Finite Element Analysis with Creo Ansys Simulation Webinar

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before every innovation sees the light of day and every robot learns on its own before every automobile safely drives itself [Music] and every rocket ship reaches the stars before every product is printed out of thin air and every digital twin prevents a tragedy before every baby takes her first breath and every virtual reality becomes reality before every student has the world at their fingertips and every patient gets his sight back [Music] before all this can become real there is a designer [Music] an entrepreneur an engineer a student a scientist a visionary tirelessly working to create a better world using the most powerful the most pervasive simulation technology on the planet before every product delivers on its promise there is ansys good morning uh i'm aaron snell enterprise consultant at product one solutions and i would like to welcome and thank everybody for joining us live today latest installment in our online webinar series and if you are catching this is a recording on youtube channel i want to welcome to you as well today we will be covering a topic that has become more and more relevant in a highly competitive market where your customers demand faster time to market improved quality and value for money as well that brings me to introduce today's webinar topic of finite element analysis with clear simulancy simulation so before we start just a quick overview of the agenda for the next 60 minutes so i'm going to take you through a quick introduction then i'm going to hand over the demonstration that will be done and afterwards we will be doing a q a to all your questions before we begin at the end of this you will each receive a link of the recording please share that amongst your colleagues and everybody that you think might find it of interest also if you look at the top of your team's bar you will see there's a q a section if you've got any questions during the webinar and the demonstration please feel free to ask your questions there we're going to answer them at the end of the session and then also we will be holding a ball at the end please do take part and your honest opinion is welcome now in 2018 two leaders in the computer-aided engineering industry and system ptc made history when they announced the part that will bring their customers a host of innovative solutions with one goal in mind and that was to accelerate product innovation by providing customers a best-in-class simulation driven design environment as we know ansys has been offering standalone fva tools since the early 1970s but with the partnership they will bring a fully high-speed fidelity simulation solver and functionality merged with the class leading care design package and this is called trio ansys simulation before we get into the demonstration i'm not before we get into the demonstration allow me to give you a quick overview the street of simulation solutions that ptc offers starting with the concept and early design phase btc offers the generative design extension that enables users to create optimal designs from a set of predefined design requirements for example if you're looking at reducing the weight of a product or designed for optimal size and shape or a specific strength requirement that your product might have the next solution on the list is creo simulation live also powered by also powered by ansys this is the world's first solution where results of your simulation is updated in real time as you make changes to that bad design we covered these two solutions in detail with the previous webinar and i would strongly recommend that those that did not watch them yet to please have a look at the recordings available on our youtube channel next we will be moving into the final design and simulation phase where we will go into detail on today's topic and the use of high fidelity simulation tools so why do we need simulation software we need to understand our products and their performance by simulating as possible this allows to shorten the development cycles enabling you to get your products to market faster reducing the time each design cycle takes as well as reducing the need for more physical prototypes even in some cases our customers could eliminate them all together by using simulation and understanding our product will be the same for one second warranty liability is reduced and building a strong reliable brand that can demand a price premium so that brings us to the introduction of demand that will be doing that so it's my honor to introduce lefuna funo to the data he's got to be in mechanical engineering from university of pretoria and he's an application engineer with product one focusing in cad and simulation related products thank you for that all right we go all right thank you for that um ladies and gentlemen so where do we start um who uses uh simulations uh oh yes yeah i'm up there understanding that in the audience here are most engineers and designers it is definitely us who use simulation software we need to evaluate and validate our designs to make to make the best decisions for our products we also need to as we need to also identify and resolve flaws in the design process this saves us money down the line as well we also want to optimize um our design of improving its policy and performance and thereby reducing its cost we also need to also use simulations to avoid relying on costly prototypes also which allows us to mitigate the risks of production india as well as warranty reliability and liability that is when we push a product out to the market we are able to have confidence that it is what we see it is now clear energy simulation offers high fidelity and high accuracy simulation for design refinement and validation that is the combination of pure answers as well as answers simulation and trio putting it together to give you the best of all give you the capabilities which are accessible via a familiar clio user interface for those that have been using clear that means that you get the power of answers in your