FIRST listen to Revolver & Analysis - French Horn? Why not?

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hello everyone the day has finally arrived and i'm going to be listening to revolver for the first time and doing a little analysis as i listen on first off i just want to mention the artwork visually i can see that it's very different to all the other album artworks usually you know it's a photograph of them with the title but this is like a drawing an artistic little piece of um them it was released on the 5th of august 1966. yeah let's go do it the first song is called tax men if i had to guess the subject matter maybe people being taxed too much the poor being taxed the rich not taxed enough that would be my guess okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] be thankful i don't take it [Music] yeah so the start was quite interesting like speaking in their british accents um the bass seems really prominent in this one in terms of the mix like it's really in your face in terms of the lyrics yeah clearly not a fan of the taxman are they they have this sound it almost sounds like coins rattling like in a metal kind of cup or something uh it kind of gives off that sound to me so um i'm wondering further down uh these songs within this album they sample even more um to represent and create an atmosphere to match the song i'll tax the heat i'll talk to your feet [Music] that was a very interesting section so they have that guitar solo which is heavily distorted and then the drums come in and have like a little run and you think it's kind of continue building up and then it goes kind of strips away and continues to be like a little bit more mellow so i wouldn't have expected that but that's a funny lyric to be like you're gonna tax the heat [Music] [Music] i just want to point out the bass because it's catching my attention soul string [Music] so it's like from the d to the a to the c um you know quite simple but i find it's like really keeping it moving and it's really catching my attention um this song is meant to be the key of d major so starting with the root note of the day and yeah sounding nice [Music] [Music] okay so i just went on wikipedia so you need to take the other grain assault but apparently the song tax man um was a protest song against the high level of progressive tax improves in the uk by the labor government which saw the beatles pay over 90 of their earnings to the treasury uh the next song is eleanor rigby i've heard a lot about this one i think i may have heard it throughout my life somewhere right now i can't think of it i'm guessing it's about a girl called eleanor rigby [Music] oh [Music] in the previous video i mentioned that i thought i knew a melody of their song because we had a cassette tape which was a flute cover of pop songs and i'm very sure that this was one of them the last one that i think of that was quite orchestral was yesterday like they had the strings so they're really this is quite a unique different sound um for them and yeah let's go [Music] okay so just to point out what the strings are doing you have the cello staccato which is the fast articulations like and like very sharp and then you have the violin come in um to add another rhythm and add some more harmonic information to it i'm going to say interested to see how it progresses um yeah i know this song but i can't remember it very well um and yeah lyrically they're really telling a story that sounds silly to say but i feel like the lyricism in this is a little bit different to what they've been doing in the past in terms of really painting a picture like usually they're it's like the lyrics the character in the song is observing this character opposed to having a direct relationship to the character anyways now legato so you've got this legato string in contrast to the staccato [Music] makes you sound really like mysterious because it's going down in half steps um sounds really cool does he care for [Music] look at all the lovely people [Music] the lyrics are really quite sad but um i feel like it's very reminiscent of something probably a lot of people experience in their lives like if you go catch a train or you're waiting for public transport or something and you kind of look at all the people walking around and you're trying to figure out what their life story is and you know they've really painted a picture with the lyrics like you know there's the pastor writing his sermon and no one's probably gonna hear it because maybe three people show up or like everyone's got their own individual life and their own problems and i feel like it's really painting that picture [Music] and just in that section using the same vocals as the chorus look at all the only people inserting it under another section yeah [Music] is that it oh that's it i really like songs that have that kind of storytelling vibe to it um i enjoyed that it was really interesting though it's had two staccato strings that have a very menacing sound to it especially towards the ends those strings are really high and almost sound kind of horror like i wonder if that was an intentional choice to match the topic of all these lonely people yeah i enjoy that one the next one is called i'm only sleeping i don't know what that could be about i'm only sleeping i'm still the only one [Applause] [Music] i