Finsweet Live - Speed-Build Challenge

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send it what is up whoa all right so talk about learning and going on the fly setting up a daily studio is a task but we are here live in merida mexico one more time for a live build challenge so what's up everybody who's watching right now let's actually take a peek and see who's with us uh christopher coleman jay poucher magdalena what's up maggie michael mariella vlad what's up everybody go ahead and leave your thoughts in the comments we've got a couple announcements we're going to go through and then we're going to um yeah get into the speed build challenge so we've got the vinsweet team hey then sweet team say what's up and then we've got a couple angles let's see we've got this little rotating angle here that'll be kind of cool and then we've also got this space here that we hope doesn't uh get slam jam packed what's up everybody on the uh gather space all right they're muted okay we'll get into that in just a second so um okay joe let's jump into some of these announcements that we had let's um yeah let's bring people up to speed on what's going on here and what uh what we've got in store okay great first announcement is we are finally finished with gtag the gtag course all the videos are recorded and edited and all this time from when we announced this thing when we started selling it to now we have been in production mode getting these videos ready from an editing standpoint and now they are done they are live so you'll you'll be getting an email if you purchase the course you can jump in start learning this stuff this is a brand new service that you can now start to offer your clients for your own business whatever if you haven't bought this course if you're new to it go check it out we are at gtag think and that is available for purchase so great we are excited to to really start pushing more of this educational content paid content content that's going to help you get to that next level for your agency nice okay and i know lots of people have been waiting for that um there's some folks that kind of purchased that thank you i think um yeah maybe the price is going up i don't know get it yeah it's doubled it's doubled since the the original launch so yeah if you bought it early we thank you we appreciate that and you got a nice discount for it nice okay so that's announcement one what else do we have for the folks today that's been two with a reload uh we have there we go the client first showcase we are building a showcase for client first you are able to submit multiple projects of client first here and these projects will be put into a showcase so very similar to how there are showcases of web projects whether it be webflow projects or award type projects we are building our own showcase of client first projects so if you have built anything inclined first it could be for a client it could be a clonable it could be anything go ahead and submit that form there's no maximum amount of submissions you can make you can build a portfolio of items in client first and we're going to start rolling out more features in here you'll soon have your own profile page you'll have a list of all your client first projects and we'll probably have some type of voting for people to thumbs up or heart projects so go ahead take advantage of this we want to get you in front of as many people as possible get exposure give you the ability to share your work with this new system so we're really excited for this one you can go to client dash first slash submit and we will share that in the chat here nice great and speaking of voting i mean talk about a segway okay that's the announcement number three is this is a big one we have the can yeah go hang on i gotta go back here yep there you go finn sweet community voting this is our new voting platform for all of you to give us suggestions for features and for content with finsweep a lot of people have been giving us suggestions for noble airtable for thin suite extension for effing growth for our live builds and now this is a structured way for you to give us this information so you can go ahead submit requests we will review every request and we will put those requests on this site once it's live to the public you will be able to vote and we're going to prioritize the highest voted items so if we see that there is a feature that everybody likes everybody's voting for it that's going to be top on our list also so we really want to put our road map in your hand that's the point of this that you'll be able to really be heard and if people like your idea we're going to roll with it this is going to host all of our products all of our future products our current products and all of our future and current content so this is a great way to really tell us what to do and have the community go and vote on it nice okay yeah and somebody just said our audio was a little low so hopefully i turned that up just a bit so let us know we have kind of a convoluted setup here and i'll tell you why because we're gonna do this um live build you know this um speed build setup and um we're going to i've got like i'm doing some weird audio stuff so i've got to feed our audio in together and i've got to feed the audio into the stream and so we've got like a bunch of different mics set up and so we'll get a little room noise we'll get a little ambiance because we've got the crew behind us here who will be building and um yeah this is going to get a lot of fun rounds of a speed build and if you haven't done a speed building competition before it works like this we'll give you a prompt and then we'll set a timer and everyone will get a set amount of time to kind of build whatever that prompt is and there's no pre-prepared assets nobody who's participating in this knows what the build is going to be this is just something joe and i uh kind of talked about decided this is what we're gonna do and so yeah you'll get 10 minutes for the first round and then 25 minutes for the second round so we'll have two rounds 10 minutes 25 the first round will be semi-simple the second round will be a little bit more complex and we are excited to see where you all take this um the other thing is if you'd like to participate at home and hang out with us and build that's cool we do have a little bit of space in the gather here i'm worried about getting too many people in there but uh if you see it and recognize where we're at and know how to get there well then you know you're part of the finsweep family so come through um we're not going to share that link publicly though just so we don't crash the gather server that's a good idea um okay so what else before we get started here well uh i'll say it again this this speed build challenge really has no rules we're going to give a really really simple to do there's no requirements for the type of illustrations you use you can create them yourself you can take them online you can use any colors you want you can use any style that you want you can use divs you can use illustrations whatever there's no rules here so yeah the i think we're going to see a lot of creativity i think people are really going to go wild with this and that's what we're encouraging people to do here bob it's an excellent day for speed building today and i am excited to see what the crowd brings to the table i agree this is certainly going to be a head-turner that's right okay either that or everyone's just turning off the live stream right now and running for the hills okay so let me get my clock up let me do this ten minutes it's going to be a 10 minute challenge an exact to 10 minutes yeah um and so if you're