Firestorm (Jax and Stein) Powers and Fight Scenes - The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow

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foreign [Music] thank you this is it [Music] How Will I Know hello Jefferson now you know oh so I'll get Grace my co-pilot did no one ever inform you of that Fringe benefit so when we get to take this for a test man that was what I got hurt [Music] now calm down Jefferson Focus use your natural athleticism to gain control come on Hewitt give me your best shot now and no wonder you didn't make the cut if that's how you fight are you ready Jefferson [Music] foreign the merged super form of one of Jefferson Jackson and Professor Martin Stein [Music] caution Jefferson 83 of the chemicals in this Factory are combustible gotta tell it to ramble I thought I told you to be careful [Music] what's the use of sharing my intelligence if you won't listen stop bossing me around like I'm one of your snot nose undergrads you have to get to a minimum safe distance okay one now we wait for the Warhead to go off at which point you're going to have 0.06 seconds to absorb the massive release of atomic energy your plant sucks you know that right and concentrate Jefferson [Music] [Music] I don't just burn power [Music] blast things too hey you stand back [Music] shut down ready when you are what did you do Jefferson I warned you about the electromagnetic pulse now you've touched a neutral wire causing the power to pass through us you mean pass through me if you knew anything about alternating current power yes ever shut up foreign [Music] [Music] I'm the first person to have ever seen Cosmic radiation with his own eyes almost there [Music] Barry Allen who take me you don't want to lose me like you lost run and that's why I know you're not gonna let her kill me cause I'll catch you inside of my head and I know what a tough old son of a you can be so you got a fighter because you and me we're fighting Stone great you and me ah Jefferson actually sending into the calvary was his idea foreign [Music] [Music] what's up it's a long story pal I'm a smart sorry don't kill Cronus we have to find another way forget about them we'll hold off the robot we'll take out the command center what do you want I have a better idea better find yourself a new Mentor kid foreign [Music] [Applause] I was willing to proceed in good faith [Music] foreign you're right on time how did you what you thought you were the only one another thing or two about time travel we're leaving that's where they're gonna be yeah I see it is he still nuts what the hell is that you've transmuted the molecular properties of the rifle what does that even mean okay let's get out of here get this down but Kendra is alive [Music] we need to focus Jefferson why do you always standing like I'm not focusing just to do what you did before before we had a lot of Nazi trying to kill us this is just a base you ready to show these fools what's really good you have no idea foreign listen if we're gonna do this we gotta do it together let's go and take the two of us all right you're right Jefferson you did it we did it man I'm on it it's not working the radiation buildup is too Progressive because for every action there's an equal opposite reaction she's trying to kill us foreign let's get those Confederates off his back the inspector with something foreign yourself we're on the move to find the Bop we must save Clarissa okay who are you friend of your husbands this doesn't feel right I agree Jefferson foreign foreign see you later dominator I'm on it now do what I Believe Miss Lansing tends for us to transmute the metabomb into something harmless I was afraid you were gonna say that [Music] foreign I have a daughter her name is Lily and she's counting on you she's counting on both of us foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] are you very well there's no reason yeah I think the world's just fine [Music] a huge dead end foreign [Music] thank you [Music] Millennial prisoner in the name of Aries the God of War Mars is the Roman God of War Jefferson yeah whatever you doing rescuing you I can take care of myself [Music] really the Applause might have gone to my head star Jefferson lady are you all right driving back Greg I don't think I can do this in case you haven't noticed I'm an old man yeah true but you got this great come on Gray let's get him baby [Music] please tell me fire signs I think oh my God what's wrong I have to pee and I do not still nothing what are you doing great oh since Gideon took Sarah off sedatives I've been looking for a Salient stimulus to pull her out of the coma what the hell is that Salient stimulus noise or sound she might have an emotional connection to that would wake her up okay you guys walk through a Minefield and I'm pretty sure you're caught in the Soviet trip mine but by freezing it you should be able to step away sure okay on the count of three I want you to step away slowly why one two three [Music] not quite oh dear hey [Music] [Music] we're going Firestorm we're sweeping the perimeter [Music] oh okay we're nasty free let's go hold on that's an automated Power Cell we need to activate it or using the control console I can hardwire no problem then I'll turn on the console oh we want to split up you sure it's our most favorable odds let's kick some ass Jefferson [Music] come on get here fix him distance of about six meters allowing for air resistance breathe in hold [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rafael Ridolph
Views: 319,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arrowverse, DC Comics, Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Firestorm, Jefferson Jackson, Martin Stein
Id: e9SRZrr4Xh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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