don't like [Music] that is a reverse guitar because i did see it apparently it says that in the wikipedia that's a reverse guitar it's um because you can tell because the attack is slow and it ends very quickly and they do that in modern music a lot now too [Music] strip everything down to the base come back in [Music] i wasn't expecting that [Music] [Applause] [Music] such character to this song [Music] oh those backing vocals [Music] so lovely and that reversed uh guitar really now that i'm thinking about it seems to match the lyricism of this song like it sounds like a sleepy feeling right like you when you're waking up you're gonna right you know look i know i'm really far too into this you know most of the time i always think when you write a song and the songwriters they were probably like it just sounded good we did it because it sounded good like there's no more added meaning to it so what i'm hearing in the low harmony is paired with so you get it sounds lovely like i don't know why that's so effective but it sounds beautiful i really it's probably my favorite part of this song so far [Music] and then you strip down to the face come back in and again strip down it's an interesting choice to strip down twice early in the morning [Music] and then they've added it with a surprise continuing with a reverse guitar like reverses out interesting the next one is called love you too so i mean it's about love that's the satire right [Music] [Applause] oh very interesting [Music] what an atmosphere is creating that right [Music] [Applause] i really like this progression [Music] is [Music] okay okay okay well let's talk about creating an atmosphere so um that has to be sitting i'm not like going i'm not having a moment am i instruments we have we have the vocals acoustic guitar sata rhythm guitar a fuzz tone lady guitar viking vocals tambourines then we have someone playing um tabla which are these percussive instruments tablet is also frequently played in popular and freak music performances in india bangladesh pakistan nepal afghanistan and sri lanka so completely different sound it creates compared to when you use like a drum kit that they were typically using like it really creates an atmosphere like that i'm sorry that um the performer playing the tabla was anil bhagwat i hope i'm saying that correct [Music] oh standing round screw you on the ground [Music] okay [Music] okay sonically and musically i feel like there was a lot of like high-pitched sounds and the vehicles were mixed quite low honestly i really kind of struggled to hear what they were singing um so i've just got up the lyrics now make love all day long make love singing songs there's people standing around who'll screw you in the ground they'll fill you in with all their sins you'll see i'll make love to you if you want me to so i'm guessing the vibe of this song was very much like focus on you and i you and i are gonna be the love and all those other people are gonna be trying to screw us over but we're like good definitely a different vibe completely brand new sound in this particular song i wonder if it's gonna continue let's see the next one is called here there and everywhere and i'm just like thinking here there and everywhere like i feel like it has to be a fast-paced song i haven't heard it before [Music] okay sorry before i like keeps going i just think it's a very clever choice to have a very gentle song after uh the previous song just because in my mind at least first time hearing it it was like a lot um and now to have something a bit gentle so i think just in terms of the way the album is structured for me personally i think that was a clever choice [Music] such gentle vocals too [Music] it out um so the woo section of the section so the backing vocal section i think that is the atmosphere of this song if you strip those away it would completely sound it just wouldn't have that same feeling um the more i'm listening to the beatles the more i i hear myself mentioning oh those harmonies interesting i need to make another video to break them down so that's something like after all these album reviews that's something you're interested in that i take um a beatles song and like analyze it like i did the other video uh other song money money money for example and just like focus on the harmonies because that's something i struggle with i struggle with harmony so much so you know be a great thing for me to learn as well and hopefully you would like it let me know [Music] [Music] hold on what happened there sorry that little section there was incredibly enjoyable i don't know what they did but they just ran each one [Music] oh [Music] that run up [Music] is [Music] um this was such a beautifully restrained song it did precisely what it's meant to do i always think about i'm pretty sure it's an interview with freddie mercury and he's talking about songwriting and he mentions how you have to do what's right for the song not necessarily what you want like not showing off your abilities in a super fancy way you have to do what's right for the song and you have to listen to the song and i don't i know that sounds a bit heavy to you but i really believe that and i feel like they've just done what's right for the song they didn't need to do anything too extravagant but it really conveyed and created a nice atmosphere um