in the space if you're part of the build crew uh what we're going to do it's going to work like this and gather you can share your screen so find a little workstation inside of this space and then share your screen while you work share your webflow screen and joe and i will be in the gather space bouncing around from screen to screen to kind of see how people are building what they're building and we'll be doing like some color commentary as the team builds and so you can follow along share your thoughts in the comments if you want to share your links with each other in the comments i know that's kind of tough because youtube doesn't really you know allow you to share links but we can copy and paste out of there as possible and anyway first time we try something like this live excited to see how it goes let's get 10 minutes on the clock and we will give you all the first prompt everybody got a blank webflow project ready what's up let's see us let's see kai in the house open yeah and i will be able to talk with folks joe and i can talk with folks and gather the gather audio will be live to the stream um so again this is some real deal complex that's happening here out of a pelican case just so you all know what's going on here and um let's do it 10 minutes on the clock webflow project is ready joe do you want to give the first prompt first prompt is build a taco got 10 minutes to build a taco that's it go ahead make some tacos up to you and this can be interpreted however you want yep right there are no rules here and start the clock you've got 10 minutes and um yeah if you haven't been a part of a speed building challenge before we've done one at webflow as part of the no code comp we did one we've done a couple live speed building events um and i've participated in like others i've seen things happening like this and so this will get intense as people start building um kai do you want to share your screen do you want to be the first one just show us your blank webflow screen here sure but it is completely blank and i've only just arrived yeah have i missed anything important nope not at all just the prompts you got 10 minutes to build a taco can i ask what's a taco and what does it look like oh yeah if you don't know what a taco is i'm not sure how to help you yes we can reference google can we what's that we can look up taco on google can we yes you can google taco you can make a folded taco you can make a round taco you could whatever you want um and if we could get yeah folks seem a little spread out let's try to condense ourselves in the gather space if somebody's not next to you fill in next to you like we don't want to have to go search for where you are on this map please just try to condense into the same space on this map so that we can easily bounce around and then be sure to share your screen so as you share your screen i'll be able to walk into your gather space if you're in one of these and i can see the screen so right here i can see andre screen i see he's got a black background and he's working inside of webflow so yeah that's great so if i jump out of this space let's see who else is up here boom uh pete blanchford what's up i don't even know who the taco is you know what i should probably put the gather screen up on the board that way you can see what i'm [Music] [Music] you to use like headphones so just so we don't get a loop back um so i'm gonna jump out of here but if yeah folks can use headphones inside the gather space this way when we come into your place we don't um get a feedback loop our what's up okay our shit's got a little taco shell in the works here it looks nice all right can you hear us we have about seven minutes and 30 seconds left yeah the time will move fast you have no time here you do not have time to around here you know you gotta move quick your submission will be a link that's how you submit this and we'll have a form ready for you just before submission nice okay so we've got someone looking to see what a taco is so we've got some taco inspiration searching happening right here this looks like simon is what's up simon say hi to the squad hello everyone we've had a lot of tacos we've been here for four days now and i mean this tacos every day so we wanted we wanted a little bit of mexican theme to this and that's that's why we're going taco that's right okay so let's jump out and see who else has got what working let's jump around the space here let's check back in with kai kai he's got a round shell here okay interesting to see okay oh clip a little bit of the bottom of that taco shell okay all right i can't um you can only hear me when i step into your office yeah i'm let's go check who's over this way hmm how many people can screen share at one time maybe for the next round we're going to try something different maybe for the next round we try to go all into the shared space into the conference room and have everyone share their screen at once and maybe i can just bounce from screen to screen nice i think that could happen let's try let's try that in between so we'll finish this round there's five minutes five minutes official five minute warning here halfway through because that way everybody can hear what's going on inside together yep all right let's see what is uh let's see who do i have here eve no let's see oh it's vinnie i think but my name was covering it okay vinnie let's see what vinnie's got here taco screen oh oh vinny with some depth then he's bringing the heat four minutes and 30 seconds i know y'all think you've got some time to do like interactions and make this real fancy but y'all better just get a taco on the board you know let's talk about how you're going to speed up your world here okay uh leo what you got oh a manual a manual buddy you got a new blank screen there let's hope he's working on assets yeah let's hope oh that could be a secret game changer right it could be yeah if he's got clean assets he can put that together [Music] okay so three minutes 54 seconds let's go around and see who else ezekiel what do you got here oh ezekiel the overhead view okay i'm liking it yeah let's get creative here great nice work ezekiel okay what else let's see who else we got in here uh boom oh room four oh that's p i think let's check back in with pete okay lots of taco shells lots of half taco shows so let's see where this ends i'm excited to see some finished tacos here um let's go and see who else is in this space that i haven't visited yet joe what are your thoughts as we're going through here i i'm looking for some ingredients on here i want to see some beef i want to see some some tomatoes some lettuce i want a nice a nice big taco here yeah and just from just remember share your screen if you're working let's check in on simon here simon okay looks like he's dropping some some beans or some soon-to-be meat or some guacamole or something on a little taco shell here okay looking good let's uh keep exploring around aha look at that depth wow i shared the submission form in the comments we still have two minutes left can you confirm that we have that in there youtube's been giving me a hard time with those air table forms let me check uh if you want to send it to me in slack i'll post it yeah okay okay so you've got officially just under two minutes a minute 52 left okay let's see looks like we're still looking for some images here from kai that might be cheating fyi but we'll allow it oh a little pixel art taco okay okay what you doing here all right let's see if he can finish that up in the next minute and 20 seconds this is it's uh this is always fun to see because people always overestimate what they think they can build in the amount