familiar field you can also analyze your model and quickly identify problem areas and update the design and quickly jump back and rerun that on without needing to use a different software package as i've mentioned prion dissemination now has that common consistent uh clio excuse me as that common consistent clear user interface which means that you have familiar workflow uh context sensitive menus and bug commands which you are already using now the benefit in terms of your productivity and also streamline your work uh you've got the simulation tree that has been added this allows you to communicate your design and then with your fellow colleagues and or other stakeholders you can also use the stream geometry within your answers taking the full advantage of the full associative associativity between creole and mss but then what does that mean for you it means that you speed up your time to market get your product onto the market that much quicker which gives you an upper hand again all against competition also means that you design for value you are sure of your product and you also increase the quality and the performance of your product when when you're maxing when you manufacture it first time around and also reduce that development time the amount of time takes you from concept all the way until manufacturing if you have those tools right at your fingertips and of course uh the bottom line which is the return on your investment all right so i will be um demoing this product for you uh for today's demo the scenario is i am i work for a trailer manufacturing company and i am working on a chassis and basically what i will be doing in an analyst is that i will be validating the design that was created by our our designer okay i'm going to jump into the demo now yeah so as uh aaron mentioned we as erin did mention that for those that managed to join our previous uh administration they will be they they've seen that uh simulation live but for those that have not they we strongly advise we can go and there we go all right so i think you see my experience okay um thank you all right thank you for that all right my name is mentioned and i'll be taking you through the demonstration so as mentioned trio and since is a high fidelity software that combines the power of answers with the usability of career parametric for those that have used parametric you'll know that the workflows that you have within here you also continue and you will have the familiar workflow when you go into clearances so for those that watch our previous demo our previous webinars for those that have not you are welcome to go and have a look at those we need one on your simulation live so clear simulation line is us giving or rather is is the power of of simulation or validation earlier on in the design giving you uh the most information to make the best decisions for your design so very by the time it gets to the analysts for validation there is usually of taking care of the low hanging fruit in terms of of your of your design inside that you have a more robust design because you are no you are you have you are more aware of the performance of your of your of your design but of course you cannot rely on concrete simulation live as mentioned that it is not as uh it's not a high fidelity situation hands come in clear answers um all right so within cleo you have both live simulation where you will do your run and then from that you can actually run and you're going to go into clio answers so what you should know is that if you run a study in cleo simulation line you are actually able to bring in those loads and constraints into rather the simulation studies rather into clear answers this does not mean that you are you are limited in terms of creating those loads and constraints within previous immigration lab no you are also able to create them in your answers um for those that you simulate more often is that if you would like to use creolesis you could actually import the study that you created in theo simulate and then continue or rather than do analysis in clear answers as you can see you have the familiar ribbon familiar model tree as well as the simulation study tree in pure answers it allows you to create three different types of studies that is your structural thermal and model today we are going to look at the structural simulation i also had a model simulation that i i've created when i was just verifying that all my constraints were fixed the way i would like them to fix that i don't have any legit body motion all right so you as i have mentioned you come and create your loads your constraints uh you have access to your fixed displacement all the way to your support this now gives you a better um control in terms of getting your simulation into as close as possible to the real life effect uh your loading as well all the way from forces uh gravity centrifugal as well as temperature uh when clear simulation live comes when clear and then here9 comes up you are going to have the option um to have multiple uh multiple studies also correction actually no it's it's it's not what i mentioned physics um yes multiphysics uh studies in creole uh and is nine all right so as i was saying now if we go if we look at our model here we have a beam that is coming from a chest is a chest chassis truck which has been loaded according to where the suspension is as well as not sure what the correct term is those that work with trucks you know is the way it rests on with the connection to the actual um i'll call it the truck that has the engine of course yes so this is my model and i've simulated the loading on top here which is both the pin as well as some contents in there as well um all right so what you do have access to is you've got access to creating your menu or specifying your material you can specify the material earlier on in the design but for the advantage that you can change the type of that you want to work with you can also come and add your material on the side as well as well so for example i wanted to add the smile steel over there and then i've got that real assignment of