it was beautiful so this is the part that really caught my attention in this song it's by the guitar and it's like [Music] so whenever you go up a half step like they did in this song it's kind of creepy compared it's going up to a whole tone [Music] like it has a different feeling like half steps are always more creepy and they use that in the other song so i'm wondering it's a very interesting choice to use a kind of a creepier little uh movement um in a song that um you could say is potentially more on the warm happy fuzzy sort of sound um but in saying that in order if something's unhappy having a contrasting sadder part of a song you can hear it better um and vice versa so i don't know if that was the choice there but something to note the next song is yellow submarine is this the one i was like where are all living in a yellow submarine in the town where i was born oh okay and he told [Music] the waves are really loud [Music] so i was wondering if they were going to start sampling so they're really playing around with not only only using sounds from instruments but sounds of life because when like you can hear like just now that's people having dinner like the forks cutlery talking like that's the chatter the waves it immediately transports you to the beach live next door drums sound really nice in this i wasn't expecting [Music] [Music] a weird just off percussion [Music] [Music] [Music] like you oh this is kind of like comical as to me it gives me all kind of comical vibes i like how like they just created the atmosphere of um being down at it it sounded like a dock and now they have someone speaking of the loudspeaker um it would have been a fun i can imagine they were like acting out the sound like acting out their characters for this song i know just more vocals like a chorus like a pop of people singing [Music] and it fades out so it was written as a children's song which it totally sounds like but i always have heard that it's meant to be like mean something else i don't know but yeah it sounds like a very easy song for children to sing and apparently and the single winter number one in the us several countries in europe australia canada new zealand the next one is she said she said [Music] and that's what he said [Applause] and she's making me [Music] okay there's a lot happening so um you have the um which is something they've done before you have a topic which is quite sad like the lyrics are portraying a picture of a woman who's like you know i'm sad and now he's responding as the character but there's this very high pitched drone happening it's very subtle in the mix and i i don't know what it is i think it's a synth maybe it's the hammond organ because i can hear like in this earth [Music] [Music] [Music] okay this is not the perfect example of a couple in a fight she said and then i said and then she said in the night like that's the one i'm kidding nice walking guys i know she said you don't understand what i said [Music] that's funny oh it's like the characters like when i was young i never did what's wrong and now i'm in this relationship it's like you're saying this and i'm saying this and i don't understand you and kind of funny um i don't know maybe that's my weird sense of humor i think this is a really good example in terms of songwriting count the effectiveness of a count melody you know usually counter melodies are good to use in the gaps of no singing so sing and then then they'll sing and then there's the guitar and then they sing um so it always gives their ear something to listen to yes counter melodies can be used underneath the vocal and can be very effective in that manner but by giving like a break for the very cool then the instrument break for the vocal instrument is like you know every if you're kind of confused writing counter melodies like for me that's kind of helpful to be like caroline put it in the break put it on the break [Music] regret oh that symbol is gone i was fanning out sorry i was mishearing the lyrics lyric is you make me feel like i've never been born i kept hearing like you've never been wrong and i was like what okay you make me feel like i've never been born hmm very interesting what do you perceive that is you make me feel like i've never been born or maybe like you feel like you make me feel like an idiot because everything i'm saying apparently is wrong so you make me feel like i don't know is that the vibe uh so the next one is called good day sunshine and just an observation they seem to use sun sunshine a lot in their songs like you have i'll follow the sun i know here comes the sun it's very popular one and now you've got another one it's just i always find it interesting when an artist banned a musician um has a recurring theme in their music i think it means something i don't know what it means but i think it means something mishandling [Music] in a special way [Music] we take a walk oh my gosh what is it about a piano in the low register that makes it sound funny of course that can sound dramatic but like it sounds funny [Music] is that the piano in guitar [Applause] [Music] she is mine [Applause] oh wow sound like owen wilson again wow oh i don't think i've ever that was a hold on we need to re-listen today that's so interesting so they like good day sunshine and then go up good day and then it almost sounds