of time um first time i did it we had like five minutes to build a bouncing ball um shout out to nelson who ran that that was great did like this little and even just that a little ball bouncing across the screen was um kind of tough to build okay you have you have this idea of what you're going to build and then it gets down to one minute and you say i have to go and finish up whatever i can here and that's where we're at we're just under a minute yep 45 seconds so you will hear the buzzer go off um obviously there's no like um strict rules here can you send me the link to the table too so i can pull those up on screen yep absolutely all right so we've got 30 seconds left 24 seconds 20 22 okay uh y'all better wrap it up if you got it those submissions need to be in and then we're going to give people let's say a minute to send the submissions because if you take longer than a minute then we know you're still working on it um so once this buzzer goes off i'm going to reset it for a minute and the air table entries will be time stamped that's it it's over that's it time's up submit your tacos submit your tacos you have one minute now you have one minute to submit your tacos one minute okay let's jump to it what's that oh it's in the youtube link um it's in the it's in the pin to the youtube channel i'll send it in slack i'll send it in slack here in the hangout channel oh no hold on i sent the wrong link that wasn't right that wasn't right okay let's go to the wide shot here and get the reaction hold on the link is in the youtube chat pinned to the top of the chat if you're in the um gather space let's try all moving over into the conference room or to the um to the auditorium let's try all going into the auditorium so that we can get um kind of everyone's screening up at once and everyone audio in play at the same time okay submissions are officially due so that's it that's the buzzer yeah yeah we'll give you another minute because we had the link wrong we'll give you another link we'll give you another minute uh just one more minute to submit the list so there's 10 submissions so far we should have at least 20ish i'm thinking um based on just the number of people in the room here let's take a look yep they're coming in hot yeah yeah reload to that reload this and let's start looking at these [Laughter] [Music] [Music] is everyone here in gather let's everyone go into the auditorium that way i can screen share in the auditorium and you all can see in real time what i'm doing so we can all react to the same tacos at the same time what's that are you there yes everybody go to the auditorium everybody head to the auditorium which is on the other side of the map here the talk space yep the main auditorium in the top left let's all jump into here all right what's up everybody who's hanging with us in the auditorium already um nice let's close the screen yeah okay what's up everybody let us know how you're feeling okay leo's screen shares here stop sharing your screens everybody stop your screen share everybody stop your screen share right now we're gonna go through these one at a time let's go through one at a time so we can all react to the tacos together what is it okay tyler's got this thing okay everybody is in gather we're gonna go to the screen here i'm gonna walk through the different submissions so let's go into the air table view let's refresh this and we're gonna go through these different submissions um let me share my screen and everybody please turn off your screen share inside gatherer google would like to record his computer screen yes i'd like to allow that no i don't need to quit and reopen [Music] okay hang on a second i'm gonna lose gather for just a second and i'll be right back okay quit and where's the reopen part okay bam right back to business thanks chrome okay um so i'm gonna enter the gathering and let me share my screen so we'll share the screen share all right so now you all should be able to see my screen let's show off some tacos here um and we'll just make these comments real big to cover the rest of this okay so vinicius vinnie let's see your taco okay you got a little shell here with a little looks like your uh taco a mohawk taco nice i like the depth there you know there's something inside that's cool okay let's see har shit's taco our came to play today y'all he is not messing thanks that's a good 10 minutes yeah that's cool okay nice job harshit is taking the lead right now eve build web oh okay [Laughter] i mustache you about your taco nice okay nice i still i'm leaning towards our still yeah i think her was more taco e although eve i really like that let's see emmanuel okay it's got a f and sweet taco here nice i like it a little bit of curve it looks like you have some real lines on there some guacamole up top very nice okay this is incredibly challenging by the way to build something that you just found out about in five or ten minutes um okay whose was this this is pete pete blanchford okay nice nice what's in here you got some buttons look you got some right what are they doing in here those radio buggies [Laughter] radio tacos it's a song by queen isn't it radio taco maybe yeah kai steak and it's a song by queen radio taco okay andre let's see what you ended with here all right a little pixel taco okay i'm feeling that nice it looks delicious uh-huh i'd probably eat that okay ezekiel shot let's see what you came up with all right i'm cool yeah we got it the taco yeah i see you've got a topping a little bar of meat in there um yeah okay ezekiel actually said something in here um in the chat saying something like that was awful and it's challenging it is this is one of those things that's like just overwhelming sometimes leo let's see what leo ended with here he put the meat we said it he did it is that raw meat that's romy okay mathis let's see what mathis came up with here all right oh okay i like this a little texture on the texture cool that's cool those are joe's hot peppers there yeah little tomato action nice okay nice okay uh michael let's see what michael came up with here all right oh oh oh a little color change party taco tacos nice yeah nice okay great um looking good looking good how was that what the hell is that just remember if you're in gather and you're in the space people can hear you on the stream so all right so we've got who was this one who sent this i didn't see this is marcus okay marcus is nice like a little modern taco almost like a credit card taco or something like a wallet that is a modern taco yeah that's a mako if you will okay um let's see what natalie came up with that meal would not be fda approved j voucher says this is a head nice this is cool um a little couple shells and meat in between yeah okay nice i love it natalie good work there and giuseppe let's see oh okay there we go little taco shell little toppings on top yeah it is um a lot more complicated than you think so if you're just watching this people had 10 minutes to build a taco and they didn't know what they were going to build before the next round is 25 minutes so the next round's gonna be more intense you think you're gonna have more time but you don't no please scroll okay oh yeah scrolling taco there you go a scrolling taco i'd be interested to know if this is a like did you just make this illustration real quick is this just then like did they slap a little illustration together and put it into webflow which again is fair game uh game all fair game so all is fair in love and war uh and then this is the last one that came in let's see one more i'll refresh the screen okay nice okay so another abstract taco here great yep i'm missing my one for some reason need to