course it will edit away my um i have activated actually let me come and activate this one here and i have that special assignment and all right i have mentioned on the entire one as well all right so as this is a higher fidelity you also have control in terms of your of your meshes right so uh maybe before i get to the mess just let you know that you also have access to idealization options to allow you to sort of get a model a bit more lighter they're easier to work with of course such as the mass idealizations you can put in springs shelves and beams you can also all that are working um simulations that i've got there are sub-assemblies or or assemblies rather you have access to creating a contact you can you can create those contacts or you can also slightly have the option to detect content you have an option to specify joins and how they behave this is either your hinges maybe opening it up might just give you an idea of what goes on in this of slots as well as your planner or you can create new and you define it depending on um already depending on but you define them as per your your constraining the different um degrees of freedom okay all right now as i said we're speaking to the mesh now we have an option to do the match resolution so basically when you have low it will generate to automatically generate max elements that are quite large when you on the high on the other hand it will generate much elements that are quite low uh maybe if i leave it here for now uh all right and then you have access to the global mesh size dialog box which basically allows you to be able to have user defined inputs in terms of your mesh elements you have the size function which is curvature evolution looks at your model and it estimates the size of the element looking at the curvature of the different element of different features in your model proximity it looks at the gaps that between or the spaces between elements and it sort of analyzes the size of elements from from that fixed basically just um ignores either your proximity or your curvature and just takes into the input value so it's almost as if it's saying that the size element will be this and it does not really bother to find out what type of the future it is and then curvature and proximity of course is the combination of the first two so for the first one i'm just going to make that minimum element to be 20 my model is about 500 so 300 is saved all right so from there on i'm going to go ahead and generate my mess so as it's running uh these are the other ones i had done before right as it's running one thing that you should know about is that you actually have the ability to move out of the model and so for example i wanted to go and select a different uh what you call again this thing um a different model like and then i want to work on that i actually have the ability to do that all right so this is the name so as you can see this is uh sub assembly which is not this one was a quick run but it's fine so this is a sub assembly as well that i'm able to go in and run okay so one thing that you should understand is that it's you cannot select the types of meshes that you hate that you want itself analyzes the model takes into account inputs if you have put any on the global backside and it will decide the type of message that you're going to get for example here we have the triangle so the tetrahedron for others who have worked with simulating beam would have expected it to be a box type but like i said to analyze the model and it will it will decide on that so for example if we come back to this one and and we're gonna go to and this is here this is sub assembly this is just for us to see that it can actually go ahead and create a mesh for one and next all right there we go disappear on me all right there we go okay and i can actually jump back to this one and say all right okay while it loads there we go so the blue lines that you see here as i mentioned earlier that you can actually do a detect contact um this is basically it's going to defining the context between all the different parts so what i want to show you is that for magic you're also able to match the game this thing um assembly meshes as well my mouse is misbehaving it's going to be this right yeah all right there we go like of course all right uh there we go and it is created that mesh for you on exit moving and what we're going to do now is we're going to sort of make the mesh a bit more finer and then run simulation let's say i wanted to run with the hundreds there we go and then i'm going to to run that and then as it runs i have access to the process manager which shows me that information but i can also have a look at the diagnostics for what is already done or this one was just generating um that this one was just generating the number of elements so it tells me that i have 17 000 nodes and 8 000 okay it is one and when i look at this one here um all right so for those that have worked with clear simulates the diagnostic window is a bit different this side and i'll take a bit of getting used to but the information is there for example here is telling how much memory is used how much time is taken the number of calls that it is used there and the way the input the temporary file for that input is and how many calls i have how many wanted to use uh the name of my my system information how many wardens were countered how many errors were there i see i have one warning there and that is the warning that i have and then from there on you have the information in terms of the calculation study right okay so let's look at the [Music] uh the results there and i have that and okay this is very interesting that's all right let's have a look at what is standard is reporting there and okay so for your basic results it doesn't really allow you to animate that that's a lot so something definitely supposed to move so for your basic results it does not allow you to animate so what you need to do is come and define um what is called an advanced um advanced a advanced result is advanced results so for example on this one i'm going to say i want