like i know this sounds stupid but it almost sounds like there's a cassette being like turned off and all the instruments are kind of almost stripped away and then it's like like intentionally they've done that sort of effect that's so bizarre that's such an interesting um it's so interesting choice to end a song like very new and especially as like they always are adding surprises towards the end that was one i would never have even thought of i really liked that one i love the rhythm of it the choice of having that low piano in the bass it's just like funny and comical and keeps it moving uh oh honestly this one was very hap i enjoyed this one a lot the next one is and your bird can sing obviously makes me think of the caged bird poem by maya angelou but now that i'm thinking was that released at this time so this was released before the poem but that's what it instantly made me think of um and your bird can sing i know this i have a song in the later album called black bird second you know birds um i guess because birds represent freedom i don't know what the song's gonna be about let's just get into it [Music] is [Applause] this sounds like a breakup song almost like you can do all these marvelous things talk about all the things you want but you can't see me the one thing you want that survives i get i think there's a tambourine going on uh it sounds very nice [Music] that guitar is really beautiful it's almost like a descending line but of course it's within the harmony so it's creating hot money confirmation but it sounds very it's making it sound very melancholic at least to my ears um hey i'm liking this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's at the end oh i feel like um in rubber soul notes so much they were not having these surprise endings i feel like they've gone back to that a lot in this album um i don't know what sound it was but when they just went with the symbols and everything it kind of there was like a decay of some sort of instrument i don't know it was something going at the end there and that kind of like kept the end sizzling out a little bit longer i don't know if i'm into putting the lyrics or this wrong but to me it really kind of sounds like you can do all these things but you can't have me you can't hear me you can't see me it's kind of like a nice poetic job but like i don't know i kind of i feel like the other rooks all kind of they all have an edge of sort of humor to them maybe i'm interpreting it wrong but that's how i hear them that they're kind of comical and cheeky even if it's a little bit more of a serious other topic the next one is called for no one for no one if i was a songwriter what would i make it about oh i am [Music] [Music] okay so it's really interesting so you have these really simple chords going at the beginning um and then the piano starts doing um it sounds like an arpeggio going up and down the chords and then it mirrors the lead at certain sections so it's like reinforcing that mane um the percussion comes in as like this high pitch like uh it sounds like a tambour i just wanted to break down that nice little piano roof so basically the base they're just descending down this scale and then the left hand is accompanying it so it sounds like this [Music] it's just like really lovely and nice and just like nice and stick cuddly and it creates a nice atmosphere and just it's really effective walking the way down the base just down the scale um it just keeps things moving in a nice kind of predictable way especially as a first-time listener [Music] fred shawn of course french we love a french horn [Music] [Applause] [Music] a love that should have lasted is but it does you stay [Music] there will be times [Music] is [Music] that's it oh that's it um i am a very big fan of the french horn i think it's able to create like i mean like any instrument played well i know that i'm saying any insurance played well can evoke any kind of emotion but i really really love the tonal quality of a french horn um you know they i made it sound more happy with the staccato-ness of the articulation choice um and then had some legato movements in there as well but i love the french horn and i think this is the first you know pop song you know um that has a french horn in it that i have heard tick that off the box done maybe i should put french horns in my song why not why not the next song is doctor robert i read it as dr robot i was like doctor robot but a doctor robert is still an interesting choice [Music] okay there has to be a crazy interesting story about this surely some one of them had a good doctor and were like you know what my my doctor robert i have to find out oh so apparently the doctor robert is actually a substance interesting anyway so um they've got these nice rhythmic guitars the percussion this kind of sounds more old-school beetles in my eyes in terms of music um subject matter seem to be playing around but let's go [Music] [Music] i'm a big fan of vocals that do a siren like a slide up it also just helps you hit the note but if you're like a man it's different if's not the same as man it's man i don't know i'm a fan of that [Music] [Applause] [Music] entering back into the chorus [Music] [Applause] okay so they have the organ organ typically you know it reminds me of church instantly so it's kind of funny that