First 10 Minutes - Freelancer Campaign (2K HD Playthrough)

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this is lsf Patrol G 6 engaging enemy te knowledge report 7 we'll see in about 2 weeks [Music] abon it was the 23rd Century Mankind's Darkest Hour heart rate and respiration n life support online [Music] initiating cryogenic freezing commencing PA lock down [Music] control bios complete GRE navigation systems online copy that we're reading green across the board good to hear bringing primary engines online how's it looking out there 10 minutes County control incoming hostiles 10 minutes out negative launch is still in go the war had been raging for almost a 100 years we had been fighting for so long no one could remember the reason why it all started in the first place all we knew is that there were two sides the Coalition and the alliance for decades Millions died for the same piece of rock again and again finally one side managed to gain the upper hand the Coalition Coalition carriers coming out of junk all fighters engage asf1 we have leftt off ASAP 2 you are clear three is a in desperation the alliance launched five sleeper ships The Hope was for them to Begin Again far from the war and strife that had befallen Earth to start free from the prejudices that had divided us for so long each leapers ship was christened after its Patron Nation the brettonia the reinland the hispania the Kaz sorry the Liberty we against all ODS The Colony ships broke through the coalition blockade and headed for the serious system that was 800 years ago when we came here to rebuild our lives we've come a long way since then we have grown we have prospered we have flourished but we will never forget [Music] Roger that all system show grain sa 14 you're cleared for departure tecknowledge report 7 we'll see you in about 2 [Music] weeks sa 14 we're picking up unknown contacts on long range sensors we're dispatching a Fighter Wing to escort you out of the system God speed Navy command this is Freeport 7 we're picking up some stranger ingredents and the long range sensors alert unknown ships have breached the defense perimeter manof station [Music] president jacobe has asked the lsf to investigate the sudden destruction of Freeport 7 no word yet on whether it was accidental or a deliberate attack the first handful of survivors arrived on Manhattan this morning [Music] we're here for medical is there anyone seriously injured one inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] make sure he lives he owes me some credits your concern is touching we'll do everything we can it may take a [Music] while officially the Liberty security Force maintains there is no proof report 7's destruction was deliberate but sources inside the lsf say they suspect the dangerous criminal organization the order we will keep you up to date as the story develops [Music] a Sidewinder Fang all we have is Liberty ale friend fine her name's junko Zayn she's a tough one well why is that she's lsf all business if it's a job you're wanting that is on the other hand if you're looking for something more well the only thing I'm looking for right now is this drink think I know you no no I don't think so the news I saw your face on the news you're one of the Free Port 7 survivors aren't you yeah I heard it was pretty bad out there you know you're lucky to be alive huh this one's on me friend it's the good stuff why because it's not every day a man has the chance to start again huh to your good fortune in Liberty sir Well it can't get any worse thanks I understand what you're saying but I don't have nearly enough people juny the environment has changed well with groups like the order taking more and more Liberties indeed now threatening our profits some in the government feel that we need to increase our Patrols in these areas you junko Zay yes I believe you have business to discuss wait I will leave this matter in your capable hands sorry the bartender said you work for the Liberty security force and who do you work for Mr of Trent I work for myself what kind of ship do you have I lost mine on Free Port 7 I see are you staying in Liberty long I've got a friend who was injured in the attack he's in medical I'll be staying at least until he's released well as it happens I could use a good freelancer Mr Trent I'll be in the equipment room later you can meet me there oh and if we are going to work together call me jany [Music] [Music] hello I'm pleased to see you are you ready to work for the lsf Mr Trent it's just Trent and yeah I'm here to see what you have to offer well I found this ship for you it's very basic and you won't have jump access yet but this should be good enough for now this assignment will be easy all you have to do is babysit a convoy of food and medical supplies you'll be hooking up with the escort Co King I'll tell him to expect you that is of course if you're interested sounds good I'm in good better get going I'll have your ship moved immediately all you'll have to to do is go to the landing pad and launch King will be waiting for you near the docking ring in space okay I'll see you when you get back thanks loaded into cargo hold you must be Tren I'm King the CEO of this Mission I contacted the lead transport of the Convoy they've completed pre-launch checks and are ready to go should be an easy run from here to Fort Bush and then on to Pittsburgh ready it's good to meet you King is that a reinland cruiser that's the donow Admiral schulz's Flagship he's visiting Manhattan to attend a high level meeting with President jacobe keep your distance Newark station this is RNC donow