Fire-Grilled Artichokes - J. Alexander's Holdings

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hello my name is Ian today we're going to talk about green globe artichokes probably over the last 20 years you've seen these more of the supermarkets and on restaurant menus they've actually been around thousands of years the ancient Romans and Greeks actually ate these part of their daily diet they're actually native to the Mediterranean but these artichokes actually been cultivated all over the world now they're very high in dietary fiber vitamin A and packed full of antioxidants okay so let's move on to the good part on how to cook these and eat them a lot of the stigma surrounding these vegetables I think is people who see this in the supermarket and say how do I cook it how do I eat it we're going to show you what I like to do is trim off the stem take about a third of the top half of the artichoke off then we're actually just going to split it down the middle inside you'll see it how's the Purple Heart this is actually the choke part of the artichoke where it gets its name from down below is the heart the inner part here where it's purple and the actual fuzzy part this is actually the bloom of the artichoke if we left this sitting out on the tree this would actually open out into a flower this purple part would actually become the flower itself it's still edible over that point but it would be very hard to eat once the artichoke is split in half and trimmed what we want to do next is actually cook the artichoke this inedible part in the middle is really hard to remove in the raw state of the artichoke and what we do at the restaurant we actually steam these now obviously you don't have a steamer at home so what we're gonna do is place them in salted boiling water for about 30 minutes seems a long time but this choke will remove a lot easier when the outer choke is actually fully cooked okay so these have been boiling for 30 minutes what we're going to do is remove them from the water and we're going to test to make sure they're cooked with artichokes you really want to err on the side of them being a little overcooked and undercooked the best way to test these is if you take the stem either take a spoon or a fork and just press down below the choke itself if they're full tender they're cooked if not at there's still a little pressure there put them back five more minutes they'll be perfect okay now with the artichokes are fully cooked we're going to remove the actual choke part itself there's a fine line right between the choke and the heart what we're gonna do is use a spoon gently insert it loosen the choke and then remove the choke itself then we're going to take the back of the spoon and pull out the purple leaves they have a little spiny top so you'll be able to feel where they rip out and we're left with the in part of the artichoke okay now we've prepped our artichokes what we do here at the restaurant is we would take these lightly seasoned them brush them with some clarified butter and finish them on a hardwood grill [Music] oK we've grilled our artichokes we actually grew them for about 3 minutes per side if you were cooking in my home you can pan fry them and some clarified butter you can bake them in the oven about 400 degrees 8 to 10 minutes the fun part about eating these is what is edible what is not edible the actual heart down at the base of the spine of this is fully edible what we do is peel the leaves away if you look closely the meat at the bottom that is the edible part where it turns into a khaki green as the inedible part what you would do with this is basically dip it in some of your seasoned dip pull it with your teeth pull away discard the rest of the leaf we have more videos on the way be sure to LIKE this video and subscribe to our channel thanks for watching I would class artichokes as a superfood they're very high in dietary fiber vitamin A Diamond riboflavin niacin which all are fantastic for your body very high in dietary fiber and packed full of antioxidants so apart from that they actually taste fantastic this cause seriously this could be my new job Italy Spain Egypt actually consume about half of the world's population compared to the United States only consume about 3 percent of the world's population it's not population production Italy Spain Egypt actually consume about half of the world's consumption production consume consume who half of the world's production Italy Spain and Egypt actually consume about half of the world's population
Channel: J. Alexander's Holdings
Views: 37,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Artichokes, Grilled, how to, eat, grill, j. alexander's, j., alexander, redlands, merus, recipe, steam, boil, steamed, boiled, cooking, cook, holdings, ian, dodson, chef, national, day, march, 16, 16th, overland, park, lyndhurst, home
Id: 1PIe7_m6EXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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