Finished Clearing My Farm Pond Site

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since it's not currently raining which there's rain coming because it's cloudy and forecasted still got a good stream flowing through the pond site I left the excavator up there yesterday after I was digging those uh Court shocks up let's see if I don't think I was like yeah that's good uh I got a little bit of time this afternoon I'm going to bring the excavator down here and see if I can't get some more trees down uh between the fence line and where I stopped clearing um and maybe get some of that pile of brush piled up so that I can start burning that uh when the time comes where uh it's a good time to burn so we'll see what uh I can do in there to get some of those trees down this afternoon well this morning it's not afternoon yet go ahead and take trees number one down it does look like all that uh brush over here is drying out pretty good so that'll be a good thing whenever it is time to burn unfortunately it had a I had a little while working out of town and just been so doggone busy down there had any time to focus on anything up here for the last pretty much two to three weeks and uh now that I'm kind of back in town and then going I've actually got to take both of these excavators to uh job sites in a couple of weeks but I'm also going on a back down to Florida with uh dirt perfect and uh CNC equipment for the auctions again so be down there with uh Clint and Mike for a week getting into some trouble down there no intentions on coming back with anything but last time I didn't know I was going to be buying a D6 either but uh I think I've got enough equipment now I know that's hard to say but it's gonna have to be something very spectacular for me to bring something back this year but we shall see we shall see uh I think I want to go ahead and take that maple tree down drop it back that away I'm getting behind it and the tree over there looks dead I'm gonna go ahead and take it down if I can't get that maple tree to go ahead and lay over go ahead and cut it up a little chainsaw on the fence over there what I like to do is kind of get this corner right here done that way I can start piling up brush and not have to move it again for sure did break it in half now it's stuck and again [Music] so my goal when I build this pond I know it sounds stupid but I'm gonna try to use majority if there's a piece of equipment here at the house I wanted to be a part of building this Pond especially uh Betty the D6 and the and the track loader most likely those machines will be here obviously this excavator will be here whenever I I do the pond but I would like to uh I would like to build the pond with the uh look at that Mouse right there die little mouse die eat my bulldozer seat [Music] deserve that [Music] sorry taking out my frustration I'm still mad about that it won't be in this video it'll be in another video but a mouse hey all the cloths not all the cloths but a good chunk of the cloth off the seat of my Komatsu Dozer while it was parked over there still sour about it [Music] but uh anyways I think it'll be cool to use like the older equipment to uh help build this pond it's wet right here I'm sinking but this might be a summertime pond because you see how wet it is [Music] we all know that trying to grade at Mud into a pond dam does not work well [Music] we're ready to go coming on [Music] at least there is some good clay down there for this pond enough for new that's definitely not enough my only problem is [Music] you can't get over there because there's another tree let's see if I can do this not the proper way and that is dig up under the root ball here and flop it over that way break it loose at least [Music] but I do not recommend doing this method because it is a very easy way for a tree to land on top of you [Music] foreign get over there and see if I can't push it away now [Music] no Denver yet there we go jumper all right we're White right where I wanted it to go all right I'm gonna break all the branches out of this drag it over here and probably take down another one that way I can cut up more than two trees so I'll uh I'm changing so I've got uh three trees taken down now I'm gonna go ahead and grab the Chainsaw cut those up so that whole corner right there is pretty much taken down now let me spin over here so you can see uh once I get those cut up here in just a second I will take down I'll probably grab all these right here and then I'll drop that Maple I'll be about five more trees down two to cut up all that'll just get broke up and then that'll leave that big Maple over there that I think I have to move half the pile to get to but at least I'll have room right here to pile everything up into a new Burn pile to open up room for that time to chainsaw those trees are cut up now to pile the stumps up right here drop them a couple more times get a little more dirt off of them I know those will have to be dropped a little bit more before they will burn but at least they are piled up and the wheels start to dry out so these big old hardwood trees which is a maple tree they uh they don't dry out but they got just so much root matte on them pretty much all you can do is just turn it upside down and let it do what it's going to do and as it burns just pick it out of the fire and drop it a few times as it roll it back in [Music] foreign [Music] right here so it is going to be burnt because it literally costs more money to get it out of here and to my wood yard then it's worth on the fact of I would also destroy my farm trying to get you know how it would happen so fortunately all this is going to be burned [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're going to knock a couple of these little trees down to open up room to take the couple bigger ones down [Music] the street [Music] so funny story about this next tree right here see it's got a faint paint ring around it and that is when I first bought the farm uh trying to find the property line everything was so grown up and everything I couldn't afford the surveyor to come out here he could have had enough for him to be able to find the corners and everything where they wanted like several more thousand dollars to stake the property lines so everything was so grown up before I even cleared everything I was going through here on my phone trying to figure out where the property lines were and everything and I had actually figured out that that was close to my line and painted a red ring around it and long story short I was about two and a half feet on this side of the line so all in all that was probably [Music] close to 10 years ago [Music] um that paint has been on there that long unfortunately