Fire Emblem Engage - Part 1 - Alear

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rise from a thousand years ago [Music] meet the flower who cares for everyone the rising force of black and steel [Music] the skies [Music] from another place do you remember me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you gotta steps of beauty [Music] Fire Emblem engage hello everyone and welcome to my next project Fire Emblem engage is out today and I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement I got high hopes for this one and I'm really looking forward to it hope you are too before we begin though I should do some introductions hi I'm Johnny awesome I'm a big fire emblem fan a fanatic I guess you could say when I'm not making videos on this YouTube channel I'm usually challenging some of the older games in the franchise on harder difficulties that's been my hobby as of late for like like a year and a half now but I have one other thing I gotta just mentioned before we start if this game looks even a little interesting to you I got good news in case you don't have a copy we're teaming up with Nintendo of America to give one of my fans the Divine edition of this game to enter all you have to do is leave a like on this video and comment down below what your first Fire Emblem game was and if engage would be your first that's all right oh I lied there's one more thing we gotta talk about our main character elephant in the room there's been a lot of discussion about these two online and look I get it I'm jealous of their hair too they're perfect like literally okay I like the female protagonist a little bit more but when it comes to Fire Emblem I don't know I just like playing as the guy so I uh yeah we're locking this in alir is his Canon name that's kind of what I go for but uh yeah let's uh you know I don't care about birthday but this is one thing I do want to discuss it's just me or video games getting too effing easy like real talk fire on three houses I know that was a long time ago but what was up with that normal difficulty was like baby mode so for this project one this is my first playthrough I've not been keeping up with all of the info so a lot of things in this game are going to be a surprise for me we're also locking in hard and oh gotta go back classic Mode there we go just you know to spice it up how many times do I have to reset who the heck knows if I'm willing to find out let's dive in Fire Emblem engage and uh yeah see what this game has in store for us um cross my fingers it's a good one there you go sticks out like a sore thumb I'll tell you that like this guy cannot do cover oh my God already almost time all right we can handle this oh oh watch me going dudes knocked out we won't lose today [Music] all right I guess these are the uh keep going you can do this man Lords where's it going longest hallway in history our final battle lies ahead end game already that's kind of how this goes now it's time to engage I'm I'm digging it so much you got to remember right there's only so many ways to whoa hey there let's go one last battle and the war will be over all right the others fought hard to clear a path for us we can't let them down you're here at your end this place will be your tomb all right bring it on Mr I guess shadow dragon demon dragon move in I'll remain by your side Martha I don't know how to tell you this I'm really excited your voice acting everything but I've played a couple of these all right who the heck is this fell monarch we like zoom in I'm gonna get like some he's really just saying come at me bro I'll draw My Controller free look at this girl bro we're so fast anyway uh yeah we should probably kill this giant dragon it's probably terrorizing everyone your destiny what about the one I'm wearing can't have it unless you take it from my dead corpse let's not do that though oh God all right spells are really flashy that's for sure oh you're not looking so hot there buddy it's getting smoke I only have 12 damage dude we're at the end game come on put you with your stat boosters oh I see the emblems for the gauges engage all right whatever that means oh you're gonna tell me cool so I've seen trailers I've seen the ring mechanics but I've never I didn't actually know what it does from the sounds of things we literally get Falcon once we merge with Marth and that is cool let's uh let's do that shall we engage um oh he does talk the dragon just that's not his turn he can't intervene but God this dude move over patara earrings Get Wrecked we'll say this is slightly more convenient than the Fusion Dance though whoa that is actually cool I love that he's got a Belgian lightsaber that is so okay the Fusion's pretty cool now connected and can unleash a powerful attack together let's do it all right lodestar rush dude this fan service oh don't spoil me though all right so now we're effective against dragons this has gotta be so this is broken I almost feel bad for the gut I mean not really but you know oh my God move over Astra holy dump I would be so mad just randomly get like five times stronger come on you have nothing to celebrate you are weakness itself you will never defeat me game just said I did it's hard to burst your bubble not bad um wow I guess do we say enough for him as long as we have the ring equipped I don't know the new outfit though kind of cooler looking than his base not gonna lie thanks to you this world is saved and my work here is complete don't go bro game just started know that I will always be with you and that we will