Firebase Pricing - New improved version

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Hello friends I have made a fire based pricing video uh few months back and got a lot of feedback that the voice quality was not good and I had to I had to take the the feedback from the viewers and then I'm creating another one with more better uh voice quality as well as better explanation so if you're a developer or a CTO or starting up your own project with the help of Firebase in your back end you must be Wonder ing if you should use it or not in terms of uh you know how much it's going to cost you uh how much it will uh you know incur in terms of cost when when you start getting more traction for your project so what I did is I created this spreadsheet which will which I will take you through one by one and explain how much actually it cost to run a project an app on Firebase uh this is based on my experience running an app for 9 months almost on Firebase backend so this will help you understand if you want to actually uh you know use Firebase or not in terms of pricing okay so let's get started right so first um Firebase has two uh plans at the moment one is the no cost spk plan which has a generous limit uh to get started and another one is a pay base plan now I would strongly recommend to add your credit card into your um gcp account into your Firebase account so that you can move to Firebase BL Blaze b as you go Blaze plan because it not just Al it's not just contain all the generous limits to get you started but it will also enable you to create a lot of um functionalities which is not available in the free plan for example you won't be able to use cloud functions which is one of the most important bits you will need uh going forward in your application and I'll explain you why um so I would strongly suggest just to go on a PSO plan so let's move on to uh the spreadsheet and see how much it actually cost to to run uh a project with Google Firebase pricing okay so the first thing the first thing is authentication as you can see here uh if you use phone off for all regions around the world you can send 10 sms's every day which is not kind of that generous in terms of authentication but other authentication services are completely free uh up to uh 50,000 monthly um active users now you must be wondering what does actually um that means to you like what what what kind of very authentication you can have um for free if you have 50,000 monthly active users authentication is almost free for all of them and that's because if you have 50,000 uh users coming to your app and authenticating with um I don't know all the social uh login system for example if I go on my app and sign in here so I have Google Facebook GitHub and sign in with magic link so all of these authentication uh with fireb is included under this 50k per month active users now you don't have to worry about these cost because because I think once you have 50,000 active users on your app every month you can go out and raise a lot of funding that's for sure so until unless you reach to this level you don't have to worry about it and then again you have 50 monthly AML and oidc um authentication users this is more for B2B uh applications where people are logging in with their internal um Enterprise login uh details okay so that's there whereas if you compare it with your Blaze plan you will see that anything about 10,000 authentication every month will cost you 0.01 uh pens well well 0.01 which is one one cent per authentication which is very very low and then you have $0.06 for verification for um an active uh user which is again on usage based so it's very very generous um quota for your application by Google Firebase okay let's move on to the next part which is uh file store which is the storage of the data so you you have 1 GB in total and then you have ESS 10gb which means if 10,000 user using your application and they're um looking at the results fetched from the database from the no SQL database Firebase offers then until 10 GB it's free and imagine how much data you can store into a into a 32bit um integer and and then compare it with 10 GB per month ER so that's a quite a lot of data you can um get serve on the internet uh also this storage uh contains 20,000 writes per day 50,000 reads per day and 20,000 deletes per day so if you have 20,000 rights per day uh into the documentation that means approximately 600,000 rights per month so imagine if you have let's say 1,000 users on your application right you know because you're starting up each user is writing six uh documents every day on your application that is 6,000 rights um in a day that is still less than what the quota is so if you have thousand user on your uh application and they do more than 20 rights so basically either they do 10 commands and uh one Forum post and uh one entity creation or whatever entity you have on your application things like that they have to do they have to do more than 20 uh, rights every month to hit 6,000 rights a month uh generous uh quot out given to to you by Firebase same way for reading let's say for example you have a search uh web portal for example I have a search web portal for events so if a user searches for let's say three or four times that means um the number of results you're displaying for example you're displaying 10 results on a page so if the user search for five times that means it's 50 reads for your application so it's quite a lot of date uh um reads available a for you for every month so you know you don't have to worry uh about it until unless you reach to a higher uh user base same way for delete and delete we all know that delete is the uh operation which is performed very very uh you know uh inconsistently on the application so a lot of generous data on here also for delete so that's uh there now Cloud messaging is completely free either you are on free plan or Blaze plan crash litics is completely free again on the both the plans Dynamic links are completely free and these these things are not cheap when you are moving or scaling your application so definitely definitely it's a good um Good Start for for a developer to start an application with Firebase 10gb storage of Hosting now 10gb storage doesn't look that big uh in this current world because we you know interact with media images and all these kind of media storage every day but if you have a simple application with uh no no video media files on it and you deal with you know mostly text Data then 10gp is quite a lot of storage for your images uh to be fair and for this you get around uh 10 GB per month of um uh data transfer for for the storage hosting so you need to have like uh I don't know if you have a image of 500 KB uh or something you need to have lots of lots of these images on your portal and then these images needs to be open Vis VIs visited and if you're using nextjs with um Cloud Fair which cashes the images then you can save a lot of images um data transfer uh on a daily basis so that's the pricing for the storage whereas if you go beyond that it will cost you uh you know 0.026 per GB again it's a gcp cloud uh pricing and same for the database it's 0.15 per GB data transfer um so this is uh how much the costing of Google PR ing uh uh you know is for an application which is running for me for for last 9 month and I haven't incurred much cost just uh uh a word of caution is when you start deploying these app uh with uh cicd make sure that you're um you're not using Google's uh automated cicd procedures so for example um build minutes because that will cost a lot of money to you if you do it on a regular basis and that could uh get you aot big Bill in your uh gcp account um so yeah this is this is how this is what I've been plotting all these numbers in this spreadsheet to explain you how the Google Firebase pricing actually works um again if you're running an app you would definitely need to run Cloud functions Cloud functions are the the source of running things in the background for your app for example if you want to send an email using AWS uh then you might need to create a cloud function on on Firebase and then use your AWS keys and then send emails to to the users and I have created another video for you which you can check out to how to do that but again running these Cloud function will cost you um uh quite a lot of money if you have heavy functions running in the background doing heavy operations so make sure that you're not using heavy functions here because if you do then it will cost a lot of money so um in all in all if you're starting a new project and you're usage is not that big and you are um anticipating that you will increase you will get more and more users within next 6 to 8 months then Firebase is the best place you can start with it has a lot of libraries as dks and lot of support from the developers Community um and then um once you are there uh once once your application is online you can check the traction and once you're there you can always raise funding and then get uh the paid version or or more gcp resources to support your application but if you feel that you're not getting TR traction you can always close down your account and then just um get rid of it so that's where we are if you want to understand how to develop an MVP or you need some technical help with developing your MVP you can always check out uh my website called people SPS uh we are offering uh very generous packages for developing some really good MVPs so our package starts with $5,000 per month and you can cancel it any time uh uh you will get uh portal where you can actually create the features and then we will make sure that all the features are up and running within a week where we commit to deliver it h you don't have to hire a designer you don't have to hire a developer you don't have to hire a devops guy just one subscription and your features are rolling out every week so that's the beauty of this subscription so if you want help with your um with your MVP with your sasp development book a call today with us and we'll be more than happy to help you uh uh understand how we can work together with you if you have any other questions regarding the Firebase pricing don't hesitate uh let me know in the comment section and then I'll be able to help you out all right thank you everyone and I'll speak with you soon cheers
Channel: TechMan
Views: 1,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firebase, google firebase, firebase cost, fireabse pricing, pricing, gcp cost, gcp pricing, how much firebase cost, cost firebase, cost firebase blaze plan, firebase free
Id: 1fVbpE08jIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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