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this recipe is sponsored by squarespace i'm bringing sexy beans this is episode one of a series where i'll be showing some bean recipes that should excite even a meat eater such as myself these i'm calling fire beans and they're exactly what they sound like fresh not dried lima beans charred with extreme high heat and then enrobed in a red chili sauce that sauce is a little much on its own but just right if you have this with rice make your rice however you want but here is my favorite way which many people find objectionable and i don't care a little hot oil in a pot dump in half a cup of dry unwashed rice per person for jasmine rice like i'm using here that's like 90 grams per person and then i'll stir and toast the rice over pretty high heat for a couple of minutes the free starch coat that we did not wash away browns a little and tastes really good this is the way you start risotto or paella and now i go back to normal plain rice technique dump in 1.5 parts of water to one part rice by volume no salt today because i'm going to have this with a heavily seasoned sauce asian style cover and bring to a boil hello reduce to a simmer and cover until the water is absorbed meanwhile beans about a pound 454 grams of fresh not dried lima beans butter beans they're also called all kinds of names and you can find them fresh in late summer or in the freezer section all year long the frozen ones are great dump them into plain water cover and bring to a boil which takes a while i'll eventually brown those in my widest cast iron the wider the better and you don't have to do this but i'm rubbing it down with a thin layer of oil so that i'll have a nice fresh seasoning coat after i preheat this in my outdoor gas grill i'm putting the heat on full blast you can totally cook this dish inside if you have a powerful stove and a really good ventilation system but if you do it outside all the smoke and the splatter stays outside closed to trap the heat all right my beans are boiling reduce those to a simmer and just cook until they're tender maybe 10 minutes when the rice has sucked in all the water i just turn off the heat and let it rest covered one bunch of green onions lose the roots and then i'll just slice these up into rounds the white and semi-white pieces are for the beans the green pieces i will set aside for the sauce just slice those up until you get to the really dry tattered parts at the end those are kind of stringy just toss them one fresh red chili or two if you're feeling dangerous take out the seeds and the ribs if you want to limit the heat or honestly you can just stop slicing when you get near the top a lot of the heat is up here these go into the pile for the beans grab some ginger a piece about yay big maybe cut the peel off no big deal if you don't get it all off i do think you want to slice it first against the grain of the fibers otherwise you get these long stringy fibers in your teeth chop that up and in the pile for the beans a few cloves of garlic peel and chop those go with the pile for the sauce they'd burn with the beans also for the sauce a handful of cilantro or really any fresh herb you want thai basil would be super nice and then the last thing for the sauce is a lime cutter in half for juicing let's fish out a bean and taste it real quick they should be just tender be careful to not let them go too soft or they will turn to mush in the cast iron follow me on instagram for more early drafts of recipes that look pre-digested you want to drain these really thoroughly let them steam off a little the drier they are on the surface the more you'll be able to char them later okay for sauce i'm going to start with like two teaspoons of corn starch and disperse that in a tiny splash of soy sauce or water whichever is nearby you can stir out the lumps much easier when it's a super thick slurry now my new favorite thing which is gochujang korean fermented chili paste any chili paste would work and i'm going to use like a quarter cup of it a giant scoop if you want this less spicy you could replace some or all of this paste with ketchup i won't tell now i'll put in our roughly equal quantity of soy sauce this is 60 mls or so that's a lot but it's the only source of salt in this entire dish including the rice then the lime juice you could just use half a lime if you don't want it too acidic i like the whole lime all of this stuff goes in the cilantro onion greens garlic i'll get that stirred in so that i can more easily measure the water by displacement enough water to give you like one and a quarter cups total sauce like 300 ml of sauce it should look a little watery at this stage remember it has the corn starch so it's going to thicken oh and you can put in a teaspoon or two of sugar if you want it'll balance the heat we need to mix the beans up in something and this is already dirty so there we go in goes the onions chili and ginger and then enough oil to make everything glisten i'm oiling the food not the pan because the pan is so hot that a film of oil would probably burst into flames if you think it's weird for me to be using olive oil with all of these asian flavors just know that i don't care olive oil is good i use it for basically everything but chocolate cake get every bean coated all right now i only have two things to carry out to the grill nice let's look at our pan white hot and not still smoking very much which is good if it was still smoking a lot that would mean my fresh seasoning coat has not formed yet you got to get all that stuff burned off and now keep your distance and just splash in the beans i will spread them out a little bit but i will not stir them not yet i want them to char on the bottom while there's still a ton of heat in the pan and not very much water leaking out yet once the water starts leaking out of the food it's going to steal the heat this step in my process i've taken from an excellent restaurant in louisville kentucky called mayan cafe they have a different charred lima bean dish that's one of the best things i've ever had you should go there and get it and as you can see we've got some nice char on the beans but they're not incinerated so perfect i'll stir things around now just to make sure that the onions and the chili get cooked there really won't be any more browning of the beans because water is coming out of the veg now and that's stealing the heat two minutes after everything went in i'll pour in my sauce the cornstarch should pretty much gelatinize on impact at these temperatures just stir for a minute or two until the sauce has almost reduced to a texture you like you got to account for further evaporation that will occur before you actually start eating make sure you've got heavy dry oven mitts this pan is extremely hot look already the sauce is a little too thick you can always water it down and now that it's in the house i'll taste it to see if it needs more of anything there's my clumpy toasty rice that some people consider heretical make your rice how you want but don't knock different things until you've tried them and slap those babies on hot sweet sour smoky umami it's all there and i love the creamy texture that fresh green lima beans have on the inside it's also a super meaty texture which makes this a very satisfying main dish full of protein and fiber and it's inexpensive for what you get just like squarespace the sponsor of this video in fact something squarespace does for you they'll do for free check out their new bio site builder if the only website you need to make is a one-page bio with a few links to the things you do well you can create one for free now at throw in a photo link out to your social accounts maybe some projects you're involved with and boom free bio site of course if and when you need to build something bigger squarespace is there for you everything from a scheduler where people can make appointments with you to a restaurant site to a big online store where you can take people's payments and manage your inventory everything you could possibly need for a website is here and you can start building one for free when you're ready to pay for a custom domain or to publish your site remember the guy who made beans sexy again and use code regucia at checkout you'll save 10 percent thank you squarespace if sexy beans never left then why everybody on my
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 610,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cqfbcskdiCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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