Finger Him MORE!

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hello youtube welcome to guava juice we are back to this game called fingered that is correct this game is called finger and it's a weird name but the purpose of this game is to figure out who the criminal is using specific clues and our fingers okay that's nice that's pretty that's pretty much it let's do this last episode we only got to like day six I think so this episode let's try to get to day number eight we only have two shots two messed up if you mess up twice that we have to start this game all over again so let's let's use our investigative steals to its real purpose right now I'm a really bad detective you watch the first episode I did extremely bad okay let's go I am positive he looked short so there are only two short guys so let's release this guy let's release this guy this guy this guy okay there's only two short people I'm positive he looked all messy this is this guy right here let's get more clues please he looked cold and he looked rich okay this guy is not it it's definitely guys ready three two one finger just about us I appreciate that investigative skills let's take this to the next piece day number two you and the air sided man so okay here top left that says think clues will only be correct 60% of the time so if the clues have the word think on it it's only correct 60% of the way so just like a little little side note I'm positive he looks really strange okay this guy look doesn't look too strange so I will release him everyone else here looks strange actually they all look strange these guys have the same hat yeah they all have chats had come on man I think he did not look tiny so he's all tall they're all tall so that really didn't help I'm positive he looked like me which one looks like her what the heck Oh none of them looks like you dude all right I'm positive he looked like skin and bones okay this is a hard one this is a hard one ah which one looks most like Grandma here these are horrible heads man what there's no one has glasses they are now all of those rings they're all skin and bones wait no skin a bones right here because this guy has shared this guy's shirt it's definitely that guy so let's release this too and that way all right let's cross your fingers sorry first why family work that was a really hard route that was very very big I don't like that grandma she gives really really really bad it's okay let's do this one I'm positive he look bald okay let's see who's bald here okay this is guys the only one bald he did not look like a giant that's fine definitely did not look like he bade us too much that's him he looks like he had bag money oh yeah his money yes bling-bling okay let's let's get rid of all these guys not you it's not you you're free to go free to go you're free to go hundred percent sure it's this vicious gassing nice Negative Nancy she is always so negative that is the descriptions of her clues so her clues are gonna be negative let's go he definitely did not that's negative did not look like a giant that means he he is not a giant short there we go it was really assumed his the tallest he definitely did not look like he owned his house that means it looked like he did not wait ah I hate grammar this is worded so so vigorously he did not own his house that means he did own his house so which person looks like he owns his house not this guy not that guy for sure okay they all like look like they own a house he definitely did not look like he was balding so this guy was balding this is the only bald guy these two this guy right here and this guy right here looks like they're balding so let's raise these two he definitely did not look pale so he looked pale oh my god is hard he did not look like a giant a giant okay what that's not him if that's not him that too what I did it to you is not good oh my god this is why you don't call me in to be a jury or a cop or an investigator or a sheriff I'm just gonna oh oh my gosh okay let's do this again day number one let's start over I'm positive he looked odd they all look on sir that's a really bad hit give me a better hit I'm positive you can give me better hits right huh I'm positive he looked old who looks old no one look no one here looks what I don't know they all don't know he was bald okay that's a good hit a positive take a look fault this is the only bald guy here he a positive look all messy he doesn't look messy dang it who's bald and messy you are you're free to do whatever you want this is our verdict hey Adam yes let's go to the next case I'm positive you look dark oh that's a really good hint okay let's really Sam that guy's dark oh that's definitely him then whoops oh really look at one hit finger yeah that one hand just gave it all away thanks grandma okay here's a bigot Barney let's go I'm definitely his definitely did not look like moneybags so he looks like his poor he did it definitely did not look like so he looked poor so one of these guys huh I think I think he looked like a dwarf like I said think it's always sixty percent correct so I I don't know about that he definitely did not look like my paw I don't understand that phrase like my paw like a dog paw or a paw like a father I don't know okay he looked he definitely looked like a lard butt I don't know what that mean it's like what do large butts look like I don't even know whoa okay let's start with the first clue let's release everyone who has money I'm assuming that's the answer that he has bling bling anyone with bling bling get out of here I think it's I think this is the verdict I swear if this guy's our verdict I would be so mad oh my god he was that was the murderer oh man I definitely did it I had him - he was right there die quick um oh man okay anyways we solve one more try let's go Negative Nancy here definitely did not look tiny he is tall they're all tall that's a that's a really bad hand man okay he definitely did not look ugly so they're handsome so let's get all the ugly people out this guy's ugly this guy's ugly let's add ugly this guy's ugly so these are the three folliculitis people here so which one is Bay we will find out it definitely did not look old but did not look totally old so they all don't look old okay definitely did not look pale so it's dark this is definitely it yeah yes yes yes let's keep going this going dim Dan he is usually wrong about something I'm positive he looked dark or something this guy is the only dark one he looked like a skeleton I think only 60% correct that means 40% of it is false so let's skip that one positive you look like a mess this guy looks like a mess he definitely did not look like a no hair that means he has a lot of hair okay that's that's what the guy that's definitely an easy thank you thank you thank you no guilty man let's keep going how many more days but I think he did not look neat I think he look Harry he definitely did not look poor so everyone with bling-bling it stays yeah bling bling nope yeah bling bling near braces out bling bling bling bling any okay these two they're great he looked a little hippy oh crap which one Oh sippy he did not look neat and he looks hairy okay out just keep going next case all right this is the opposite man anything opposite he look wimpy I'm positive he look wimpy so he did not look look he looks really buff looks oh this guy looks buff so get away get rid of everyone who looks wimpy this guy looks wimpy wimpy wimpy yeah okay that's good I'm positive he did not look wealthy this guy's bling blings sky look goon bling I posit if he looked dumb so he did not look dumb so he's smart good I'm positive he looked unlike a hippie so he looked like a hippie so really it's definitely this guy that's all she wrote okay this is a hard game this is a hard game man if you guys got my correct like my answer is correct that I got wrong I give you props you should be a detective when you get older or you already are who knows thank you for watching if you want more of this give me a thumbs up and we'll probably try to figure out how to get to day 10 together cuz this game is pretty hard okay I'll see you all next time bye
Channel: Guava Juice
Views: 1,170,279
Rating: 4.867137 out of 5
Keywords: roi wassabi games, roi wassabi, games, gaming, guava juice, guava, lets play, rolanda, wassabi, wassabi productions, gameplay, walkthrough, let's play
Id: i60nHImXjoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2016
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