be rolled up hang on one second i'm going to refresh the air table and see if we got one more coming in here there again i did anything to wear table oh kai you got to submit the taco to air table that was good nice that's a real taco right there nice okay alex the tsar saying it was a downloaded asset so it was not an original design on that last illustrator um okay that's great let's go back to the wide angle here we're doing they're not watching on the stream yeah it's hard oh you know what hang on i'm getting some anti-lag warnings here just reloaded the stream please bear with us we're getting a little bit of internet lag here at the co-working space so um it could be that there's a lot of bandwidth being sucked right now in this room so hopefully let's see is the youtube stream still live can somebody confirm that we're back live on that stream um it does look like it's still going okay cool all right so round one kai did we get your submission did we get that yet uh yeah i'll just run a link on email builder send it into slack real quick send it to send it to me directly in slack or something okay make sure we get a look at kai's it's not exactly what's the weight there's guy click the link five star taco let me go wide here there you go i think the first use of onions here that looks like a little onion action i think we got some onions nice yeah yeah nice onion wow this is some green taco i think out of all of the tacos the biggest reaction was to our ships yeah i think our ship for sure won the taco challenge here yeah once you go 3d there you get the wows very cool i couldn't do it in 10 minutes okay let's move on to round two here you you need to gather so you can hear the people talking um yeah kai it's hard it's tough i mean it's no joke 10 minutes to build something like this is a serious challenge um and the next one's going to be even more challenging so we're going to get 25 minutes on the clock here so the space station no it's going to be um it's gonna be a little more abstract and this is gonna be a lot of flexibility so you'll have 25 minutes to build an arcade game so whatever your interpretation of an arcade game is this could be like a pac-man game it could be the little kiosk this could be a nintendo system whatever arcade game means to you right so this is going to be super creative you'll have 25 minutes here to build something arcade gamey right so everybody ready 25 minutes even if you're not clock starts you have to start from a new webflow project yeah yep just open up a new page in that project um yeah but make sure you send us a direct link to that page when you submit the next one um and now with 25 minutes i think we have people with the ability to start adding interactions 10 minutes you don't really have a lot of interactions time but if you set things up right you put some interactions here you know you can create something pretty interactive in this amount of time yeah agree agreed okay so the team is cranking at work if you're in the gather space you should be able to hear us consistently now joe's got his headphones in so hopefully he can hear and interact with you all and gather as well but um feel free to share your screens here i will stop my screen share and i think everyone can share their screen at once assuming we've got the bandwidth for it so um yeah let's see can we get everyone let's see go ahead and start sharing your screens if you will if your computer can handle that way i can pop around to the different screens um otherwise we'll be forced to just send tyler around the room here let's see andre is getting started here he's got his taco loaded there uh let's see pete okay yeah vinnie is getting started with the grid okay what's happening with the grid here oh let me go to the actual screenshot so y'all can see okay so some kind of grid here that um i don't remember whose screen i'm on math okay mathis let's see what math is got a blank screen pete blanchford got a blank screen mathis is looking at what mathis is looking at some arcade game inspiration here nice okay yeah so you could build the arcade box you could um you know just create a 2d version of something you could build a little game yourself you i don't know maybe if you had some clone comp assets you could hijack some of those nice um yeah whatever you want to do here i got time to build we're at 22 minutes though 22 minutes and 38 seconds so there is not a ton of time and this should be on a separate page just fyi you should not be building this on top of your taco unless the taco plays with what you're doing it should be on a separate is is the arcade game yeah yeah during your time into an arcade game whoa pete is going hardcore grid here he's going to crash webflow okay let's see andre benny okay so we've got a little grid here not sure what's going to come from that but we will see leo vinnie let's see can i go wide here who else is sharing sergey let's see what sergey is clearing off his taco screen here oh let's see what the round one winner oh he's getting ambitious wow our is going to be ambitious so let's see where this takes us our is trying to do a little mario action here so let's see what kai's doing kai she's watching the live stream let's see who else is in here to share that we can drop in on their screen let's see emmanuel's not sharing okay yeah this is tougher because i can't i'm not sure what was better being able to walk around or being in here um just the way gather loads and the way it takes time to load it's hard to see whose screen is what let's see what leo's doing it's like lagging to load these screens we have a request from gabriel calavcante and it says can you say bello taco to eve feel like oh there's sergey's screen yeah i feel like the other way was um probably better in the working space just for the screen sharing um i don't want to interrupt people's work though to send them back to the space so now we know we know for the next time that um our first idea was better because the screens what's happening is it's taking forever to load people's screens and it could be that it's bogging your computer down right like screen sharing in gather could be like between that and uh webflow you know like that could be pretty processor intensive and uh internet intensive so if you're not um sharing that's fine no big deal um we'll try to keep track as we go joe um tell me a little bit about just this past week working with the team you know what's it like to have everybody together here in the office we've obvious that that commuting is has been like the worst part of my day every day and i really have a deeper appreciation of this remote work life now coming to an office each day and probably spending round trip an hour doing nothing doing something you really don't want to do so i get that that hour back next week when everybody goes back to remote i love everybody have i love everybody here but the reality is i think we work better as a team remotely and this week has proven that and i think that's just an awesome feeling yeah i know in my context like even though the box is efficient for sure commute like it's easier to just go to your desk and turn it back on of course as opposed to like wiring everything up um we did put the box through its paces um tuesday we did our stream everything was great today's stream is um fairly stable i i am getting a little anti-like here and there but i think it's there's a ton of bandwidth being sucked um through the space i think because everyone's like you know just pushing and we're hard lined in but anyway uh what i didn't know we had in the case was some telecommunications so yesterday we did a cool virtual call with um