First impressions of Novi Sad, Serbia 🇷🇸 Better than Belgrade?

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so big shout out to the violin street performer i  think the best instrument for street performing is   violent right sounds so beautiful maybe saxophone  but violin is up there five stars to him and every   edge of this fortress is a beautiful viewpoint  cannot exaggerate 360 degrees of beautiful things   maybe it's because of the color scheme of the  buildings down below but for some reason i feel   like we are here in the right time autumn it's a  crisp perfect day today there is love in the air   with some of the wedding photos we saw taking  place and the leaves are on the ground but our   spirits are high oh yeah so we're having a great  time we've probably been an hour here walking   around absolutely five stars cannot beat it um  in this video we will go towards the old town of   novi sad although we've been told that right  next door to the fortress which is where we're   staying is in fact the most beautiful part i  love the rooftops i love the autumn kind of   crisp vibe in the air and the church overpowering  the whole city there or town i should say just   great just colorful buildings i love it cannot  beat it absolutely five stars and this fortress   i think has people living in it because if you  look there's a bunch of air conditioners on all   the windows i would guess those are apartments  yeah i think so either way there's certainly   tons of young people enjoying a coffee  or a tea or maybe a recchia oh thank you   um we are going for the popcorn the world's  saltiest popcorn so good but my tongue is getting   thinner but it's very good um so there you have  it guys loving this place we did learn that if you   look at the clock tower it looks like it says 1pm  in this image but it in fact was 1205. so i was   wondering it's like the hands are backwards and so  we did a bit of uh what the heck am i did i forget   how to read a clock but the story goes they've  purposely switched the big hand in a small hand   because if you were in a boat down below and you  look up at the clock you can only see the big hand   right so they've made the big hand the hour hand  so the fishermen down below could see what hour   it was when they were passing by all right so it  did take me a couple seconds i had to wikipedia   and go am i crazy but the clock has backwards  hands yes and of course all around so beautiful   historical can not beat it right so there you have  it guys i will say it's warm today the weather is   perfect the leaves are down everything is just the  first time in serbia i don't need my jacket jacket   off yeah popcorn on all right okay next stop i  think we're gonna go down below to where we're   staying and show you our neighborhood super  nice place to explore okay let's go let's go whoa guys i tell you what if you're  coming here come early in the morning   because we've probably passed three  or four hundred people on the way in   and it's like 12 30 now so come early in  the morning because after noon it gets   very popular up there yeah and we're here there  was nobody just us a couple other people plays   to ourselves and we just learned that there's in  fact a huge music festival inside the fortress   not now but sometimes every year the exit festival  which is very exciting to imagine being you know   boom boom boom boom boom boom all right so  this is actually the stairs that will take   you all the way up to the fortress it's not  that bad it's pretty easy five minutes no five   minutes but i'm gonna show you the neighborhood  that we're staying at right now look at this   look how colorful the buildings are i just  love it love it love it and in fact our hostel   is just right there don't know if you can see  farad in literally first door on the left yes   so it has a cup in the front and a hostel in  the back i just love it we're the only ones   staying there right now at the moment because  it's low season but i just love staying there   i mean it's a convenient place to stay in  yeah you can imagine it's totally full when   the festival is going right right literally  the closest one to the festival that's right   so it seems like a party place yeah and the best  bakery novi sad it's also just around the corner   so let's go and maybe we'll try some yum yum some  yum yums let's go ivana good one i'm like a bird hey all right check this out guys  walking in an autumn wonderland   so we left our neighborhood ivana's got her piece  of cake unfortunately no eating in the best bakery   and nobody said only so i think we're gonna try  my lemon pie here somewhere in this beautiful   beautiful garden or park wow let's go let's  see lemon pie first thing she's gonna eat today   lemon pie for breakfast no no popcorn for  breakfast that in life and lemon pie best day ever look at this the bakery actually has many  choices of pies or tarts and cookies but i   chose the lemon one let's see no i did give you  a good this is a good one-quarter of my popcorn   so maybe one quarter of your pie is fair of course   okay let's try it although maybe pie is  more valuable than popcorn nice right your face says a thousand words  evan the best breakfast ever   popcorn and pie although it's like 1pm all right oh my gosh i'm going to finish  