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Today I'm at my mom's place and I'm going to cook an Angus t-bone steak! I'm going to cook it on this coal barbecue, the classic American barbecue , Do you want to see the meat? Let's see it! Today we have Irish Angus, someone told me that Fiorentineria sends me small steaks... is it small? It's 1,718 Kg of Irish Angus! I left it at room temperature for 1 hour, have a look at the thickness of this steak, it's 4 fingers thick , and it has the right amount of fat between the meat! This is the sirloin and is the fillet, and this type of steak is called T-bone steak (Fiorentina). And it's the most fine cut of the loin. This meat has a very delicate flavor but at the same time it's juicy and tender because cows are farmed in Irish huge fields. The female cow weigh 750 Kg and the male 1100 Kg, they're quite big dudes! Now this breed of cows is farmed almost everywhere but it's native to Scotland. Aberdeen Angus! I'm going to do an indirect cooking. Mariuccio do you want to see how dad cooks the steak? I've already ignite the coal using these ecological cubes, then I used natural coal from Green Egg and it's burning really good! Today I want to try also these cherry wood chips so I put some of them on the coal and they'll gives a good smell to the meat. Then, since we have a very hot flame , I'll do an indirect cooking it means that there will be this plate in order to separate the flame from the meat . Doing that we'll have a barbecue low temperature cooking so I won't roast the meat I'll just warm it and then I'll roast it. Let's put some olive oil on the meat, just to grease it . I place the meat here, and you can hear that it doesn't makes any noise because the plate is cold and now it has to stay here for 30 minutes and then we'll roast it on a very high flame. I leave the chimney lightly opened, so I'll have also a sort of smoked flavor on the meat . From here I can control the quantity of air that I want my fire to has. The most air the fire has the most heat there will be inside the barbecue. In this case I want it to be almost closed so I'll have a low temperature. Here you can see that I have 150 Celsius degrees into the barbecue. Meanwhile I prepare the pumpkin, I open it like an Halloween Pumpkin and then I remove the seeds. Mario, can you bring me some rosemary? Do you remember which is rosemary? Remember? This is rosemary, take a little bit of it, we need it to cook pumpkin! Let's scoop out the pumpkin and put the rosemary in here. Then, let's add two garlic cloves , put them inside ! Let's add also a pinch of salt....maybe a bigger we go! Now we have to cover the pumpkin and wrap it into the a present! This is a sweet potato, have you ever tried it ? You can wrap also the potato into the thin foil but remember to wash it. Mario you can't eat it raw! Temperature is constant at 150 Celsius degrees and let's have a look at the meat! See? It's like when we did the reverse cooking it means that the meat is warm now and the fat is melting. Now, Mario help me, we have to remove the meat from here ! After almost 20 minutes let's remove the meat, you can even take it with the hands because it's not too hot and it's really tender as you can see. Let's remove also the plate and put the grid back, now I want an high temperature inside the barbecue so I open here, and look now it's burning a lot! Let's close the barbecue and open the chimney and look how fast the temperature is going on, we have to reach 200 Celsius degrees. Here you can see also Fahrenheit degrees. I was forgetting to cook the pumpkin! I put the pumpkin on the coal and also the potato. Now it's really hot so I can clean the grid a little with an iron sponge . It's almost at 200 Celsius degrees, about 400 Fahrenheit, we can start! Let's start standing the meat on the barbecue so we can roast the bone and leave it there for 5 minutes. Third side dish will be mushrooms, I found some amazing mushrooms, I put them in here cut into big pieces. They seems to be a lot but when you cook them they become smaller . Let's add a pinch of salt , today I'm going to cook everything on my Green Egg! Let's add two cloves of garlic, a good amount of olive oil , sage and rosemary . Look, they're beautiful! Oh my God! It's amazing! Let's place our mushrooms here and flip the meat, this is the sound we have to hear! Let's close the barbecue and leave the meat there for other 5 minutes. It has to be really well roasted because it will looks even more beautiful! Let's drink something! This is a brand new blonde ale ! Now I'm going to rotate the steak so it will have squares. Here we have all these flames because the fat in going on fire , don't worry about that! Let's close this flap, open the cover and flip the steak, look, it's amazing! I've already cook a pumpkin because it takes 30 minutes to be ready, the name of this pumpkin is Hokkaido , let's take a spoon, remove garlic and rosemary and then I scoop out the pulp. This pumpkin has a strong chestnut flavor , it's really good! Let's add also some sweet Gorgonzola cheese and then I smash it with a spoon. Let's add a pinch of salt and let's try it! Figure that as a ravioli fill, it would be amazing! I put it into a small bowl to be served as side dish. Here we have the sweet potato, let's peel it and put it into a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper. Then using a spoon I smash it , since it's really sweet, I'm going to add also some soy sauce. I'm really satisfied! Here's our sides! Meat is ready! Look, it's amazing! We have to let it rests for a while . Let's add a pinch of salt and cover it with the tinfoil . Mushrooms need to be cooked more , let's open the flaps. I'm cutting some onion rings and I'm going to place them on the sweet potato . Let's place a sprig of rosemary on the pumpkin , here we go! It's amazing! Let's taste a piece of sirloin ! This is a boning knife, it's also called boucher. It's from Germany and they're really good to make them! Someone criticized me because I disassemble the meat but it's necessary to do it because I have to cut it for all. It's really tender! Let's cut it ! Look at this color! I have to taste! It's amazing because it has the right amount of fat that makes it juicy but not too greasy, it's amazing! Let's place the steak here and add a pinch of salt, and I finish to cut it later. Let's check mushrooms , they're ready! Let's try it with a mushroom! The meat is more tender than the mushroom! Kiss you guys! Remember to subscribe, leave a comment and a thumb up!
Channel: Chef Max Mariola
Views: 870,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firentina angus irlandese, bistecca barbecue, fiorentina, bistecca, chef max mariola, bistecca fiorentina, max mariola bistecca, chef mariola bistecca, bistecca al barbecue, barbecue, green egg come usare, big green egg, come usare green egg, max mariola, bistecca alla fiorentina, fiorentina carne, fiorentina bistecca, fiorentina alla brace, black angus, cottura fiorentina, fiorentina steak, carne al sangue, cottura al sangue bistecca, cottura al sangue fiorentina, irish beef
Id: ImxZrcyvQgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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