Fire Academy Class 53 - Week 1

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[Music] hi everyone my name is Ryan Love public information officer with unified Fire Authority here in Utah I'm currently in magna Utah at our training facility just behind me here this is where we train all of our full-time firefighters also all of our brand-new recruits as well and speaking on new recruits we actually have a brand new class that just started this week class number 53 the largest class that has ever gone through our training program and our department's 99 year history and we are really excited about that I will be embedded with this camp for the next 16 weeks bringing you a video update week by week on exactly what they're doing what the recruits are experiencing the mental the emotional stressors that they are experiencing also their perspectives of the training cadre as well and kind of getting you the full picture on what it takes to become a full time firefighter with the Unified Fire Authority stick with us for the next 16 weeks that should be a really fun time a good ride I am certainly excited about it let's get this thing going stay tuned [Music] [Music] [Music] and those pointed out 45-degree angles fire doubles every 30 seconds in the modern fire environment seconds matter seconds matter in this joke stronger faster smarter designed to do one thing make it stronger make us smarter make us back hey this is Robbie Anderson fire training specialist just want to touch base with you guys on the first week of recruit camp five three focus this week was stronger faster and smarter came out of the gate with these recruits with a pretty vigorous PT schedule just to kind of get them an idea of what this camps going to be about and what the rest of their career is gonna be about trained real hard on cardio and strength and also the academic piece of that shortly after PT ok that's the smarter piece of it we got to show them that when they're tired when they're beat down from PT or from working on a fire they need to be clear-headed and still make good decisions PT is a big part of this camp one to get them in shape to come out to the field and work with you guys in operations but also for their overall health and and good decision making when they are getting fatigued and beat down on fires they still have a clear head and they're making good solid decisions underneath that that strain of working on a fire soon as you guys figure out you use your mind it's not hard no more wait letting your mind at attention you're on the recruit replace waiting for you back down let's go [Music] you [Music] currently we're in recruit camp 53 we've got 33 folks out here we've brought in six cadre members from operations and we have our two regular specialists currently we are in day four I believe of recruit camp and we're gonna talk a little bit about the significance of the bell and the flag here this this Bell is pretty significant to me and is the bell that our camp purchased after our recruit camp back in 2004 we still have a hook up there on the top of the tower that we put this bell on to kind of signify our recruit class for me I believe when we bring in our recruits we we want them to work hard we put them through emotional strain physical strain all kinds of things mentally they're they're so significant if they ring this I ring them in first off the camp and if it's rung any time between when I ring it at the start of camp to the end of camp that is a voluntary quit on the recruit spark the flag itself is basically this is this is uh I guess this is your face flag when they get this flag it's something to be proud of there's something to carry along it's kind of their badge of honor right now this is basically given to them in an our guard ritual that we do here it's given to them and they are to carry this flag chief Rhodes gives that to them and basically entrusting them that they will carry on the professionalism of the ufa how hard-working in the USA is and how really how good we are so I think them protecting that flying this out here we make them take it down during inclement weather they carry it with them when their runs in their Cadence's they're proud of this flag [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after I got a couple okay hi I'm Molly Doyle an engineer here with unified fire authority out here in the training division things you've been putting the recruits through this week has been our confined space prop witches right here inside our training tower and so the purpose of this prop is to simulate getting out of a house if we're on a hose line so we have a hose that's run through a series of obstacles a series of confined spaces that we've built out here so the theory behind it is the answer right here you can see the nozzle down here so if they were in a house fire and we're on the nozzle spraying water and all of a sudden needed to find their way out they're just gonna follow the hose line so that's run all back through here we have a series of obstacles you can see we've got some stairs here if we open this back in here we've got a bunch of string to simulate wires so if they're crawling through with their bottle and they get their bottle hung up on these wires they've got to figure their way out they also we gave our recruits the option today since it was their first time through the maze of being blacked out for it or being able to see since this was their first time through it about two-thirds of them chose to go completely blacked out so then you're just going based on feel and holding that hose line through the whole way through later in our camp we'll be putting them on air breathing air through their mask and then we'll also eventually have them breathing air and black down at the same time it's as much mental as it is physical so I've seen some really big guys go through this and it's not easy but they figure out a way it's recognizing that that you're safe in here and setting yourself up and seeing how you're going to react to those stressful environments those stressful situations because if they are in that situation at some point in a fire hopefully they'll be able to go back to this point and remember how they did it and remember how they just calmed themselves down and figured it out because like I said you can see up here we have this tube that is probably the most difficult part for a lot of our people it's about 15 feet long and super slick on the inside and you just have to lay on your belly and just scoot your way through and a lot of people go to a dark place in there when they're trying it's hard it's it's not natural for us to feel trapped and feel like we can't get out of something and your your lizard brain kicks in and you start to panic a little bit and that's when the mental part of this comes in so much more than the physical part and you have to talk yourself off of that ledge and calm yourself down on your breathing and just know that like as you're making those little steps forward a little step is still progress until you've gotten yourself [Music] halfway [Music] come out you're going to go to the back compartment open it up grab your hydrant bag grab your Keystone gonna trap the AVH off walk it over to your hydrant wrap your hydrant and then you're going to signal for the engineer to go I'm Nick lund one of the instructors for class 53 and today we're introducing them to hydrants and teaching them all of the components of the hydrant and how to properly pull a hydrant we're also stressing the importance of speed and how fast we need them to pull a hydrant we're going to be testing them and getting them to be able to pull a hydrant in less than two minutes and then we're also going to be getting them to the point where they can have water to the engine within two and a half minutes this up here when you're not [Music] get those knees off the ground [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and that wraps it up week number one is in the books for these recruits they're tired they're exhausted they're learning a lot and they're ready for more and I think that's most important for these recruits we're excited to bring you these videos for the next 15 weeks stay tuned subscribe to our channel below hit the like button also follow us on our social media channels we've got Facebook Twitter and Instagram as well and we'll see you next time until then this is Ryan love with unified fire
Channel: Unified Fire
Views: 24,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #unifiedfire, #unifiedfireauthority, #recruitcamp, #firefighter, #firefighterrecruit, #bootcamp, #newfirefighter, #utahfirefighters, #boot, #fire, #fireacademy, Academy, fitness, UFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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