Finishing My Book! | Writing Vlog

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hey guys it's shaylyn i'm here today with another writing video so today i'm starting another writing vlog over the past few vlogs i've kind of been chronicling the end of the novel that i've been writing but not really the end the middle through end i read about 30 000 words during nanowrimo and then um took a couple months off because i had a bunch of other little things that was wrapping up and then i started working on the book again in march this is gonna be the vlog where we write the end of the book which is both exciting and scary you know i did a vlog for the end of my last novel honey vinegar which was just over a year ago i was a mess because for me when i'm drafting a novel it really does feel like it signifies like a period of my life like i'm always going to associate that period of my life with what i was working on like i can kind of timeline my life based on what book i was writing at the time and so it's always weird to know that like i'm wrapping up the end of the holy ghost chapter which is also weird because it's kind of perfectly coincided with the pandemic you might know this if you've been following this journey the whole way through but i first attempted to write holding a ghost last march but it didn't turn out very well and i ended up having to restart it which i did in november but i first started that first attempt at writing the book literally a week before the pandemic started there is a vlog from that and in it like early day pandemic shailen is there and i'm like so there's a pandemic and everything is weird and oh i had no idea now i'm wrapping up the end of the book i'm getting vaccinated in less than a week june 1st baby it's been the pandemic novel when i started the book i was like there's no way the pandemic will be longer than the novel like obviously it's gonna take me longer to write the book then the pandemic will last and you know i think it's gonna be the other way around so i finished writing part five early in may i think it was like may 8th so what was that like three weeks ago when i was writing that i was on a roll when i think about all the things i've written there are days that stand out to me like oh that was a really good day of writing like great time but then there are also just like periods of time where everything was working and i was just super excited and invested about what i was writing and part five so basically april 2021 was a great time for my writing i was really in it i was i was having a great time it was pretty natural that that kind of writing high did kind of come to an end with the end of part five the book took a pretty sharp turn part five was probably the easiest to write of all of the parts because it's just pretty clear what i needed to do and how i needed to structure things and so i didn't really have to put a lot of effort into figuring out like how to order the event whereas part six is structurally a bit more of a strain it's probably the most difficult part to structure there are just like a few main things that need to happen but i'm not entirely sure i'm setting it all up right or the link between those events is all in place it is the last part of the book which also means it's the easiest to edit if you need to come back and drastically change it it's not a big deal because there's nothing that comes after right you're not setting up for anything in the future it's just the end so it's really pretty easy to edit and rework heavily if need be so try not to worry about it too much so i think it was a difficult to get back into it because i didn't know exactly how i wanted to structure or write the beginning of part six like the beginning of part six is probably one of the shakiest sections of the book for me and so wrote over a few sessions not that much but i think as of yesterday i've caught a bit of momentum i wrote like a thousand words yesterday which felt pretty good like i feel like if i write a thousand words i feel like that requires a decent amount of momentum to do like i can't just sit down and write a thousand words every day but if it's a decently good day that i can write a thousand words so i feel like i've got a bit of momentum like i was saying there are a few main plot points that need to happen throughout part six and i'm getting to the first of those main plot points and so i think this is gonna be a little bit easier to write and hopefully you'll build up some momentum and you know i'm a discovery writer so i need to be writing something to see how to structure it you know like when i started writing holding a ghost i had written about a two-page plot summary a lot of what i had planned in that plot summary ended up changing but i did know the general structure and the main plot beats of the story as i started writing each individual section of the book kind of clarified this is why i'm a discovery writer because i'm the kind of person who needs to be actively working on something to figure out how the pieces fit together i can't really figure out how the pieces fit together when i'm not actively working on it it just doesn't work and so i'm trying not to worry about things that i don't know and just take it one piece at a time because that has been successful for me throughout the rest of the project assume this part will be between 10 and 15 000 words i'm about 2 000 words in so far i do want to try and write this pretty smoothly not have it be too choppy because then it's just hard to get immersed and it's just not that enjoyable and it is the last part of the book and so i want it to be fun to write but i also know that sometimes i get so caught up in making sure that i enjoy the process that i end up not writing like i end up putting it off because it's like oh i don't feel great today for like the most minute reasons like i'm a little tired today so i won't write and then i just end up putting it off so trying to not do that while still writing in a way