some of the remote team we brought some of the rest of the people who couldn't make it to the trip in-house and we did a cool little zoom call with everyone together and um had like an all hands meeting uh virtually so not only is the box capable for stream but it's good for other stuff as well and that was cool um to to see inside of there so let's go back wide here push angle two and let's see if we've got any screens we can jump into here yeah tyler can you get tight on some of these whatever you can let's see yeah what's what's leo working on over there huh oh is this a pong game is this like a fake little pawn game you're trying to build here okay all right i'm feeling that let's see what this is who screen am i looking at here andre okay andre i'm not sure what you're doing either i see a line down the middle of your screen some more palm okay all right nice okay very nice very nice um what a those toys i will remain composed today 16 minutes 16 minutes almost halfway through it's somebody looking at python code right now andre is over here about to do work y'all let me jump off the screen think about privacy while he blows your mind um let's see who else is here leo you got your screen sharon leo's just on himself here let's see let's check in on the manual screen in real time here so he is taking his little modified taco and turning that into some kind of game it seems like very nice okay okay nice andrei's getting serious over here he's over there i see him messing around with some like custom code snippets about a drop a little uh a little something something in here see what happens with that you know you can really create something special with interactions but once you add that code in there you can do a lot more in less time past the green sauce that's brian j poucher is so awesome yeah we can say that thanks jay for hanging with us um i meant joe but thanks pride jay poucher is so awesome there you go official official you have to clip that and put it in the loop behind you now next all right let's get a tight angle on the clock here maybe we got the countdown clock at 14 minutes and 15 seconds yeah but let's see if anybody's look at this we got 60 people hanging out with us what's up everybody thanks for hanging with us during this live build um if you're just watching to see what people are building we're in the middle of a speed building challenge here so this is the second round we built a taco in the first round and now we're building an arcade game so whatever that means to the participants we're gonna see uh you know what they built as an arcade game and i'm really interested to see what andre is working on over here he's got let's see press any key to begin i see pong game with javascript okay so he's literally trying to build a proper pawn game in here it's an ambitious challenge it is it is bob i think he might be biting off a little bit too much here we're getting better we're getting better at it [Laughter] i keep thinking about the just the golf announcers you know like we just got to come up with more to say like it's just hard to say things about make it up yep yeah you know the other thing would be to try this in zoom there's a good zoom is good for screen sharing totally i thought gather would be good for this too but it seems like gather is lagging a little bit more of the night sure yeah a little less performant than zoom for anybody that is in the youtube stream that did not was not in the beginning of the stream i'm going to re-share a few things that we launched earlier today so in the beginning of the stream we announced that we launched our client first showcase submission this is going to allow you to submit client first projects direct to the new showcase section of client first so that is going to be shared as a link we also have our new fin suite community voting application out and what this is going to allow you to do is submit features and content requests for our products for our content so what you can do is say hey i want something specific in finn suite extension so you'll be able to submit that to us we'll review it and allow the community to vote on it and that goes for content too we started our live builds next week we'll be back to normal live builds and you can tell us what you want us to build this site this slider this nav bar and we're we're just going to listen to the community that's the point of this that we want the community to tell us what to do and prioritize what the community's asking for this has got a little taco feel to it right here this is like a modern abstract yeah there we go that's that's the mexico inspiration there that's funny that's funny uh okay um was there one other thing and gta gtac gtag if you purchase gtag it is now available to you we have sent out an invite or we'll send a send out an email uh if you have not purchased it and you want it that's at gtag nice and yeah it's a super valuable course if you're looking to figure out how to use some of those gtag uh integrations with webflow um but now we bring you back to our previously previously scheduled programming um nice okay sergey i see where you're headed i like this uh i'm gonna yeah i like this build your taco oh deshawn is building a little tetris game okay i see where you're headed 10 minutes you all have 10 minutes infants left to build it's not much time at all so if you're with us you got uh some acceleration into two it's time to get into high gear absolutely ten minutes ten minutes almost exactly so ten minutes five four three two one ten minutes exactly from that countdown um okay there's still quite a folks let's see if anybody let's see what the comments let's see what's happening in the comments stream here so guy who has too much code save it as a txt file and upload it nice okay smash the likes yo yeah smash the likes if you're sitting here hanging with us um you know give us uh some encouragement if you like that by liking the video that helps you know youtube distribute these videos um feel free to share with a friend subscribe to the channel you know what to do okay that impression was priced i feel like it's pretty bad but i'm assuming he's like our golf like our golf voices bob it's interesting to see what people are going to build in the last 10 minutes here it's really coming down to the wire nine minutes that's brilliant i'd love to see you guys do a show where you go behind the hood of a complete project and explain how they build it we did we've done that for the last three weeks eric if you go to our youtube channel we've been building live on thursdays client first for the last three weeks so if we go over here to can i spell today and we go to our content let's go to youtube studio oh y'all are gonna see our stats don't be looking [Music] okay we go to live content here so we've got client first live build three client first live build two and client first live bill and actually this right here look at this eighteen thousand views eighteen thousand six hundred views nice where is this traffic coming from on this like people wanna know how to build with this client first system so yeah eric um just fyi there is a lot of that that exists on the youtube channel so go ahead and check that out um on the page there if you want to go check us out at just search for finn suite and you'll see a ton of that kind of hands-on step-by-step walking through building you know a couple different sites there so and eric if you want to suggest a specific site or a specific part of a site you can go ahead and do that in the new voting page the new community vote page that we just released go ahead submit a site that you want and the community will vote on