stand together again as we did this day ever we cross hospice again hope you will remember me bro how could I ever forget you question mark question mark question indeed that you will remember all of us who took up arms to fight by your side the 12 emblems that was pretty short actually like man what let me guess it's just yeah a dream sequence again where am I this makes sense why are we so easy Jesus Christ I've been crapping my pants tell me you're seeing this why are you staring at me at me cries privacy curtain there's a reason it's there and you are you're awake yeah yeah you're really awake yeah you're the Divine dragon yes who are you no way why are there toddlers in my room oh my dragon is finally away hold on they didn't give him a pillow or anything that size I guess maybe he died or something maybe that fight with the dragon was a long time ago but no the those Lords in the hallway I don't know what I'm talking about I'm just I'm just giddy I guess there's so many theories and stuff calm down calm down you two well he's talking about this Ruckus about oh hey jagen I mean uh what was your name sorry do you have morning breath uh anyway Divine dragon what's up dude anybody making some breakfast I'm hungry it's a miracle an utter Miracle the Divine One awake at long last and I might live to see you standing before me what an honor I don't know how I'd take that be like all right cool uh who are you seriously not to be rude but who are you oh there's a little more polite than I ah apologies I lost myself for a moment there my name is Vander I am the 32nd Steward of the Dragon hello sir Vander oh my Divine one there is no need to address me as such simply vendor will do see I told you the Divine Dragon was awake yeah we were telling the truth you two I don't believe I got your names oh sorry we were so excited we forgot to introduce ourselves dude I'm going crazy is this deku's voice actor It's gotta be right I hear it clan go maximum power here's the 33rd stewards of the Dragon he is my name's Clan pleased to meet you hey what's up bro and I'm Fram we're twins nice we've been waiting forever for you to wake up as stewards of the Dragon our mission is to protect and provide for you provide them with some bacon and hey generation after generation of our predecessors waited for you to rise from your Slumber I'll admit I am astonished to see it has finally happened you see a thousand years have passed since the first Steward took their post a thousand years that's how long I've been asleep indeed your mother Lumera the Divine Dragon Monarch has long awaited this day finally you a Divine Dragon yourself have awakened this surely signifies great things let's slow down this Monarch you mentioned she's my mother Divine Dragon you called it God he actually remembers nothing oh dear uh is your memory hazy Divine one I know my name but that's about it bummer you can't remember anything else maybe you're just feeling groggy because of all that sleep yeah yeah his memories will definitely come back after the tutorial chapter so we don't have another neziac Fire Emblem Lord but I don't even know who I am I kind of doubt that such lapses in memory are to be expected after sleeping for so long if I may you are a Divine Dragon a member of a royal family of dragons revered as deities Queen Lumera the Divine Dragon Monarch rules over the holy land of lethos in the war a thousand years ago she defeated and imprisoned the wicked fell Dragon you divine one are her only child the war the fell dragon feel like I can almost remember but please do not trouble yourself trying to bring it all back at once your memories will return in time you are a being of immense power a deity no less I have heard many a tale of your kindness nobility and bravery your unflinching heroism a lot to live up to we've done it once you can do it again bro come on have some confidence for now let us head to lethal's Castle Queen Lumera will be thrilled to see you perhaps the reunion will help stir your memories I hope so okay then onward and downward to leave those Castle they just they summarize that real quick this is what's going on that's why I remember crap let's go see the queen I like that our style in particular whoa look at this it's grass all this time wow I've been sleeping in the sky wait what what do you mean by that you have yes the place where you slumbered is known as the somnia a fortress built upon an Airborne Island to ensure your safety all right floating Castle got it it is perhaps the most secure place in all of Elios only a select few can set foot there I see and you three live there with me yeah for you who's around the sawmill [Music] Ship Shape royal family members visit us all the time well visit you really the prince and princess Sofia a deeply religious country visit especially often they pray next to you like this then they just talk for a while like they're chatting to a friend that's kind of creepy bro I see uh thanks for filling me in Fram you too Clan like somebody just coming to see you when you're sleeping hey man it's been a long time anyway you're the deity of our religious cult don't die of anything oh my God dog this is kind of scoffed up like I'm just some dude I cannot relate to alir I think I'm going to faint please don't unless I already did Am I Dreaming need I remind you that you are in the presence of the Divine Dragon yeah I am the coolest and the greatest dude how many times must I tell you to behave in a manner befitting your station Divine one please forgive this embarrassing