that i know is kind of like my favorite way to write because it is the end of the book and i don't want and there's no rush for it to be done so it's more important for me that i enjoy writing it than that i rush to get it done because you know there literally is no rush i have another book in the editing phase and so that's what i'm gonna be focusing on editing and publishing first anyway i'll jump back in later and we can we can see when the crisis will hit place your bets now when do you think i'm going to be having a breakdown because probably one will happen hello so it is june 1st it's about noon i just got back from getting vaccinated pfizer i do know her i am one of those people who gets very anxious about shots needles i just i don't like it i was so anxious this morning like to be clear not in like a i'm scared of what's in the vaccine thing because i'm not i'd drink that it's just needles i don't like them people are always like you have so many piercings it depends on the context i cannot explain it to you but it was good exposure therapy for me i think i've got a bit of work to do um obviously it is a work day um i do have something that i need to film and i do not feel like filming it because it is so hot out today it's probably the hottest day of the year so far it's like 23 degrees for me that's too hot like i can't anyways i really don't want to film it because it's so hot out and to film i'm gonna have to close all the windows anyways first i'm gonna have something to eat but i thought i would film a quick writing update so it's not going amazing with my book it's a pain because you know i was coming off of like the greatest writing high like everything was working i was really thriving and i guess i was thinking that that would carry over but it's not and i'm about 3 000 words maybe just over 3000 words in to part six and i still feel like i haven't really got got much momentum yesterday i hit 60 000 words of them in the manuscript and i wrote a scene that was pretty pivotal scene and i'm hoping that things will start to click into place i feel like i'm doing the thing where i try to just write a little bit almost every day because i don't really have it in me to write more than a little when it's not working like this hoping that i'm gonna build momentum and it's just not really working normally i feel like it doesn't take this long i feel like of these about probably 3 500 words i don't even know if i'm gonna keep any of it like i feel like the events need to happen but i don't even know if i'm gonna keep any of the actual writing like i don't know i'm just not too pleased with the book well i'm pleased with the book but i'm not pleased with this section in the book and it's the first time i've been really displeased with part of the book it's the hardest part of the book i think objectively the hardest part of the book to write but um i'll try and figure it out i don't know what else to say hey guys so i'm just sitting outside to do a little update um in the park because there's no one in the park right now so i figured i'd make use of it sometimes i walk past here and there are people and i'm like i'm not gonna sit and film an update but today i was on my walk and there was no one in the park so i thought i'd make use of it to be honest i'm still struggling it's been not the best i don't know how many words i am into part six probably over three thousand at this point um i think the draft is around sixty 000 words i'm honestly not really happy with anything that i've written in this part so far and it just feels like there's no wisdom to the scenes like the writings have no insight you know i don't know if that makes sense and that's a hard thing to just fix and tap into i've been trying to do what normally works for me in these situations which is just try to write a little bit almost every day and it'll be hard and in a few days you'll break through the block and i haven't broken through the block yet you know it's been three thousand words of writing little tiny two to three hundred word segments and i haven't really broken through the block i am closing in on the end of this plot point so maybe that will provide some momentum going forward into like a bit of a shift in the plot but i feel like i just don't feel confident i don't feel confident with how the pieces of part six fit together structurally and so i also don't feel confident with how i'm writing them there was this effortlessness to the book honestly the whole book up until this point has had an effortlessness that effortlessness has finally kind of come to an end in the 11th hour you know there's not much of the book left and it's finally getting difficult when it's never really been difficult up until this point it's actually been super easy like i don't know how i wrote the first 58 000 words of this without really any struggle at all i felt super easy now suddenly it's getting hard i knew this part would be hard i knew it would be the hardest part to write i'm juggling a lot of things at this stage but it's also a very subtle plot line it's very internal very soft the plot has a pretty light touch on the story i would say and so it needs a very light touch to write and that gets hard when you're at the end of the book so naturally plot points are coming to an end emotions are at an all-time high there's a risk of melodrama and so it's hard to maintain that light touch that a plot like this requires i don't think there's one single thing that's contributing to why this is so hard i think it's a number of things but it's just it's harder i feel like the book has been just universally delightful to write up until the very end and you know that's almost when i would want it to be the most fun because it's the very end big part of it is that i just don't feel super confident in how the plot is structured and so it's hard to feel confident in the writing itself you know i know that i might have to do pretty heavy revisions on this a big structural revision which is not