Fir Tree reduction pruning

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we're just around the corner from the job that I have to finish this should have been finished yesterday but the rain was so bad and relentless one tree left to do and it's a pretty tall for about 120 and it's like some tip pruning some long limbs over the deck over some shrubs the guys worried about and understandably so about it shedding a big one doing some damage or or worse which is happens with Douglas firs this is a characteristic of us to shed big limbs they just seem to keep growing out and then you know inevitably one falls off so so I could have got I had time to finish this yesterday but you know I was saturated and it's not doing loads to do up there it's probably only eight blooms to Shawn but they do have to be roped because of to avoid damaging stuff underneath there's like a deck there's a nice little maple there's a rhododendron there's some sprinklers and I don't know I just I just got tempted you know cause you always what finish and you know take the money and run out the first and earliest opportunity I just had a feeling like this is things that everything is in place for a mess up you know yesterday afternoon just did collectively and as odd as it was I just thought no I'm gonna come back tomorrow I'm gonna leave it now I'll come back tomorrow and thankfully it's dry so far the tree will still be slippy but it's dry so it's nice to start without soaking wet feet and wet clothes and everything else and wet gear so that's our furry there and you can see this there's a few long limbs don't really have to do that one at the back there's another one that way and a couple low down that we just got ashore so it's this pretty tall when you get under it like I say there's a deck there's some nice sort of little trees and shrubs too big to dig out sprinklers so like I say I'll set fixed-line in there that's just tied off and I'll slide a friction hitch with a swing attach it to the ends so when I cut it it will just swing in hang there and I'll maneuver back now I'm flip it and drop it because there's a space right at the bottom of the tree this leaning one I've got to take that out to the one to the left that's coming out maybe next week or the week after and another one right at the back over there the cedar that's rotten it's got to go so there's the deck as the rhododendron the little maple see there's some big limbs that hang out over that way so I end up when you've working alone you end up there's a sprinkler under this idea I've got the line in yesterday like I say about 70 feet and then I'll take another line pass there leave one in place as a you know uptick open down access so when you're working alone on on bigger trees you end up taking stuff up that you may or may not use like pole saws and the little rigging line I'll take up which are pretty certain I'm gonna have to use but there's nobody around to say can you just tie this on I'll take this off so so yeah I've been here a few day and a half and they always clean up and keep on top of things in case for some reason I have to I have to bail out so I'm not somebody that leaves a big mess on the side and then does all the cleanup at the end of it I always kind of stay on top of things and clean up at the end of the day so all's I got to do is that one tree and and then just clean up about one area and then I'm finished [Music] so there's our limbs they're pretty obvious one two three four another one there and one out the back and probably should just take a little bit out of this sort of secondary top that's here that's growing and there's a long one out the side they're all loaded with cones which makes them a view but also still saturated in water so you've got to be careful when you go out because of the extra weight and your weight that you don't cause the whole thing to crash and break off and then you've just caused the very accident that you're trying to avoid we're shortening them to avoid them breaking off in under their own way so when your limb walking you have to keep as much weight in the in your line as you can thankfully on these tall trees that's quite easily doable so so I'll start a bit lower down I'll set my line to hang the limbs on and there's a little spot low down which looks a lot small and L than what it did to drop them in you have to be so careful dropping these especially at height because just with the bit of a breeze they'll drift off and land somewhere that you don't want them to land so you have to be really careful the cones will weigh them down in in that sense that's in our favor so I'm tied in double line at the moment what I'll do I'll move down a bit and how this connect this leg of the line and I'll wrap it around the stem lower down and then use this leg of the line as like an SRT I'll swap this for the for the rope wrench and that way I I can just undo it when I'm ready to do my last descent without coming all the way back up and untying and knot or whatever I could manage this double line but when you get used to a single line it's very hard to go back so all right I'll get on with it stop talking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the way this works I did make a video of this years ago same rope actually so you tie it off whatever you know obviously above the pieces that you need to hang your rig and the friction hitch slides around so you slide it out to whatever length you need and it obviously resists sliding as it binds up on the rope you know when it's loaded on the ends so you choke it with the with the sling and then you use this and to cinch it up because the pulley obviously tends the friction hitch just like a climbing system and it works really well I'll show you now on this on next this next limb will shorten that one there could have let he drop but it's um quite heavy with all the cons and there was a chance of you know they can deflect off these low limbs get snagged and swing around and end up on top of the deck so I gotta be patient and don't take any chances I've got two more wins to put on the trees so I don't want to blow it now by Roshan you're thinking oh it'll be all right because it never is do this properly I remember as well I've got lines here I move my time line out the way just remember when these limbs are hanging and I'm using the saw I'll be aware of where the ropes this one is obviously well out of the way see how easy was that just taking an extra minute to do it properly okay we'll move back up we just have that big limb so this is gonna rub stroked me a bit but I've still got a good enough line angle because there is a fixed line SRT setup it's not a moving line and the friction won't bother me but it will just deflect me line angle a bit and make it a bit wider which puts more weight on the limb I really don't want that limb to break and crush down there but I think one of these pegs to to get out there and leave enough weight in the line it's kind of it's not gonna swing favorably unless I go route the rigging line underneath that branch so it swings in here otherwise it's gonna snag and I'm going to lift it over either rope wrench there's a few SRT devices out there this is the only one I trust wholeheartedly it's the simplest it does everything it will work double blind as well and you'd have to see it nothing is totally bomb-proof well this is the most bomb-proof sattell and I have absolutely no reason to change onto anything mechanical because there's too many stories and rumors about them going around failing rivets coming out people falling so this tool is the only one I'd recommend see thus heavy all that cone wait for the little maple and the rhododendrons underneath I think I will take the line underneath I've just got a watch because it's so heavy that it doesn't rip because I'm only using a handsaw they can start going too soon and you can't saw fast enough even like in the making an undercoat they can still rip [Music] I've gone to Bruni Nigel notice the difference now still think that'll tear so I bear just do a little nick underneath this pulley creates like a mechanical advantage too so it's good for falling back you can get above the knot and it captures the progress obviously first I just used to use the hitch on its own this is this is much better [Music] just get a little bit high on them that's a lot easier [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reg Coates
Views: 25,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tree pruning, Tree climbing, Climbing arborist, tree surgeon, Reg Coates, R.C.Tree Service, Tree Service Victoria BC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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