Firebase send push notification using postman example.

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welcome to this tutorial in this tutorial we will see how we can send a fcm message or firebase cloud message using postman so let's see an example so this is a postman so you can see that in here i have just created a post request and i've just given a link in here https fcm google apis dot com fcm slash send so you have to send this request in this url uh have just given this link in video description so you copy and paste it and next in headers section i have just said two things one is the content type that i mentioned application slash json and the authorization uh that i have set a key this is the key and then i have given equal and i just set the key in here so now question that how i got this key so i'm just going to see you that how i got this key so in here so for example this is my application and if you just click on here and if you just go in project overview in here in this gear icon if you click in here the project setting you just need to click on cloud messaging and if you just click on here you will see that here the cloud messaging api legacy disable that means it's still not enabled so we have to make it enable so for that you have to go in this icon the three dot icon in here and just click here and manage api and com google cloud console click in here and just uh it will redirect in another page and i'm just going to enable this one so so after enable so if you just reload your page again you should see the server server key now in here so i just copy this one and i just paste it in here so this is my key you have to give it under the eq after the equal so this one that's it so after save i'm going to save and the next thing that i have to do in body section you can see that i have set the two that which device you will target and the notification body you can see that in here i have said that three things the body firebase cloud masses body and the title the title name and the subtitle so it's optional you can take the first two it's enough so now the question that how actually got this token individual device token so if you're using the web apps then you you will follow uh or create a app in here like i have create a um in my example app i have created a android app so if you want to add another app for example is the web app and this is the end ios app so you can create your app so i think that if you uh already know that how to generate the token in web end or the android or flatter end for example i have just created i just generate this token in in flat iron so for that i have just used two packets firebase messaging and firebase core and just i initialized this one in here and just i just taken the token firebase from firebase instant get token there is a method and has taken the value and this value actually in here that that is that is printed uh this one i already copied this one [Music] and past it uh in here so that's on the my device token so if you just uh give this device token in here now just you just need to send the request now let's send the request i think you hear the sound my mobile sound and you can see the success one so the message has sent so that's the tourist tutorial that how you can send the apps and message using the postman thank you for watching welcome for the next tutorial
Channel: Alimon Pito
Views: 67,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rQzexLu0eLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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