to add the magnitude as my problems are and that i also maybe want to check my displacement in the y and add that and i already created one for the mices all right cool so now there it's essentially telling me that these results have not been updated so for the results when you define your results it's already done calculation all you need to do is to come to this is not correct all you need to do is basically company come to your results update the result by just right clicking and selecting updates okay it seems that in my clicking it updated let me i just want to show you that again i'm just gonna add one more and then right click and update the results okay it's loading there we go the results have been updated and then i can actually come and have a look at what is happening here all right let's see what is happening maybe just something to show you here is in terms of okay there we go awesome so what to do now is for us to fix that one there which is basically looking at my colon regions uh okay see [Music] um okay quick trouble shooting [Music] and voila run that again and then we can see the result okay so it seems that when i updated the the constraints i updated it on the second one and not on the first one which of course it's a basic it's a simple issue to record so that's another thing that you should be aware of that when you are creating your duplicates is that you can actually not your duplicate but your different studies you can actually change how each model is fixed on the different one which means that you can test different types of concept different types of scenarios and you have access to your day all right now run aha that's what we're looking for because we know it's fixed outside of the wall um so include answers in query line what they're going to do in answers is that they're going to give you access to scaling because right now here's the default scaling this is not exactly what's happening in real life but it actually tells you where the model is breaking or exactly where the model is getting the most um um deflection all right so when it comes to qr9 you gonna have access to manipulating the the scale basically the scale is to what degree do i want is imagine the formation happening um so at this point it's not there but it shows rest assured 309 is coming soon all right so what we're going to do now is that we want to add a probe uh probe is basically just us targeting a certain point and you see we want to know what that value is i think i saw my maximum somewhere around there so i'm going to have both of those offices as part of my thing mice's and there we go all right as you can see there it says not speculated this this is what happened when you add probe i'm just going to change my there you go so when adder pro unlike your simulation live when you add a probe it immediately updates this one does not so that means that you need to run the model after creating you need to run the mode after you create the probe if you want those results or you create the port and then you run it again um in 309 rather what's going to happen is that if you make changes to your model and you have a probe that has already run you are going to get flags which tell you that the current value is not up to date and that means that you need to go and run the simulation again so that you can update your probe this is just another way that they are ending to make sure that your results are actually uh up to date all right so we are going to run that but what i also want to do is that i want to drill down on my elements for this one i'm going to make them face as that and just simple raw numbers and then i'm going to run all right so what one runs is what is activated and when you want to run a different one you have to activate it differently unfortunately you cannot do a better run from this interface so you're not able to do a better phone click answers all right cool so as you can see there it actually did not take a lot of time and then this is of course because the model is quite small as you saw with the element which you read on the first one wasn't that big but as your models become bigger and much more complex this is going to take a whole lot more time so just going to look at those results there and she might be interested to look at what that map looks like a decent match over there and i'm just gonna look at those results excuse me about 54 53 54 all right right over there so what i can do now to just get a little bit more information at that point so i can say images yeah that's correct so local match refinement i just want to spread those elements um just a bit just gonna make it five just just add a bit more information what exactly is happening over there um and it's going back out and that simulation again is my man my maximum is actually around me it just got that a bit more refinement of course which is what i want which is what i want i want my way i'm getting the high values that's what i want to sort of have so interesting thing is that if you are working with simulation live you actually do not have access to this you are unable to sort of drill down to your area of interest but with clear answers you can actually go a bit more in-depth you can create surface vision and go and um just minimize those areas with your local natural refinements like they mentioned environments are not limited to recast um which causes just it you can actually go and create surfaces that you want and then from those surfaces you get that all right so there we go the value is started to 202 so this is something that you don't get from pure simulation this is the fact that you are able now to to to to find what what what they call um sorry english has sort of disappeared there on me but it's basically you are now able to identify when you have areas of of singularities in terms of how you you set up your model so for example in this case it was running around 50 which is hey this is the ballpark of where i was i was playing around but all the the actual information now is not revealing to me that actually where i'm looking is is the