breach of decorum it's okay I don't care breach of decorum I'm actually enjoying their enthusiasm you're just as kind-hearted as I always imagined anyway can I go see my mom there it is yeah yeah what's that Mythos Castle the Divine Dragon Monarch is there you said yes I suppose a thousand years have passed since you've been home we'll be right there with you you can hold my hand if you like I'm good homie thank you oh I guess we are doing that how long have I been wearing this ring since before I fell asleep blue stone it reminds me of something [Music] um what the you absolutely just came out of nowhere what the actual dog Vander are creatures like that comment around here they're not I've never seen them they don't have wings how'd they get up you have such monsters appearing in lethos before the land of peace understood what a piece of crap if you wish to find one you whose bravery knows no equal no let's run huh we haven't the slightest idea idea who they are and we don't know how they came to be here also they worry me for some reason so we run are you well did the Divine Dragon really command me to retreat I can't just do it just go we'll keep them distracted for you the kids whoa what the actual dog that guy said he needs to be the NBA sign him up oh no that was like 30 feet oh this isn't looking good they die oh please don't do that it's chapter zero bro you can't have dead kids already okay so what's your retreating I will admit oh look at him anyway that is actually funny though I love that Vander turning the Trope on its head like that oh to find one stay back it's too dangerous man you know I gotta steal some exp hold up clan and Fram were trying to protect me I have to help them I take back what I said this is no time to run please let me fight all right but stay on your guard I will Ty let's route baby all right what are these creatures doing in lethos well they all have the same ax seriously we had best used a foliage to take cover yeah yeah for sure so yet again every fire emblem's guy kind of start with this so I'm kind of bummed out is like the the Revenant you know zombie equivalent they look cool don't get me whoa we can do that well that was gonna have axes bro that's my that's my weapon of choice when it comes to Fire Emblem I don't know poor guys anyway do my best let's do our best yeehaw open triangles back baby been about time wow I do know that for certain wait what what am I misunderstanding something huh anyway unit types uh I'm gonna read all this crap don't sweat it just summarize it the game's just telling us about classes you know archetypes we've got Calvary mystical and uh key adapt what I was understanding though the weapon triangle is that uh yeah if you you know sore beats and ax they don't actually get a counter attack but Alia still took damage there kind of odd oh I should have done this in a different order whatever let's just take this one out sorry Leo you got exp next time whoa God these animations they're a lot more fluid than before all right a corrupted uh sending them works out all right though hold up other green units oh don't they Jesus so much it's nuts they're innocent children I think okay probably the castle what do you think we're doing Grandpa Jesus all right are you wounded Divine One please use a vulnerary that's how you say that am I an idiot how was I saying it whatever I think there's no voluntary I know what I'm doing let's uh let's just do this one yeah I think it'll either get the uh KO I'll say this much though you know if all the uh corrupted or using axes the weapons this time around look pretty nice I've always been a fan of obviously like legendary weapons and stuff but seeing the designs of the more basic stuff is also important makes the world feel kind of lived in you know stuff like that matters to me all right and they went forward rotten monsters don't scare me bro counter attack please he's not even he's not even using his Jesus fly like a mile when they get hit I don't know it makes me laugh so oh God yeah we actually should use the vulneri oh crap uh I gotta remember I'm playing on hard mode bro I was talking big I was talking a lot about smack in the uh you know the opening like I'm kind of an expert but it's true I've been I've been practicing it's not good practice but it'll do all right hopefully they'll aggro into uh this guy oh wait there's the acro like things again I will gotta say I'm really a fan of the UI like it is so clean I know we okay you are absolutely just a turd we're gonna lose somebody in the first map are you trolling me no way so much for my strategy genius we have an iron sword right now it looks kind of Regal I thought it was a Rapier oh come on ambush spawn shut up keep coming Ah that's Fire Emblem maybe you're all trying to protect me I protecting you if only I could somehow that's kind of creepy oh whisper I Marth with black hair you must remember who who said that [Music] ring no that my strength can be yours I know that voice if ever we cross paths again I hope you will remember me indeed that you will remember all of us who took up arms to fight by your side twelve emblems Divine One Divine One you mustn't do this alone don't worry please I'm not alone help me lend me your strength in this fight shine on emblem of beginnings obviously I can't help but smile every time I see Mart he's like my comfort character I'm gonna be really bad in like half of this game to be clear heck yeah yeah come on [Music] I actually thought they're gonna kill them we're gonna have to do some time