First Day of FULL PADS: Defense Wins the Day Again

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my son Junior stand up uh yeah he does all our social media so all the stuff you've been seeing that that's him a hundred Mill I need a Gloria I needed I took hours but walked around like I was undefeated I saw no results I still woke up and chased they told me to find myself instead I want to find a way [Music] wake up [Music] just give me a little time together in coach every day he could text somebody it just take a little time I keep the party going it's just a little sometimes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do you [Music] know because I know you me I did start laughing earlier because I can tell by the time he got past Brew I was like oh [Music] what is this bro for the day man let it build you don't want to blow your loads earlier I let it build man peek at the right time version of Phil Collins I Can Feel It In the Air Tonight [Music] all right more full passage they're not shorts right right unshield right sure so I don't want to see no pants way up in like many shorts okay I mean my dream my dream my dream my dream my dream my dream my dream my dream will become my reality my dream my dream will become my reality do you believe that are you just talking do you embody that do you display that you live that when you away from the complex when you wait from the facility when you're alone in your room when you know you're not in shape right quite yet but you still don't want to do that little extra after practice do you live there because see when you start talking like that that's the confidence that's this type of swagger that you got that you know that you know that you know and see when you're really confident you offend insecurity because confidence knows it's not a fragrance that you have to put on it's just in you some of you have that and I love the smell of it I love the scent but it's a certain confidence you got to have that you know so what I'm talking about your dream will become your reality you got to truly believe that you can't just say that some of y'all just saying that and I know you're just saying that because I know been there done that the thing about confidence first of all you must know who you are and your capabilities do you really really and your capability so second you got to know your assignment uh fully without hesitation what's your assignment around here what's your assignment in life what's your assignment as a man what's your assignment as a son what's your assignment as a father what's your assignment as a player what's your assignment as a student what's your assignment in your community what's your assignment on your team what's your assignment in your meeting room what's your assignment do you know thoroughly you got to know your opponent fully without a shadow of a doubt in your opposition and do you know that a lot of y'all studying now and you understand your assignment you understand who you are but you don't know one darn thing about the opponent you got to know who your opponent you know his strengths no his strengths his weaknesses know what he's about no one's in his heart nowhere to make him stop or to make him quit what makes him tick what do you like to do what he don't like to do how to get up on the skin how to Rattle them how to attack him how to go at it how to get him off his course and off his Pace you got to know all three of those things then you start speaking with confidence and you start living with confidence you start talking with confidence you start walking with confidence and then that confidence that you display it becomes contagious then somebody else want to want to smell like it and someone else want to be like it then someone else embodies it then the next thing you know we got a team full of confident people that when we go no matter where we play at we know we're gonna go in there and do what we're gonna do that's confidence and that's belief you got that sure do you really have that yes sir all right because I'm dead serious about this practice schedule today let's hold each other accountable let's have a good day guys [Music] [Music] go to work thank you [Music] I just want to let you know there's going to be a lot of basketball players made today basketball players are made it's your best foot forward and put that back foot down though you better move that bad foot dog today dang I don't know why they try to be like that that's crazy you gonna pick us out today bro all right okay [Applause] Let's Dance [Music] hey they had told us in the comments make sure we get some more linebackers on the video oh yeah yeah because they know they listen look at her man they know who tied all together dog front end back in you gotta have a linebacker werewolves man we have the line we have DB everybody loves werewolves dog come on man like him make it make sense it got to make sense exactly it has to make sense has anyone ever told you you look like a guy named Keenan Holman every time [Music] [Applause] what was you thinking during that moment oh he looked like he wouldn't smoke so I knew how to go through it guys I'm gonna give him his props on camera he had a good pick six yesterday hey just trying to switch sides and [ __ ] I ain't never gonna be on his team guys they're not real Coach so hard today so hard [Music] ain't got no help yeah what'd you say now look man look man I used to rock at the top man don't throw Ross at the top baby yeah I know hey man hey tend to sell both for the defense today we're going to be tapping that ass so fast how are you getting this jersey bro how do you win the gold Jersey today [Music] I guess first day of pass y'all know what this [ __ ] means y'all know what that mean today let's competing today tackling the day so get your minds right to come out here he turns the whole line today that just back to us so I know what my unit gonna do I know they're