a big deal you know it's only like around gonna be around 10 to 15k so it's not gonna be a ton to revise so i'm not scared of the perspective having to revise it i really don't mind if i have to do a big structural revision on it especially when the plot is this light and the pieces are this movable because they're so little um because my book isn't vignette so it's pretty easy to shuffle the pieces around it's not that i'm scared about having to do an edit it's just that it's making it hard to make progress right now without that confidence like i don't really know how the story is meant to unfold like i do but i don't i'm just struggling to fit it all together in my mind and i feel like i probably just have to write it to figure it out welcome to just a random spot in my living room oh my god we have had we had a copy of monkey beach i just read monkey beach and i bought it great novel i really should have checked the communal bookshelf before i bought that book i guess so i have been not feeling my best the past few days feeling kind of off i'm feeling not great i think i'm really burned out right now partly i think that this is contributing to why i haven't been writing very much and this is something that i know about myself you know and this is normal when you're feeling kind of you don't really want to write because you don't have much energy so naturally you don't feel like writing you know writing is usually as a creative task something that i feel like requires a decent amount of energy i do find writing like relaxing but it also it does take energy to do it's hard to do when you're feeling pretty pretty apparently i think that maybe that's contributing to why i haven't been writing that much i mean obviously part of it is just i'm kind of struggling at the with the book you know yesterday i was like i know i need to write because every single time i'm having a bad mental health spell i stop writing and that only makes it worse i know that writing consistently will help with this stagnant tired whatever not great emotional state that i'm in right now but it's so hard to do when you're not feeling great you know like i think about a couple months ago in april when i was really thriving and i was writing a ton all i wanted to do was write every day and i would write so much it was great it was really fulfilling now that i'm not doing that i'm not really like looking forward to writing every day i enjoy writing when i do it and i'm glad that i did it like yesterday i wrote a tiny bit i was only able to get 300 words out before i was like i can't do this anymore but i'm still glad that i wrote i felt better than i'd written remember in the last writing vlog where everything was good i was like wow let's keep this up let's see if we can do it again and it's evidently not happening this whole vlog so far has been a bit of a struggle saga we're still there i'm still kind of struggling with the book so i'm now over 5000 words into part six and i had to accept it's not momentum because if it was momentum i would have it by now i don't think it's anything to do with my mental or emotional state because that has had ups and downs i think it's just the book it's just the point i was at in the book it's just the scenes that i was writing like they were scenes that i didn't know how to write and it was jarring because for the rest of the book it's been easy and everything has fallen into place like clockwork with with pretty much no thought it's just all fallen into place with ease and it's been really easy to write and this was the first time where i didn't know how the pieces fit together i didn't know how to order the events and how to make the events happen in the way that i needed them to i think that's honestly it like i've spent this whole time trying to figure out why this isn't working and try to get it working and i think it's just the story was hard like it's that simple i'd been stuck at this hinge i'm gonna call it like a hinge point in the story and it's those points between plot points and i think those are often the hardest parts to write where you have to figure out how you're going to connect one plot point to the next you know in my last novel there were a lot more of these hinges because that book was a lot more plotty this book is like there's no plot like really at all so there haven't been as many of these hinge sections there haven't been as many plot points i don't know it's just a shorter simpler narrative and they're always the hardest parts to write for me and i know that there were hinge sections in honey vinegar that i really did not like on the first draft and they didn't make sense and they were convoluted and then i had to go just find a simpler way to order it in editing and then everything was fine and i just realized i have to do that here like i have to just write this it's going to be bad the events aren't going to align as nicely as they should i have to just write it so yesterday i wrote the last bit of this hinge section that really i'm just i'm yeah i'm not happy with it i'm not happy with it now i'm at a big plot point it's a bit of a juicier scene probably the most emotionally intense scene in the book i'm hoping fingers crossed god i hope at some point something will start working that this will be the end of this really difficult section because i think from here on out it's stuff that i know how to write a bit better and stuff that i've been envisioning for a while and there are four things that need to happen left in the book and the plot moves pretty fast so four things is not that much on friday i'm going to go visit family and so i booked the week off work and so i am hoping to do like a little writing retreat and so i would love to have built up a bit of momentum so that over the weekend and early next week i can either write most of part six or maybe even finish the book i might be trying to wrap up this book in a week and a half it seems like a lot but it only seems like a lot because the writing has been