travel Shenanigans again cool double weapon triangle this is cool oh my God we actually got a fight in tandem with the emblem I keep wanting to call him a stand they're not stand it is kind of identical you know hey that was kind of dirty move Mark all right just for time [Music] we did it thanks truly of course it is good to see you I was able to answer your call because it come through my eyes setting emblem of Legend [Music] s get to safety now [Music] everybody wins just like holy crap it's Mars with your help Marth we might just make it will you join us hang on Ditch hold up you're forced to deploy him I will fight alongside you from here forward your ally until the very end it's gonna be so hard now to use Marth every map I'm such a sucker all right sync with your emblem all right when synced unit increases power and access to sync skills so we got perceptive plus to avoid kind of Awakening style all right they brought para back baby they made it even more broken I will say this some of the uh okay there's lots of towardsley there's a lot to this but it's probably the most unique thing we've had environment like actually since you know Para will it break the game though can that can any unit ever fight back I'm just genuinely curious I don't think it lasts too long the dodging you so dude has got moves I don't know how he moves in those shoes but he doesn't all right is this guy back here we'll just ignore him for now and kind of uh just support Alia I think that's decent I don't know how much exp we can like steal from this map but I intend to steal a lot can't touch me bro oh oh we can't double yes sir all right it seems so cracked for enemy phase because you know okay you only have like five of your turns to use the emblem but if you can just chandelier like I don't know there has to be some way to uh I don't think normal enemies can get access to emblems do we just like do we engage right now you might as well right oh I don't think I can do that oh yeah you totally can why not bro let's just go all out right Peter Tom yeah okay so we get to find speed and I'm a monster that's okay however well I use them the right time or not I don't know wait oh we got bonds oh don't you get supports for each of your emblems all right Vander come on man you're protecting me your whole life or whatever let me you know I can handle this I'm gonna keep using the rape here because yeah I really want to see that uh oh yeah we'll just do load star rush can that crit also I don't know let's try it oh no I can't okay maybe there are some skills that can though it did not take this guy long to become broken I don't know I'm not a morning person up here level Jingles back I like it all right I got a bit stronger oh man not bad this is so prompt I can't get over the I hope this isn't just like all right it's a novelty and the rest of the game they put all their effort in just making this one mechanic amazing hope there's some stuff that is uh to come that is also spicy for lack of a better term but one map down one real map down and it was kind of close without Mark there but you know we won the day it's a fine one fander thanks for saving us you gotta thank Mars too yeah and uh sorry this all happened because we ran ahead I'm the one who should apologize you put yourselves in Danger trying to protect me it's such a relief you're both safe now Divine one I hear more enemies approaching Jesus you got some big ears man more I thought we'd gotten them all evidently not these creatures will there be no end to them there's more oh my God hi there I've got a dragon are you my mom the last day oh my God foreign oh dang all right Cameron what else you are awake now Dragonstone from the looks of it interesting is it really you don't recognize your own son what the frick yes it's me thank you for saving us this is my mom right like I'm not I'm not stupid what a joy it is to see you huh huh what the top I've waited for so long oh that's nice lady I have no memory of when I sensed you had awoken I flew here as fast as my wings would carry me I hope you're not hurt no I don't like no damage actually this is you're crushing me though oh I'm fine what a relief you cannot understand how I've missed you my dear child oh you're my mother oh that explains your tender Embrace Oh I thought I thought you were just a fan my bad what's the matter don't tell me since Awakening the Divine one's memory is clouded [Music] sorry sure you weren't expecting this no I must apologize I was so overcome with joy I hugged you as hard as I could they love apologizing bro I'm apologized no reason to apologize I'm the one who should apologize I I should have hugged you harder Ma you take this to mean you're forgotten everything hey I'm learning tutorials don't sweat it but you know I suppose it's to be expected A Thousand Years Vander explained that I've been sleeping since since some war that happened back then yes [Music] I don't remember that or this world or anything don't fret young one I will speak to you of all you've forgotten regardless of what you remember I'm simply glad to have you back my dear child still this isn't the reunion you hoped for hey come on man does that ever something don't be a pessimist all right don't worry about me it's Solace enough just to hear that sweet voice of yours to gaze once more into your eyes what lovely colors they are yeah colors so like you know who's who's dad in this situation did I get his you know jeans too like just just asking questions like you know God oh you guys everybody get a little we