singularity and i need to sort of uh come up with a different way you used to sort of now come in and and watch people again this thing and and and constrain this model yes i'm sorry the the data bundles for english terms and then so basically that is what i've high fidelity is all about is that the information that you get from the low fertility one you are able to drill down on it and get much more accurate results in terms of how your model actually performs and if whether that value is is actually not a value that you is actually not um depiction of the real life stress uh uh stress a real life stress um maybe one thing every food i know to do is that unfortunately unlike your simulate we do not cause what you would need to do now here is actually go and um and isolate that area and then you sort of can find the different things so what i can do rather here is now um go to my advanced uh results just change the values you sort of say okay um is that one yeah that's fine i estimate that my force here is around 80. on my first rather my um what'd you call this thing my [Music] stress yes my stress is around 80. so i can actually come and see okay so at 80 where my exactly do you see it's the area outside of of that specific point maybe i want to go a bit lower and say okay where is 68 and it goes and yes it removes those areas to say no anything within this gap yeah is beyond uh the specified value that i have there and then of course you can take it from there in terms of how you change or how you fix your model uh depending on what it is that you really want to communicate but what i want to communicate here is that what you get with the high fidelity you know is that you are actually able to cover your bases um maybe just something for just to show and tell that i had run a different one here and then i had the mesh controls all the way to 25 and maybe what i just wanted to show you here is that you can actually now generate a mesh for those low value and then you can actually have a look at that and hopefully this communicates the power that is created with ads as well but now it's like it's just the flex to say how how far can you go with in terms of your mesh like it's a bit overkill maybe for this model but to demonstrate how far you can actually go with this it's actually a uh a good example um let me see if i can afford all right so 30 seconds it's done and can help with that and that mesh almost like and you know there's a lot of elements in there and of course we can quickly look at our diagnostic and from 8 000 elements we have gone to a hundred thousand elements which else all right uh it would be nice if i could um simulate for you uh an assembly just to show you how these contacts behave but for the sake of time and yeah for those that need further information they are welcome to contact us uh for a trial of your answers and sort of test it with your own data to see how much it is that you know what it is that it will give you from your side all right all right thank you all right thank you for all of those in attendance um just wanted to run through again um if you do have questions we do have a q a section uh please be reminded that the video was has been recorded i see a hand and so what i think i will do is that it might be easier if i just kind of unmute anybody who has questions um we'll just give you a chance to have your say and ask your questions and then you'll deal with it george you are the first um what is your question there um thank you thank you so for for the presentation um might have been slightly you know late to get in because i think connectivity issues under that but um i just wanted to find out um i see from the demonstration um you're dealing more with the with with structural elements um i'm from the civil engineering part so anyway steel components would still be a part of our structural elements but now i'm thinking of an assembly um you know figuratively let's say you look at a foundation and the superstructure as an assembly now can that be handled uh by this um by this by this tool just just to find out i'll do a finite element analysis on an assembly uh assuming a superstructure and the foundation as one assembly let's say i want to look at the settlement and you know which points will settle faster differential settlement uh you know which which parts would crack in on on the in the superstructure and and and something of that sort i'm thinking slightly different from the the current presentation that that you've just given just maybe like plexus works uh of course plux is works more so for um for for soil components and foundation and analysis is it possible that this can do that okay all right so um as i've mentioned the in terms of of complex structures yes you can have can have your superstars healthy up and analyze that and of course as it gets more complicated uh much more detail and time that we take but in terms of soil analysis i don't think it's specifically designed for that we don't have a section where you are analyzing how soil uh sort of behaves it would be interesting to see if you can actually create a model and sort of simulate uh soil but as for specific soil or concrete for that matter i don't believe that it's capable of doing that i was thinking of soil okay uh as a foundation you know a component in itself one once once it's been constructed of course now it becomes more or less like like a one component though an assembly uh but as you say you the model might not be able to do the the the the various site of settlements and the weakest points within within the within the foundation that may need more reinforcement but the superstructure you say it can do but uh the the the foundation uh together with the superstructure it might not be able to do yes um assuming you say super spectacular it's a steel structure okay mostly let's see structure okay that's fine thank you
Channel: productONE Solutions
Views: 211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MgykfHR_WYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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