gonna try to do no the run back gonna do so take that disrespect there's not much to be said bro for a day have passed we gonna compete and we gonna whoop ass we're gonna run the ball all day let's go [ __ ] ready boss oh you ready [Music] I gotta start coming by your office bro people be feening for daily most footage bro first full day of pass man it's my guy coach Steve Coach T we still got that intervention if you guys don't know this is a back-to-back National Championship so he's really the goat no I mean I got my first load with my dog I only got one though you know what I mean yeah this dude right here Georgia had to get one moat we should bring the Rings one day just to show where we trying to go power with Thanos are we trying to take this problem too is my dad gonna take that as a uh I'm gonna pop out of the Super Bowl ring or Hall of Fame room since we're doing this we're gonna post it today bro I was slacking today we ain't tripping we got some content coming today first day of pass first day of pass I mean we already been in the past but like the full pass you know what I'm saying chat okay here we go shooting there you go there you go there you go hey try another direction right there you can ladies right there just put them down don't rest them right there bring them up and don't rest them all right here you go get out we're here give me three okay use your hand use your hands use your hands nice nice nice nice let's go right there watching and he was the best Blocker in the history get your ass going let's go go again go again he buckled you attack him attack him 30 seconds dang you don't have to throw the bag at him hey man you know I had some great ones before me I had a great coach who who got me to that position okay oh yeah sir this guy oh yeah get outside we got him on the four wheelers I'll put them on the big wheels huh and you posted one right here [Music] there you go jacket you know we know the snap count so you got to get off on that ball come on now [Music] you've been talking good okay but if I'm inside a guy where I want to stay on the guy inside and I got a corner on that one all right I gotta trust we gotta trust each other it's like twin tower all right now quit right even you you got your hang right there in the middle all right if they're going to Tempo I'm gonna make bench calls so we're running I'm not running it now if they slow it down you know where they change personnel and we sub then I got time to get you matched up but you got to get out there and get ready all right where I can get my stamped it can't be this uh you know boom that's the biggest sense of urgency is getting lined up right there everybody got that right lose control [Applause] let's go dude congratulations [Music] no you need to keep on whooping it so you get better [Applause] this little boy going outside you get this tight you already know what it is all right hustle back pass back shut the [ __ ] up everybody shut the hell up okay it's time to tee up now [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you [Applause] oh my God kicking their ass today ain't got no bullets oh they were scrapping that [ __ ] that [ __ ] crazy all right Tuesday all right listen up hey coach talking about this morning right as far as your dream becoming your reality your dream becoming your reality you gotta understand where we are who we are let's talk about defy and Define defy d-e-f-y we cannot let people defy who we are defy somebody openly try to resist you from your reality as far as your dreams somebody tell you what you cannot do somebody trying to judge you from the outside going back to recruiting saying that what we're doing as far as the people that's going out and the people coming in they tried to defy you to put in your head who you are but when they tried to fire you it cannot Define you who you are cause your dreams are your reality we gotta understand where we are who we are what we represent this is Boulder we all know some of the foundation so once again that out of voice and that inner voice what are you gonna listen to don't listen to got outside they think they know what we got they think they know who we and what we're about listen to the inside boys that man next to you so understand when they try to defy you it cannot Define you because this is Boulder this is Boulder this is I need to let me go stronger let's go now now he talked about the outside defying right I'm gonna talk about the inside I'm talking about yourself right listen here your mama and your daddy and the great Lord put something in you that made you get through every day it's the reason why you here right now because it's a skill it's a Dream It's a goal it's the ability that you have that was already put in you that lets you get to where you are right now every single day you was able to accomplish that this is what life is though at some point you're gonna reach the ceiling and you can't break through it with them same skills you got when you was a young pup you got to turn into a man baby you got to strap it up you got to go get the bag so you got to do what you got to grow and you got to develop right where your feet are right here in Boulder so we talked about who to find us outside don't defy yourself inside believe in yourself understand them skills took you here now we gonna take you there and then we're gonna take you here until we get this right here yes sir you feel me hold on three boat on me one two three there you go baby you gotta strap it up [Applause] right there it is [Applause] [Music] all right while you in position means yo girl hey bro so if that happened to you what you gonna do me personally yeah I'm not having a girlfriend but no if it happened to me yeah oh [ __ ] oh
Channel: Well Off Media
Views: 177,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PtczgFt4z0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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