so slow like it's taken weeks to write 5 000 words there's probably only like 5 000 maybe 7 000 words left in the book i think for the most part until the end it's stuff that i feel a bit more viscerally like you know like there are scenes that you feel and there are scenes that you just know have to be there and i feel like for the past 5000 words i've been writing scenes that i know have to be there but that i don't really feel from now until the end it seems that i feel i hope i hope i hope so much i really hope the rest of the book could be an actual enjoyable experience to write it can be emotionally fulfilling and not a struggle like the past five thousand words have been because it has been a struggle i haven't been able to write more than like 400 words there was one day where i think i wrote a thousand words but it was tricky but for the most part i've only been able to write like two to three hundred words in a in a day in a writing session which is really not that much for me it's not that it's a bad thing to only write 200 to 300 words in a day i have lots of days where i do that but normally it's not the norm like normally it's not like a constant thing where for weeks i can can't get more than 300 words written it is also the first time in this draft that i've been perceiving significant issues as i've been writing it and i think i've talked about this in past vlogs how the whole time i've been writing i've been like am i missing something because i feel like there's nothing drastic that's wrong with this draft i know that there is but like the whole time that i've been writing i've been like if whatever is wrong with this book i can't perceive it it's been nice because obviously like it can be hard to write when you're caught up on issues in the draft this is like the first time that i've been like oh here's an issue here's something that's not working and so i've just gotten so used to things working so easily that i guess it's really easy to get thrown off when for the first time things aren't working in a way it's kind of comforting because it's like i am capable of perceiving problems with my writing now i know when i go back to do my developmental edit there will be things that i can focus on rather than just being confused because for a while i've been like when i go to edit this book what am i even going to change like there's one change that i know i want to make that's very easy i have like a point of access for a second draft because i have a problem that i need to fix and so it's going to require some critical thinking but it's also frustrating because there are problems i think it's also a good reminder that one of the biggest indications of problems in your book is if you're struggling to write it like i think for me if it's easy breezy to write it's probably working because stories have natural momentum when the pieces that make a story work are in place if there's conflict goals tension the story is consistent and coherent and the pieces are causally connected they fall like dominoes right and it's quite easy to write because everything that makes a story move is there but when something in that plot in that beautiful potion that makes a story is misaligned you have to muscle it forward and it's difficult this is one reason why i don't outline my work i want to be able to have that indicator of when the story is not working and i find when i outline you can just muscle the story forward because you have an outline without noticing that something fundamental is not working but i find as a discovery writer if something fundamental is not working you'll know because the story will stop working and right now the story has stopped working for a period of time and so i know when i do my developmental edit i need to go look at this area the problem area and there's something fundamental that's not working in this section clearly because it's not working i think we're back in business so it's the next day it's june 15th yesterday evening i wrote around a thousand words with relative ease wasn't painful at all i feel like i've broken through the block i think that that was literally it it was just the story i was just at a part of the story that i did not know how to write i looked at how much i have left in the book and it's not that much like it felt like a lot when i was making slow progress but it's literally five scenes i'm pretty sure i can finish this book next week i hope this momentum will be kind of lasting and carry us to the end i'll be kind of annoyed if it fizzles out again but i'm feeling confident i should be able to finish this book next week it is june 17th today we've escaped the crisis struggle stage officially so yesterday i had a wonderful day of writing i think i wrote like over 2 000 words like 2 300 words i was so tired yesterday all day and so i didn't even think i'd get any writing done around like eight in the evening i was reading and i was so tired that i was like i can't even focus on reading and so it was like nine o'clock and i was like i guess i'll just try to write you know like one might as well i feel like i'm falling asleep at 9 00 pm for some reason so you know like when you're really tired it's hard to do a passive task so i was like i'll try writing i find like i can actually write pretty well when i'm tired but it went so well the scene that i was writing is um a scene that takes place at a party i love writing party scenes like i find them really really fun and i was thinking about how when i was like 15 i had never been to like a house party before my high school friend group didn't start partying until a little bit later like i don't think we started really like partying until we were like in our last year of high school and even then it was never anything that excessive we were pretty chill i was 15 and i was writing this novel called the definition of impossible in that novel one of the pivotal scenes takes place at a party and i'd never been to a house party before and i remember being