they strip all the percussion down and this sounds very like church and like oh with the organ and they're like well we're talking about a subject matter that the church probably doesn't approve of i don't know but yeah it's kind of funny the contrast that's at least how i'm perceiving it [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay yeah so that song really did sound kind of more like old-school beatles like it you know seems to fit in their catalogue from like if you know a couple years ago um [Music] interesting subject matter kind of cheeky honestly if i read that i wouldn't have known i'd be like the song and i ran a doctor would have gone straight in from my head the next song is called i want to tell you i'm guessing it's like either i want to tell you i love you i want to tell you i don't love you okay fading into the guitar [Music] is [Applause] [Music] that just like keeps going like keeps that moment really tense yeah that's kind of interesting i feel like they're playing around with more adding tensions to their songs in um like having happier songs but then adding like a whole a half step little run or just like that's creepy sounding [Music] very interesting [Music] sometimes i wish i knew [Music] i like butlers [Music] [Music] [Music] you could hear that while just fading out interesting vocal choice there i don't have much more to say about that one honestly i'm just kind of like sitting with it like okay the next one has got to get you into my life i kind of like that already just straight up front honest like it let's go [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm just really liking the um main vocal it's very joyous and trumpets just to have tend to have the tonal quality of celebration and announcement and something important so um to have the song titled got to get you into my life and choosing trump it's like an announcement i think that's kind of cool in my for me at least [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i like how that was like basically a question asked in the lead vocals and then the trumpets almost answered it through the music that's really cool and it resolved what can i do what can i be when i'm with you i wanna oh [Music] crescendoing [Music] oh it's a very interesting choice of course [Music] i don't know how it ends it just fades out i wanted to like oh that was really joyful that may or may not be one of my favorite of their upbeat songs it's so joyful and like celebratory and it's so interesting to me to only like usually in the course you repeat the phrase so kind of get stuck in people's head i mean not that the beatles necessarily do that all the time but they only say it once per chorus and then that's it and then the trumpet kind of resolves the chorus which is something really interesting that i i guess i would not have thought of like to kind of have a one sentence chorus really um that's how i've heard it at least i just love how it's almost an octave level it's just so fun and how crescendos and then towards the end of the song it almost turns into a rock song um with the distorted guitar and then even the way he's vocalizing it's yeah oh i like that the last one is tomorrow never knows which seems like a very philosophical idea okay [Music] all those drums have such depth in them [Music] [Applause] [Music] that scent i like that the percussion is freaking awesome [Music] [Applause] oh wow okay i think i need to stop thinking just feel caroline just steal the song okay sorry so there's an organ a melotron which lord uses i talked about that in lord's video tape loops tape loops is that like when you fast-forwarded an old cassette over what i've rewinded an old cassette and i was like so what it is first listen it's a lot [Music] i thought it was birds [Music] the percussion is amazing i will say that the nice effect on the vocal to make it sound like old school radio [Music] some hi-hat added listen to the color of your dreams i do like that melissa on there it's beautiful [Music] [Applause] toy piano sound but of course for me personally it's a lot but i will say the percussion on that fire yeah i don't know how i would what i would pinpoint that genre of song in it's very like new to me to my ears to listen to something like that i can only imagine how they performed that live that would have been an experience i feel like it would have been intense oh lordy um i can see my camera splashing again so i just wanted to say i this one they definitely were playing around a lot with sound samples i don't know i noticed a lot in analyzing there were just like a lot of half tone steps to create kind of creepy atmospheres and more happy toning kind of songs um i feel like this one that was more far more experimental than rubber soul rubber sole for me personally seemed to fit in a lot with what they were doing already this was starting to get quite out there for me i have to go thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and until next time bye
Channel: Call Me Caroline
Views: 257,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beatles react, call me caroline, Eleanor rigby react, yellow submarine react, beatles analysis, call me caroline anaylisis, revolver reaction
Id: 14sr0AspwZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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