that tree's got to come down because it is uh dead center of the new fondant [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I saved it [Music] [Music] let's set the camera up somewhere outside when I take that maple tree down it'll make a pretty good video so all right I'm gonna go ahead and grab these couple little sweet gums here and then drop [Music] thank you [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] last big maple tree to take down and I know it's going to be a pain because I have to swing it down it's a double and I cannot get in the right direction that I want to to be able to push it over so we shall see we shall see how aggravating this one this one is hoping I can dig a lot of the roots up and it'll Ease on over luckily these trees have pretty shallow root systems so all it is is just a few Scoops around here pretty well broken loose it's kind of leaning in the direction it needs to go the downfall is it's very muddy right here where I'm having to sit and that is the creek channel right there [Music] see [Music] all right I can't quite push the way I want to in fact I can't even push it all let's try doing another way I don't want to do digging it up from the base I already mentioned why I don't like doing it this way but I can't leverage on it [Music] I'm gonna have to move over here where I'm hung against grab the one side of the tree a little bit better now it's starting to Misty Rain luckily that's held off that was supposed to come earlier this morning all righty I think I could pull it away from it now [Music] all right it's moving that's going towards my fence like every tree has tried to [Music] just have to try to wiggle it [Music] there we go it's aimed in the better direction now all right I'm liking this better and better here we go right across the file where I want it to go right there and broke the top out good don't have to deal with that now in fact I'm going to go over here and break the other top out I did lose a little bit of a log but well not really it's right there right there split anyways those trees are already starting to Bud out something all right I'm gonna try to break this off right here break break thank you all right now I think I can roll that whole tree and stuff out cut it up real quick before the rest of the rain gets here this Pond might have to wait till summer time it is wet down in here which is but it's a good spot for a pond I just don't know if I feel like dealing with all this mud right now [Music] [Music] foreign that might make a good thumbnail picture for this video just a nasty little Mist but I forgot to cut the camera back on I got that big maple tree drug up here and cut up and that is the last Tree on the pond site uh that has to come down so I'm going to clean this up stack that brush up and probably call it a day big old Maple stuff it will burn but it will never all the way burn up I bet it'll take a a week of burning to get something like this gone you just have to sit there and keep pulling it out the dirt off of it throw it back in let it cook some more it doesn't look like most of the dirt is coming off of it though mud mud we're past dirt we are past dirt [Music] y this big old stuff I got me a pile of stumps right here [Music] which this pile of stumps is almost bigger than the pile of brush which has got me a little concerned because uh I'm gonna run out of small stuff burn with is what's going to happen so I will uh when I burned this one I would just have to kind of keep putting stumps on there and a little bit of brush as we go so I'm going to try to keep that over there for now let's do all this out of that tree put it on the pile but try to put it towards the back of it try to cut my log but that was no good this stuff is going to be really green so when I try to burn them we'll start the fire right here try to be burning this right off of that pilot towards the back of the pile the good thing is this stuff breaks up relatively easy so that's a plus let's clean up a little bit better thank you [Music] that tree is definitely budging out I should not be butting out in February so I'm probably just going to leave this well enough alone and maybe try to burn it when I get back in town in a couple weeks no it'll be here for another day all it'll do is just sit here and dry out like I can do any dirt work it's so wet it's not that I can't do the dirt work I don't want to deal with it I would like for it to be dry so I can do everything the way I want to do it we'll just wish that summer gets here as soon as possible because it just makes life so much easier it's dry [Music] dry and Dusty I like dry industry cold and wet during the winter so my ponds can fill up but I don't like this sit around so that's why I'm down here when I shouldn't be trying to do this [Music] all right well that's going to be a wrap for today I'll get a little video once I park everything of the pond site no I want to go inside where it's dry and warm paperwork stuff this is way more fun though got my logs piled up I've got brush everywhere it rained just enough to make everything gooey again on top which it's still way too wet to work down here anyways really but all the trees are down now as you can tell got a uh brush pile there in the center that would burn pretty good and there's a fair amount of brush and stumps in there so whenever I get a chance I will burn it sooner sooner than later because I got my big oak trees right there I'm trying not to uh cremate or kill so uh I'll have to burn that sooner than later for those start to Bud out and that'll pretty much clean up the pond site hopefully they can come move the fence which well I guess it really doesn't matter so much since you can't do the pond but get that moved over there it would be nice if that was already moved and then I can uh work on the pond whenever it happens whenever it dries out enough to make it happen though thanks for watching and I'll be back here on another day to do some more I better get my chainsaw forgot about
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 139,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, caterpillar, track, loader, crawler, 4n1, bucket, heavy, construction, equipment, repair, cold, old, start, pushing, bulldozer, dozer, tractor, 977K, mechanic, massive, machine, earth, mover, dirt, digging, digger, excavator, trackhoe, bagger, Peterbilt, lowboy, trailer, loading, hauling, straight, pipes, land, clearing, tree, removal, logging, logger, farm, farmer, down, off, road, dump, truck, dumping, chainsaw, cutting, sawing, fence, line, grapple, indeco
Id: r5M5THfmbSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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