like really nervous about the scene and like not knowing how to write it and i was like i don't know how to write this because i've never been to a party i don't know how to get it right like i didn't know how to like write the scene and i was just such an awkward little nerd here i am nine years later and thriving writing all the party scenes that i like don't think i ever want to go to a house party again i think my ideal party is like max nine people it's done by like 11 30. i was writing a very chaotic party definitely the most chaotic scene in the book my main character june she's not that chaotic but this is her most chaotic moment it was a really fun scene to write i wrote probably about 1400 words and i was quite happy with it wrote really easily which is great because you know i'd been struggling for a while struggling to get anything done writing a whole scene just total ease was great and was really exciting and then i was just doing a bit more reading after that and while i was reading again i couldn't focus on the book because i kept thinking about this the next scene and so then i was like i guess i'll just go right a bit more and clocked in like probably like 2 300 words which is pretty solid day for me i'm leaving to go visit family tomorrow which i'm so excited about because i haven't seen my family in so long i have christmas gifts to give them probably not gonna write today but tomorrow is going to be the beginning of my writing retreat and i think i'll finish this book early next week hello everyone and welcome to shaelin's reading and writing retreat yes i have the next week off work which i'm very excited about i think that when you work remotely like i do it's really easy to get in the habit of never taking time off work um and every single time you go on vacation you just work while you're on vacation i do plan to finish my novel but i also plan to do a lot of reading so i thought i would quickly show you guys my tbr because oh i have plans to read i brought a lot of books and i better read most of them because they were heavy to carry so the first book that i plan to read is the white book by han kang this is pretty short so i think i'll probably just read this tonight i've been meaning to read this for ages because i really like hong kong i just haven't gotten around to this one then i'm gonna read um yuko tsushima's territory of light this is a novella it's only like 100 pages so i currently have like 16 books that i own that i haven't read so we're trying to get a good dent out of that this week then my plan is to read astr by cedar bowers looks like exactly like my kind of book it's about a girl who was raised on like a commune in bc which is like that's the vibe um communes yes i brought just one poetry i was like i'll just sneak a little poetry in there undoing hours by selena bone i saw selena bone read at a reading a couple years ago and i was thoroughly enchanted with the prettiest star by carter sickles also the meetings read this book for a while i just realized that the end pages are pink which i'm obsessed with this is the big boy i lugged this all the way here on public transport but i think it's going to be worth it for pepito by leon ross this is also a pretty new release it's like fantastical i think it's like set on an island i think it's like a magical island inspired by jamaica it just sounds great and it just seems enchanting and then the final book i don't know if i'll get to this mexican gothic by sylvia marina garcia this has also been on my tbr for ages but i'm reading it for a book club yeah it's like a gothic horror novel set in 1950s mexico and it just sounds like everything that it just sounds amazing i have a little bit more unpacking to do i'm also starving because i was dumb and i didn't have a meal before i came here so i need to go scavenge for some food hi what are you reading i'm reading assassin's fate by robin hobb review so it's incredibly brilliant it's the final book in realm of the elderlings that all of you should read if you really like character-driven fantasy um and it's it's so good for more reviews subscribe yeah what's your channel jake just check it's just jake bishop yeah i'm sure shaylan will put a link in the description maybe if she's feeling nice we'll see it does sound like some it will take more work for you to do that so yeah it sounds like a lot of work just to i don't know support you and i don't even like you that much that's true i don't know why you would do that top three favorite series that's my question for the day um this stormlight wheel of time hello it's dark in here sorry i just had a bath i can't remember my bath because the bathroom in my apartment doesn't have a bath it's just a shower stall but i said about that i'm feeling very zen probably past eight um right now i haven't written yet it was my first day seeing my family in a long time so me and my mom had like 73 conversation topics we had to get through but it is beautiful out and um it's going to be late until past 10 because it's almost the longest day of the year summer solstice selected his way so i think i may not set a sudden right because it's lovely out there [Music] that was such a beautiful concept until all the mosquitoes showed up and it actually was terrible and now i have so many mosquito bites so it's almost 11. there's actually still a little bit of light like over the ocean so i have three chapters left although one of them is just going to be like a list of things and i think one of them is going to be quite short and then the last chapter is really only like two scenes so i might try to finish my book tomorrow just because it's the summer solstice and so i feel like it would be kind of cool to finish my book on the summer solstice the sun is super majestic right now as you can tell it's about 8 40 in the evening i'm just going out for a quick little evening walk i just wanted a moment to like think then i'm gonna go shower just because my sunscreen is kind of irritating my skin