requesting clearance to dock with your station over affirmative donow you are cleared for docking point 6 Liberty welcomes you and Admiral schilsky donow be advised we're picking up unknown contacts advise caution understood new workk all escorts power up weapons affirmative ready to engage Roger tracking incoming ships unidentified ships this is Newark station you are entering restricted space alter course at once or we will open fire you do not interfere we're here to protect the president sh is a traitor Red Alert the donow is hit launch all rescue and defensive units all other Fighters engage enemy ships all escorts open fire no oh my God damn it they blew up the D now Newar this is lsf Patrol gamma 6 engaging enemy confirmed gamma 6 the pay for this es way fire will understood targeting all enemy ships Trent we can't let them get away Engage The Enemy I've got an enemy on my new we need reinforcements interceptors are on Route the Colorado and it escort are inbound hostile Target down boy taking fire I that was the last one newer confirmed no more enemy contacts we read you radar is clear s report did you pick up any survivors negative Newark we're continuing our sweep to all utility ships in the area scan for survivors all other vessels return to normal duty but stay alert TR there's nothing more we can do here the transports are waiting at Fort Bush I've uploaded a waypoint to your neuron net just fly toward it acknowledged s return to base I can't believe it how did they get this close to Manhattan without being detected first fre Port 7 and now this it's getting out of [Music] control all right we've reached the trade Lane engaging activation sequence Trent you go first [Music] dark activation sequence completed Lane jump initiated this is it TR this is one of the major arteries through Manhattan space we're only taking it as far as Fort Bush if we kept going we'd reach the jump gate to the Colorado system transport leader this is lsf Patrol gamma 6 we're here to escort you to Pittsburgh over rer gamma 6 this is the USV brand pre-launch checks have been completed Trent take up a position near the transport use the formation maneuver to link up with the Convoy check this is transport leader All Ships are in position and we show Green status we heard the news about shulsky what happened the planetary defense grid was offline and the order managed to break through they took out the Dono with their first missile Salvo we never had a chance to stop them looked like the order was determined to keep shulsky from meeting the president how to believe that this could happen we better get going let's hope for the best several convoys have come under attack in recent weeks the Rogue problem has gotten out of control in this area don't worry that's why we're here activation sequence completed Lane jump initiated looking good so far alert trade Lane disruption detected form cross damn it Trent get your weapons ready this could get rough I see there Rogues Trent break an attack we've got to keep them away until the trade Lane comes back up I have enemy Target in my sights Target in Le locking in on enemies Target in range locking in on enemy have enemy Target in my S I hear something call it l enemy is directly INR I've got an enemy on my tail I shall last one we better get out of here before more of them show up couldn't agree more the trade Lane is back up let's wait radar shows new targets get the six we have to make a run for it we'll cover you this is going to be close but I think we can make it without another fight everybody stay on course Trent do not engage the Pirates we have to get the Convoy out of here I have enemy Target in my sights we made it everybody in one piece barely that was close thanks for getting us here in one piece gamma 6 we almost didn't make it a situation we're soon to fix the Rogues were better equipped than we expected but we got what we came for thanks for playing the bait now it's your turn to reel him in we're going to unload our cargo remember our bargain I'm transferring the payment to your neuronet account understood transport leader out hey King what's going on you'll see soon enough go ahead and land on Pittsburgh I'll meet you on the surface [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] acknowledged your request to land is granted proceed to [Music] land you'll find Pittsburgh to be remarkably unexciting Trend that's the mining operation not much to look at a lot of Rock smoke and fire but what it lacks in class it more than makes up for in cheap drinks set your ship down on one of the landing pads over there [Music] nice job Trent now I believe I owe you some credits hey King did you know it was going to get hot out there mhm we're not done yet we're just waiting for the others what others we've suspected for some time now that the order has had ties to organized crime and Liberty they may even be hiding a secret base I think we're on to something here and I've C for backup we could really use you out there Trent all right but this had better be worth it it will be I promise you oh and uh Trent now that you have a little scratch I'd looking outfitting that pile of junk you're flying try the equipment dealer over there he always has good deals I'll see you in space
Channel: Discovery Freelancer
Views: 2,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freelancer game, microsoft freelancer, freelancer 2003, playthrough, campaign, gameplay, story, mission, walkthrough, trent, juni, king, star citizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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