actually gonna move around what the frick no you can explore the battlefield dude I mean I didn't know this oh this is actually kind of pretty it's a little it's like I don't know how to describe it other than fantasy squared but I I dig it the way the fields look it's it's you know it's kind of charming right he looks so incredible on the battlefield of course you did you're the Divine Dragon oh my God did you get injured at all hope not two you guys are worried too much amazing I wonder how broken he will be though dude that's just crazy think about there might be potentially a new most powerful Fire Emblem character within this game whether it's a leader or somebody else that's also exciting I was a bit worried but we made it though we're safe because of you divine one and your plot armor the hey what happened to the guy that popped out your ring huh he's had a long battle Marth you deserve some rest pigeon pigeon pigeon okay I'm sorry I'm stupid hello Mom thank you I hope you do not perish within an hour I'm so very happy to see you it's all like a dream however yet best not linger for too long there may be more enemies lurking about but you killed them with relative ease it heartens me to see you and queen Lomira reunited at last the memory loss may have come as a surprise but she seems elated nonetheless yeah last time all right portal makes sense next chapter we go let's head to the castle climb on my back okay jeez you're Snappy with this one I dig it you know it's nice to have a fast-paced emblem I don't wanna I don't want to talk bad about other games well you know there'll be a time for discussion for sure oh my God I think that's our next on the continent of Elios four Realms surrounding a holy land at its Center [Music] Kingdom of abundance brodia Kingdom of Might ellucia Kingdom of knowledge Psalm queendom of freedom the land of lethos home of divine dragons and gretlon domain of the fell Dragon Fallen to ruin a thousand years ago our lands endured a vicious war with the fell Dragon we called upon heroes from other worlds to Aid us Heroes known as emblems of our Nations fought as one in the end we were victorious in defeating and imprisoning the fell dragon [Music] in the years since our world has been safe but now I sense a resurrection The Binding weakens if his shadow stretches across the land again then we must fight him Anew as we did in ages past feldragon sombron must be stopped hmm a little bit to impact there the kingdoms being divided in that way it's kind of video gamey but I almost don't mind I get I get the feeling this is it's kind of a return to form a little you know just kind of reminiscing a bit on prior fire fire emblems it does suck there's an entire Kingdom that is going to be sand Maps though not looking forward to that but hey chapter two away we go here we are we are safe Within These Walls so this is lethos Castle beautiful those walls sort of remind me of something though I'm glad you think so we polish them every single day we try to keep it clean and in case you eventually wake up it's been a really long time when we're running out of dawn but you know though you may not remember this place I've long waited to welcome you back here yeah Mom you said that like 20 times welcome home [Music] honey you've already been sleeping here basically for your whole life don't sweat it yes you are really trying to hammer it home this is I'm your mom oh my God has he forgot I already told him that that was three minutes ago the same he's just getting out of hand I feel overwhelmed with joy I may cry Queen Lumera Vander Glenn frem thank you for all you've done you are worthy stewards indeed you and your predecessors watching over my child all these years I am ever so grateful you are too kind really hope you aren't too kind you're honestly smothering us all with praise it's uh yeah it's awful nice of you to say that starting to feel woozy oh yeah go us we just got praised by Queen lumira herself the happiness of this moment aside I am troubled to see the corrupted here in lethos the corrupted those enemies you were fighting out on the grasslands oh I didn't like those things one bit the sight of them made my blood run cold I I kind of did they look neat understandably so the corrupted our corpses revived by an evil power the fell Dragon used them as his soldiers in the war before the start of that bitter conflict Elio said known peace for eons but then a dark presence emerged sombron that is quite the bummer if he's not a necromancer though it's like yeah who would who would join the dark dragon's Army guys you start cremating everybody problem solved You know despite tireless searching we could not determine where he'd come from but seeing the destruction he wrought there was no doubt of his evil intentions now the corrupted are spreading once more this may be a sign of his return no that's really bad I think I wonder if it is mere coincidence that you awakened as all this unfolds if the fell dragon has been released then we must prepare for battle can't imagine fighting someone like that worry not I doubt he will attack anytime soon this Castle is filled with the spirits of divine dragons the corrupted cannot enter it easily let us devise a plan now while we have the opportunity emblem Marth it's been quite some time Lumera that it has thank you for Lending your Aid against the corrupted you're welcome but of course I could help only because your child remembered me you know it is possible the others are awake now just as I am dang really all the Rings are