and it's starting to bother me and then i think i'm going to finish writing my book [Music] so it's like 10 30. so i just wrote a couple little chapters and i'm now about to go in and write the last chapter of the book i feel weird but i feel at peace with the fact that i'm here writing the last chapter i think i'm excited more than anything it's a little surreal i think the chapter might be probably around a thousand words i don't know not super long but it's a pretty gentle final chapter it's just weird to be here right in the end like this is the 11th book i've ever written and it still feels kind of surreal to be writing the end of one see you guys on the other side hello so it's the next day it's june 21st um i thought i would find film a final clip for this vlog i did film one yesterday after i finished the book but it was a total mess i think it was just really late and i was kind of frazzled so i'll insert that here or at least part of it but it was pretty much incoherent so it's now 1107. i finished writing the book at 1104. i'm saying that like it's like a time of death i'd meant to film myself writing the last page or so and i completely forgot to set up the camera oh well really not something you can go back and do really only happens once so that's done i don't really know how to feel i don't really know what to say in my vlog where i finished my last book i had like i talked for like 10 minutes at the end of that vlog because i just had so many thoughts and i just i don't right now brain completely empty i have nothing to say so the draft is 70 394 words so i'd been anticipating a 70 000 word draft pretty on the mark with that one i just feel weird the end of this book the last chapter is pretty wholesome like it's a pretty tender ending so i i guess i thought i would have a lot of things i wanted to say but i feel kind of weird talking about it right now like i feel like this is this is just a personal moment that i just want to sit here i don't really have anything insightful to say to be honest i remember when i finished my last book i had so many thoughts in the the final clip in that vlog was super long and i had so much to say my brain is just empty with this one um not in a bad way it's a weird feeling to finish a book it's always kind of surreal it's always a little bittersweet you know it's exciting especially with this book where i've been trying to get it right for so long basically six years i've been trying to get it right i think as a concept and as a story and as a format i finally found the right way to tell this character's story which i've been trying to do for six years it's exciting to finally feel like i have a workable draft that i can i can proceed with but it's also bittersweet because you know what i really enjoyed about this book was the process of writing it the exciting thing wasn't having an end product it was having it was getting to write it before i wrote the book you know what i was looking forward to wasn't being done it was actually getting to write it first draft is really when you get to immerse in the story and be so close to it that you're pretty much touching it you know i know for me when i'm writing something i kind of feel like i'm there in it and for this book that was it was a really nice world to be in so i'm gonna miss that but i am also really excited because i am so happy with how it turned out and it turned out better than i could have expected the book is done at least i have a book that i'm really really happy with this is probably the happiest i've ever been with a first draft there's very little that i'm angry at you know there are little things they want to change and there are a few things that i think i need to attend to you know it has that first draft awkwardness um you know it's a bit stumbly and awkward in places but i do feel good about it and however much it needs to change in revision i'm happy with it as a first draft and more than i ever expected so that's really great so that's really all uh thank you guys so much for for joining along you know i i vlogged the entire process of this book i like making these videos because i like having basically a diary of my thoughts where i can look back and sometimes i wonder you know like after i've written something it's been a while i'm like what was i thinking when i was writing that and i sometimes go back and i can watch my vlogs and see what i said about the book as i was writing it and like what i was thinking and where i was struggling and it's kind of fun my plan with the book now i i think it just needs a couple months of rest to not look at it you know i think at the moment i need to just take some time away and just think about it not really look at it and see what ideas i come up with in terms of revision because i know that that will happen and i'll get ideas because that happened with my last book that the few the months between finishing the book and starting to work on it i got a lot of ideas so i'm gonna wait wait for myself to get some ideas there's no rush out of this and uh in a few months we'll come back to it and clean it up a little and ship it off to some friends and yeah i'm excited about it so thank you guys so much for watching and for for joining along this journey with me um i always say if you have any questions you can send me an ask on tumblr but my tumblr ask box is closed you know 27 days out of the month yes i should probably find a different outro because that's not really a thing anymore but anyways thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in another [Music] video you
Channel: ShaelinWrites
Views: 7,995
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: writer, writing, author, novelist, creative writing, writetube, writetuber, writing advice, how to write a book, how to write a novel, writing vlog, creative writing degree, books, nanowrimo, authortube, writing tip
Id: x_a1jzQF0gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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