this whole thing i know it's good because   you got some of your mouths and you got more  on your fork already i'm making a mess from my   face no problem no problem by the way amazing  park tons of action tons of people out here   the trees are top-notch yeah the orange color  amazing let's just say it five-star tree all right next stop we'll go to the old old town  which is just right there let's go ivana would you   find a guy with red hair beautiful um why not just  asking because the tree with red hair so beautiful   would you find a girl is that hair  beautiful real beauties on the inside yoho what a place   what a place i know it's so colorful wow  perfect weather what a place beautiful new side i'm loving it it's such a contrast from belgrade   because in belgrade first the weather it  was always gray and rainy and the buildings   they were all beige or gray and here look at  the different colors guys green pink yellow   any color okay ivana million dollar question  novissad or belgrade of course i love the city   all right let's walk around music oh come on i think you're high on five baby i want to check out this little  alley here let's check it out there seems to be lots of these alleyways  pointing off in every direction yeah it's   like hidden like secret alleyway it's kind of cool  yeah with like shops and i don't know residential   area maybe apartments up there honestly the music  that guy was playing is perfect for this vibe fashion house little boutique kind of cool nice right yeah somewhat asian almost the asian bus is blonde   yo did we just find a photo  of ivana on horseback are we   buying this or sending it to canada yo that's you how funny holy look timmy shora is one of the twin cities  one of your favorite places in romania yeah   twin city to your favorite  place that's why this is all right i have to admit this  when ivana said there is a tram   an old tram we can get coffee on  i really thought we'd be in motion it's an old tram and now it's starting to cafe all  right let's go for a croissant and a cappuccino sounds pretty cool absolutely would recommend the tram cafe let's  be clear they crank up the price a little bit   it's a little bit too risky but certainly worth it   right and now i need to eat  something before i fall over let's go   look at that my first serbian choba oh yeah  let's see if it's as good as romanian chorba   which was i should put this is  sour cream of course of course and romanian torbo was one of your favorites  oh yeah they have like in romania they got   like i don't know a zillion types of curb  so let's try this one to see if it's good so cheers guys cheers the sour cream is what makes it yeah sour  cream gonna say can be more sour load up   the cream don't be shy you're right i don't know  if this is sour cream yes it is in romania they   don't pour vinegar they put something else that  makes it sour maybe it's in here uh maybe maybe   maybe it's a little bit different than romanian  sherbet yes and you got your of course of course   five tripods and i had to pay extra  for the kaimax i said no problemo   we going kaimak of course this is a kamak   looks like butter smells good too good too good  okay your favorite thing final review of navisad   uh i just my hand took your price oh yeah you know  without me knowing that's a dollar it's a dollar   75 cents no visa it's um i like it i like it this  is my favorite city so far different than belgrade   of course more colorful i feel like the atmosphere  here is more relaxed people are more friendly than   in belgrade you know when you walk around people  looks very serious and they're more tense somehow   or the feeling is more tense but here is like  more relaxed getting coffee sitting in a terrace   this might be the natural thing of any capital  city the capital is for people are there for work   and uh you know growth and they're just kind  of more serious seems like uh very similar to   timisoara yes in romania and we love that way  so far good place good all right thanks for   watching our video guys yes thanks guys we're  loving novi sad we're gonna explore more maybe   go to a nearby town i forgot what it's called  super tiny town yeah super tiny town tomorrow   but so far so good here in norfolk i'm loving it  thanks for having us love you guys we're going to   enjoy this meal now next stop cevapi hey ivana  when you're happy i'm jeff happy oh good rusty yo with this sunset happening behind you  with the leaves on the ground and you're   a huge bag of popcorn i'm not gonna  lie you look like a million bucks this bag is for me this box is  for me the wind is blowing and way
Channel: JetLag Warriors
Views: 60,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jetlag warriors, travel vlog, novi sad serbia, novi sad, serbia, novi sad travel vlog, novi sad travel guide, things to do in novi sad, what to do in novi sad, novi sad 2021, serbia travel, serbia travel guide, belgrade vlog, serbia travel vlog, serbia travel 2021, serbian traditional food, travel serbia, serbia food vlog, Нови Сад, Србија, first impressions, first impressions of novi sad, first impressions of serbia, petrovaradin fortress, petrovaradinska tvrdjava novi sad
Id: 4mR56gkOFN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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