually it's kind of  true there was this muscle in the Vanquish what we   try to do here is to be very Setter as well for  instance we worked a lot in this in this area   and one thing we did with the 3D modeler and  this is your face there we are trying to to   capture the light correctly and sometimes the  zigzag you have a zigzag shape you like this   it was a bit too much a bit strange Etc and  sometimes it was fading and in this area   no I like to to quote this because we were  struggling struggling sometimes we had a very   strange light here and we we managed to catch it  perfectly when the movies are yeah one millimeter   deep one millimeter so it's just to show how  precise sometimes you have to be with cars and   anybody even uh you know some some people say to  me oh but I'm not a designer I cannot understand   these but yeah if I move one millimeter you would  see the difference anybody would see the distance   that's that's why I'm still made some time but  this uh we are creating like four meter from meter   20 cars but one millimeter can change a lot you  know one of the things that you've talked about   is these sort of parts that are cut away from the  car and I noticed at the back there's a lot Cuts   away how realistic is it for us to see that level  of material that's been removed staying as it is   once we get closer to production the rare  actually is maybe the most realistic party in   some sort for instance if if rabies doesn't work  for molegation we can just add a little piece of   of carbon or something like that you see that on  some other cars now but the rest it's really like   actually I will make I want to make things simple  again I mean I think the Assembly of this vampire   there's no like difficult line to adjust  you know it's really it's horizontal and   it's attached from the bottom so even if  imagine if you're someone bump into you   you will not damage this area of the car you know  so it's properly the function of a vampire as long   as you are like 2.5 millimeter radius everywhere  I think this is fine for irrigation on many cars   you know a concept car for instance but we had  to think of how to position the registration   plates in the right area and for all the markets  like USA Japan so you see you have different   size you know so everything has been checked out  already you know let's take a look inside [Music]   because we are making a sports car we try to make  it as low as possible but the best location for   the battery it's always in the floor for the  center of gravity and the dynamic so what we   did is actually right under the seat it's  empty so the seat can be down and then in   the Footwear and Beyond the floor is raised to  house the battery that's how we can manage to   to get this package and we sit right outside  and make sure we have enough battery volume   that's fascinating because that's one of the  things we love most about cars is being able   to sit low and feel like you're in the car you  never want to be driving a car where you're in   a bus so the fact that you've made the space  so that the seat can sit in there that is   that's brilliant you know exterior interior  it's always the same principle we try to   to keep the same philosophy so when you think  about it what you need in your car today it's   like safety so it's airbag then you need a bit  of electronics just to to guide you around you   need the infotainment so we just use the the  small screen on the market for that you only use   your phone there will be no infotainment system  coming from ktran because I think it's pointless   and there is AC and that's it you know so for  me the way for us okay we feature all this in   the most simple simpler range of sort we have some  kind of minimalistic interior but I still wanted   a little bit of refinement because think about it  for me this guy is more like a small GT so you're   supposed to to spend some time in the car and  because it's electric you notice that the car   is not that big but the interior cabinet is way  bigger just because we have an electric package it   would it would be a different car if it was if it  was featured with an ice Intel transmission engine   so the fact that we can carve out a lot of space  make make it almost a daily drive you know so you   need to be a bit cozy and I wanted this feeling  for me like there's some britishness in it you   know you always want to be a bit elegant and a  bit refined so I wanted to implement this in the   car while it's still being very minimalistic  because if you check the details of the car   there's not much actually it's not but the  materials are nice the shapes are simple   the carbon fiber panel it's it's a flat panel  something you don't do today in car design but   the great thing about it is that if you want to  do a wood a wooden trim or aluminum trim it's   it's easy to customize and to change you know so  again it's finding trying to get simple solution   and just applying to Modern cars no and I think  catami is great as doing that now it's a it's   C plus one but there will be an option for a two  plus two where did the idea of a two plus one   that's with a seat in the middle at the back come  from it comes from Os from personal experience you   know sometimes I've been at the back of the car  just