here perhaps you are right how could we ever lose that sorry but what do you mean who's awake there is something I should show you follow me all right let's check it out I guess uh yeah it's that Chamber from the intro or like the you know title screen there they all are what is this place this is the ring vault it is where the emblem rings are enshrined I love this man those of the Holy Night of the sage Lord and of the Azure twins rest here as well as the Ring of the princess exalt and finally the Ring of the instructor dwells within an emblem ring as Marth resides in the ring of the hero King from the sounds of things that I think everybody's here her the Azure twins why's nobody come to mind so counting Marth there are six emblem ranks wow in fact there are 12 6 here and six entrusted to the other countries as a precautionary measure yeah makes sense you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket well what do you mean Leah just do you remember what an egg is the emblems Grant World altering power to whoever has all 12 rings for Generations the Divine dragons used this power to ensure peace and prosperity in Elios indeed that was how we locked away the fell Dragon but many have sought to steal the Rings and use them for their own nefarious purposes I'm dying and everything in the hands of the other kingdoms politics can affect a lot of things I see where this is going which is why they're scattered all over the continent not just stored here yeah precisely the Rings offer their power but once every thousand at which time the Divine Dragon travels across Elios to collect them from each nation's ruler with a thousand years having passed since last time I was planning to carry out this ritual soon but if the fell dragon is after the Rings the emblems may be summoned before I arrive summoned what happens then you can't do the 1000 Year wish it is how one calls for an emblem from a ring just as you did earlier with Marth only those with royal Dragon Blood are capable of summoning that includes you my child oh you must be talking about the phrase that popped into my head an invocation you mean you mean what was it shine on emblem of Beginnings I wasn't even thinking about it the words just fell from my mouth that was how you summoned Marth it's not a is that a problem mom no it's fine what was your focus your intention when you spoke those words oh to not let the children get murdered in front of me I guess I wanted to help Clan and friend more or less yeah I didn't want to lose them I wanted to protect them but mostly I just didn't want to have the image of them dying and like scarred in my brain I'm just your focus was on helping others whenever you summon emblems yeah helping others yeah not to keep the power for yourself borrow I understand now why don't we try a practice battle you must be a little rusty after all these years against you hold up come on kiddo put them up all right I think she's gonna summon some simulate rooms or something yeah how about we train here you will be the one fighting the emblem lends you their strength you need to train your body and mind to unleash an emblem's full power vendor Clan Prem you will be aiding that child in this battle against me we are fighting her chapter 2 Queen Lumera even in a practice battle I could not turn my weapon on you oh Vander please do put your heart into it I know I will I don't like this bro this is Boogie it's gonna tail swipe and kill like all of us oopsie Daisy just went a little too hot oh God all right we're starting off a little vanilla there they are all right are these uh stewards of hers the corrupt they're real oh no no no rocks no my darling child oh no he's become stupid in this long time asleep nevertheless their abilities are the same drop your guard and you could be hurt they're really unsettling what can we train with something else they give me the chills I'd rather fight the corrupt darling I I made these simulacrums I'm taking that a little personally fear and face whatever opponents my child the protector of all the Divine dragon I understand but I'm still really scared of the girl one I'm sick can I can we just no we must do this Divine one we'll back you up every step of the way yeah well what fram said as loathe as I am to battle against Queen Lumera orders our orders I pledge to bring us Victory thank you everyone no let's speak the first hour I'm awake from a million years I'm gonna do chores for Mom this sucks just the same though engage is spot ew it's spicy man I'm actually digging this so much but be cautious Divine One some of these enemies are carrying long range weapons oh no a bow user what am I gonna do therefore they can Reign arrows Upon Us From Afar okay that sounds scary never mind oh no okay it is like old school they can't attack adjacent anyways that is gonna do it for episode one A Fire Emblem engage I'm having a blast with this game I I do hope a leader stops me and you know fighting sucks which I mean yeah it does but come on bro you got more just the same though thank you so much episode two coming out soon and yeah see you next time bye
Channel: JohneAwesome
Views: 106,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JohneAwesome, fire emblem engage, fire emblem engage let's play, fire emblem engage gameplay, engage guide, fire emblem engage hard mode, fire emblem engage part 1
Id: ov0KSe0sukM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 45sec (2805 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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