if we do that or not yeah nice uh here he's saying yeah but more complex not just about client first yeah um we're talking about doing some of this stuff we're talking about little components different elements um yeah we do a lot of this um there's also a lot of people that build you know detailed nuanced builds a lot of times the content that we're creating has to do with some of the systems we're building internally and the stuff we're working on ourselves and so that's kind of why we're focused on client first we're trying to really refine that system and and get that through its paces so quick time check six minutes and 36 35 34 33 32 6 minutes and 30 seconds right now uh let's see my pixel mario is too much for my browser it keeps locking up yeah i could imagine um and that's pete blachford let's see if especially if you're screen sharing um gather is also super memory intensive so if you're in gatherer and you're lagging out um you may want to just drop out for a sec and um yeah come back when it's when the game's over uh six minutes so six minutes left to see what folks are building who's got something interesting i'm not sure anyone's sharing their screens here that i can jump in we've lost oh simon screams oh he's got like a selective is that a select a taco nice nice okay a little little vending machine for the foods over here nice simon okay let's see if we've got anybody else sharing screaming looks like it's coming down to the wire and the folks have gone offline to prepare their best work we're going to check in in about five minutes to see what's happening next bob it's going to be really interesting to see the progression from the first round very nice observation exactly round two is definitely a little more complicated than round one but there is a little bit more time for the participants to explore the webflow interactions and so we will see what they come up with in the next five minutes i'm gonna have to agree with you on that one bill let's see did we miss any chats thanks maggie arcade game oh yeah um okay four minutes 33 seconds uh pixel mario oh that's the same comment arcade submissions so there's a a new air table link there so it's a different form and it just posted so i'm going to replace that pinned i've just pinned it oh okay okay yeah great okay bob and bill that's right my type of sports center gabe says yeah i don't know how interesting it is for people at home you got to be some webflow lovers to be hanging with us we need like um you know we need like the production team with the cutaway shots and all the like you know they got like 50 cams and they do this and um it would be cool to have like direct links into everyone's feed like if we could just pull their like specifically and just like jump around jump around and like get into all of those screens in real time which is what we were trying to do with the screen share here we'll we'll um we'll experiment with this i like this um it's really complicated to set up in person because to have like joe hearing the stream and also what's happening in gather it's a little confusing there is a slight delay even and so like you hear people in the real world and then like a millisecond behind you hear it in the audio and so that takes a little getting used to and so like yeah there's some uh other technical hurdles of being in person versus being at home when all i got to worry about is my setup so um let's see we have three minutes left on the clock a little less than three minutes left on the clock okay so we just got notification that we've got a tag team effort here bob it looks like emmanuel's calling in some reinforcements here from the code experts let's see what emanuel is up to today whoa whoa whoa whoa who was just that somebody had some pixlr on the screen i don't want to show any more of the screens this is going to look cool uh you can you can walk around a bit tyler like it'll be cool to see like whatever you can whatever you can grab here um don't worry there's the white yeah i'm on you right now so we're just going to loop around the room as best you can i almost two minutes part of me wants to like extend this a little bit because y'all are building some cool and i want to give you just a little bit more time but that's not how the game works so you got two minutes a minute 55 53 52 so yeah time is count down we'll do the same thing that once the alarm goes off here we'll have a minute or two to submit the air table and that'll be it we'll go through those submissions as we go through and um rahan is saying gay heart the og yeah heart holds it now yeah we love our over here webflow fn nerds fn webflow nerds yeah nailed it building bob's excellent live stream oh man okay let's get rid of these comments here tyler's zooming in on some screens here giving some some real live cutaway shots um this is gonna be exciting to go through these my favorite thing is actually like seeing what people came up with i remember the reactions um what do we built we built a bouncing ball we built a nintendo controller a game controller game connection right a game controller and then the third one was the uh a racing game yeah yeah racing game and um yeah people built some really like steering wheels turning cars driving the road moving lots of um lots of things were happening there so and lots of stuff happening here i'm seeing like uh 30 seconds 30 seconds 20 seconds should we pull an audible and add a minute to the clock we could go a full 30 minutes for the second build we did do 25. should we give like an audible five-minute extension here we can do it if we get let's see how many likes we have on this video this is going to go down to this if we can get we're at 43 likes can we get to can we get to 50. oh that's it it's over this is it that's it is it over i think that's it 25 minutes start submitting the sites here five minutes we said it it's done yep yep yep we didn't get enough likes we don't even have as many likes as we do viewers so no extra time for you bye so we have the submission form pinned to the youtube channel live finnsuit team here that is also in the hangout channel so you can go ahead submit your site you have one minute to submit and just like the tacos going through one by one would you say kai i said i got it right this time nice joke can you send me the um link to the actual airtable face yeah i did one oh nice okay hi that's okay all right so two vinnies in kai is in let's see if you're not in in the next let's see let's call it a minute you got you got between now and the next buzzer to get it in i'm going to refresh this air table in a minute and your submission has to be in if it's in after that it's going to be considered late um yep everybody knows the drill now that's right colleen loving the look at the tetris like game yeah there's gonna be i think there's gonna be some cool stuff here i think so there's gonna be some some cool reveals here for sure so um let us know how you thought about the experience in the comments if you don't mind hey and everyone here just we're picking up on here so don't get like super chatty and loud and like just try to keep the volume down until we get through the stream um and uh let us know what you thought of the format right like this is a test do you want to see us do more of this do you want a different type of build um share your thoughts in the comments with us because that's the only way we know how to like do this better right so we asked you all um a few weeks ago what you wanted to see us do with this thursday content and you said to keep experimenting and so here we are experimenting with different things we um we don't want to forget about like