First Contact: Ambushed by angry tribesmen - Explore - BBC

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but I've agreed to come on this trip because I don't believe it's going to be a genuine invasion Kelly's previous clients have returned with some intriguing stories in September 2004 Kelly led a first contact expedition to West Papua there were three clients Robert fir Denis a vet from Austria Michael Bihar an American journalist and Steven DuPont a photographer from Sydney Australia DuPont was also shooting video of the trip he kept everything very secret and he wouldn't tell us the name of the place or he wouldn't tell us the name of the river he wouldn't tell us really anything about exactly where we were going because his reasoning was that he wanted to keep the location secret you know this was obviously his thing his business he was relying on locations in order to keep them secret from other tour operators and you know I guess rival groups or who knows but there was this real secrecy thing the previous year Kelly had successfully led his first first-contact trip into this area and had a very brief encounter with a remote tribe this time his plan was to meet the same people and see if they could be persuaded to take him and his clients deeper into the jungle to meet more of the clown on the second day the group were ambushed by angry tribesmen you know where it's just in trade we can hear you know hear things in the bushes and and I can hear the night he is running around and making all these sounds and you know it was it was pretty hot stuff actually they absolutely didn't sound happy Nina they sounded incredibly pissed off it was a tense encounter and there was real fear in the eyes of the local guides and porters Kelly at hired Stephen began to worry that perhaps striding into this tribes territory had been a big mistake my colleague Michael Bihar was definitely feeling the same way and was thinking God what are we doing here this is like we if we really are making first contact I'm not sure if this is a good thing I don't mean maybe these guys are actually angry and don't want us the tribesmen eventually melted back into the forest and Kelly organized the temporary camp to things they've either gone farther back away from us or they still circled around us and maybe attack us if we don't go do you believe that that's what's happening that they think that's a possibilities if I'm not asleep Atticus that's what the Cabal Edessa here and that's what the guys to Sarah Bella death so what's that he's the regional chief year from total bury they took the very area a chief from a nearby village was accompanying the group on this trip you told Kelly he was afraid the tribe might attack in the night and suggested their retreat to their boats on the river mr. Khiladi charity telethons epidural you do look trendy Delanie don't there are the Peter Peter yeah Ethan comes a Pekin
Channel: BBCExplore
Views: 1,199,851
Rating: 4.5240726 out of 5
Keywords: BBC, First, Contact, Tribe, Adventure, Wild, Nature, Hunter, Kelly, Woodford, Fake, Travel, Free, Video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2009
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