First Hour of Teardown PS5
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Channel: JearDesus01
Views: 17,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardown, ps5 teardown, teardown ps5, playstation 5 teardown, teardown gameplay, teardown walkthrough, teardown game, teardown first impressions, teardown part 1, ps5 teardown 4k, teardown ps plus, teardown review, teardown console, 120fps, ps5 120fps, ps5 4k 120fps, jeardesus01, First Hour of Teardown PS5, gameplay, nocommentary, ps5 1440p gameplay, ps5 4k gaming, playstation 4k, 1080p ps5 gameplay, ps5 120 fps gameplay, ps5 max graphics gameplay, ps5 60 fps games
Id: PmaO0gyJ_jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 14sec (3854 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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