the critique because we really like the critique format and so i think once we get these submissions that start coming in for client first we will bring back some of the critique stuff and we may even uh allow folks to submit other sites too so we'll have like client furs we'll have regular sites whatever but we're going to keep experimenting with this thursday content just to get exciting and just have some variety but feel free to let us know in the comments what you think of the format anything we can do to improve the quality or the experience but here we go 14 submissions for round two um last call to get your submissions in i'm gonna i'm gonna give you just another second to submit okay natalie under the wire there okay so let's go back in together i'll share the screen here so let me share my screen boom and we will go through these air table let me go through the chat and then this okay this challenge was 25 minutes that's right kai no uh eric daley is saying just joined how long did they have to work first round was 10 minutes second round was 25 minutes and we almost gave an extension at the end there but we decided to stick to our guns so uh i know i felt like i wanted just another couple minutes for you oh okay little pac-man character about to be oh hang on let me go to my screen here let's let me refresh that i forgot i wasn't sharing with the screen i need a wacom michael michael michael michael michaels [Laughter] nice job kai that's actually pretty cool very cool uh okay vinnie let's see what you did here oh okay uh okay they can't see in the gather you can't see and gather they're the same it's not the same as my favorite screen and i'm i am sharing my screen you have to click on my screen to see it you have to click on my profile nice okay so we got a little tetris game here and let me um let me go back to kai too if you all said you didn't see it uh [Laughter] um okay so vinnie had the little tetris dropping action here uh okay yeah oh oh oh oh i see what's happening okay let me refresh that now that i understand how it works ah okay nice okay great um cool cool little tetris game nice work there vinny let's see alex lazar what did you bring to the oh okay scroll and move the mouse that's hard to do um because i'm using a trackpad it's a little tough to like scroll in multiple directions but uh okay i'm liking that cool yeah nice what happens when you hit okay i don't know does do does anything happen when i hit one of these nope no i think they're just nice okay great i mean still think about what we're looking at here 25 minutes y'all no pre-prompts no like nobody knew 25 minutes to just build and always interested to see what people come up with finisher uh let me see is there anything that i can click on or touch here load game nope oh okay it doesn't look like it um michael let me know if i missed anything there but it looks like we just got like the little uh finishing screen there at the end which is pretty cool nice work there okay um eve the pixel find the golden pixel [Laughter] okay okay okay how many times am i gonna have to eve give me a hit at the top top wet yeah maybe the fourth on the top oh the fourth the fourth i thought you said too far nice nice job great okay very cool yeah um okay nice nice nice you know that that would that's a qualified arcade game back in the day you know that that could have been somebody something that people played for hours yeah i mean imagine if it like you add a little bit of movement you got a little bit of we saw some of this in the clone comp too was like these little select your own things and again people think webflow is just about websites i think there's so much more here it really is just a visual abstraction of html css and javascript and once there's a data pipe built to that and some logic like um anyway that's all we'll say about that before i get on my soapbox talking about that oh hang on let's see let's see what is going on here who is this andre oh this is play with arrow keys and wasd rhyme r x joe press enter to play pawn enter oh right rhymer yeah it's working okay so you okay hang on okay so press enter to play doubly i think it just yeah [Music] get out of here [Music] nice okay this is cool stop this is pretty cool i never thought that we'd actually compete here yeah okay yeah yeah i just searched for a code in the internet i did do the codes it's so small time and i try to see which element i should add on the style and then that's it i do some interactions for the the color in the background and that's it yeah no much problem you can solve something complex like that we just search the internet and put on that web flow that's all i wanted like that's why i wanted like this is a serious like [Music] you know it was fun we actually competed and we had a good time playing that that game so that you know that's a win for me yeah it's and again i know you grab code from the web but it just it's the versatility of that it's that all exists like somebody built that code then they put it on the web for free and then webflow built this platform that allows you to grab that code and use it without any technical knowledge like y'all don't even know i mean you do know that's why you're here geeking out two-hour long live speed build challenge but uh these are the moments where you see stuff like that when again it's not crazy it's nothing like it's but it's impressive very to be able to build that in 25 minutes regardless of where you found it how you found it it shows the resourcefulness of you know this industry um how you can like solve problems on the fly and the versatility of some of these platforms to be able to just do this stuff in real time like that so uh great job there i was excited to see that um great okay pre-scroll slow in my build it's the og yeah hard don't you worry we're gonna we're gonna take our time with that uh okay nice we got a little atari game system here it looks like when i try to click the button all right let's see jose nice i'm wondering if there's anything else but it looks like yeah what's up oh i gotta go to the right screen [Laughter] okay so we've got a little joystick controller here um okay nice job i think that was jose so leo let's see what leo built for us ah leo's got like the the interactions version the pure interactions version of the pong game what'd you say i want to be into that but okay uh yeah we should have seen this one first sorry leo it's a hard act to follow but my design is better [Laughter] okay nice um so there you go that's a cool little interactions and again just a very simple you can do things like that with uh webflow interactions let's see pete hover pixels okay okay yeah this is cool so you can like draw over wario or uh mario here with like the that's a cool little effect the little rotating circley things it reminds me of something um i did a little while ago here let me let me do something real quick i don't think i have it but learn dash interactions just going to pull this up in the background and we'll we'll do i want to show something just in the relation to that like this uh i i started building this and never actually finished it but i want to show the hovering hover out this is what this repeat this reminded me of um this thing here that i built one time so it's cool little effect to create but again uh the versatility of what you can build like that so super cool uh effect on the mario there being able to like spin those little things uh nice thought great mind stinks alike okay uh giuseppe let's see what we got here we smiled back at you from inside the arcade game so we've got a little like game controller here some buttons on the left and uh it