for five ten minutes you know so you can you   can realistically only house one adult you know  and if you're a kid then you're stuck Beyond this   seat and it's not fun for you so if I afford okay  it will be very very nice if a kid could sit in   the middle so you could still see the road and you  know when you're a designer you you always imagine   scenario that's the way you you design things now  how this car would be used and I always thought   like you can be a dad with your two two kids one  is a teenager and one younger child and they don't   fight to to come with you no you can't take them  both if you're a couple with one kid you can stay   in the middle it's it's with extra usability  you know because of the sports car imagine you   buy this first car it's a two-seater suddenly  you start your family and then you what do you   do and I thought okay that's the advantage of of  the electric package over maybe a more thrilled   petrol engine counter one of the things I really  love about the interior design is that mixture   of Simplicity even things like the switch panel  I love that that is so cool and the the use of   physical buttons obviously other than the Hedge  unit which is all you need today you don't need   a UI anymore because everyone just connects to  their apple part of playing Android auto as it is   one thing I noticed is it has digital dials as  opposed to physical dials which I'm assuming is a   first for Caterham it's a Simplicity and economic  sense because actually your screen today is much   cheaper than as an actual if you think about it  it's like a automatic watch and uh of course yeah   basically the advantage of the screen is like if  you want to update it's easy there's no physical   Party Movement you know so and today it will talk  to the ECU So It's All Digital actually today   having a gauges it's it's more complicated I also  do love the door card design I think that's really   nicely done positioned in a way that you can press  comfortably but it still looks like a a statement   piece and the the door pull for the handle as  well very race far I love it and again it's a you   use this Android because you don't have a part  to develop it's lighter and it works perfectly foreign [Music] stepping slightly  away from this and more to you as   a designer do you do a lot of paper  drawings get an image do you do a lot   of the 3D stuff yourself How does it  go from Concepts to 3D to reality okay any Scripture that has to be dynamic so if you  if you only think of drinks it's it's a shame   because you know I don't know some people that  just draw and you have this perfect view and you   think it's very nice but you see on the camera  you see the way we turn around the car you're   never static yo so like the posterior shape where  you only have the side view profile that working   perfectly unfortunately that's not the way we  should design so what I do is like I sketch very   quickly by hand in some loose way you know just  to get the idea to understand the volume and and   just to find some kind of styling ideas but then  just to make sure they work straight to where they software just to make sure that okay  this assembly of volume Works in from   phone view from side view and  then once I can tweak the shape   and I'm pretty happy about it then you know I  have to my expertise stop and I have to rely on   3D modeler and 3D surfacing for instance for this  aspect we worked with Italian design they work for   OEM so there's such a broad knowledge about cars  and about the technique how to manufacture things   so it's always very close to the engineering  side as well because when you model a shape   you need to make sure it's manufacturable  for instance if it's a mode you have to be   able to mold the shape and because they have  an extensive knowledge about this we managed   to be very efficient in some sort what's the  best reactions you've had at the show today   I mean where I'm extremely pleased that this this  design seems to be very Universal in some sort men   women cheats from any age any culture any country  you know they seem to like this car and you know   we say like Americans they like big cars you know  Japanese small car maybe and uh and the women they   have certain type of style remember it's and  where I'm always pleased is that I try to find   some kind of universal Beauty in what I do and  and for me it seems that it seems to be working   you know and I'm super pleased because KTM is very  friendly brand you know there's no aggressivity so   it's fun to drive and and so if the design can  translate The Same Spirit for me it's a big win foreign [Music]
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Keywords: caterham, project v, caterham project v, caterham seven, caterham 7, electric vehicle, electric sportscars, ev, ev sports car, sportscar, electric vehicles, car review, concept car, battery electric vehicle, caterham cars, caterham 7 review, caterham project v goodwood, caterham project v interior, caterham project v concept, caterham project v weight, project v caterham, caterham concept, caterham concept car, caterham concept v, caterham ev, jannarelly, anthony jannarelly
Id: 83HZ8d1GbtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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