looks like some friendly faces in here um a little creepy honestly those folks yeah yeah if i saw those folks uh screams creeping out over the edge of a window like that i might have to like you know step away from the suburbs [Laughter] okay um emmanuel let's see the taco game what is it arrows oh [Laughter] he said i needed another three minutes [Laughter] nice job i like how you carried over the taco from round one into the game click on one button on the game to make something happen uh click uh okay oh cool that is an arcade [Laughter] okay i love it the comedic factor of this stuff is great so okay serve it sergeys click to shoot what oh all right we have a contender i don't know what we're shooting and definitely what's that [Laughter] breath game he's throwing out stank breath hi guys all right so let's see hi hey what's up if you're in gather just um no we can hear you on the live stream so um if you're joining us late just uh yeah hang tight we'll uh we'll we'll get some interactive stuff after we get through you can talk about it no we're not hey um whoever that's in gather right now we're in the middle of a live stream um just fyi so either you can if you click on my screen you can see what we're looking at we're looking at these little arcade games right now that people have created um so let's refresh this was it simon this was simon simon lampert okay so we've got a little butt oh oh okay ah that's like a little slot machine okay nice um if you're in gather please just hang tight right um we can hear you on the live stream so just please meet yourself and hang tight for a second as we get till we get through these yeah it's like a it's a taco gamble i like this this is cool assignment this is an interesting concept this is a clever concept i i saw you building this little grid and i was wondering what you were going to do with that um listen if you and gather please mute yourself like or or or try to understand what's actually happening here um so that we don't have that talking in the background please let's see natalie's final submission natalie's ultra awesome something click oh oh oh okay let's do that again so it's like clever clever and this is something i bet with a little bit of time could have maybe um yeah it could like it would be cool like i could see another little bit a little bit longer and you could get kind of some separation some some some cool uh yeah this is interesting again to see what people create in 25 minutes um let's just refresh one time just in case oh hard okay with the last minute submission here uh just because we like your heart ethan mario he said scroll slow get out of here dude what okay all right very clever i like i like that that's a nice little work little side horizontal scroll flipping mario f and mario flipping mario love it okay great great great okay um yes simon is saying that that was stress going through these submissions and we're seeing what people built a lot of creativity we left a lot of times reviewing these and that that's really great for me i think it's really nice when we're able to have these type of events get people smiling get people laughing having a good time and seeing some skill i mean we saw some serious skill in some of these these submissions so great job i think this was a big big success who we didn't really crown a ch oh we do yeah was it the pond game is that the winner round two i don't know let's let's test it yeah who won this one leave it in the comments who who do we think is the the top round two winner here leave your thoughts in the comments there um and we'll run through just as a reminder we'll do this real quick so we had kai had a uh oh yeah the pac man okay that's enough of that uh we had vinnie had the little tetris game here yeah uh alex was the scrolling starship michael had oh yeah they'll finish in the mortal kombat game here eve did the find the golden pixel i like this one too honestly this is a this is a front runner in my mind for um what do you what do you got tyler oh i'm on you i'm on your cam yep yep um let's see what the other ones were so let us know let's see her all the way kai says uh her saying sergey and andre j poucher say it's hard deshawn another great dad let's see i mean pong was awesome but it was a code insert j um yeah i hear that i hear that that could be uh that could be that's a good that's a strong thought i do like the um the mario was nice the look of mario was nice i don't know we'll just call everybody a winner here to be honest i mean like if you were participating in this and you were like following along at the time let's see what's happening here there's 48 people still hanging with us 575 playbacks uh you know like this this is this is hey meetup's on the fly you know lots of people are hosting webflow meetups and doing different events and things like that we'll continue to experiment with these but yeah expect like weekly hangouts with us tuesday is going to be instructional uh strategy growth about how to build your business about how to you know build your webflow agency and then thursday's going to be hands-on stuff just like this so joe any thoughts before we close yeah absolutely was really nice working with the team here in in live but get your final view this won't happen for several more months in the future next week we'll be back to our own houses our own remote working environment so a big thanks to the finn sweet team for being here this was great tuesday was great yesterday was great today was great and it was really nice that we all got to work together so yeah big big thumbs up here [Applause] all right um yeah that's it and just a reminder we've got the client first showcase submissions that you can make that's uh you know if you go to forward slash client first you can now submit cloneable or submit your projects we have a showcase coming on that we didn't want to populate it because you know there's not a ton of submissions yet and we didn't just want to showcase our own work and so as those submissions are coming in from you all you've been sending um to us on twitter and so that's how we've been seeing a lot of these so far but there's an official place for you all to submit those also community voting is now live forward slash vote you can suggest show topics you can suggest product updates you can suggest feature updates um whatever you want we're here to help serve you all as the community and so yeah that's part of that effort and then gtag is also live so once again gtag has been in play for a while and that is now live as well so that's for slash gtag forward slash vote and forward slash client first so any final thoughts that's all for me anybody from the team got anything they want to share before we close out nope all right well that's a wrap it's been real y'all um hang out and gather the the folks are in gather we'll we'll do a a proper send-off uh to the gathered folks here in a second so stay with us after the stream and we will um jump in together for just a quick second um so yeah i'm gonna go ahead and kill this stream good work everyone thanks for hanging with us uh catch you next time i don't know what city i'll be in next actually i'll probably be streaming from here again next week yeah i'm here next week still so we'll still be in mexico next week um and then from there yeah off to the races so if you're following the adventure be sure to join us every tuesday at noon eastern time right here on youtube
Channel: Finsweet
Views: 2,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webflow
Id: E8yaYoxcXUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 12sec (4932 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.